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Gen.PervezMusharrafisa hap- py man . The PakistaniPresident finds himself where no previous leaderofhiscountryhasbeenbefore: running a boom econom y.In the past fourquarters,according to Pakistan’s FinanceMinistr,y GDP growthhas averaged8.4% —“thesecond-biggest economic expansion in Asia after China,”Musharrafcrows. Thatwas June9,when Mushar- rafmet withFortuneathisresidence in the garrisoncityof Rawalpindi. On June 19 he had 2.6 billiomnore reasonstobe pleased. That’s when 26% of…  相似文献   

Prof.Wang Songpei (1928-), born in Tianjin Municipality, senior researcher, distinguished ecological economist in China. Now he is President of Eco-China Academy for Ecological Economics. Pursuing the research on rural economics for 54 years, he has witnessed the establishment and development of ecological economics in China from its very beginning. As one of the initiators and founders, Professor Wang, the pioneer of Chinese ecological economics, has been taking charge of the foundation and improvement of the new subject - ecological economics for 25 years.  相似文献   

If you want to know the mind of Alan Greenspan, you might start with this: Before he entered public life in the 1970s, all his top deputies at his flourishing economic consulting firm were women. "It just made great business sense," he writes with the unexpectedly sunny wonkiness that pervades much of his memoir, The Age of Turbulence. "I valued men and  相似文献   

Adeviser Profile     
Prof. Ding Renzhong (1959- ), born in Huaining County, Anhui Province. He is the supervisor of PhD. In 1988, he got the PhD in economics. Now he is Vice-Presi- dent of Southwestern University of Finance & Economics, and Vice-President of Research Society for Economic Law of China, President of Regional Economics Society of Sichuan Province. He is specialized in regional economics, economic theory and economic reform. Professor Ding has achieved a lot in the scientific re- search w…  相似文献   

Prof. Ding Renzhong (1959-), born in Huaining County, Anhui Province. He is the supervisor of PhD. In 1988, he got the PhD in economics. Now he is Vice-President of Southwestern University of Finance & Economics, and Vice-President of Research Society for Economic Law of China, President of Regional Economics Society of Sichuan Province. He is specialized in regional economics, economic theory and economic reform.  相似文献   

Although it has not been long since I came to China, I am deeply impressed by the country's development zones," says Dennis M. Tomes, President of Bretton Woods Group. "Take Tianjin Economic Development Zone and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area," he adds, "they not only embrace numerous industries, but also have great functions, which has placed them in the ranks of international professionals. No wonder they are dubbed windows of the Chinese economy to the world."  相似文献   

If you want to know the mind of Alan Greenspan, you might start with this: Before he entered public life in the 1970s, all his top deputies at his flourishing economic consulting firm were women. "It just made great business sense,"he writes with the unexpectedly sunny wonkiness that pervades much of his memoir, The Age of Turbulence. "I valued men and women equally, and found that because other employers did not,good women economists were less expensive than men."  相似文献   

Prof. Liu Sihua (1940-), male, born in Yunmeng County, Hubei Province. He is Supervisor of PhD candidate and Director of Economics Research Institute for Sustainable Development in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Once he was the consultant for Environment Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Rigion, Director ofGuangxi Ecological Economics Society. Now he is Honorary Director of Hubei Ecological Economics Society, Vicedirector of Chinese Ecological Economics Society, and concurrent President of Education Committee for Chinese Ecological Economics Society, also'awarder of the State Council special allowance.  相似文献   

The goal of this month's Hong Kong meeting of the ministers from the 148 WTO member nations was an agreement on a detailed outline of a global trade deal dramatically cutting trade barriers on agricultural products, industrial goods and serviees. This was to he a major step toward the conclusion of the Doha Round negotiations with signed agreement at the end of 2006.  相似文献   

The links between Cologne and China already have a very long tradition.For example,the first historically documented meetˉings already took place in the Middle Ages.The most famous was the Cologne mathematician,astronomer and theologian Joˉhann Schall von Bell who won high honours in Beijing:he was awarded the rank of Mandarin first class. Cologne also played a major role in the first commercial contacts between the Federal Republic of Germany and the world s most populous country after…  相似文献   

“企业人为和合管理”以和合作为企业管理的指导理念,以“人为为人”作为企业管理的出发点,在企业树立“人为和合”价值观,以和合系统整体设计、调适企业组织与运行,员工以自我管理为基础,由“己身和合”到“群己合和”再到“组织和合”的“人为和合”管理模式。  相似文献   

D.H.劳伦斯(David Herbert Lawrence),是西方文学中最具争议的作家之一。他的一生是与资本主义工业化社会现存秩序充满了矛盾的一生。《儿子与情人》是他的最重要的小说之一,在这部小说中,他真实地再现了当时资本主义制度下的英国自然,社会、人性、家庭及两性关系。异化主题贯穿了整篇小说。所以小说中的自然环境特别逼真,人物特别丰满,栩栩如生。综观这些环境,人物以及家庭关系,两性关系的异化,我们可以领悟劳伦斯在小说中传递的信息的精髓。  相似文献   

This article provides a series of exercises based on statistics about the American macroeconomy. These exercises were designed to introduce students to the institutionalist perspective, promote basic historical literacy, and help the student develop their skills with the Microsoft Excel software program.  相似文献   

科技进步所诱发的信息革命给我们经济、法律、文化、伦理等社会关系造成了巨大的冲击。其中,建立于传统经济运行模式基础上的监管规制(尤其是反垄断法)在信息时代中显得难以应付,这集中表现于美国司法部与微软公司的世纪之诉中。因此,通过分析微软公司的案例,指出了反垄断立法背后的理论基础并不能囊括信息时代企业的竞争行为,因此有必要研究与信息经济时代特征相适应的反垄断立法。  相似文献   

“王道政治”是个好东西?——评“儒家宪政”   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王绍光 《开放时代》2010,(9):136-150
蒋庆似乎确信“王道政治是个好东西”,并提出一套理论来阐述自己观点。这个理论自成一家,冲击性很强,迫使人们思考一系列理论与实践的问题、历史与现实的问题。既然蒋庆展开“政治儒学”研究、宣扬“王道政治”和“儒教宪政”不是纯粹出于学术兴趣,而是为了对症下药,“为中国未来的政治改革提供一个理论上可能的选择维度”,并解决人类社会面临的政治困境,这篇文章集中讨论他把脉认定的“病症”以及他苦心孤诣下的“处方”。  相似文献   

当主持者对表决方式有选择余地时,那么他会根据自己的偏好,直接或间接影响表决结果,这是无法避免的,是在现有制度下的一种合理博弈,是有效的。如果他本身就是博弈的一方,则更会充分利用这种影响。而主持人对议案内容的偏好是广泛存在的,不可能通过消除偏好来消除影响。但是如果加强民主和监督,使主持者的选择余地尽可能缩小,即他只能选择社会承认的最优的“公平”规则才符合他自己的成本--收益平衡,那么这样就使个人的最优选择与社会的最优选择一致,提供了制度上的改进办法。而在未有更高程度的民主和更有效的监督制度之前,只能容忍在现有制度内的博弈行为。所以,只有通过进一步加强民主和健全法制,进行表决规则的制度建设,才有可能得到更优化和更真实的表决结果。  相似文献   

海青 《开放时代》2009,(9):30-62
朱谦之的自述文字渗透着历史现场中个人的身体感受和人生选择,对进化、革命等现代议题作出了独特的阐释。本文以他的自述文字为主线,分析他在不同历史时期对自我的阐释角度与策略之差异,从中透视现代知识分子安顿自我的独特方式以及历史与个体生命交互作用的种种形态。  相似文献   

金圣叹是明清之际的一个传奇人物,他因文学批评和“哭庙案”而名扬天下,然而本人又是一个极富争议的人物,无论生前死后,扬之者对其崇拜得五体投地,尊之如“神仙中人”;抑之者“见其书、闻其行,必欲杀之”而后快。通过对金圣叹“才子情结”及其心路历程的探究,并结合当时的社会历史背景,从另一个侧面深入,以期对这个历史人物有一个更加客观、立体化的认识。  相似文献   

The remarkable success of the all-volunteer force (AVF) in the past 30 years belies the controversial decision to implement such a force, which was the result of effective economic arguments and propitious political factors. In spite of significant work by the Gates Commission, the success of the AVF was not preordained, but was significantly influenced by ways in which the army adapted since 1973 to make the most effective use of volunteer soldiers. This adaptation included careful evaluation of standards, pay, education, training, non-monetary compensation, quality of life, and promotion of diversity. Each of these factors had to be carefully managed to enhance the effectiveness of the military labor force. Military personnel policies have a long-term impact not only on the military but also on society as a whole.  相似文献   

赵旭东  齐钊 《开放时代》2010,(7):126-139
在已经开展的国内外费孝通研究中鲜有涉及对费孝通学士论文《亲迎婚俗之研究》的再考察与再分析,王铭铭所做的相关研究亦是其中的一例。他于近年来提出“三圈说”来反思中国社会科学研究,并对自己的“三圈说”以及“中间圈”进行了诸多的历史追溯与谱系建构工作,但遗憾的是,他却并未注意到费孝通在1933年的《亲迎婚俗之研究》一文,而这篇学士论文却恰恰已在具体经验研究的层面对王铭铭通过“三圈说”而主张和提倡的反思、对话与提升工作进行了实践。本文则是通过对费孝通的“三区论”与王铭铭的“三圈说”的比照分析,试图指出费孝通这篇学士论文的重要意义和价值,以期学界对此篇论文采取重视的态度,认真研读和学习。  相似文献   

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