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王鹤鸣 《中国海关》2011,(12):86-87
2011年1—7月,中国箱包加工贸易出口合同额增长有所放缓,除2月、6月实现同比增长外,其余各月同比均为负增长。其中,4月加工贸易签单额创下最低值。当月出口订单仅为1.21亿美元,比去年同期下降了60.51%。6月创下7个月来的最高值,实现了2.18亿美元的合同签约量,同比增长14.58%。  相似文献   

Briefly about the Czech Republic Since time immemorial, the Czech lands have been the crossroads of European cultures. The cultural character of Czech cities, villages and spa towns has always been a source of inspiration to visitors and guests, who come here from all comers of the world. The Czech Republic,the youngest in the family of European countries, was born in 1993 when the Czechoslovak Federal Republic split into two independent states.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(9-10):1005-1020
The public relations of the UK general election of 2005 is examined in the light of the active promotional culture of British politics, a culture that is especially active at election time. The PR or 'spin' can be seen as a presentational trellis offering to voters, mostly via the media, glimpses of policies and politicians which are favourable to the originating party. The purpose of the trellis for the parties is to maximise their electoral advantage and to minimise their disadvantage. The major obstacle to their success is the capacity of the media to brush aside the trellis and to report on the 'other side'. Whatever the benefits and costs for democracy of this tension between partisan presentation and journalism, there is little evidence that voter disengagement with electoral politics is caused by these public relations shows. Political PR is part of the UK's promotional culture; voter disengagement relates to other systemic and more causal features of contemporary British society. A small purposive (but unrepresentative) survey of campaign observers showed key features of political PR servicing the fundamentals of party, policy and personality.  相似文献   

吴清华 《广告大观》2008,(8):126-127
互联网时代,QQ、MSN上一串串的朋友名单,一个个跳动的头像告诉我们“孤独的人是可耻的”。走进网吧,几乎每个上网的人都开着一个IM窗口,与朋友聊天。当然,他们同时也可能是在玩游戏,或搜索所需内容。在办公室,在编辑Excel文件的同时,有时也不忘聊上几句。即便是朋友们处于离线或者忙碌状态,你同样不会孤独,  相似文献   

Global expansion of business into areas defined by different cultural and national environments creates the need for companies to better understand the impact of culture on business operations. Of particular importance is the role country of residence plays. Researchers argue that many cultural differences are malleable, capable of shifting to fit the corporate culture of an organization. However, additional research aimed at identifying different countries’ cultural values is needed. This paper presents the results of a multi-national survey of business students identifying differences in cultural perceptions of ethical behaviors. Differences in personal versus social decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

Korea In Brief Land The Korea peninsula extends southward from the eastern end of the Asian continent. The Korean peninsula is roughly 1,020 km (612 miles) long and 175 km (105 miles) wide at its narrowest point. Mountains cover 70% of the Korea's land mass, making it one of the most  相似文献   

从马克思主义经济学来看,“现代企业制度”未能从中国自发生成的深层原因主要有三:一是单一小农经济结构与劳动分工协作发展的滞缓;二是封建专制制度与经济社会生活自由度的低下:三是产权尤其是劳动力所有权在观念和制度保障上的缺失。  相似文献   

Executive Summary This study advances and tests determinants of entry strategies of U.S. companies to Eastern Europe, as well as factors that determine the satisfaction of these companies with their economic performance in this area. Using survey data and a multivariable research design, the study adds new knowledge and supports previous findings. It reports that the entry mode of U.S. companies into these countries is determined by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: market potential, company activity, level of competition, and year of market entry. It also reports that the satis‐faction of U.S. companies doing business in these countries is decided by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: economic‐performance outlook, level of competition, number of competitors, market potential, year of entry, and business activity. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A member of the Institute of Economics of the Czech National Bank reflects on what the developing Czech capital market has to learn, and how it can best protect investors. The views expressed in this paper are those of its author, Dr Dedek, and do not necessarily represent those of the Czech National Bank. This research has been sponsored by a grant awarded under the ACE Programme of the European Community. The paper has benefited from interviews with Professor Colin Mayer and other members of the Economics Department of the University of Warwick.  相似文献   


Wal-Mart isn't the only large retailer facing new obstacles to their operational policies and expansion plans, and the United States (U.S.) isn't the only country where resistance is growing to big chain store operations. Some consumers, unions, special interest groups, and governmental entities are erecting roadblocks for a number of large retailers in the U.S., China, Japan, and Germany. They're busily attacking retail brands using consumer images and perceptions of large stores as a fulcrum to portray the retailing whale as a shark. Some competitors even go so far as to say the problem isn't that the big stores want some of their business, the problem is that they want allof it.  相似文献   

Guilt often accompanies and discourages self-indulgent, nonessential consumption. We show that gift-with-purchase promotions designed with careful attention to the nature of the gift and its intended user can reduce guilt by counterbalancing the self-indulgence or creating a favorable comparison with another’s consumption. We find that gift-with-purchase promotions diminish guilt when (a) the gift is guilt-neutral (e.g., practical or necessary) and intended for use by the purchaser or when (b) the gift is guilt-inducing (e.g., hedonic or self-indulgent) and intended to be enjoyed by someone else.  相似文献   

CCPIT is a professional promotion in international business exchange.We draw this conclusion not only because of its vast geography coverage by 16 overseas representative offices,50 provincial sub-councils and over 600 county-level branches, but also for its industry coverage. From 1988, when the first 5 industrial sub-councils claimed their establishment at the Great Hall of the People, now it has come to the 20 years anniversary for industrial sub-councils this year. Since then to now, 22 industrial sub-councils have been established in CCPIT system, covering every main sector in China. Through the past 20 years, industrial sub-councils have grown from a seed to a big tree.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):932-954
This is a case study of Vlisco, a Dutch textile printing company since 1846 that produces batik cloth for the West African consumer market. We focus on the changing status of batik cloth in West Africa and related shifts in the relations of Vlisco with its consumers and local trade partners over a period of almost two centuries. We conclude that in the long run, globalisation does not necessarily result in the transformation of authentic and locally conceived products into empty mass products, and even if it does, in time the process can change direction.  相似文献   

CCPIT is a professional promo- tion in international business exchange.We draw this con- clusion not only because of its vast geography coverage by 16 overseas representative offices,50 provincial  相似文献   

Relations between and changeability of goal orientation and learning behavior have been studied in several domains and contexts. To alter the adopted goal orientation into a mastery orientation and increase a concomitant deep learning in international business students, a sustainable feedback intervention study was carried out. Sustainable feedback implies acknowledgment of students’ need to be actively involved in their own feedback process. First, relations between and changeability of the concepts found in previous research were validated. Second, the effects of the sustainable feedback intervention were analyzed. Although sustainable feedback helped mastery-oriented learners maintain deep learning, it did not directly influence their goal orientations.  相似文献   

International trade between Germany and the young reform states in Central and Eastern Europe is growing rapidly. Germany is the most important trading partner for nearly all of the Central and Eastern European countries. Nevertheless, there are relatively few empirical studies concerning purchasing activities of western manufacturers in Central and Eastern Europe. Especially the characteristics of successful relationships between Central and Eastern suppliers and their western customers have not been addressed. This paper presents results of a survey carried out in the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine and Germany. The research reported, contributes towards answering the following research questions. (1) What are the reasons for establishing Eastern-Western supplier-customer relationships? (2) What are the characteristics of German customers buying in Central and Eastern Europe? (3) Which attributes are prominent by Eastern suppliers? (4) What are the ingredients of a successful supplier-customer relationship?The survey showed that many successful relationships between German manufacturers and Central European suppliers have been established. The importance of these relationships for both suppliers and customers is shown by the average share of materials by value bought in Central and Eastern Europe, the high specificity of the purchased materials, the types of contracts employed, and the extent of support activities. Furthermore, the study has identified the requirements and numerous attributes of successful Eastern-Western supplier-customer relationships.  相似文献   

We analyse the consequences on agricultural markets of enlargement of the European Union (EU) to include the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. We produce a market outlook up to 2010 for two enlargement scenarios assuming different policy restrictions on grain and dairy production in the acceding countries. Accession of the three Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) leads to a permanent but moderate decrease in EU prices for most commodities. In the three acceding CEECs, domestic prices increase drastically, final consumption of agricultural products decreases in most instances, while production increases. Higher domestic prices in the CEECs reduce exports of most commodities to non‐union countries. Consequently, excess supplies are placed in stocks or exported to the original 15 member countries. Supply management mechanisms in the dairy and grain sectors would reduce the build‐up of surpluses in the new member states, but limit their ability to take advantage of the expanded market. Accession of the three CEECs would increase the CAP budget over its proposed maximum if area payments are extended to incoming crop producers.  相似文献   

从地缘经济学看东盟经济一体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东盟宪幸的签订确定了东盟共同体的具体安排,其中包括了2015年建成东盟经济共同体的目标.本文通过主要介绍地缘经济学的产生、内涵,并通过其对东盟经济一体化进行分析.了解东盟经济一体化建设面临的障碍,并从提出相关对策.  相似文献   

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