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随着电子商务和网络技术的发展,网络营销已成为一种重要的营销方式,顾客满意也已逐渐成为网络营销的核心.基于此,通过阐述顾客满意的内涵、网络营销中顾客满意的构成及特点,提出通过转变传统营销服务观念及提供全方位的网络营销服务,来提高网络中顾客的满意度.  相似文献   

随着网络营销和口碑营销等新兴营销方式的出现,电视广告在营销中正逐渐丧失威力。网络营销在满足顾客需求、降低成本及提高企业信息传递效率等方面具有明显优势。口碑营销可以使产品具有良好可信度,最终达到有消费者替你营销的境界。如果能将网络和口碑两种营销方式结合起来,相互补充、相互促进,则可以达到密集电视广告无法达到的营销高度。  相似文献   

高峰 《企业活力》2011,(5):63-66
互联网不仅是信息的提供场所,更是一种新的社会群体构建的工具,借助互联网上的社会化软件,受众仅仅需要付出较少的努力就能聚集在一起,互联网上产生了众多以话题和内容为中心的有机组织,互联网的价值核心由信息的聚集转向群体的构建。网络营销需要适应这种转变,从对顾客个体的营销迁移到对顾客群体的营销,从单一的产品营销转变为主题化、多元化的活动营销。利用合适的社会性软件进行持续的对话将成为社会化网络营销的唯一有效方式。  相似文献   

网络营销中的沟通技巧   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
网络营销在企业的营销活动中占据着越来越重要的地位,与顾客的良好沟通是网络营销成功的关键之一。本文从网络营销沟通与传统营销沟通的不同之处开始,在商品名称、商品介绍、价格描述与磋商、信息宣传促销过程中的交流、售前售中售后服务中的交流、注重网络礼仪、开展即时交流等几个方面阐述了企业在网络营销中要注意的沟通技巧。  相似文献   

网络营销在企业的营销活动中占据着越来越重要的地位.与顾客的良好沟通是网络营销成功的关键之一。本文从网络营销沟通与传统营销沟通的不同之处开始,在商品名称、商品介绍、价格描述与磋商、信息宣传促销过程中的交流、售前售中售后服务中的交流、注重网络礼仪、开展即时交流等几个方面阐述了企业在网络营销中要注意的沟通技巧。  相似文献   

一、传统营销与网络营销 菲利普.科特勒提出了市场营销的概念,它是指个人和群体通过创造并同他人交换产品和价值以满足需求和欲望的一种社会管理过程.而在网络诞生后,出现了新的营销方式一网络营销,而以前的营销被称作传统营销.网络营销是指以因特网作为营销的媒体、市场或营销工具时,企业通过创造顾客价值、提高顾客满意度来实现营销的目标和组织盈利的目标,建立有积极影响力的商务模式以促进市场环境的发展.  相似文献   

网络营销是以国际互联网络为平台,利用网络交互技术和数字化信息,实现营销目标的市场营销方式。酒店网络营销是酒店依托网络技术和信息,在追求利润最大化的前提下,满足顾客需求的营销过程。互联网已经普及全球,网民人数激增,网购已经成为时尚,越来越多的人(不仅限于年轻人、收入水平高的人、受教育程度高的人)已经熟练掌握网络工具,这为酒店网络营销提供了巨大的潜在顾客对象。酒店利用网络技术开展营销活动,不仅可以减少大量的人力、物力、财力,而且可以直接与客人交流,迅速交易,还能及时收集顾客的网络评价,调整自己的产品和销售方式。因此,酒店网络营销的开展具有极大的市场开拓价值。本文以三亚爱琴海岸康年套房度假酒店的网络营销为例,分析酒店网络营销的现状、不足及对策。  相似文献   

网络营销中顾客让渡价值的最大化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络的普及和人们观念的不断转变,网络经济持续升温,网络营销也应运而生。网络营销的出现和普及在于它在营销中具有许多优势。本文重点讨论了网络营销中的顾客让渡价值,并阐述了网络营销中顾客让渡价值最大化的途径,以期对企业有所裨益。  相似文献   

伴随着互联网技术的飞速发展和人们消费习惯的变化,市场竞争日趋激烈,互联网经济推动着传统行业进行改革和升级。传统的营销手段早已无法满足目前酒店营销的需要,了解网络条件下顾客需求的变化,制定顺应时代潮流的网络营销策略至关重要。作者以x酒店为研究对象,依据酒店网络营销现状提出酒店在现阶段网络营销策略方面存在的问题,并为进一步完善网络营销渠道和改进网络营销手段提出建议。  相似文献   

李宏 《企业活力》2004,(7):26-27
<正> 网络营销促销和传统的营销促销都是让消费者认识、了解、熟悉本企业的产品,最终引导消费者的兴趣,激发他们的购买欲望,并付诸行动。网络营销促销在时间和空间、在信息传播模式上以及顾客参与程度上与传统营销促销相比发生巨大变化。网络营销促销是传统营销促销在网络环境下的继承、发展和创新。网络营销促销的内涵。促销是指企业为了激发顾客的购买欲望,影响他们的消费行为,扩大产品销售而进行的一系列宣传报道、说服、激励、联络等促进性工作。在营销组合中,  相似文献   

Green marketing subsumes greening products as well as greening firms. In addition to manipulating the 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion) of the traditional marketing mix, it requires a careful understanding of public policy processes. This paper focuses primarily on promoting products by employing claims about their environmental attributes or about firms that manufacture and/or sell them. Secondarily, it focuses on product and pricing issues. Drawing on multiple literatures, it examines issues such as what needs to be greened (products, systems or processes), why consumers purchase/do not purchase green products and how firms should think about information disclosure strategies on environmental claims. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

房地产体验营销是伴随着房地产产品逐步细化以及购房者置业心理和情感体验不断成熟而出现的一种更注重挖掘内涵、层次更深、感染力更强的营销模式。它更符合购房消费者的心理需求,与消费者沟通最有力,将成为房地产营销的一种发展趋势。  相似文献   

尹芳  陈可 《城市发展研究》2011,18(3):83-88,124
城市经济发展过程中,随着网络消费迅猛增长,带动的消费需求强劲.在消费增长明显的同时,网络经济消费成为了新的流行趋势.先进的信息和通信技术正将我们带入一个崭新的信息时代.调研结果指出,人们在网络采购的日常开支上并未受到金融危机的影响,反而是网络购物的异军突起也逐渐成为了人们普遍的消费方式.全球范围浮现的是一种信息化、全球...  相似文献   

The green consumer has been the central character in the development of green marketing, as businesses attempt to understand and respond to external pressures to improve their environmental performance. Marketing practitioners and academics are attempting to identify and understand green consumers and their needs, and to develop market offerings that meet these needs. So far there is little consensus about the identity and nature of green consumers, except that they have been something of a disappointment to the marketers who have pursued them. These difficulties perhaps reflect the folly of trying to understand green consumption and green marketing by viewing it as simply a variation on conventional marketing. This article proposes some different ways of looking at green consumption and green marketing, which have the potential to prevent the hunt for the green consumer from deteriorating into a wild goose chase. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Web services exhibit major industrial benefit by their ability to participate in composition processes. Web services composition allows for automated exchange of information among remote processes through the service interface. A well-established end-to-end QoS infrastructure among the involved processes precludes confusion among the developers, vendors and consumers. Most of the research work conducted in this domain has focused on functional QoS requirements such as service response time, delay, cost, etc. This paper elaborates the QoS of web services from the perspective of data freshness and accuracy. Towards this aim, the ‘Region Switching’ (RS) algorithm is introduced in this paper. Within the context of the multiple web services composition scenario, the RS-algorithm allows for accurate identification of the point of information change and the appropriate re-computation over the subset of the pre-established, global service execution plan. Thereafter, a mathematical model is presented to verify the need for re-computation based on certain estimated factors, computed thresholds, and the model design. Such a selective re-computation is worth considering since some services may take a significant amount of time to produce results where a slight change to the information set might not alter the outcome of the service. The proposed concept is implemented by utilising and extending the WS-Notification specification in order to elaborate a middleware that is capable of sensing and routing information change at the level of web services using the publish-subscribe mechanism. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, it highlights the importance of qualifiable QoS aspect related to the issue of web services composition and monitoring. Second, it describes an algorithm capable of capturing and reflecting the state of web services involved in a composition process, thereby achieving higher QoS. Finally, the paper illustrates the use and extension of the WS-Notification concept in building such systems that would deliver up-to-date information to the user through selective re-computation of the web services composition plan.  相似文献   

Targeted advertising can benefit consumers through lower prices for access to web sites. Yet, if consumers dislike that web sites collect their personal information, their welfare may go down. We study competition for consumers between web sites that can show targeted advertisements. We find that more targeting increases competition and reduces the web sites' profits, but yet in equilibrium web sites choose maximum targeting as they cannot credibly commit to low targeting. A privacy protection policy can be beneficial for both consumers and web sites. If consumers are heterogeneous in their concerns for privacy, a policy that allows choice between two levels of privacy will be better. Optimal privacy protection takes into account that the more intense competition on the high‐targeting market segment also benefits consumers on the less competitive segment. Consumer surplus is maximized by allowing them a choice between a high‐targeting regime and a low‐targeting regime which affords more privacy.  相似文献   

郑晖  李莉 《企业经济》2012,(2):85-87
企业的网络化信息管理系统工程随着Internet和WWW技术的不断发展而发展,Web应用日趋广泛。基于Web应用程序开发方法,发展一套方便科学的工具系统越来越引起技术开发人员的高度重视。由于Web应用程序在企业动态网站的交互中具有非常重要的作用,因而建立丰富的Web应用程序,保持数据处于动态之中,使Web应用程序达到最优化,才能更好地适应企业网络化管理的需求,才能使企业更好地立足于现代化发展的进程中。  相似文献   


Developing brand agricultural products (BAPs) has become a strategic choice for consumption upgrading and agricultural modernization in China. As a powerful marketing method, word-of-mouth (WOM) is rarely applied to BAPs. Based on the particularity of the agricultural environment and products in China, this paper focuses on the WOM behavior of consumers regarding BAPs. An agent-based simulation model was designed, including attitude and motivation functions. The former determines consumers’ attitudes toward BAPs, whereas the latter determines whether consumers will spread information by WOM. The model was validated, and some parameters were measured through a survey of Beijing consumers. Then, experiments were conducted to simulate the evolution process of consumers’ attitudes and willingness to engage in WOM and the influence of consumer heterogeneity on WOM spreading. Exploratory findings mainly show that (1) only when the strength of WOM marketing reaches a certain degree can it affect consumer attitudes toward BAPs, (2) in the early stage of WOM spreading, the greater the strength of economic stimulation to consumers, the greater the rate of WOM communication, and (3) the higher the education level of the target group of WOM marketing, the higher the efficiency of WOM communication.


Consumers have only partial knowledge before making a purchase decision, but can acquire more‐detailed information. Marketing makes it easier or harder for these consumers to do so. When consumers are ex ante heterogeneous, the firm might choose an intermediate marketing strategy for two quite different reasons. First, as a nonprice means of discrimination—it can make information only partially available, in a way that induces some, but not all, consumers to acquire the information. Second, when the firm cannot commit to a given investment in ensuring quality, the marketing and pricing strategy can act as a commitment device.  相似文献   

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