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天峻地区草场退化治理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天峻县是环青海湖区八大牧业县之一,也是海西州唯一的纯牧业县.全县总土地面积25723.29平方公里,合3858.49万亩.草地面积2291万亩,占全县总面积的59.38%,有可利用草地1935.2万亩,其中冬春草场757.57万亩,夏秋草场1177.63万亩,牧业人口人均草地1780亩.  相似文献   

陈洁  罗丹 《北方经济》2007,(21):29-35
苏尼特右旗位于内蒙古高原中部,是浑善达克沙地的源头,是我国直接面向京津地区、输沙量最大的风口之一,其生态状况直接影响京津地区。苏右旗总面积3946.4万亩,其中草地面积占98.23%;可利用草场3556.14万亩,占草场总面积的88.89%。该旗草原是典型的荒漠半荒漠草原。上世纪末,受严重干旱气候影响,苏右旗草地生态系统面临崩溃,  相似文献   

阿力腾花 《发展》2011,(12):57-57
党城湾镇总面积2.5万平方公里,有耕地近万亩,林地2040亩,人工草地830.7亩,可利用草场8716平方公里。全镇现辖有2个社区、13个行政村,其中8个牧业村、5个农业村。总户数2739户,人口10041人。  相似文献   

石门县有可开发利用的丘岗地150万亩、山地草场80万亩.几年的实践,使我们感到,开发山地资源应在效益上大做文章.调整结构,适应市场需求.近几年来,我们按照市场需求,集中财力、物力、人力发展高效林业,逐步形成了一种既有近利又有远效的开发机制.根据全县地形、地貌和气候差异,将150多万亩宜林山地划分为南部、中部、北部三个开发区,在各个开发区中,部署了相应的开发项目,建立了15万亩桔检基地,6万亩茶叶基地,2万亩药材基地,5万亩干果基地,20万亩油桐基地;1994年我们还通过开发山地草场,建成马头羊、肉牛、肉兔三大养殖基地.逐步形成了  相似文献   

内蒙古苏尼特右旗草原生态治理与牧区反贫困调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈洁  罗丹 《北方经济》2007,(11):29-35
苏尼特有旗位于内蒙古高原中部,是浑善达克沙地的源头,是我国直接面向京津地区、输沙量最大的风口之一,其生态状况直接影响京津地区。苏右旗总面积3946.4万亩,其中草地面积占98.23%;可利用草场3556.14万亩,占草场总面积的88.89%。该旗草原是典型的荒漠半荒漠草原。上世纪末,受严重干旱气候影响,  相似文献   

草地生态环境的优劣不仅关系到畜牧业能否健康发展,也对经济建设和社会发展产生着深远的影响。黑河的草地在国土资源中占有较大比重,科学地开发利用草地资源,切实保护好草地生态环境,实现草地生态环境的可持续发展,将对黑河市的整个环境建设和经济建设起到推动作用。一、黑河市草地生态环境现状我市草地资源十分丰富,据1983年黑龙江省草原普察资料统计,我市草地总面积为1853.7万亩,可利用草地面积lthe.5万亩。我市地方口径现有天然草地1540万亩,可利用草地面积1360万亩。平均亩产鲜草433公斤,总产54亿公斤,理论载畜量295万个羊…  相似文献   

一、内蒙古草原生态保护与建设进晨情况 (一)草原生态建设稳步推进 围绕草原生态建设,自治区做了大量工作.一是大力开展草原围栏建设.到2009年我区草原围栏面积达4.16亿亩,占可利用草原面积的40%以上;二是大力发展以水为主的配套草库伦.目前,全区配套草库伦达400多万亩;三是大力推广青贮技术.已连续5年开展了青贮专项推进工作,青贮能力达300亿公斤以上;四是大力开展人工草场建设和饲料种植.截至2009年,全区人工草牧场保有面积4543万亩,草场改良保留面积4699万亩,草原飞播保留面积1176万亩.目前,全区年均草原建设的总规模达5000多万亩,占可利用草场的5%.通过加强草原建设,促进建设养畜,减轻了草原生态压力.  相似文献   

金宣寿 《发展》2010,(3):34-35
宁县地处甘肃省庆阳市东南部,全县总人口54万,土地面积374.4万亩,草地面积158万亩(人工草场23万亩),是一个典型的农业大县。同时,也是全省牛羊大县之一,是甘肃省地方名优品种早胜牛的原产地和主产区。近年来,宁县县委、县政府把早胜牛产业作为全县主导产业着力开发,使以早胜牛为主的草食畜牧业得到长足发展,全县牛饲养量达到21.83万头,农民每年人均养牛收入676.8元,牧业收入已逐步成为农民增收致富的重要来源。  相似文献   

乌拉特中旗位于内蒙古自治区西北部,北与蒙古国交界,有184公里国境线和国家一类季节性陆路口岸--甘其毛道口岸.全旗总面积2.27万平方公里,总人口13.88万人,可耕地面积80多万亩,可利用草场面积2800多万亩,是一个以牧为主的农牧结合边境旗.  相似文献   

毫无悬念,夏天如约而至. 这个季节,容易联想到绿茵茵蔓延到天际的草原. 其实重庆也是有草原的.只不过,从地理学上来严格界定,重庆的草原应该叫“草甸”,重庆人自己的惯性称谓,则是“草场”. 重庆的“草甸”,也就是我们所说的高山“草场”,总面积超过3000万亩.与北方草原一望无际的壮美不同,重庆高山“草场”因了地域特点,来得更加婉约.  相似文献   

We investigate the gender employment gap in the expanding non‐subsistence sector of the economy in Mozambique, a country still characterized by a large subsistence agricultural sector. We show evidence that the gender gap has widened over time and we identify two structural factors strongly associated with it. One factor is the still relatively lower level of female human capital, with less attained education, as well as literacy and Portuguese proficiency rates. The lower conditional employment probabilities of married women, as compared with men, is the other factor. These findings point at expanding women´s education and facilitating the access of married women to the emerging labour market as the most effective ways of achieving a more inclusive growth path that does not leave women behind.  相似文献   

Despite almost universal primary education in Indonesia, and increasing female educational participation, gender differences remain in access to Indonesian education. This paper attempts to measure and explain these differences at primary and secondary level in Indonesia's provinces between 1980 and 1985. It examines the relationship between provincial school enrolment ratios for males and females and four factors: school availability, formal sector employment, ‘drop-out’ patterns and marriage patterns. School availability is found to be a strong predictor of enrolment levels, and stronger for females than for males. Relationships between enrolment patterns and the other three factors appear less clear cut.  相似文献   

Hysteresis in unemployment in the Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
J. J. Graafland 《De Economist》1988,136(4):508-523
Summary The Dutch labour market situation in the eighties can be characterized by the hysteresis phenomenon, i. e. a rising natural rate of unemployment as a result of the rise of actual unemployment in the past. It appears that the hysteresis phenomenon is more important in The Netherlands than in France and the United States and as relevant as in Germany and the United Kingdom. Because of the steep rise of unemployment in The Netherlands the natural rate of unemployment may have risen more than in Other European countries. As a consequence, the wage depressing effect of the current high unemployment rate has diminished rapidly.I thank J.C. Siebrand, D.P. Broer and C.B. Mulder for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

侯贺良 《走向世界》2011,(4):48-50,52,55
济南1、悠活2人行D1:趵突泉、泉城广场、船游泉城、五龙潭、曲水亭街、大明湖新区、泉乐坊,品鲁菜风味餐、济南特色小吃,观《明湖曲韵》。  相似文献   

The situation with currency markets in the CIS countries in 2009 was characterized by considerable fluctuations in national currencies against the background of the major problems in the financial sector, economic recession in most countries, slowing inflation in the consumer market, and deflation in prices of manufactured goods.  相似文献   

G. Vissering 《De Economist》1895,44(2):689-726
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

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