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This study investigates the differences between failed and operational businesses from a psychological perspective. The sample included 71 operational and 20 failed business owners from Suva, the capital of Fiji. It was hypothesized that operational business owners more often employ a detailed and long‐term planning strategy, whereas failed business owners more often pursue a reactive strategy, that operational business owners set more specific and more difficult goals, and that they have a higher degree of human capital than failed entrepreneurs. The data were analyzed using discriminant analysis. Results confirmed the hypotheses regarding planning and goal specificity.  相似文献   

为客户提供周到的服务,其实办法很简单:用别人不能效法的方式来为客户服务,甚至通过与客户产生互动效应以达到目的.当客户通过技术手段感知到各公司间的产品差别不大时,就会倾向于他们熟悉的服务和品牌.这里有一个明智的方法:虽然公司的营销技术难以与客户产生直接作用,但运用营销技术的人员却能在两者间建立重要的联系.  相似文献   

丁邦清 《广告大观》2006,(4S):128-128
随着经济的发展,尤其是进入21世纪以后,社会愈发显露出多元化的姿态,人们的生活也愈发呈现个性化的特征,消费者分群特征越来越明显,人以群分,物以类聚,而且越分越细。千篇一律的时代已经过去了,而且一去不复返了。同时,市场也在进行一步分化,马赛克特征越来越强,马赛克也越来越小,大众化的产品也在走分众化的市场。在这样的背景之下,我们的媒体也随之不断裂变,越来越细分,表现出多元化、分众化的趋势.  相似文献   

It is argued here that business firms can and do provide an incubator that enables the Aristotelian category of friendships of advantage to develop into friendships of virtue. This contradicts other literature that views acquaintances of utility as the business norm, and expresses pessimism concerning more advanced virtuous development of friendship within the business firm. It is argued here, however, that this virtuous development is integral to the Kantian social aim of pursuing a moral community, an aim which declares the appropriate moral motivation for business, and that certainly should incorporate a role for developing virtuous relations as a component of that pursuit. An atmosphere that encourages the development of relations of virtue is feasible, exists in real business, and is optimal for pursuit of moral business communities.  相似文献   

<正>放弃PC的IBM,和捡起“鸡肋”的联想,谁拥有更大智慧?对世界而言,联想收购IBM是一个“大惊诧”!大家评论这一交易行为的一方——联想公司时,表面上的最大争论焦点在于,联想是赚了还是赔了。但事实上,真正的利害关系在“IBM丢下的东西,联想是否能捡起来。”  相似文献   

The 102nd China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), one of the major import and export fairs in China offering business people an opportunity to purchase colorful commodities worldwide, concluded successfully on October 30. According to Xu Bing, the Spokes-  相似文献   

易华 《电子商务》2005,(1):26-28
<正>在甲骨文将仁科收入囊中之后,软件业的并购风潮或许将更为猛烈恰如一部已经不再吸引观众的肥皂剧终于到了大结局,观众都不由得“吁”了口气。甲骨文收购仁科的马拉松战役已经持续了一年多的时间,在此期间,这一事件引发了层出不穷的新闻报道和众说纷纭的业界评论,是一个众人关注的“大热闹”。而美国东部时间12月13日,这出被称为“IT业肥皂剧”的收购闹剧  相似文献   

It is the second time for Chengdu Sacred Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd to take part in the China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT). The company mainly produces energy saving products-high-power energysaving lamps. During this exhibition, they start their business with businessmen from 11 countries including Italy and Austria. The total number of turnover intention has already reached about 30 million yuan. And this year's CIFIT comes to its 13th session, and last for four days, from September 8 to September 11, 2009 in Xiamen, Fujian, China.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的今天,以市场扩张为基础的经济活动对投资促进提出了更高的要求。从长远来看,投资促进也算得上是一个新行业,在80年代到90年代,随着全球经济的不断开放,随着外商直接投资在世界各地的显著增长,投资促进业迅速崛起。联合国贸易与发展委员会的一项调查表明,在1999年的投资促进机构中,有70%都是在前十年的时间里建立起来的。  相似文献   

Cooperation between China's affluent east and the relatively bleak and backward west has begun to bear economic fruit. Statistice available show that the economic growth rate disparity between the westem region and the rest of China hasdropped to 0.6 percentage points in 2002 from 1.5 percentage points in 1999 when the country initiated the westerndevelopment strategy.  相似文献   

谢璞 《21世纪商业评论》2011,(7):57-62,56,13
马云认为转移支付宝是“箭在弦上,不得不发”,反之则会因无法第一时间获得第三方支付的业务许可错失市场机会,遭遇“灭项之灾”。不妨暂缓纠缠于股权转移,转而冷静分析,支付宝的竞争优势是否如马云所述般脆弱?  相似文献   

Syria Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah al-Dardari headed a professional delegation to China and the First Meeting of the Syria- China Joint Business was held with the attendance of the Deputy Prime Minister at the main hall of CCPIT(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)this July.Mr.Mon Couja,Managing Director of PracTech Co.in Syria and also a member of Board of Directors of the Syrian-Chinese Businessmen Council on Syrian side,was among the delegation.During this Meeting,Syrian-Chinese Businessmen Council of both sides worked together to yield a closer ties between each other,Mr.Mon Couja was one of them. Mr.Couja wrote those words in his e-mail,"I thank you,China's Foreign Trade,for this opportunity to communicate with our friends,the Chinese people. Kindly don't hesitate to contact me for any further cooperation."We can sum- mary it in three keywords:Opportunity,Friendship and Cooperation. Yes,China and Syria,the two friends,with the efforts from both sides,will continuously seek more opportunities and cooperation in the coming days. By Editor  相似文献   

Top agricultural exporter Argentina signed a raft of mostly farm-related agreements with China on June 25 at a ceremony in Buenos Aires attended by visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and his Argentine counterpart Cristina Kirchner.  相似文献   

Mr.Lim Sit Chen,the Chairman of Board of Investment (BOI)in Mauritius,as a distinguished guest came to China ac- companying the Prime Minister of Mauritius,H.E. Dr.Navin- chandra Ramgoolam's visiting in this July.On the China- Mauritius Investment Promotion Seminar,excellent speech he delivered,charm of manner he was and great efforts to pro- mote the economic,trade and finance relations between China and Mauritius he had made,swept the audience off their feet. Besides Chairman of BOI,Mr.Lim owns many other titles under his name,such as Managing Director of Stewardship Consulting Pte Ltd in Singapore and President of Spirit of En- terprise in Mauritius. What's more, he has an international working experience and education background in Mauritius, Singapore and America. Recently,China's Foreign Trade had a written interview with Mr.Lim Sit Chen when he was on a business trip in Singa- pore.The following are the views he shared with us. By Editor  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss mHealth apps and their potential to influence the user’s behaviour in increasingly persuasive ways. More specifically, we call attention to the fact that mHealth apps often seek to not only influence the health behaviour of users but also their economic behaviour by merging health and commercial content in ways that are hard to detect. We argue that (1) such merging of health and commercial content raises specific questions concerning the autonomy of mHealth app users, and (2) consumer law offers a promising legal lens to address questions concerning user protection in this context. Based on an empirically informed ethical analysis of autonomy, we develop a fine-grained framework that incorporates three different requirements for autonomy that we call “independence,” “authenticity,” and “options.” This framework also differentiates between three different stages of mHealth app use, namely installing, starting to use, and continuing to use an app. As a result, user autonomy can be analysed in a nuanced and precise manner. Since the concept of autonomy plays a prominent, yet poorly understood role in unfair commercial practice law, we utilize the ethical analysis of autonomy to guide our legal analysis of the proper application of unfair commercial practice law in the mHealth app domain.  相似文献   

The U.S. government has ended all pending decisions to impose quotas on Chinese textile imports and let go part of the goods blocked at the port, said the official website of the Mthistry of Commerce (MOFCOM),  相似文献   

To turn desert into oasis is the top priority of the water-poor Israel.The country has made miraculous achievements in turning arid land into fertile agricultural farmland.Now Israel hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in  相似文献   

<正>To turn desert into oasis is the top priority of the water-poor Israel.The country has made miraculous achievements in turning arid land into fertile agricul...  相似文献   

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