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Since opening to the outside world, China has paid close attention to the protection of the intellectual property by legislative means. The administrations of industry and commerce and the people's courts at all levels have handled a lot of trademark infringement cases.effectivelv protecting the exclusive right of foreign registered trademarks in China. In this issue we select some cases to let our readers know how foreign registered trademarks have been protected in China.  相似文献   

The problem of overcapacity has been plaguing China for years. Many economists claim that China's double-edged economic system of foreign trade and investment has resulted in a lack of consumption. It is estimated that approximately 35% of GDP depends solely on exports, some of which has naturally turned into excessive capacity due to the recent lack of external demand from western markets. Repeated build up in certain industries, which the government has failed to restrain, has resulted in prevailing overcapacity, and has also indirectly triggered the flood of anti-dumping cases against Chinese enterprises in recent years.  相似文献   

Due to its low price and superior quality,the words "Made in China" have been built up in global market for many years and have earned a good reputation from customers both at home and abroad.  相似文献   

As the sixth largest economic country and the third largest trading country in the world, China's rapid development inevitably influences all aspects of the world economy. Since the East Asian countries are adjacent to China, they are also affected by the transition and global change brought by the rise of China. In East Asia,both new industrialized countries and some of ASEAN countries have been seeking export-oriented industrialization earlier than China. Recently China has been catching up with these countries at a surprisingly rapid speed. Similar to the mode of Japanese economic development in the 1980s, China has been regarded as another important motive force for promoting economic transition in East Asia following Japan.  相似文献   

China has cemented its position as one of the central pillars of global trade by exporting staggering quantities of manufacturer goods,and is arguably now second to none as the economic hub of Asia. According to the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing(CFLP), China's logistics industry revenue grew 20% in 2002,27% in 2003,30% in 2004 and 33% in 2005.Rampant growth in logistics revenue points to an indus- try in good health. When we check what does"logistics"mean in Wikipedia,this free ency- clopedia online bumps out this definition:"Logistics is the art and science of managing and controlling the flow of goods,energy,information and other re- sources like products,services,and people,from the source of production to the marketplace,"Yes,logistics is an art,through which rhythm comes from,while logistics is a science,by which efficiency lies in. As the Beijing Olympics is approaching,transportation and logistics as a closely related industry has raised more and more attention.China has also at- tached an ever-greatest importance to this industry.Let's see how this large country is dancing into the year of 2008 to the rhythm of the whole world. By Editor  相似文献   

As the sixth largest economic country and the third largest trading country in the world, China‘s rapid development inevitably influences all aspects of the world economy. Since the East Asian countries are adjacent to China, they are also affected by the transition and global change brought by the rise of China. In East Asia,both new industrialized countries and some of ASEAN countries have been seeking export-oriented industrialization earlier than China. Recently China has been catching up with these countries at a surprisingly rapid speed. Similar to the mode of Japanese economic development in the 1980s, China has been regarded as another important motive force for promoting economic transition in East Asia following Japan.……  相似文献   

In recent years, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe has witnessed a rapid growth and is showing a more and more remarkable tendency of market integration, this is why the Chinese market and west-em European countries are being comprehensively opened to one another. Portugal, at the western point of Europe which has a territory of 92152 sq. meters and a population of 10.54 million, is ready to accelerate its integration into the Chinese market. In 2005, according to Chinese statistics provided by the Custom's Office, the bilateral trade between China and Portugal was only US$1.236 billion. When interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in November, H.E. Mr. Rui Quartin-Santos, Ambassador of Portugal in China stressed: "Among the countries in Europe, Portugal has one of the longest historical relations with China. China is regarded as a top priority market for Portugal and the Portuguese business community." His comments are as follows: By Editor  相似文献   

As a fast-rising country, the state of energy consumption in China is significantly different from that in the developed .world, which has been using electricity of a relatively stable quantity for years. In China, however, the ever-hungry electricity demand requires at least 7% annual increase to meet the need of ballooning GDR According to the Annual Report on China's Energy Development (2009), up till the end of 2008 the total installed capacity of electricity has reached 790 million kW, including nearly 100 million kW newly developed in 2008 and a similar increment in 2007. Take Japan as an example, one of the TOP 10 electricity consumers in the world, with around 200 million of installed capacity. It seems that in mere two years China has built so many power plants that are enough to serve the entire Japan.  相似文献   

Ashortage of coal and coal mines has accelerated the resource crisis in China. compounded by the heavy snow in the southern regions that hit just before the Chinese traditional Spring Festival period.The uncertainty of coal supplies from China,Australia and South Africa has resulted in a sharp price increase in the Asian coal market.How to solve the coal problem not only during this time of crisis but also in the long-term has raised the level of concern in this newly affected nation. Some new and alternative resources have been considered as substitutes,such as coalbed methane.China's Foreign Trade interviewed the Vice-President and Senior Engineer of China United Coalbed Methane Co.,Ltd.,Mr.Lin Jianhao,to discuss this topic in detail.  相似文献   

The economic relation between China and EU has the great significance to each party as well as to the world. As the great political and economic powers in the today's world, China and EU have the urgent motivations to promote the economic cooperation between them at the global times. The economic relation between China and Europe, including the trade and economic cooperation and investment between China and Europe, has been developing greatly since 1975. The bilateral trade volume has increased rapidly, ahnost being doubled in 3 years since 2000. The bilateral trade volume arrived at US$356.2 billion in 2007. In 2007, China's import from EU was US$111 billion, which increases by 22% comparing with that in 2006, and exportation to EU is US$245 billion, which increases by 29%.  相似文献   

In recent years, trade between Mexico and China has grown dynamically with an average annual growth of 36.7%. Mexico and China are bothmajor world economies and China is the second largest trading partner of Mexico. Our two countries have been committed to deepening strategic partnership, cementing the basis for cooperation in all areas with fruitful outcome achicvcd.  相似文献   

When we saw the amount of foreign capital currently being invested in China's real estate market, we realized that much like its foreign counterparts, China has been very active overseas as well. With encouragement from the "walking out" strategy, more and more Chinese investors have begun to focus on overseas real estate developments. There have been a variety of investments.  相似文献   

In recent years, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe has witnessed a rapid growth and is showing a more and more remarkable tendency of market integration, this is why the Chinese market and western European countries are being comprehensively opened to one another. Portugal, at the western point of Europe which has a territory of 92152 sq. meters and a population of 10.54 million, is ready to accelerate its integration into the Chinese market. In 2005, according to Chinese statistics provided by the Custom Office, the bilateral trade between China and Portugal was only US$1.236 billion. When interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in November, H.E. Mr. Rui Quartin-Santos, Ambassador of Portugal in China stressed: "Among the countries in Europe, Portugal has one of the longest historical relations with China. China is regarded as a top priority market for Portugal and the Portuguese business community." His comments are as follows. By Editor  相似文献   

Since the normalization of the dip- lomatic ties between China and Japan,the bilateral economic rela- tions have deepened continually.Ac- cording to the statistic of Japan,China passed U.S.to become Japan's top trade partner as well as is the second largest export market for Japan and is the largest import resource for Japan. Japan companies such as Mitsui,Sumi- tomo,Sony and Panasonic,have set the subsidiaries in China and explored their scales.This year 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the China- Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship. From May 1 to May 11,President Hu Jintao paid the"Warm Spring"trip to Ja- pan successfully.China's Foreign Trade invited Mr.Shizuo Takashino,Executive Vice President of Sony Group,Chair- man of Sony China,to comment Presi- dent Hu's visit and the development of Japan companies in China.  相似文献   

The year 2009 is of great historic significance for China which marks the 60th anniversary of this newly emerging nation. Over the past six decades, China's economy has been invariably experiencing reform and revitalization all along its road to prosperity and power. At this crucial moment, it is extremely meaningful to look back on what we have already achieved in the past and decide what we must do in the future.  相似文献   

China and Pakistan are good neighbors and time-honored friends. During the past 56 years of diplomatic relations, both sides have developed a special friendship which enjoys the fame of "All Weather Friendship". At the invitation of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz paid an official visit to China in April, and attended the 2007 Annual Conference of Boao Forum. During his visit, the Prime Minister contacted Chinese government leaders. Both sides have reached a common understanding of promoting the China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperative Partnership to a new stage, especially on the following issues: 1. Actively implementing China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement(FTA) and China-Pakistan Economic and Trade Cooperation 5-year Development Program, encourage the mutual investment, adjust the trade structure, and promote the fast and healthy economic development of both sides. 2. Expand the people's communication and exchange, enhance the mutual understanding, and consolidate the traditional friendship. 3. Tighten the communication and cooperation in multi-lateral affairs, and strengthen the stability and development of the South Asia. For a long term, as a famous financial expert and banker, Shaukat Aziz has been dedicated to the financial development. Now, as a Prime Minister, he has made tremendous contributions in promoting the Pakistan-China economic and trade cooperation. The following is a written interview with Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz.  相似文献   

After the phasal cease of the financial crisis, from the latter half of 2009 and on, the international hot money has been trying to make a comeback and has .once again viewed China as its object. Many have chosen Hong Kong as the path into China. In the third quarter of 2009, the hot money which uses Hong Kong as its gateway to flow into mainland China has forced the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to inject capital into the market.  相似文献   

Trade cooperation between Belarus and China: does distance matter?
The diplomatic relations between BeIarus and China have been developing stably and successfully ever since the moment of their establishing (January 1992). The leaders of the two states have always treated these relations with great attention, responsibility, and care. The relationship has been boosted as a result of the visit of President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to China in December 2005, during which Alexander Lukashenko and President of China Hu Jintao signed a joint declaration. In that document,  相似文献   

Bulgaria, one of the earliest countries to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1949, joined the European Union(EU) on January 1, 2007. This event has great significance in boosting bilateral reations between Bulgaria and China.In March,China's Foreign Trade interviewed H.E.Mr.Angel Orbetsov,Ambassador of Bulgaria.“Let me emphasize that the Republic of Bulgaria and the People's Republic of China enjoy traditional relations, wich have been thiving logn before our accession to the European Union.”Angel Orbetsov said. The follows are his comments.  相似文献   

"In the last Winter Davos, when it was the most pessimistic period for the economy in North America and West Europe, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao declared China's economic growth this year was targeted at 8 percent. That firm tone encouraged the whole world. And 8 months have been past, and we just see that China is exactly on the track to achieve this goal. We have confidence in China's economy. No doubtedly." Jeremy Jurgens, Senior Director at the World Economic Forum and Head of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions and Community of Global Growth Companies expressed so in a World Economic Forum press conference in Beijing, September 3.  相似文献   

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