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In order to offset the negative impact of the global economic environment on China, flexible and cautious macroeconomic policy are needed to respond to complex and variable situations. China is to adopt a proactive financial policy and an appropriately relaxed currency policy, and to unveil stronger measures to expand domestic demand. The construction of infrastructure and projects closely linked to people's livelihood, ecological environmental construction projects and post-disaster reconstruction projects will speed up this year. Raising the income level of rural and urban residents, particularly that of the low income groups is a vital task of the year. Series measures carried out recently are all aiming at stimulating China's stable and rapid economic growth.  相似文献   

This study examines how dependence asymmetry and joint dependence affect the performance of less-powerful organizations in alliances in China’s emerging market. Based on a sample of 1,127 strategic alliances between Chinese publicly listed firms, the authors found that, unlike the conventional wisdom that the dependence-advantageous firms are typically the winners in western economies, the dependence-disadvantageous firms actually benefit from asymmetric alliances in China’s sociocultural and business environment. This positive impact is further channeled by high joint dependence. In addition, partnering with firms in unrelated business areas is beneficial for the disadvantaged organizations. This research extends the interdependence mechanisms to a different sociocultural context and contributes to the literature by examining it as a condition for value creation versus value appropriation  相似文献   

蜂飞扬,传播"金蜜蜂"精神、分享最佳实践、倡导跨界合作、实现共享价值;梦飞扬,大国崛起梦、可持续发展梦、美丽中国梦。让我们期待,责任让梦想成真,共筑中国梦!2013年6月5日,第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛暨"2012金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜"发布典礼举行。一年一度的盛会,聚集了中国企业社会责任领域内的政府、企业、研究、咨询机构代表以及媒体伙伴的参与,堪称是中国企业社会责任同仁们最全面、最广泛的一次盛会。在论坛上,11家"金蜜蜂2020"社会责任倡议标杆企业代表手拉手欢迎新成员加入,代表中国追求可持续发展的"金蜜蜂2020"企  相似文献   

饶文瀚 《广告大观》2007,(1S):51-51
近五年来,中国户外广告来以高于20%的年增长率快速发展,2005年行业营业额近200亿元。这一现实给予了人们巨大的想象空间,引起了资本市场的高度关注。在传媒业,也只有互联网才能与户外广告业分享这种高速增长的机会和风险资本垂青的荣耀。  相似文献   

As negotiation is critical to all forms of organizational decision-making, researchers have shown an interest in understanding how the flow of information (valid and otherwise) influences this process. Often, competitive, questionable, and unethical tactics have been treated as interchangeable in these studies, despite presumed differences in appropriateness. The purpose of this study was to examine the similarities and differences in negotiators’ use and efficacy of appropriate competitive tactics (e.g., exaggerated offers) versus inappropriate competitive tactics (e.g., factual misrepresentations), primarily through a negotiation simulation. The study found that although these two categories of tactics were correlated in terms of overall use, appropriate competitive behaviors were used more frequently, especially early in negotiations, and these behaviors often resulted in comparable responses from counterparts. While ultimately increasing the likelihood of a negotiation impasse, the use of appropriate competitive tactics improved an individual’s substantive outcome where agreements could be reached. Inappropriate competitive tactics were likely to increase in number the sooner they were first employed in negotiations, with a response of inappropriate competitive tactics to the first use of competitive tactics increasing the likelihood of subsequent use of inappropriate tactics. The implications of these and other findings for both practitioners and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

TheLuoyangCopperProcessingFactoryofHenanProvince,astheonlyChinesecompanytowinthebidtoprovidematerialsforEurocoins,signedalong-termsupplycontractwiththeEuropeanclientslastyear,withannualsupplyofover10,000tons.ThematerialformakingEurocoinsisamultiplecopperalloy,withverystrictrequirementsonthecontentofmajorelements.Thefactoryhasworkedtosolvefivedifficultiesintechniques,andthroughvarioustests,produced50tonsoftrialproducts.AfterstrictexaminationsbytheEUcIients,aIItheperformancesoftheirproduct…  相似文献   

First of all,I want to say that I have been living in China three years and a half and in September when it will be my fourth year,I will go back to my country,Spain.In this time,I have learnt some things about China and everything I have learnt has been by trying to understand  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1987,30(4):25-28
Chinese institutions have enduring legacies that affect today's business environment. The author looks at the impacts of the China-first syndrome, the group connection, the noncompetitive ethic, and the control imperative.  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is astate policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present,the Bank has seven business branches,six domestic representative offices andtwo overseas representative offices - onefor Southern & Eastern Africa and the other in Paris Rep. Office. It has established and maintained correspondent relationship with 140 foreign banks worldwide.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的投资活动异常活跃,与此同时一些企业滥用财政公用资金,出现重复投资过多的严重现象。究其原因,有企业的也有体制和财政信贷的原因,使有限的资金没有得到合理利用.我国如果不对公共财产作出明确限制,那么公共财产的配置只能是低效率配置,重复投资的悲剧也只会愈演愈烈。为制止重复投资继续蔓延,改革当前我国投资体制势在必行。  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic representative offices and two overseas representative of- rices - one for Southern & Eastern Africa and the other in Paris Rep. Office. It has established and maintained cor- respondent relationship with 140 foreign banks worldwide.  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic representative offices and two overseas representative offices - one for Southern & Eastern Africa and the other in Paris Rep. Office. It has established and maintained correspondent relationship with 140 foreign banks worldwide.  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central gover-nment, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic representative offices and two overseas representative offices - one for Southern & Eastern Africa and the other in Paris Rep. Office. It has established and maintained cor- respondent relationship with 140 foreign banks worldwide.  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic representative offices and two overseas representative of- rices - one for Southern & Eastern Africa and the other in Paris Rep. Office. It has established and maintained correspondent relationship with 140 foreign banks worldwide.  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic representative offices and two overseas representative offices-one for Southern & Eastern Africa and the other in Paris Rep. Office. It has established and maintained correspondent relationship with 140 foreign banks worldwide.  相似文献   

The organizers of the largest leading exhibition for the food, beverage and hospitality industries are proud and excited to present the 1 lth edition of SIAL China that will take place at Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre from May 19-21, 2010.  相似文献   

ByQianYouweistaffEditorAnopportunityalwayscoexistswithachallenge.AndtheadoptionofasinglecurrencybythememberstatesoftheEuropeanUnion(EU)willcertainlyraisethecompetitivenessoftheirenterprises.FiercecompetitionwilloccurnotonlyinEurope,butontheinternationalmarketaswell,particularlyinthefinancialfield.TwodaysaftertheEUdeclaredthelaunchoftheEurofromJanuary1,1999,China'sForeignMinistryspokesmansaidatapressconference,'ChinathinksthattheadoptionoftheEurowillforcefullypushforwardEurope'sintegrat…  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Im-port Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic representative offices and two overseas representative ofrices - one for Southern & Eastern Africa and the other in Paris Rep. Office.  相似文献   

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