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呼和浩特,蒙古语为青色城市,故称“青城”。9月17日,2012年全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议在青城呼和浩特举行,昭示着全国股份制商业银行的勃勃生机。  相似文献   

仲垣 《金融博览》2012,(19):8-11
当前,饱受不利的国际经济环境影响,国内经济正处于下行期。实体经济,尤其是中小企业的困难更大,亟需银行业的支持,如何能在持续支持经济实现平稳增长,帮助中小企业应对挑战的同时,又能实现自身健康发展,是摆在我国股份制商业银行面前的重大课题。2012年全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议将”守住风险底线服务实体经济“作为会议主题,意义重大,既体现出股份制商业银行现在所面临的重大挑战,又表明其践行社会责任,支持经济转型,改善民生的决心没有变。  相似文献   

在丹桂飘香的西子湖畔,一场围绕"改革、创新、提质、控险"的智慧盛宴和思想饕餮,为秋日平添了几分暖意。9月28日,由浙商银行轮值承办的2014年全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议在杭州昭开。  相似文献   

2012年9月17日2012年全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议在内蒙古自治区首府呼和浩特召开。中国银监会主席尚福林出席会议并作重要讲话。  相似文献   

董文标 《金融博览》2012,(19):12-12
尊敬的尚福林主席、巴特尔主席,各位领导、各位来宾:大家上午好!股份制商业银行行长联席会议是中国金融领域最富有创新思想和影响力的年度盛会之一,我们大家在这金秋时节聚集到山川壮美、热情好客的呼和浩特举办本次年会,会议得到了银监会党委,内蒙古自治区党委、政府的高度重视和大力支持,在此,我谨代表中国民生银行对各位领导、嘉宾的到来,表示最热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

老舍曾写到,“秋天的济南是诗境的”,而在“这个诗意秋光秋色”中,银行家们聚首泉城,展望发展前景,畅谈金融梦想,既唯美又唯妙。9月26日,围绕“助力‘中国梦’、有效服务社会经济发展”的主题,由恒丰银行轮值承办的2013年全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议在济南召开。  相似文献   

仲垣 《金融博览》2012,(10):9-11
初秋时分,塞外名城呼和浩特,夏日的燥热已褪去,凉风习习,天高云舒,正是一年最好的时节.一年一度的全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议在此召开.从2002年至今,正式的全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议已经成功举办十届.十年来,在监管部门的正确领导下,在股份制商业银行的共同努力下,在各地方政府的大力支持下,全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议已成为各行研讨战略、凝聚智慧,共谋发展的重要交流平台.  相似文献   

2008年9月24日,天公不作美。 就在这一天,今年第14号强台风“黑格比”的中心进入广西。台风导致当天下午南宁机场进、出港航班全部取消。  相似文献   

余欣 《中国金融家》2007,(10):33-35
2007年9月,一年一度的全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议在沈阳召开,行长们共同论道"中国商业银行发展高级化——组织、价值与文化"这一前沿课题。本刊特派记者前往参加报道了此次会议,并采编了各行行长对此问题的独特见解,详见《金融家论坛》栏目。  相似文献   

金秋时节,山川壮美、热情好客的呼和浩特,在此召开的2012年全国股份制商业银行联席会议格外引人注目。从机场出来,城市道路两旁的彩旗、过街天桥的横幅、高楼大厦滚动的LED显示屏……处处可见“2012年全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议”字样,显示出这座城市对银行家们的由衷欢迎。  相似文献   

在未来利率市场化将会加速的背景下,银行如何改变盈利模式和经营方式,是中国银行业面临的重大挑战。  相似文献   

2012年从世行卸任后,林毅夫回到了熟悉的北大校园。对于中国经济的未来,他始终抱有极大期望,而面对国际上的纷繁言论,林毅夫总有自己独到而客观的见解。  相似文献   

美国房地产企业融资体系依存的金融环境是以证券市场为主导,这种体系也称距离型融资体系。该体系下,企业所需的外部资金主要从证券市场筹集,银行业虽然也提供资金,但比例相对较低。  相似文献   

与其他股份制银行一样,民生银行正从一个传统的商业银行模式向市场化下的现代商业银行模式转型,从一个传统版本升级到一个现代版本。可以说,这种转型是一个非常长期的过程,而且非常艰苦。现在我要谈谈民生银行的经营转型思路与经营管理策略。  相似文献   

2021年,奋斗成果激荡人心;2022年,奋勇前进充满希望。近期,人民银行、银保监会、证监会等党委分别召开会议,传达学习贯彻中央经济工作会议精神,自觉将金融工作放到党和国家大局中去考虑,认真谋划2022年金融工作目标和重点任务,确保党中央、国务院的重大决策部署在银行、保险、证券等金融行业不折不扣地落到实处。  相似文献   

全面建成小康社会,需要实现国强民富与绿水青山的和谐共存。建设美丽中国成为十三亿中华儿女的共同愿景。建设美丽中国要树立生态文明理念,更要注入金融活力。绿色经济离不开绿色金融的强力推动。将环境因素综合考虑在内的绿色金融可以有效引导资源配置到环境友好型企业上,通过市场手段在环境和经济间架起桥梁。在这个过程中,需要银行业金融机构的“绿色信贷”,需要资本市场为环保企业提供融资支持,也需要保险业出台更具针对性的险种。  相似文献   

过于倚重短期政策是出现“两难”困境的症结所在,其出路在于转变经济增长模式,关键在于切实推进改革,正确发挥政府在转型中的作用。  相似文献   

在防控新冠肺炎疫情阻击战这场艰苦的战斗面前,工商银行坚守国有大行的责任和担当,不断推出针对性支持措施,开辟金融服务绿色通道,全力发挥金融对疫情防控和实体经济的支持作用。从1月24日农历大年三十,到2月8日正月十六,工商银行已经紧急投放贷款430亿元,其中130亿元用于疫情防控,300亿元用于支持企业恢复生产经营。贷款中向直接参与防疫用品和生活物资生产企业发放的专项贷款达17亿元,企业实际负担的利率低于1.6%。  相似文献   

In the first of these two presentations at the University of Michigan, Eisuke Sakakibara, Vice Minister of International Affairs in the Japanese Ministry of Finance, discusses the likely effect of the Japanese "Big Bang" on Japanese financial markets and corporate governance. Japanese financial institutions are expected to adapt to the new competitive environment by outsourcing aspects of their asset management to more experienced foreign institutions, or by forming joint ventures with them. And the resulting rise of Japanese mutual funds and more aggressive asset management practices are in turn expected to contribute to profound changes in Japanese corporate governance. In particular, as Japanese companies are forced to become more accountable to markets, the emphasis is likely to shift from growth to profitability, and traditional seniority-based compensation practices should give way to pay-for-performance systems.
In the second presentation, Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Harvard Institute for International Development and adviser to several emerging countries, argues that the East Asia crisis is not a "typical IMF-kind of crisis—the kind that originates primarily in the government sectors of these economies." Rather it is a crisis that began in the financial markets. And, according to Sachs, crises that are centered in the financial sector require a different response than those that have their origins in government mismanagement of fiscal policy. In making his case, he argues that the East Asian economies are fundamentally sound—and that, provided a lender of last resort emerges to carry them through their near-term difficulties, their longer-term prospects are promising.  相似文献   

In late 19th century Britain it was widely accepted by leading authorities that «goodwill» was simply the purchase of sufficient expected «surplus profits» to persuade the owners of a business to part with its net assets and control, and that this expenditure should be capitalized and amortized against those surplus profits as they are realized. Although this method remains the conventional wisdom, and dominates current international regulation and practice, its conceptual foundation appears lost to modern scholars, for whom the «problem» of accounting for goodwill is «insoluble». In the first part of the paper the concepts of Marx's political economy are employed to elaborate the conventional method, which is argued to be necessary to allow the capital markets to observe the generation and realization of profit and the rate of return on capital. From this perspective, the heavily criticized decision of the UK authorities in SSAP22 to encourage the write-off of goodwill against capital is an anomaly requiring explanation. It is usually explained as either the ASC's acceptance of economic income accounting as the ideal for financial reporting, or its acquiescence to powerful managerial interests. In the second part, these explanations are criticized, and an alternative hypothesis advanced which is consistent with the limited evidence available. That, although the capital markets usually want purchased goodwill to be capitalized and amortized, in the peculiar circumstances of the UK, where unusually large portions of its manufacturing industry were closed or run down in the acquisitions and merger boom of the 1980's, writing-off purchased goodwill against capital was in the collective interest of investors because it helped to hide from public view the fact that dividends were being paid from capital.  相似文献   

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