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This paper compares the mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) and mixed-frequency VAR (MF-VAR) approaches to model specification in the presence of mixed-frequency data, e.g. monthly and quarterly series. MIDAS leads to parsimonious models which are based on exponential lag polynomials for the coefficients, whereas MF-VAR does not restrict the dynamics and can therefore suffer from the curse of dimensionality. However, if the restrictions imposed by MIDAS are too stringent, the MF-VAR can perform better. Hence, it is difficult to rank MIDAS and MF-VAR a priori, and their relative rankings are better evaluated empirically. In this paper, we compare their performances in a case which is relevant for policy making, namely nowcasting and forecasting quarterly GDP growth in the euro area on a monthly basis, using a set of about 20 monthly indicators. It turns out that the two approaches are more complements than substitutes, since MIDAS tends to perform better for horizons up to four to five months, whereas MF-VAR performs better for longer horizons, up to nine months.  相似文献   

We introduce a mixed-frequency score-driven dynamic model for multiple time series where the score contributions from high-frequency variables are transformed by means of a mixed-data sampling weighting scheme. The resulting dynamic model delivers a flexible and easy-to-implement framework for the forecasting of low-frequency time series variables through the use of timely information from high-frequency variables. We verify the in-sample and out-of-sample performances of the model in an empirical study on the forecasting of U.S. headline inflation and GDP growth. In particular, we forecast monthly headline inflation using daily oil prices and quarterly GDP growth using a measure of financial risk. The forecasting results and other findings are promising. Our proposed score-driven dynamic model with mixed-data sampling weighting outperforms competing models in terms of both point and density forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a factor model for short-term forecasting of GDP growth using a large number of monthly and quarterly time series in real-time. To take into account the different periodicities of the data and missing observations at the end of the sample, the factors are estimated by applying an EM algorithm, combined with a principal components estimator. We discuss some in-sample properties of the estimator in a real-time environment and propose alternative methods for forecasting quarterly GDP with monthly factors. In the empirical application, we use a novel real-time dataset for the German economy. Employing a recursive forecast experiment, we evaluate the forecast accuracy of the factor model with respect to German GDP. Furthermore, we investigate the role of revisions in forecast accuracy and assess the contribution of timely monthly observations to the forecast performance. Finally, we compare the performance of the mixed-frequency model with that of a factor model, based on time-aggregated quarterly data.  相似文献   

Financial data often contain information that is helpful for macroeconomic forecasting, while multi-step forecast accuracy benefits from incorporating good nowcasts of macroeconomic variables. This paper considers the usefulness of financial nowcasts for making conditional forecasts of macroeconomic variables with quarterly Bayesian vector autoregressions (BVARs). When nowcasting quarterly financial variables’ values, we find that taking the average of the available daily data and a daily random walk forecast to complete the quarter typically outperforms other nowcasting approaches. Using real-time data, we find gains in out-of-sample forecast accuracy from the inclusion of financial nowcasts relative to unconditional forecasts, with further gains from the incorporation of nowcasts of macroeconomic variables. Conditional forecasts from quarterly BVARs augmented with financial nowcasts rival the forecast accuracy of mixed-frequency dynamic factor models and mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) models.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a three-frequency dynamic factor model for nowcasting the Canadian provincial gross domestic product (GDP). The Canadian provincial GDP at market prices is released by Statistics Canada annually with a significant lag (11 months). This necessitates a mixed-frequency approach that can process timely monthly data, the quarterly national accounts, and the annual target variable. The model is estimated on a wide set of provincial, national and international data. In a pseudo real-time exercise, we find that the model outperforms simple benchmarks and is competitive with more sophisticated mixed-frequency approaches (MIDAS models). We also find that variables from the Labour Force Survey are important predictors of real activity. This paper expands previous work that has documented the importance of foreign variables for nowcasting Canadian GDP. This paper finds that including national and foreign predictors is useful for Ontario, while worsening the nowcast performance for smaller provinces.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the predictive content of a set of alternative monthly indicators of global economic activity for nowcasting and forecasting quarterly world real GDP growth using mixed-frequency models. It shows that a recently proposed indicator that covers multiple dimensions of the global economy consistently produces substantial improvements in forecasting accuracy, while other monthly measures have more mixed success. Specifically, the best-performing model yields impressive gains with MSPE reductions of up to 34% at short horizons and up to 13% at long horizons relative to an autoregressive benchmark. The global economic conditions indicator also contains valuable information for assessing the current and future state of the economy for a set of individual countries and groups of countries. This indicator is used to track the evolution of the nowcasts for the U.S., the OECD area, and the world economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and the main factors that drive the nowcasts are quantified.  相似文献   

We evaluate the performances of various methods for forecasting tourism data. The data used include 366 monthly series, 427 quarterly series and 518 annual series, all supplied to us by either tourism bodies or academics who had used them in previous tourism forecasting studies. The forecasting methods implemented in the competition are univariate and multivariate time series approaches, and econometric models. This forecasting competition differs from previous competitions in several ways: (i) we concentrate on tourism data only; (ii) we include approaches with explanatory variables; (iii) we evaluate the forecast interval coverage as well as the point forecast accuracy; (iv) we observe the effect of temporal aggregation on the forecasting accuracy; and (v) we consider the mean absolute scaled error as an alternative forecasting accuracy measure. We find that pure time series approaches provide more accurate forecasts for tourism data than models with explanatory variables. For seasonal data we implement three fully automated pure time series algorithms that generate accurate point forecasts, and two of these also produce forecast coverage probabilities which are satisfactorily close to the nominal rates. For annual data we find that Naïve forecasts are hard to beat.  相似文献   

We explore a new approach to the forecasting of macroeconomic variables based on a dynamic factor state space analysis. Key economic variables are modeled jointly with principal components from a large time series panel of macroeconomic indicators using a multivariate unobserved components time series model. When the key economic variables are observed at a low frequency and the panel of macroeconomic variables is at a high frequency, we can use our approach for both nowcasting and forecasting purposes. Given a dynamic factor model as the data generation process, we provide Monte Carlo evidence of the finite-sample justification of our parsimonious and feasible approach. We also provide empirical evidence for a US macroeconomic dataset. The unbalanced panel contains quarterly and monthly variables. The forecasting accuracy is measured against a set of benchmark models. We conclude that our dynamic factor state space analysis can lead to higher levels of forecasting precision when the panel size and time series dimensions are moderate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the different methods which have been proposed in the literature to date for dealing with mixed-frequency and ragged-edge datasets: bridge equations, mixed-data sampling (MIDAS), and mixed-frequency VAR (MF-VAR) models. We discuss their performances for nowcasting the quarterly growth rate of the Euro area GDP and its components, using a very large set of monthly indicators. We investigate the behaviors of single indicator models, forecast combinations and factor models, in a pseudo real-time framework. MIDAS with an AR component performs quite well, and outperforms MF-VAR at most horizons. Bridge equations perform well overall. Forecast pooling is superior to most of the single indicator models overall. Pooling information using factor models gives even better results. The best results are obtained for the components for which more economically related monthly indicators are available. Nowcasts of GDP components can then be combined to obtain nowcasts for the total GDP growth.  相似文献   

We suggest to use a factor model based backdating procedure to construct historical Euro‐area macroeconomic time series data for the pre‐Euro period. We argue that this is a useful alternative to standard contemporaneous aggregation methods. The article investigates for a number of Euro‐area variables whether forecasts based on the factor‐backdated data are more precise than those obtained with standard area‐wide data. A recursive pseudo‐out‐of‐sample forecasting experiment using quarterly data is conducted. Our results suggest that some key variables (e.g. real GDP, inflation and long‐term interest rate) can indeed be forecasted more precisely with the factor‐backdated data.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple procedure for obtaining monthly assessments of short-run perspectives for quarterly world GDP and trade. It combines high-frequency information from emerging and advanced countries so as to explain quarterly national accounts variables through bridge models. The union of all bridge equations leads to our world bridge model (WBM). The WBM approach of this paper is new for two reasons: its equations combine traditional short-run bridging with theoretical level-relationships, and it is the first time that forecasts of world GDP and trade have been computed for both advanced and emerging countries on the basis of a real-time database of approximately 7000 time series. Although the performances of the equations that are searched automatically should be taken as a lower bound, our results show that the forecasting ability of the WBM is superior to the benchmark. Finally, our results confirm that the use of revised data leads to models’ forecasting performances being overstated significantly.  相似文献   

In this paper we suggest a methodology to formulate a dynamic regression with variables observed at different time intervals. This methodology is applicable if the explanatory variables are observed more frequently than the dependent variable. We demonstrate this procedure by developing a forecasting model for Singapore's quarterly GDP based on monthly external trade. Apart from forecasts, the model provides a monthly distributed lag structure between GDP and external trade, which is not possible with quarterly data.  相似文献   

We analyze the quantile combination approach (QCA) of Lima and Meng (2017) in situations with mixed-frequency data. The estimation of quantile regressions with mixed-frequency data leads to a parameter proliferation problem, which can be addressed through extensions of the MIDAS and soft (hard) thresholding methods towards quantile regression. We use the proposed approach to forecast the growth rate of the industrial production index, and our results show that including high-frequency information in the QCA achieves substantial gains in terms of forecasting accuracy.  相似文献   

DSGE models are useful tools for evaluating the impact of policy changes, but their use for (short-term) forecasting is still in its infancy. Besides theory-based restrictions, the timeliness of data is an important issue. Since DSGE models are based on quarterly data, they suffer from the publication lag of quarterly national accounts. In this paper we present a framework for the short-term forecasting of GDP based on a medium-scale DSGE model for a small open economy within a currency area. We utilize the information available in monthly indicators based on the approach proposed by Giannone et al. (2009). Using Austrian data, we find that the forecasting performance of the DSGE model can be improved considerably by incorporating monthly indicators, while still maintaining the story-telling capability of the model.  相似文献   

Popular monthly coincident indices of business cycles, e.g. the composite index and the Stock–Watson coincident index, have two shortcomings. First, they ignore information contained in quarterly indicators such as real GDP. Second, they lack economic interpretation; hence the heights of peaks and the depths of troughs depend on the choice of an index. This paper extends the Stock–Watson coincident index by applying maximum likelihood factor analysis to a mixed‐frequency series of quarterly real GDP and monthly coincident business cycle indicators. The resulting index is related to latent monthly real GDP. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of sparse methods to forecast the real (in the chain-linked volume sense) expenditure components of the US and EU GDP in the short-run sooner than national statistics institutions officially release the data. We estimate current-quarter nowcasts, along with one- and two-quarter forecasts, by bridging quarterly data with available monthly information announced with a much smaller delay. We solve the high-dimensionality problem of monthly datasets by assuming sparse structures of leading indicators capable of adequately explaining the dynamics of the analyzed data. For variable selection and estimation of the forecasts, we use LASSO together with its recent modifications. We propose an adjustment that combines LASSO cases with principal components analysis to improve the forecasting performance. We evaluated the forecasting performance by conducting pseudo-real-time experiments for gross fixed capital formation, private consumption, imports, and exports over a sample from 2005–2019, compared with benchmark ARMA and factor models. The main results suggest that sparse methods can outperform the benchmarks and identify reasonable subsets of explanatory variables. The proposed combination of LASSO and principal components further improves the forecast accuracy.  相似文献   

We analyze ways of incorporating low frequency information into models for the prediction of high frequency variables. In doing so, we consider the two existing versions of the mixed frequency VAR, with a focus on the forecasts for the high frequency variables. Furthermore, we introduce new models, namely the reverse unrestricted MIDAS (RU-MIDAS) and reverse MIDAS (R-MIDAS), which can be used for producing forecasts of high frequency variables that also incorporate low frequency information. We then conduct several empirical applications for assessing the relevance of quarterly survey data for forecasting a set of monthly macroeconomic indicators. Overall, it turns out that low frequency information is important, particularly when it has just been released.  相似文献   

We constituted Team “Lee C. Baker”, which won the online tourism forecasting competition. Our forecasts had the smallest MASE for the first part of the competition involving 518 annual time series, and the second smallest MASE for the second part of the competition involving 427 quarterly time series and 366 monthly time series. In this article, we briefly describe the methods we used.  相似文献   

This paper examines the out-of-sample forecasting properties of six different economic uncertainty variables for the growth of the real M2 and real M4 Divisia money series for the U.S. using monthly data. The core contention is that information on economic uncertainty improves the forecasting accuracy. We estimate vector autoregressive models using the iterated rolling-window forecasting scheme, in combination with modern regularisation techniques from the field of machine learning. Applying the Hansen-Lunde-Nason model confidence set approach under two different loss functions reveals strong evidence that uncertainty variables that are related to financial markets, the state of the macroeconomy or economic policy provide additional informational content when forecasting monetary dynamics. The use of regularisation techniques improves the forecast accuracy substantially.  相似文献   

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