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The proportional odds model is the most widely used model when the response has ordered categories. In the case of high‐dimensional predictor structure, the common maximum likelihood approach typically fails when all predictors are included. A boosting technique pomBoost is proposed to fit the model by implicitly selecting the influential predictors. The approach distinguishes between metric and categorical predictors. In the case of categorical predictors, where each predictor relates to a set of parameters, the objective is to select simultaneously all the associated parameters. In addition, the approach distinguishes between nominal and ordinal predictors. In the case of ordinal predictors, the proposed technique uses the ordering of the ordinal predictors by penalizing the difference between the parameters of adjacent categories. The technique has also a provision to consider some mandatory predictors (if any) that must be part of the final sparse model. The performance of the proposed boosting algorithm is evaluated in a simulation study and applications with respect to mean squared error and prediction error. Hit rates and false alarm rates are used to judge the performance of pomBoost for selection of the relevant predictors.  相似文献   

Under a quantile restriction, randomly censored regression models can be written in terms of conditional moment inequalities. We study the identified features of these moment inequalities with respect to the regression parameters where we allow for covariate dependent censoring, endogenous censoring and endogenous regressors. These inequalities restrict the parameters to a set. We show regular point identification can be achieved under a set of interpretable sufficient conditions. We then provide a simple way to convert conditional moment inequalities into unconditional ones while preserving the informational content. Our method obviates the need for nonparametric estimation, which would require the selection of smoothing parameters and trimming procedures. Without the point identification conditions, our objective function can be used to do inference on the partially identified parameter. Maintaining the point identification conditions, we propose a quantile minimum distance estimator which converges at the parametric rate to the parameter vector of interest, and has an asymptotically normal distribution. A small scale simulation study and an application using drug relapse data demonstrate satisfactory finite sample performance.  相似文献   

The present penalized quantile variable selection methods are only applicable to finite number of predictors or do not have oracle property associated with estimator. This technique is considered as an alternative to ordinary least squares regression in case of the outliers and the heavy‐tailed errors existing in linear models. The variable selection through quantile regression with diverging number of parameters is investigated in this paper. The convergence rate of estimator with smoothly clipped absolute deviation penalty function is also studied. Moreover, the oracle property with proper selection of tuning parameter for quantile regression under certain regularity conditions is also established. In addition, the rank correlation screening method is used to accommodate ultra‐high dimensional data settings. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate finite performance of the proposed estimator. The results of real data reveal that this approach provides substantially more information as compared with ordinary least squares, conventional quantile regression, and quantile lasso.  相似文献   

The existing methods for feature screening focus mainly on the mean function of regression models. The variance function, however, plays an important role in statistical theory and application. We thus investigate feature screening for mean and variance functions with multiple-index framework in high dimensional regression models. Notice that some information about predictors can be known in advance from previous investigations and experience, for example, a certain set of predictors is related to the response. Based on the conditional information, together with empirical likelihood, we propose conditional feature screening procedures. Our methods can consistently estimate the sets of active predictors in the mean and variance functions. It is interesting that the proposed screening procedures can avoid estimating the unknown link functions in the mean and variance functions, and moreover, can work well in the case of high correlation among the predictors without iterative algorithm. Therefore, our proposal is of computational simplicity. Furthermore, as a conditional method, our method is robust to the choice of the conditional set. The theoretical results reveal that the proposed procedures have sure screening properties. The attractive finite sample performance of our method is illustrated in simulations and a real data application.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method for combining forecasts based on complete subset regressions. For a given set of potential predictor variables we combine forecasts from all possible linear regression models that keep the number of predictors fixed. We explore how the choice of model complexity, as measured by the number of included predictor variables, can be used to trade off the bias and variance of the forecast errors, generating a setup akin to the efficient frontier known from modern portfolio theory. In an application to predictability of stock returns, we find that combinations of subset regressions can produce more accurate forecasts than conventional approaches based on equal-weighted forecasts (which fail to account for the dimensionality of the underlying models), combinations of univariate forecasts, or forecasts generated by methods such as bagging, ridge regression or Bayesian Model Averaging.  相似文献   

In predicting conditional covariance matrices of financial portfolios, practitioners are required to choose among several alternative options, facing a number of different sources of uncertainty. A first source is related to the frequency at which prices are observed, either daily or intradaily. Using prices sampled at higher frequency inevitably poses additional sources of uncertainty related to the selection of the optimal intradaily sampling frequency and to the construction of the best realized estimator. Likewise, the choices of model structure and estimation method also have a critical role. In order to alleviate the impact of these sources of uncertainty, we propose a forecast combination strategy based on the Model Confidence Set [MCS] to adaptively identify the set of most accurate predictors. The combined predictor is shown to achieve superior performance with respect to the whole model universe plus three additional competitors, independently of the MCS or portfolio settings.  相似文献   

ARCH and GARCH models are widely used to model financial market volatilities in risk management applications. Considering a GARCH model with heavy-tailed innovations, we characterize the limiting distribution of an estimator of the conditional value-at-risk (VaR), which corresponds to the extremal quantile of the conditional distribution of the GARCH process. We propose two methods, the normal approximation method and the data tilting method, for constructing confidence intervals for the conditional VaR estimator and assess their accuracies by simulation studies. Finally, we apply the proposed approach to an energy market data set.  相似文献   

Quantile regression for dynamic panel data with fixed effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper studies a quantile regression dynamic panel model with fixed effects. Panel data fixed effects estimators are typically biased in the presence of lagged dependent variables as regressors. To reduce the dynamic bias, we suggest the use of the instrumental variables quantile regression method of Chernozhukov and Hansen (2006) along with lagged regressors as instruments. In addition, we describe how to employ the estimated models for prediction. Monte Carlo simulations show evidence that the instrumental variables approach sharply reduces the dynamic bias, and the empirical levels for prediction intervals are very close to nominal levels. Finally, we illustrate the procedures with an application to forecasting output growth rates for 18 OECD countries.  相似文献   

A new semi-parametric expected shortfall (ES) estimation and forecasting framework is proposed. The proposed approach is based on a two-step estimation procedure. The first step involves the estimation of value at risk (VaR) at different quantile levels through a set of quantile time series regressions. Then, the ES is computed as a weighted average of the estimated quantiles. The quantile weighting structure is parsimoniously parameterized by means of a beta weight function whose coefficients are optimized by minimizing a joint VaR and ES loss function of the Fissler–Ziegel class. The properties of the proposed approach are first evaluated with an extensive simulation study using two data generating processes. Two forecasting studies with different out-of-sample sizes are then conducted, one of which focuses on the 2008 Global Financial Crisis period. The proposed models are applied to seven stock market indices, and their forecasting performances are compared to those of a range of parametric, non-parametric, and semi-parametric models, including GARCH, conditional autoregressive expectile (CARE), joint VaR and ES quantile regression models, and a simple average of quantiles. The results of the forecasting experiments provide clear evidence in support of the proposed models.  相似文献   

An important application of multiple regression is predictor selection. When there are no missing values in the data, information criteria can be used to select predictors. For example, one could apply the small‐sample‐size corrected version of the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the (AICC). In this article, we discuss how information criteria should be calculated when the dependent variable and/or the predictors contain missing values. Therewith, we extensively discuss and evaluate three models that can be employed to deal with the missing data, that is, to predict the missing values. The most complex model, that is, the model with all available predictors, outperforms the other models. These results also apply to more general hypotheses than predictor selection and also to structural equation modeling (SEM) models.  相似文献   

Quantile cointegrating regression   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Quantile regression has important applications in risk management, portfolio optimization, and asset pricing. The current paper studies estimation, inference and financial applications of quantile regression with cointegrated time series. In addition, a new cointegration model with quantile-varying coefficients is proposed. In the proposed model, the value of cointegrating coefficients may be affected by the shocks and thus may vary over the innovation quantile. The proposed model may be viewed as a stochastic cointegration model which includes the conventional cointegration model as a special case. It also provides a useful complement to cointegration models with (G)ARCH effects. Asymptotic properties of the proposed model and limiting distribution of the cointegrating regression quantiles are derived. In the presence of endogenous regressors, fully-modified quantile regression estimators and augmented quantile cointegrating regression are proposed to remove the second order bias and nuisance parameters. Regression Wald tests are constructed based on the fully modified quantile regression estimators. An empirical application to stock index data highlights the potential of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is a narrow replication of Firpo, Fortin and Lemieux (Unconditional quantile regressions. Econometrica 2009; 77(3): 953–973), who propose a new estimation method, called ‘unconditional quantile regressions’. Using their empirical example, we confirm their results for the effects of unionization on US wage inequality during the period 1983–1985 for both conditional and unconditional quantile regressions. In addition, this paper applies the proposed estimation method to another paper by Autor, Katz and Kearney (Trends in US wage inequality: revising the revisionists. Review of Economics and Statistics 2008; 90(2): 300–323). The latter paper looks at measures of wage inequality in the US labor market data over the period 1963–2005. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Identification in most sample selection models depends on the independence of the regressors and the error terms conditional on the selection probability. All quantile and mean functions are parallel in these models; this implies that quantile estimators cannot reveal any—per assumption non‐existing—heterogeneity. Quantile estimators are nevertheless useful for testing the conditional independence assumption because they are consistent under the null hypothesis. We propose tests of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov type based on the conditional quantile regression process. Monte Carlo simulations show that their size is satisfactory and their power sufficient to detect deviations under plausible data‐generating processes. We apply our procedures to female wage data from the 2011 Current Population Survey and show that homogeneity is clearly rejected. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文基于分位数的回归理论与方法,提出了一个新的经济计量模型:分位数局部调整模型,并给出了其数学表示、参数估计与预测方法等一整套建模技术。分位数局部调整模型能够细致地给出响应变量在各个分位点上的条件分位数,便于揭示响应变量位置、散布与形状等动态调整过程的全景信息,从而得到比均值局部调整模型更为深刻的结果。最后,将分位数局部调整模型应用于中国货币需求分析,结果显示,在货币需求的不同阶段,不仅调整速度不同,调整方式也呈现出非对称性;M1存在货币失踪之谜现象,而M2却在条件密度第一个最优区域实现了供求均衡;最优货币需求条件密度曲线较为分散,这为央行制定货币政策预留了足够的空间。  相似文献   

This paper considers the location‐scale quantile autoregression in which the location and scale parameters are subject to regime shifts. The regime changes in lower and upper tails are determined by the outcome of a latent, discrete‐state Markov process. The new method provides direct inference and estimate for different parts of a non‐stationary time series distribution. Bayesian inference for switching regimes within a quantile, via a three‐parameter asymmetric Laplace distribution, is adapted and designed for parameter estimation. Using the Bayesian output, the marginal likelihood is readily available for testing the presence and the number of regimes. The simulation study shows that the predictability of regimes and conditional quantiles by using asymmetric Laplace distribution as the likelihood is fairly comparable with the true model distributions. However, ignoring that autoregressive coefficients might be quantile dependent leads to substantial bias in both regime inference and quantile prediction. The potential of this new approach is illustrated in the empirical applications to the US inflation and real exchange rates for asymmetric dynamics and the S&P 500 index returns of different frequencies for financial market risk assessment.  相似文献   

This paper studies the identifying power of conditional quantile restrictions in short panels with fixed effects. In contrast to classical fixed effects models with conditional mean restrictions, conditional quantile restrictions are not preserved by taking differences in the regression equation over time. This paper shows however that a conditional quantile restriction, in conjunction with a weak conditional independence restriction, provides bounds on quantiles of differences in time-varying unobservables across periods. These bounds carry observable implications for model parameters which generally result in set identification. The analysis of these bounds includes conditions for point identification of the parameter vector, as well as weaker conditions that result in point identification of individual parameter components.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with feature screening for varying coefficient models with ultrahigh-dimensional predictors. We propose a new sure independence screening method based on quantile partial correlation (QPC-SIS), which is quite robust against outliers and heavy-tailed distributions. Then we establish the sure screening property for the QPC-SIS, and conduct simulations to examine its finite sample performance. The results of simulation study indicate that the QPC-SIS performs better than other methods like sure independent screening (SIS), sure independent ranking and screening, distance correlation-sure independent screening, conditional correlation sure independence screening and nonparametric independent screening, which shows the validity and rationality of QPC-SIS.  相似文献   

We propose composite quantile regression for dependent data, in which the errors are from short‐range dependent and strictly stationary linear processes. Under some regularity conditions, we show that composite quantile estimator enjoys root‐n consistency and asymptotic normality. We investigate the asymptotic relative efficiency of composite quantile estimator to both single‐level quantile regression and least‐squares regression. When the errors have finite variance, the relative efficiency of composite quantile estimator with respect to the least‐squares estimator has a universal lower bound. Under some regularity conditions, the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator penalty leads to consistent variable selection, and the asymptotic distribution of the non‐zero coefficient is the same as that of the counterparts obtained when the true model is known. We conduct a simulation study and a real data analysis to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

An important statistical application is the problem of determining an appropriate set of input variables for modelling a response variable. In such an application, candidate models are characterized by which input variables are included in the mean structure. A reasonable approach to gauging the propriety of a candidate model is to define a discrepancy function through the prediction error associated with this model. An optimal set of input variables is then determined by searching for the candidate model that minimizes the prediction error. In this paper, we focus on a Bayesian approach to estimating a discrepancy function based on prediction error in linear regression. It is shown how this approach provides an informative method for quantifying model selection uncertainty.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,128(1):137-164
In this paper, we construct a new class of estimators for conditional quantiles in possibly misspecified nonlinear models with time series data. Proposed estimators belong to the family of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators (QMLEs) and are based on a new family of densities which we call ‘tick-exponential’. A well-known member of the tick-exponential family is the asymmetric Laplace density, and the corresponding QMLE reduces to the Koenker and Bassett's (Econometrica 46 (1978) 33) nonlinear quantile regression estimator. We derive primitive conditions under which the tick-exponential QMLEs are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed with an asymptotic covariance matrix that accounts for possible conditional quantile model misspecification and which can be consistently estimated by using the tick-exponential scores and Hessian matrix. Despite its non-differentiability, the tick-exponential quasi-likelihood is easy to maximize by using a ‘minimax’ representation not seen in the earlier work on conditional quantile estimation.  相似文献   

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