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The purpose of this paper is to provide guidelines for empirical researchers who use a class of bivariate threshold crossing models with dummy endogenous variables. A common practice employed by the researchers is the specification of the joint distribution of unobservables as a bivariate normal distribution, which results in a bivariate probit model. To address the problem of misspecification in this practice, we propose an easy‐to‐implement semiparametric estimation framework with parametric copula and nonparametric marginal distributions. We establish asymptotic theory, including root‐n normality, for the sieve maximum likelihood estimators that can be used to conduct inference on the individual structural parameters and the average treatment effect (ATE). In order to show the practical relevance of the proposed framework, we conduct a sensitivity analysis via extensive Monte Carlo simulation exercises. The results suggest that estimates of the parameters, especially the ATE, are sensitive to parametric specification, while semiparametric estimation exhibits robustness to underlying data‐generating processes. We then provide an empirical illustration where we estimate the effect of health insurance on doctor visits. In this paper, we also show that the absence of excluded instruments may result in identification failure, in contrast to what some practitioners believe.  相似文献   

This paper considers the linear model with endogenous regressors and multiple changes in the parameters at unknown times. It is shown that minimization of a Generalized Method of Moments criterion yields inconsistent estimators of the break fractions, but minimization of the Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) criterion yields consistent estimators of these parameters. We develop a methodology for estimation and inference of the parameters of the model based on 2SLS. The analysis covers the cases where the reduced form is either stable or unstable. The methodology is illustrated via an application to the New Keynesian Phillips Curve for the US.  相似文献   

We discuss structural equation models for non-normal variables. In this situation the maximum likelihood and the generalized least-squares estimates of the model parameters can give incorrect estimates of the standard errors and the associated goodness-of-fit chi-squared statistics. If the sample size is not large, for instance smaller than about 1000, asymptotic distribution-free estimation methods are also not applicable. This paper assumes that the observed variables are transformed to normally distributed variables. The non-normally distributed variables are transformed with a Box–Cox function. Estimation of the model parameters and the transformation parameters is done by the maximum likelihood method. Furthermore, the test statistics (i.e. standard deviations) of these parameters are derived. This makes it possible to show the importance of the transformations. Finally, an empirical example is presented.  相似文献   

Rank conditions for identification in structural models are often difficult evaluate. Here we consider simultaneous equation models with measurement error and we show that previously published rank conditions for identification are not well-suited for evaluation. An alternative rank condition is derived and a computer algebra program is presented that takes care of both the construction and the computation of the rank of the relevant Jacobian matrix. It uses the parameter restrictions as input in order to characterize the identification situation of the individual parameters in the output.  相似文献   

In this paper, I interpret a time series spatial model (T-SAR) as a constrained structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model. Based on these restrictions, I propose a minimum distance approach to estimate the (row-standardized) network matrix and the overall network influence parameter of the T-SAR from the SVAR estimates. I also develop a Wald-type test to assess the distance between these two models. To implement the methodology, I discuss machine learning methods as one possible identification strategy of SVAR models. Finally, I illustrate the methodology through an application to volatility spillovers across major stock markets using daily realized volatility data for 2004–2018.  相似文献   

This paper presents some two-step estimators for a wide range of parametric panel data models with censored endogenous variables and sample selection bias. Our approach is to derive estimates of the unobserved heterogeneity responsible for the endogeneity/selection bias to include as additional explanatory variables in the primary equation. These are obtained through a decomposition of the reduced form residuals. The panel nature of the data allows adjustment, and testing, for two forms of endogeneity and/or sample selection bias. Furthermore, it incorporates roles for dynamics and state dependence in the reduced form. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration which features our procedure and highlights the ability to test several of the underlying assumptions.  相似文献   

Several empirical studies have documented that the signs of excess stock returns are, to some extent, predictable. In this paper, we consider the predictive ability of the binary dependent dynamic probit model in predicting the direction of monthly excess stock returns. The recession forecast obtained from the model for a binary recession indicator appears to be the most useful predictive variable, and once it is employed, the sign of the excess return is predictable in-sample. The new dynamic “error correction” probit model proposed in the paper yields better out-of-sample sign forecasts, with the resulting average trading returns being higher than those of either the buy-and-hold strategy or trading rules based on ARMAX models.  相似文献   

The standard one-period model for insurance demand does not consider the interaction between the present and the future. Reflecting this observation, we analyze intertemporal insurance demand and saving in a two-period model with multiple loss states. When an individual has no access to a capital market, we first find that an actuarially fair premium does not guarantee full insurance in general, unlike in the standard approach. Income stream and discount factors are also important in determining insurance demand. Second, insurance is neither an inferior good nor a Giffen good. Third, an increase in concavity of the utility function does not always lead to an increase in insurance demand. The current income level and changes in downside risk aversion affect insurance demand. When the individual has access to a capital market, we further have the following observations. Fourth, an actuarially fair premium leads to full insurance. Fifth, insurance is an inferior good and can be a Giffen good under decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA). An increase in the interest rate leads to a lower insurance demand and a higher saving when the relative risk aversion is less than unity. Lastly, an increase in concavity of the utility function leads to an increase in insurance demand and a decrease in saving. In conjunction, our findings point to the fact that the standard results are not obtainable if insurance demand is considered in isolation from the capital market.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimation of a nonparametric regression function from selectively observed data when selection is endogenous. Our approach relies on independence between covariates and selection conditionally on potential outcomes. Endogeneity of regressors is also allowed for. In the exogenous and endogenous case, consistent two-step estimation procedures are proposed and their rates of convergence are derived. Pointwise asymptotic distribution of the estimators is established. In addition, bootstrap uniform confidence bands are obtained. Finite sample properties are illustrated in a Monte Carlo simulation study and an empirical illustration.  相似文献   

The analysis of unbalanced linear models with variance components   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Statistical inference for fixed effects, random effects and components of variance in an unbalanced linear model with variance components will be discussed. Variance components will be estimated by Restricted Maximum Likelihood. Iterative procedures for computing the estimates, such as Fisher scoring and the EM-algorithm, are described.  相似文献   

This article develops influence diagnostics for log‐Birnbaum–Saunders (LBS) regression models with censored data based on case‐deletion model (CDM). The one‐step approximations of the estimates in CDM are given and case‐deletion measures are obtained. Meanwhile, it is shown that CDM is equivalent to mean shift outlier model (MSOM) in LBS regression models and an outlier test is presented based on MSOM. Furthermore, we discuss a score test for homogeneity of shape parameter in LBS regression models. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate our methodology and the properties of score test statistic are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations under different censoring percentages.  相似文献   

This paper considers semiparametric efficient estimation of conditional moment models with possibly nonsmooth residuals in unknown parametric components (θ) and unknown functions (h) of endogenous variables. We show that: (1) the penalized sieve minimum distance (PSMD) estimator can simultaneously achieve root-n asymptotic normality of and nonparametric optimal convergence rate of , allowing for noncompact function parameter spaces; (2) a simple weighted bootstrap procedure consistently estimates the limiting distribution of the PSMD ; (3) the semiparametric efficiency bound formula of [Ai, C., Chen, X., 2003. Efficient estimation of models with conditional moment restrictions containing unknown functions. Econometrica, 71, 1795–1843] remains valid for conditional models with nonsmooth residuals, and the optimally weighted PSMD estimator achieves the bound; (4) the centered, profiled optimally weighted PSMD criterion is asymptotically chi-square distributed. We illustrate our theories using a partially linear quantile instrumental variables (IV) regression, a Monte Carlo study, and an empirical estimation of the shape-invariant quantile IV Engel curves.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the inference on seemingly unrelated non‐parametric regression models with serially correlated errors. Based on an initial estimator of the mean functions, we first construct an efficient estimator of the autoregressive parameters of the errors. Then, by applying an undersmoothing technique, and taking both of the contemporaneous correlation among equations and serial correlation into account, we propose an efficient two‐stage local polynomial estimation for the unknown mean functions. It is shown that the resulting estimator has the same bias as those estimators which neglect the contemporaneous and/or serial correlation and smaller asymptotic variance. The asymptotic normality of the resulting estimator is also established. In addition, we develop a wild block bootstrap test for the goodness‐of‐fit of models. The finite sample performance of our procedures is investigated in a simulation study whose results come out very supportive, and a real data set is analysed to illustrate the usefulness of our procedures.  相似文献   

We explore the validity of the 2-stage least squares estimator with l1-regularization in both stages, for linear triangular models where the numbers of endogenous regressors in the main equation and instruments in the first-stage equations can exceed the sample size, and the regression coefficients are sufficiently sparse. For this l1-regularized 2-stage least squares estimator, we first establish finite-sample performance bounds and then provide a simple practical method (with asymptotic guarantees) for choosing the regularization parameter. We also sketch an inference strategy built upon this practical method.  相似文献   

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