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This commentary introduces a correlation analysis of the top-10 ranked forecasting methods that participated in the M4 forecasting competition. The “M” competitions attempt to promote and advance research in the field of forecasting by inviting both industry and academia to submit forecasting algorithms for evaluation over a large corpus of real-world datasets. After performing the initial analysis to derive the errors of each method, we proceed to investigate the pairwise correlations among them in order to understand the extent to which they produce errors in similar ways. Based on our results, we conclude that there is indeed a certain degree of correlation among the top-10 ranked methods, largely due to the fact that many of them consist of a combination of well-known, statistical and machine learning techniques. This fact has a strong impact on the results of the correlation analysis, and therefore leads to similar forecasting error patterns.  相似文献   

We compare a number of methods that have been proposed in the literature for obtaining h-step ahead minimum mean square error forecasts for self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) models. These forecasts are compared to those from an AR model. The comparison of forecasting methods is made using Monte Carlo simulation. The Monte-Carlo method of calculating SETAR forecasts is generally at least as good as that of the other methods we consider. An exception is when the disturbances in the SETAR model come from a highly asymmetric distribution, when a Bootstrap method is to be preferred.An empirical application calculates multi-period forecasts from a SETAR model of US gross national product using a number of the forecasting methods. We find that whether there are improvements in forecast performance relative to a linear AR model depends on the historical epoch we select, and whether forecasts are evaluated conditional on the regime the process was in at the time the forecast was made.  相似文献   

The M4 Competition: 100,000 time series and 61 forecasting methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The M4 Competition follows on from the three previous M competitions, the purpose of which was to learn from empirical evidence both how to improve the forecasting accuracy and how such learning could be used to advance the theory and practice of forecasting. The aim of M4 was to replicate and extend the three previous competitions by: (a) significantly increasing the number of series, (b) expanding the number of forecasting methods, and (c) including prediction intervals in the evaluation process as well as point forecasts. This paper covers all aspects of M4 in detail, including its organization and running, the presentation of its results, the top-performing methods overall and by categories, its major findings and their implications, and the computational requirements of the various methods. Finally, it summarizes its main conclusions and states the expectation that its series will become a testing ground for the evaluation of new methods and the improvement of the practice of forecasting, while also suggesting some ways forward for the field.  相似文献   

We participated in the M4 competition for time series forecasting and here describe our methods for forecasting daily time series. We used an ensemble of five statistical forecasting methods and a method that we refer to as the correlator. Our retrospective analysis using the ground truth values published by the M4 organisers after the competition demonstrates that the correlator was responsible for most of our gains over the naïve constant forecasting method. We identify data leakage as one reason for its success, due partly to test data selected from different time intervals, and partly to quality issues with the original time series. We suggest that future forecasting competitions should provide actual dates for the time series so that some of these leakages could be avoided by participants.  相似文献   

The main objective of the M5 competition, which focused on forecasting the hierarchical unit sales of Walmart, was to evaluate the accuracy and uncertainty of forecasting methods in the field to identify best practices and highlight their practical implications. However, can the findings of the M5 competition be generalized and exploited by retail firms to better support their decisions and operation? This depends on the extent to which M5 data is sufficiently similar to unit sales data of retailers operating in different regions selling different product types and considering different marketing strategies. To answer this question, we analyze the characteristics of the M5 time series and compare them with those of two grocery retailers, namely Corporación Favorita and a major Greek supermarket chain, using feature spaces. Our results suggest only minor discrepancies between the examined data sets, supporting the representativeness of the M5 data.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the potential effects of trend type, noise and forecast horizon on experts' and novices' probabilistic forecasts. The subjects made forecasts over six time horizons from simulated monthly currency series based on a random walk, with zero, constant and stochastic drift, at two noise levels. The difference between the Mean Absolute Probability Score of each participant and an AR(1) model was used to evaluate performance. The results showed that the experts performed better than the novices, although worse than the model except in the case of zero drift series. No clear expertise effects occurred over horizons, albeit subjects' performance relative to the model improved as the horizon increased. Possible explanations are offered and some suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

The ‘M4’ forecasting competition results were featured recently in a special issue of the International Journal of Forecasting and included projections for demographic time series. We sought to investigate whether the best M4 methods could improve the accuracy of small area population forecasts, which generally suffer from much higher forecast errors than regions with larger populations. The aim of this study was to apply the top ten M4 forecasting methods to produce 5- and 10-year forecasts of small area total populations using historical datasets from Australia and New Zealand. Forecasts were compared against the actual population numbers and forecasts from two simple benchmark models. The M4 methods were found to perform relatively well compared to our benchmarks. In the light of these findings, we discuss possible future directions for small area population forecasting research.  相似文献   

The M5 competition follows the previous four M competitions, whose purpose is to learn from empirical evidence how to improve forecasting performance and advance the theory and practice of forecasting. M5 focused on a retail sales forecasting application with the objective to produce the most accurate point forecasts for 42,840 time series that represent the hierarchical unit sales of the largest retail company in the world, Walmart, as well as to provide the most accurate estimates of the uncertainty of these forecasts. Hence, the competition consisted of two parallel challenges, namely the Accuracy and Uncertainty forecasting competitions. M5 extended the results of the previous M competitions by: (a) significantly expanding the number of participating methods, especially those in the category of machine learning; (b) evaluating the performance of the uncertainty distribution along with point forecast accuracy; (c) including exogenous/explanatory variables in addition to the time series data; (d) using grouped, correlated time series; and (e) focusing on series that display intermittency. This paper describes the background, organization, and implementations of the competition, and it presents the data used and their characteristics. Consequently, it serves as introductory material to the results of the two forecasting challenges to facilitate their understanding.  相似文献   

This paper describes the M5 “Uncertainty” competition, the second of two parallel challenges of the latest M competition, aiming to advance the theory and practice of forecasting. The particular objective of the M5 “Uncertainty” competition was to accurately forecast the uncertainty distributions of the realized values of 42,840 time series that represent the hierarchical unit sales of the largest retail company in the world by revenue, Walmart. To do so, the competition required the prediction of nine different quantiles (0.005, 0.025, 0.165, 0.250, 0.500, 0.750, 0.835, 0.975, and 0.995), that can sufficiently describe the complete distributions of future sales. The paper provides details on the implementation and execution of the M5 “Uncertainty” competition, presents its results and the top-performing methods, and summarizes its major findings and conclusions. Finally, it discusses the implications of its findings and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

The scientific method consists of making hypotheses or predictions and then carrying out experiments to test them once the actual results have become available, in order to learn from both successes and mistakes. This approach was followed in the M4 competition with positive results and has been repeated in the M5, with its organizers submitting their ten predictions/hypotheses about its expected results five days before its launch. The present paper presents these predictions/hypotheses and evaluates their realization according to the actual findings of the competition. The results indicate that well-established practices, like combining forecasts, exploiting explanatory variables, and capturing seasonality and special days, remain critical for enhancing forecasting performance, re-confirming also that relatively new approaches, like cross-learning algorithms and machine learning methods, display great potential. Yet, we show that simple, local statistical methods may still be competitive for forecasting high granularity data and estimating the tails of the uncertainty distribution, thus motivating future research in the field of retail sales forecasting.  相似文献   

The efficient flow of goods and services involves addressing multilevel forecast questions, and careful consideration when aggregating or disaggregating hierarchical estimates. Assessing all possible aggregation alternatives helps to determine the statistically most accurate way of consolidating multilevel forecasts. However, doing so in a multilevel and multiproduct supply chain may prove to be a very computationally intensive and time-consuming task. In this paper, we present a new, two-level oblique linear discriminant tree model, which identifies the optimal hierarchical forecast technique for a given hierarchical database in a very time-efficient manner. We induced our model from a real-world dataset, and it separates all historical time series into the four aggregation mechanisms considered. The separation process is a function of both the positive and negative correlation groups' variances at the lowest level of the hierarchical datasets. Our primary contributions are: (1) establishing a clear-cut relationship between the correlation metrics at the lowest level of the hierarchy and the optimal aggregation mechanism for a product/service hierarchy, and (2) developing an analytical model for personalized forecast aggregation decisions, based on characteristics of a hierarchical dataset.  相似文献   

This work presents key insights on the model development strategies used in our cross-learning-based retail demand forecast framework. The proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art univariate models in the time series forecasting literature. It has achieved 17th position in the accuracy track of the M5 forecasting competition, which is among the top 1% of solutions.  相似文献   

When evaluating the performances of time series extrapolation methods, both researchers and practitioners typically focus on the average or median performance according to some specific error metric, such as the absolute error or the absolute percentage error. However, from a risk-assessment point of view, it is far more important to evaluate the distributions of such errors, and especially their tails. For instance, a lack of normality and symmetry in error distributions can have significant implications for decision making, such as in stock control. Moreover, frequently these distributions can only be constructed empirically, as they may be the result of a computationally-intensive non-parametric approach, such as an artificial neural network. This study proposes an approach for evaluating the empirical distributions of forecasting methods and uses it to assess eleven popular time series extrapolation approaches across two different datasets (M3 and ForeDeCk). The results highlight some very interesting tales from the tails.  相似文献   

One of the most significant differences of M5 over previous forecasting competitions is that it was held on Kaggle, an online platform for data scientists and machine learning practitioners. Kaggle provides a gathering place, or virtual community, for web users who are interested in the M5 competition. Users can share code, models, features, and loss functions through online notebooks and discussion forums. Here, we study the social influence of this virtual community on user behavior in the M5 competition. We first research the content of the M5 virtual community by topic modeling and trend analysis. Further, we perform social media analysis to identify the potential relationship network of the virtual community. We study the roles and characteristics of some key participants who promoted the diffusion of information within the M5 virtual community. Overall, this study provides in-depth insights into the mechanism of the virtual community’s influence on the participants and has potential implications for future online competitions.  相似文献   

The Expert System that one of the authors had developed during his dissertation was tried on the data set of the M3 Competition. The expert system was originally designed to forecast monthly demand for industrial products in a distribution environment and was modified to run the data. The results of the application of the system were mixed as in some of the time series the results were statistically undistinguishable with the exception of the monthly series. In general, the intervention did not improve the accuracy and the effort required to do it was substantial.  相似文献   

How did DSGE model forecasts perform before, during and after the financial crisis, and what type of off-model information can improve the forecast accuracy? We tackle these questions by assessing the real-time forecast performance of a large DSGE model relative to statistical and judgmental benchmarks over the period from 2000 to 2013. The forecasting performances of all methods deteriorate substantially following the financial crisis. That is particularly evident for the DSGE model’s GDP forecasts, but augmenting the model with a measure of survey expectations made its GDP forecasts more accurate, which supports the idea that timely off-model information is particularly useful in times of financial distress.  相似文献   

The M5 accuracy competition has presented a large-scale hierarchical forecasting problem in a realistic grocery retail setting in order to evaluate an extended range of forecasting methods, particularly those adopting machine learning. The top ranking solutions adopted a global bottom-up approach, by which is meant using global forecasting methods to generate bottom level forecasts in the hierarchy and then using a bottom-up strategy to obtain coherent forecasts for aggregate levels. However, whether the observed superior performance of the global bottom-up approach is robust over various test periods or only an accidental result, is an important question for retail forecasting researchers and practitioners. We conduct experiments to explore the robustness of the global bottom-up approach, and make comments on the efforts made by the top-ranking teams to improve the core approach. We find that the top-ranking global bottom-up approaches lack robustness across time periods in the M5 data. This inconsistent performance makes the M5 final rankings somewhat of a lottery. In future forecasting competitions, we suggest the use of multiple rolling test sets to evaluate the forecasting performance in order to reward robustly performing forecasting methods, a much needed characteristic in any application.  相似文献   

Even though few empirical studies have tried to actually explicate the relationship between the bullwhip effect and performance of the supplier firm, there exists a common perception for over 30 years among both practitioners and academics that the bullwhip effect naturally results in decreased firm profitability. Anecdotal evidence further suggests that this decline in profitability arises from a decline in operational performance. However, the results of our study, which empirically examines the bullwhip effect across supply chain partners through an analysis of 383 actual customer base-supplier dyads, challenge this commonly held position by suggesting that while traditional bullwhip often yields reduced ROA, it ultimately has no relationship with the firm's operating margin. Additionally, our results also call into question whether or not production coordination between customers and suppliers can minimize the need for inventory and capacity buffers, which are the two commonly utilized methods for battling the bullwhip effect. Thus the relationship between bullwhip and firm performance is far more nuanced and complicated than previously believed. We also show how the managerial bullwhip levers of coordinating production across supply chain partners, or deploying inventory and capacity buffer control mechanisms, can help maximize a firm's performance along different dimensions.  相似文献   

Prediction markets have proved excellent tools for forecasting, outperforming experts and polls in many settings. But do larger markets, with a wider participation, perform better than smaller markets? This paper analyses a series of repeated natural experiments in sports betting. The Queen’s Club Tennis Championships are held every year, but every other year the Championships clash with a major soccer tournament. We find that tennis betting prices become significantly less informative when participation rates are affected adversely by the clashing soccer tournament. This suggests that measures which increase prediction market participation may lead to a greater forecast accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of incentives in employee remuneration on financial performance in a sample of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) during the late 1980s and early 1990s. The estimates show that bonus payments as a form of profit-sharing between employees and the state have positive effects on both the total factor productivity and profitability of the sample SOEs. Moreover, the actual level of bonus payments is found to be lower than the optimal level which a competitive firm would set to maximise profits. These results suggest that profit-sharing introduced in Chinese state-owned enterprises as one of the centrepieces of economic reforms over the last decade has been effective.We wish to thank participants at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Chinese Economic Association (UK) in December 1995 and an anonymous referee for comments. The paper has also benefited from the comments by participants at the STICERD Lunchtime Seminar, the London school of Economics. The financial support from ESRC (grant no. L324253025) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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