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In this paper, we focus on the different methods which have been proposed in the literature to date for dealing with mixed-frequency and ragged-edge datasets: bridge equations, mixed-data sampling (MIDAS), and mixed-frequency VAR (MF-VAR) models. We discuss their performances for nowcasting the quarterly growth rate of the Euro area GDP and its components, using a very large set of monthly indicators. We investigate the behaviors of single indicator models, forecast combinations and factor models, in a pseudo real-time framework. MIDAS with an AR component performs quite well, and outperforms MF-VAR at most horizons. Bridge equations perform well overall. Forecast pooling is superior to most of the single indicator models overall. Pooling information using factor models gives even better results. The best results are obtained for the components for which more economically related monthly indicators are available. Nowcasts of GDP components can then be combined to obtain nowcasts for the total GDP growth.  相似文献   

This paper compares the mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) and mixed-frequency VAR (MF-VAR) approaches to model specification in the presence of mixed-frequency data, e.g. monthly and quarterly series. MIDAS leads to parsimonious models which are based on exponential lag polynomials for the coefficients, whereas MF-VAR does not restrict the dynamics and can therefore suffer from the curse of dimensionality. However, if the restrictions imposed by MIDAS are too stringent, the MF-VAR can perform better. Hence, it is difficult to rank MIDAS and MF-VAR a priori, and their relative rankings are better evaluated empirically. In this paper, we compare their performances in a case which is relevant for policy making, namely nowcasting and forecasting quarterly GDP growth in the euro area on a monthly basis, using a set of about 20 monthly indicators. It turns out that the two approaches are more complements than substitutes, since MIDAS tends to perform better for horizons up to four to five months, whereas MF-VAR performs better for longer horizons, up to nine months.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the real-time forecasting performance of the New Keynesian DSGE model of Galí, Smets and Wouters (2012), estimated on euro area data. It investigates the extent to which the inclusion of forecasts of inflation, GDP growth and unemployment by professional forecasters improve the forecasting performance. We consider two approaches for conditioning on such information. Under the “noise” approach, the mean professional forecasts are assumed to be noisy indicators of the rational expectations forecasts implied by the DSGE model. Under the “news” approach, it is assumed that the forecasts reveal the presence of expected future structural shocks in line with those estimated in the past. The forecasts of the DSGE model are compared with those from a Bayesian VAR model, an AR(1) model, a sample mean and a random walk.  相似文献   

We construct factor models based on disaggregate survey data for forecasting national aggregate macroeconomic variables. Our methodology applies regional and sectoral factor models to Norges Bank’s regional survey and to the Swedish Business Tendency Survey. The analysis identifies which of the pieces of information extracted from the individual regions in Norges Bank’s survey and the sectors for the two surveys perform particularly well at forecasting different variables at various horizons. The results show that several factor models beat an autoregressive benchmark in forecasting inflation and the unemployment rate. However, the factor models are most successful at forecasting GDP growth. Forecast combinations using the past performances of regional and sectoral factor models yield the most accurate forecasts in the majority of the cases.  相似文献   

Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models have recently become standard tools for policy analysis. Nevertheless, their forecasting properties have still barely been explored. In this article, we address this problem by examining the quality of forecasts of the key U.S. economic variables: the three-month Treasury bill yield, the GDP growth rate and GDP price index inflation, from a small-size DSGE model, trivariate vector autoregression (VAR) models and the Philadelphia Fed Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF). The ex post forecast errors are evaluated on the basis of the data from the period 1994–2006. We apply the Philadelphia Fed “Real-Time Data Set for Macroeconomists” to ensure that the data used in estimating the DSGE and VAR models was comparable to the information available to the SPF.Overall, the results are mixed. When comparing the root mean squared errors for some forecast horizons, it appears that the DSGE model outperforms the other methods in forecasting the GDP growth rate. However, this characteristic turned out to be statistically insignificant. Most of the SPF's forecasts of GDP price index inflation and the short-term interest rate are better than those from the DSGE and VAR models.  相似文献   

This work focuses on developing a forecasting model for the water inflow at an hydroelectric plant’s reservoir for operations planning. The planning horizon is 5 years in monthly steps. Due to the complex behavior of the monthly inflow time series we use a Bayesian dynamic linear model that incorporates seasonal and autoregressive components. We also use climate variables like monthly precipitation, El Niño and other indices as predictor variables when relevant. The Brazilian power system has 140 hydroelectric plants. Based on geographical considerations, these plants are collated by basin and classified into 15 groups that correspond to the major river basins, in order to reduce the dimension of the problem. The model is then tested for these 15 groups. Each group will have a different forecasting model that can best describe its unique seasonality and characteristics. The results show that the forecasting approach taken in this paper produces substantially better predictions than the current model adopted in Brazil (see Maceira & Damazio, 2006), leading to superior operations planning.  相似文献   

We study the forecasting power of financial variables for macroeconomic variables in 62 countries between 1980 and 2013. We find that financial variables such as credit growth, stock prices, and house prices have considerable predictive power for macroeconomic variables at the one- to four-quarter horizons. A forecasting model that includes financial variables outperforms the World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecasts in up to 85% of our sample countries at the four-quarter horizon. We also find that cross-country panel models produce more accurate out-of-sample forecasts than individual country models.  相似文献   

Mixed frequency Bayesian vector autoregressions (MF-BVARs) allow forecasters to incorporate large numbers of time series that are observed at different intervals into forecasts of economic activity. This paper benchmarks the performances of MF-BVARs for forecasting U.S. real gross domestic product growth against surveys of professional forecasters and documents the influences of certain specification choices. We find that a medium–large MF-BVAR provides an attractive alternative to surveys at the medium-term forecast horizons that are of interest to central bankers and private sector analysts. Furthermore, we demonstrate that certain specification choices influence its performance strongly, such as model size, prior selection mechanisms, and modeling in levels versus growth rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess whether using non-linear dimension reduction techniques pays off for forecasting inflation in real-time. Several recent methods from the machine learning literature are adopted to map a large dimensional dataset into a lower-dimensional set of latent factors. We model the relationship between inflation and the latent factors using constant and time-varying parameter (TVP) regressions with shrinkage priors. Our models are then used to forecast monthly US inflation in real-time. The results suggest that sophisticated dimension reduction methods yield inflation forecasts that are highly competitive with linear approaches based on principal components. Among the techniques considered, the Autoencoder and squared principal components yield factors that have high predictive power for one-month- and one-quarter-ahead inflation. Zooming into model performance over time reveals that controlling for non-linear relations in the data is of particular importance during recessionary episodes of the business cycle or the current COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

We construct a DSGE-VAR model for competing head to head with the long history of published forecasts of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. We also construct a Bayesian VAR model with a Minnesota prior for forecast comparison. The DSGE-VAR model combines a structural DSGE model with a statistical VAR model based on the in-sample fit over the majority of New Zealand’s inflation-targeting period. We evaluate the real-time out-of-sample forecasting performance of the DSGE-VAR model, and show that the forecasts from the DSGE-VAR are competitive with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s published, judgmentally-adjusted forecasts. The Bayesian VAR model with a Minnesota prior also provides a competitive forecasting performance, and generally, with a few exceptions, out-performs both the DSGE-VAR and the Reserve Bank’s own forecasts.  相似文献   

Interval-valued time series are interval-valued data that are collected in a chronological sequence over time. This paper introduces three approaches to forecasting interval-valued time series. The first two approaches are based on multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks and Holt’s exponential smoothing methods, respectively. In Holt’s method for interval-valued time series, the smoothing parameters are estimated by using techniques for non-linear optimization problems with bound constraints. The third approach is based on a hybrid methodology that combines the MLP and Holt models. The practicality of the methods is demonstrated through simulation studies and applications using real interval-valued stock market time series.  相似文献   

This work presents key insights on the model development strategies used in our cross-learning-based retail demand forecast framework. The proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art univariate models in the time series forecasting literature. It has achieved 17th position in the accuracy track of the M5 forecasting competition, which is among the top 1% of solutions.  相似文献   

We extend the recently introduced latent threshold dynamic models to include dependencies among the dynamic latent factors which underlie multivariate volatility. With an ability to induce time-varying sparsity in factor loadings, these models now also allow time-varying correlations among factors, which may be exploited in order to improve volatility forecasts. We couple multi-period, out-of-sample forecasting with portfolio analysis using standard and novel benchmark neutral portfolios. Detailed studies of stock index and FX time series include: multi-period, out-of-sample forecasting, statistical model comparisons, and portfolio performance testing using raw returns, risk-adjusted returns and portfolio volatility. We find uniform improvements on all measures relative to standard dynamic factor models. This is due to the parsimony of latent threshold models and their ability to exploit between-factor correlations so as to improve the characterization and prediction of volatility. These advances will be of interest to financial analysts, investors and practitioners, as well as to modeling researchers.  相似文献   

The research examining macroeconomic data for developed economies suggests that an understanding of the nature of data revisions is important both for the production of accurate macroeconomic forecasts and for forecast evaluation. This paper focuses on Chinese data, for which there has been substantial debate about data quality for some time. The key finding in this paper is that, while it is true that the Chinese macroeconomic data revisions are not well-behaved, they are not very different from similarly-timed U.S. macroeconomic data revisions. The positive bias in Chinese real GDP revisions is a result of the fast-growing service sector, which is notably hard to measure in real time. A better understanding of the revisions process is particularly helpful for studies of the forecast errors from surveys of forecasters, where the choice of the vintage for outcomes may have an impact on the estimated forecast errors.  相似文献   

We make use of Google search data in an attempt to predict unemployment, CPI and consumer confidence for the US, UK, Canada, Germany and Japan. Google search queries have previously proven valuable in predicting macroeconomic variables in an in-sample context. However, to the best of our knowledge, the more challenging question of whether such data have out-of-sample predictive value has not yet been answered satisfactorily. We focus on out-of-sample nowcasting, and extend the Bayesian structural time series model using the Hamiltonian sampler for variable selection. We find that the search data retain their value in an out-of-sample predictive context for unemployment, but not for CPI or consumer confidence. It is possible that online search behaviours are a relatively reliable gauge of an individual’s personal situation (employment status), but less reliable when it comes to variables that are unknown to the individual (CPI) or too general to be linked to specific search terms (consumer confidence).  相似文献   

This paper develops indicators of unstructured press information by exploiting word vector representations. A model is trained using a corpus covering 90 years of Wall Street Journal content. The information content of the indicators is assessed through business cycle forecast exercises. The vector representations can learn meaningful word associations that are exploited to construct indicators of uncertainty. In-sample and out-of-sample forecast exercises show that the indicators contain valuable information regarding future economic activity. The combination of indices associated with different subjective states (e.g., uncertainty, fear, pessimism) results in further gains in information content. The documented performance is unmatched by previous dictionary-based word counting techniques proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to study VIX forecasting based on discrete time GARCH-type model with observable dynamic jump intensity by incorporating high frequency information (DJI-GARCH model). The analytical expression is obtained by deducing the forward iteration relations of vector composed of conditional variance and jump intensity, and parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood functions. To compare the pricing ability, we also present VIX forecasting under four simple GARCH-type models. Results find that DJI-GARCH model outperforms other GARCH-type models for the whole sample and stable period in terms of both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting, and for the in-sample forecasting during crisis period. This indicates that incorporating both realized bipower and jump variations, and combining VIX information in the estimation can obtain more accuracy forecasting. However, the out-of-sample forecasting using parameters estimated from crisis period shows that GARCH and GJR-GARCH models performs relatively better, which reminds us to be cautious when making out-of-sample prediction.  相似文献   

To protect financial institutions from unexpected credit losses, during the monitoring phase of granted loans it is of primary importance to foresee any evidence of a contagion of liquidity distress across a network of firms. This term indicates a situation of lack of solvency of a firm (e.g., a customer) that propagates to other firms (e.g, its suppliers), which could consequently face challenges in repaying their own granted loans. In this paper, we look for the evidence of contagion of liquidity distress on an Intesa Sanpaolo proprietary dataset by means of Bayesian spatial and spatio-temporal models. Our results indicate that such models can detect cases of distress not yet apparent from covariate information collected on the firms by instead borrowing information from the network, leading to improved forecasting performance on the prediction of short-term default with respect to state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

In practice, inventory decisions depend heavily on demand forecasts, but the literature typically assumes that demand distributions are known. This means that estimates are substituted directly for the unknown parameters, leading to insufficient safety stocks, stock-outs, low service, and high costs. We propose a framework for addressing this estimation uncertainty that is applicable to any inventory model, demand distribution, and parameter estimator. The estimation errors are modeled and a predictive lead time demand distribution obtained, which is then substituted into the inventory model. We illustrate this framework for several different demand models. When the estimates are based on ten observations, the relative savings are typically between 10% and 30% for mean-stationary demand. However, the savings are larger when the estimates are based on fewer observations, when backorders are costlier, or when the lead time is longer. In the presence of a trend, the savings are between 50% and 80% for several scenarios.  相似文献   

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