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Expected S&P 500 futures price distributions are derived using no-arbitrage option pricing models. These distributions are parameterized both as the lognormal and as a less restrictive three-parameter Burr-XII distribution. The resulting option-based probability assessments display some evidence of miscalibration very near to expiration and far from expiration, but are accurate over intermediate time ranges. The means of the implied price distributions correspond closely to the contemporaneous futures prices for both distributions, although marginally better with the Burr-XII. The Burr-XII distribution also performs better than the lognormal based on calibration statistics, and hence, is used to recalibrate estimated distributions.  相似文献   

This study examines the unit (stock) price and volume behavior of master limited partnerships (MLP) around the ex-dividend day. Since the dividends of MLPs are not taxable to the unitholder, tax based hypotheses predict no abnormal unit movements around the ex-day. Significant positive excess returns and volume are found before the ex-dividend day, and significant negative excess returns are found on the ex-dividend day. The findings which are not significantly impacted by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 suggest ex-day stock movements are not solely a function of investor marginal tax rates or corporate trading behavior.  相似文献   

价格变化与经济增长之间的关联机理 经济学理论中对价格变化与经济增长关系的经典描述莫过于菲利普斯曲线.该曲线有三种表达方式,表明三对经济变量的关系. 第一种菲利普斯曲线表明的是失业率与货币工资变化率之间的关系,可称之为"失业一工资"菲利普斯曲线.第二种菲利普斯曲线表明的是失业率与物价上涨率之间的关系,可称之为"失业一物价"菲利普斯曲线.  相似文献   

The Life-Cycle Effects of House Price Changes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We develop a life-cycle model that explicitly incorporates the dual feature of housing as both a consumption good and an investment asset. Our analysis indicates that the consumption and welfare consequences of house price changes on individual households vary significantly. In particular, the non-housing consumption of young and old homeowners is much more sensitive to house price changes than that of middle-aged homeowners. More importantly, while house price appreciation increases the net worth and consumption of all homeowners, it only improves the welfare of old homeowners. Renters and young homeowners are worse off due to higher lifetime housing consumption costs.  相似文献   

This paper examines abnormal stock returns in the three years surrounding relatively large changes in dividends announced during the 1971 to 1990 period. The main results are that statistically and economically significant negative post-announcement abnormal returns of 11% and 17% over the post-announcement year are found for firms which decrease dividends and those which omit their dividends. Firms resuming and firms increasing dividends do not exhibit significant abnormal returns, on average, over the post-announcement year. The pattern of lagged price adjustment to negative dividend change information differs from that reported for 'earnings surprise' firms in important respects. While the dividend change firms do exhibit returns behavior consistent with year-to-year returns momentum, differences in prior year returns do not explain the differences in returns over the post-announcement period.  相似文献   

In this paper I extend the literature related with the newsboy model by analyzing the effect on orders of changes in risk and price. I show that risk aversion is necessary and sufficient condition for the newsboy to decrease orders when the demand suffers an FSD deterioration in risk, and analyze changes in price including an effect, which has been ignored in the literature.JEL Classification No.: D8  相似文献   

美元贬值和石油价格变动相关性的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入新世纪以来,由于各种因素导致美元不断贬值,与此形成鲜明对比的是,石油价格一路飙升。那么,美元汇率和石油价格之间是否存在着某种因果关系呢?由于期货市场具有价格发现功能。本文以最具代表性的美国纽约商品交易所的原油期货价格为研究对象,分析美元贬值和石油价格之间的关系。本文首先定性分析美元贬值导致石油价格上涨的传导机制,然后利用模型对相关数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明,石油期货价格的上涨,除了有美元指数的影响之外,更重要的原因是前期石油期货价格上涨对本期石油期货价格上涨有正向的推动作用。  相似文献   

This paper documents an important step in reconciling conflicting results by Manaster and Rendleman [16] and Stephan and Whaley [21] regarding price change relationships between options and their underlying stocks. Using recent advances in bi-directional causality testing and data sources available only fairly recently, statistical tests are conducted that mitigate the nonsynchroneity and bid-ask bias problems that may have affected the Manaster and Rendleman [16] study. Even with these adjustments, empirical results are consistent with Manaster and Rendleman [16], indicating that stock price changes adjust to lagged option price changes over two trading days. Moreover, results suggest that the causality is bi-directional.  相似文献   

物价变动是世界各国普遍关心的问题,针对目前我国市场存在的通货膨胀问题,物价变动会计的研究提上了日程。文章分析了我国推行物价变动会计的客观要求,分析了我国物价变动会计的现状,提出了我国发展物价变动会计的难题,并讨论了相关的对策。  相似文献   

This study examines 'no news' responses to stock price queries issued by the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). We find strong evidence that the pre-query changes in price are driven by informed traders rather than by speculators. First, there is only a partial reversion in prices following a 'no news' response by a company in receipt of a price query. Second, the adverse selection component of market spreads rise during the immediate pre-query period and then decline following the company response. Last, the mean level of institutional shareholder ownership increases in the period immediately prior to an ASX query of a price increase.  相似文献   

: We employ three econometric models to examine the relative influence of the stock markets of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany on the stock markets of the Nordic-Baltic states. The results show that the Nordic-Baltic markets respond to price innovations from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany in diverse ways in the period 2001–2013. Response patterns for Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Denmark are more significant to market innovations from the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, and less significant to those from Germany. German influence is more significant over Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia than the rest of the advanced markets. While the dynamics of the Nordic-Baltic markets exhibit a dominance of own price innovation, the influence of the United States is stronger than that of France, the United Kingdom, and Germany. These results imply that investors from the Nordic States may derive greater benefits by diversifying into Germany and vice versa, rather than diversifying into the United States, the United Kingdom, or France. Investors from the Baltic States may obtain greater advantages by adopting portfolio strategies that take advantage of potentially better diversification benefits obtainable from the United States, the United Kingdom, and France rather than from Germany, and the reverse will also be in order.  相似文献   

宫汝凯 《金融研究》2021,492(6):152-169
信息传导的非同步和投资者情绪变化是股票市场的两个典型特征,前者会引发投资者之间出现信息不对称问题,后者主要体现为投资者过度自信,两者共同作用影响股票价格变动。本文将信息不对称和投资者过度自信情绪置于同一个分析框架,建立两阶段动态序贯定价理论模型研究现实市场上信息传导过程中股价变动的内在机制。结果表明:(1)面临新信息的进入,投资者对股票收益预期的调整与均衡价格之间具有正相关关系;(2)面临有利消息时,过度自信投资者比例越大,股票的均衡价格越高,投资收益将越低;面临不利消息时则相反;(3)随着过度自信投资者比例以及过度自信程度升高,市场风险溢价将下降;(4)投资者群体在信息传导过程中出现分化,对股价变动形成异质信念,未获取信息和获取信息但未出现过度自信的投资者认为股价被高估,获取信息且出现过度自信的投资者认为价格被低估,促使更多的交易,引发市场成交量和股价变动;(5)过度自信投资者比例与过度自信程度提高均会对市场效率产生正向影响,而对市场深度具有负向效应。最后,基于理论结果对非对称性和持续性等典型的市场波动性特征进行解释。  相似文献   

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