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在被取消了商业领域种种限制的外资的各种手段渗透下,零售业格局在发生这种大的变化,外资零售企业正加快在中国零售市场的布局。面对外资零售巨头咄咄逼人的市场攻势,在WTO的大背景下,外资零售企业的迅速扩张应引起本土企业零售企业足够警惕,并采取有效手段,积极应对,求得民族商业的生存、发展、壮大。  相似文献   

自1992年开放零售业以来,外资在国内商业领域中注入的比例逐年增多,但随着加入WTO后中国零售对外开放政策的进一步放宽和外资零售企业在中国本土化进程的深入,未来外资零售企业的在华动向令业内人士关注。特别是全球最大的零售商业企业沃尔玛进入中国市场,将会给中国的零售业市场带来什么样的冲击?外资零售企业与零售商业在中国将会有什么样的发展?  相似文献   

中国零售业如何面对外资零售业的竞争   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在被取消了商业领域种种限制的外资的各种手段渗透下,零售业格局在发生这种大的变化,外资零售企业正加快在中国零售市场的布局。面对外资零售巨头咄咄逼人的市场攻势,在WTO的大背景下,外资零售企业的迅速扩张应引起本土企业零售企业足够警惕,并采取有效手段,积极应对,求得民族商业的生存、发展、壮大。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,商业零售企业有了较好的发展,其规模越来越大,抢占市场份额也越来越多,但是商业零售企业的采购管理能力以及水平较低,所以影响企业更好的提高经济效益;此外,以外资为主导的企业看重中国巨大的市场,所以不断快速发展,企图占据中国市场更大份额,这就对我国零售企业提出了挑战,因此,我国的商业零售企业应积极改进采购管理的方法以适应经济时代的发展。本文论述了商业零售企业采购管理的方法和策略。  相似文献   

任波 《财经界(学术)》2014,(33):110-110
随着我国经济的快速发展,商业零售企业有了较好的发展,其规模越来越大,抢占市场份额也越来越多,但是商业零售企业的采购管理能力以及水平较低,所以影响企业更好的提高经济效益;此外,以外资为主导的企业看重中国巨大的市场,所以不断快速发展,企图占据中国市场更大份额,这就对我国零售企业提出了挑战,因此,我国的商业零售企业应积极改进采购管理的方法以适应经济时代的发展。本文论述了商业零售企业采购管理的方法和策略。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化格局的不断推进,我国企业走出国门,登上国际市场的舞台,而部分外资企业进入到中国市场,从而给企业之间带来激烈的市场竞争。在这种大环境下,我国商业零售企业取得了较快的发展。特别是近年来大量的外资商业零售企业进入到我国的市场中来,其所带来的不仅是先进的企业管理理念,而且还具有严格的内部控制制度,并在企业业务的各个环节都得以有效的渗透,使企业在激烈市场竞争中得以快速发展。这是我国商业零售企业需要充分借鉴的地方。文中对企业内部控制进行了概述,并进一步对商业零售企业内部控制的主要内容进行了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

外资零售商在中国市场的战略调整新动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国经济的持续高速增长,巨大的市场潜力,特别是加入世贸组织后取消对外资零售业进入中国的种种限制,促使全球零售巨头加速了在中国的发展步伐。本文通过对沃尔玛和家乐福这两家世界上最大的零售企业在中国市场的战略调整进行分析,揭示外资零售企业的战略调整新动向,在此基础上提出使国内零售企业在条件相对落后的情况下取得优势市场地位的政策和策略,以期为我国零售业的发展起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

零售业全面对外开放后,外资零售企业在我国加速发展.本文以外资零售企业在长三角16个城市的区位选择行为作为研究对象,分析了外资零售企业区位选择行为的基本特征、影响区位选择的因素,并运用panel-data技术模型进行了实证检验.研究结果显示,2004-2009年间地区宏观经济水平、地区消费力、商业环境、对外开放度是影响外资零售企业在长三角地区区位选择的重要因素.  相似文献   

自从中国消费品零售业对外开放以来,世界著名的零售巨头纷纷进入中国市场,他们由当初的合资,独资发展到目前的加快零售企业自有品牌战略,这些举措对中国消费品产业链将产生怎样的影响?本文通过对外资零售企业在中国开展自有品牌战略的后果分析,结合我国消费品产业链的发展特征,就如何防范外资零售企业自有品牌战略对我国消费品产业冲击提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

我国境内中外零售企业竞争力与演变趋势探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究,外资零售企业进入中国市场的限制条件取消后,我国零售市场是否会被大型外资零售企业逐步控制的问题。文章提出了构成零售企业竞争能力的五个因素,并以这五个因素为条件,对我国境内中外资零售企业竞争力进行了对比与分析,得出了外资零售企业不会全面控制我国零售市场,但有可能在某些城市、地区和经营领域形成局部的掌握主导权或者控制权的演变趋势。  相似文献   

改革开放四十多年来,我国成为了全球第二大外资流入国。外资在为我国经济社会发展做出重要贡献的同时,也获得了应得的收益,实现了营收和利润双增长。具体表现为:中国市场是外资企业营收增长的重要来源,各国企业在华营收保持持续增长,中国市场营收占据跨国公司全球重要位置;外商投资在中国获得较高收益率,诸多美欧企业在华投资收益率高于其全球平均水平。与此同时,外资企业在华经营还实现了其战略目标。实践证明,成本寻求型外资在中国获得了低要素成本,市场寻求型外资与中国市场共同成长,创新资产寻求型外资取得在华创新投入产出双增长。  相似文献   

家族企业控制权继任分析模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对家族企业的传承是一个复杂的多阶段演进过程,文章在借鉴国外有关家族企业控制权继任模型的基础上,结合我国特有的文化、市场背景的实际情况,构建了家族企业控制权继任分析模型,并对家族企业控制权继任传递影响因素进行了分析,希望对中国家族企业解决代际传承问题有所借鉴。  相似文献   

2004年12月11日,我国零售商业迎来了全面开放。零售商业作为国民经济的终端产业,国外跨国零售大企业的进入与占领可能带来国内产业安全危机隐患。如何在遵循市场经济的基本原则与世贸组织基本准则的前提下促进本国民族产业的生存与发展是目前我国面临的重大现实问题。本文认为单靠市场的力量不足以实现本土企业的规模化与效率化,必须同时大力发挥政府产业政策的引导作用,强化必要的产业扶持、引导与规制政策。  相似文献   

Studies on consumer behaviour and the modelling of attributes representing store image of shopping centres in the context of a developed country have been the focus of many researchers. In contrast, although China has the largest consumer market in the world, the consumer behaviour and consumption psychology of this enormous market remain relatively unknown due to a previously “close-door” policy as well as a high degree of government intervention within the retail sector. This paper discusses the unique nature and development of the retail industry in China, and formulates a model to represent the store image of joint venture shopping centres, which are the only approved form of direct foreign investment into China's retail sector. Research on store image of shopping centres in the west as well as in China has been applied in the formulation of the model, which consists of 21 attributes. The relative importance of these 21 shopping centre image attributes is subsequently analysed between consumers in a first-tier and a second-tier city in China. By being the first of its kind to reflect on China's retail market and its joint venture shopping centres, and to compare the consumer behaviour within different levels of cities in China, this paper provides both researchers and retailers with a better insight and understanding into the psychology of Chinese consumers, and the retailing business in China.  相似文献   

张堃  张志超 《商业研究》2008,(2):212-213
随着国际零售巨头纷纷抢滩中国市场,零售业在中国市场的竞争会越来越激烈。如何增强我国零售企业,特别是大型零售企业的核心竞争力是一项亟待解决的问题。所以,大型零售企业只有科学地把握大型零售企业核心竞争力的内涵与构成,才能更好地培育自己的核心竞争力,从而实现在竞争中生存与发展的目标。  相似文献   

中国零售业在近20年的快速发展过程中取得了令人瞩目的成绩。自从2004年零售业全面对外资开放以来,越来越多的外资零售企业进入中国市场,给国内零售企业带来了很大的竞争压力。单纯地依靠学习、借鉴、模仿国外零售业的发展方式已经不能适应当下激烈的市场竞争,因此零售业的创新迫在眉睫。通过对国内零售业现状进行分析,阐明创新对于国内零售业的重要性以及应该走何种创新之路。  相似文献   

“入世”十年:零售业对外开放初步考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,在对我国零售业取得的巨大成绩的认识中,存在着对外资作用一边倒的赞美之辞现象,对此我们应有清醒的认识,不仅要认识到外资对我国零售业发展的正面效应,更应该深刻理解外资对我国零售业发展的负面效应,取消外资在税收、市场准入、外贸经营权等方面的超国民待遇,地方政府要避免因追求政绩而导致的盲目引资,各界人士要摆脱根深蒂固的轻商情结,并且必须认识到零售业开放虽然最先影响的是零售业,但最终必然会影响到制造业的发展。"十二五"期间,应该抓住机遇构建内外贸一体化、城乡一体化、批发零售物流配送一体化的商贸物流渠道体系网点,实施国外抢滩、国内整合的"两头扩网"战略,摆脱传统的"制造业思维"模式,树立"渠道是稀缺资源"、"渠道是经济命脉"的新理念、新思维,充分发挥商贸物流业影响力,推动流程变革和业态创新,将培育、构建内外贸一体化、城乡一体化的自主品牌、自主渠道纳入国家"十二五"规划。  相似文献   

WTO“后过渡期”我国零售业存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成健  赵岩 《商业研究》2007,(2):201-203
在WTO“后过渡期”里,我国国内零售业市场将以前所未有的力度向国外零售企业开放,其生存和发展的国内环境将有较大的改变。顺应并积极迎接这种改变即成为我国零售业在新时期发展的关键。然而我国零售业目前存在的规模小、信息不畅和调控不利等问题制约着企业的发展。所以必须对WTO“后过渡期”里我国零售业存在的几个代表性问题入手,探讨出解决对策。以期能为我国国内零售业在WTO“后过渡期”的发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Economic growth and a rising middle class consumer base make emerging markets an attractive prospect for many international businesses. Changing patterns of retail in these countries present opportunities for business expansion that many are keen to capitalize on, but also present challenges for reaching their ambitions. This article examines the growth of the coffee shop industry in China—considering its key dynamics and drivers—in order to address questions about successful retail expansion in emerging markets. We aim to explore how changing consumer cultures have contributed to a rapidly growing industry and what strategies businesses have used to enter the market and maintain growth, as well as considerations for potential retail success in the future.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the environment experienced by private businesses in China through examining their relationships with the major stakeholders—namely government, supplier, employee, customer, and competitor.Since the announcement of the economic reform in 1978, substantial political and economic power has been delegated from the central government to the regions. Endowed with this power, local governments have crucial influence on the size of the private sector within their jurisdiction. Being outside the state allocation plan, private firms have less access to raw materials and credit. In the volatile political climate of China, they are vulnerable to attack during political campaigns. Maintaining a cordial relationship with local cadres, through paying bribes and various charges, is thus a prerequisite for survival. Having solicited political backing, a private entrepreneur can not only run his business more smoothly, but also may be more tolerated in his illegal activities such as tax evasion, profiteering, and selling banned products. In short, the whole situation can be described as a collusion of local governments and private businesses at the expense of the central government's interest.Under the economic reform, the distribution system has become less rigid than before. It is easier for private firms to secure supplies, whether raw materials or manufactured goods. Labor input is also not a problem for most private firms which are small in size and employ mainly unskilled workers. However, large private enterprises have to compete with state, collective, and foreign enterprises for managerial staff who are in short supply.There have been marked changes in the consumption pattern since the early 1980s. People spend less on staple foods and more on non-staple foods, consumer goods, and services. Moreover, China is experiencing a consumption boom. Altogether this offers great opportunities to the private sector, which has been expanding its share of industrial output and retail sales very fast. On the other hand, competition is becoming much keener. State enterprises are improving their efficiency and giant multinational corporations are rushing in. As there are few entry barriers, private entrepreneurs are also competing fiercely among themselves.The ideological contradiction of having labor exploitation by private entrepreneurs in a socialist country has prevented the Chinese government from actively encouraging private business. The private sector has been assigned a supplementary role in the dominant public economy. This status has led to discrimination against private firms in obtaining factor inputs, accounting partly for their vulnerability to bureaucratic harassment by local cadres. This will continue to hamper private business development. It is concluded that ideological and political reforms, in addition to the economic reform, are required for providing a more conducive environment for private businesses. The Chinese experience of liberalizing the private sector offers useful insights to governments of other developing countries.  相似文献   

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