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世贸组织《服务贸易总协定》及其附件初步确立了金融服务市场准入的规则体系,构建了实现金融服务贸易逐步自由化的法律框架。然而,这一规则体系远非完善和成熟,世贸组织金融服务市场准入规则的实施与完善还面临着诸多问题。正确分析和认识这些问题,是未来进一步构造金融服务市场准入规则体系的重要步骤。  相似文献   

世贸组织与国际多边环境协议的潜在冲突及解决方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保护全球环境,国际社会通过合作方式缔结了有关的国际公约,并制定了环境保护规范与政策,以解决日益严重的全球性环境问题。而这些规范与政策的实施可能与世贸组织的自由贸易原则存在潜在的冲突,从而引发贸易与环境平衡发展的争议。如果这种潜在冲突持续存在下去,不仅严重损害两者的有效运作,而且可能对国际环境法的发展产生负面影响。倘若这种潜在冲突得以有效妥善解决,将会带来双赢的结局,本文就这一问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

我国对视听服务的管理实行严格的市场准入制度。但是我国面临着进一步扩大市场准入的巨大压力。尽管WTO新一轮视听服务贸易自由化谈判停滞不前,不过数字技术的迅猛发展将在一定程度上使得视听服务贸易自由化成为现实。  相似文献   

论多边环境协定与世贸组织规则的冲突与协调   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多边环境协定与世贸组织规则的关系问题在近年的争论中获得了新进展。多边环境协定中的某些贸易限制条款确实与世贸组织规则发生冲突,如何协调和解决目前仍然悬而未决。无论世贸组织成员及其贸易部长还是各国学者都对该问题极为关注,并提出协调两者关系和解决两者间冲突的种种建议,试图保持多边环境协定缔约国和世贸组织成员在多边环境体制与多边贸易体制之间的利益平衡。  相似文献   

杨波 《财贸研究》2012,(5):33-37
基于中国经济社会处于转型期的背景,运用不完全信息漂绿博弈模型,讨论绿色消费品市场中信任对交易和规制政策效果的影响,发现信任的高低对漂绿现象出现的概率大小和漂绿治理政策的效果起到了关键作用。应通过参与和透明的方式,提高消费者对绿色产品的信任度、消费者和生产者对绿色产品相关规制政策的信任度,最终达到增强漂绿治理政策效果。  相似文献   

《关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解》(DSU)对第21.5条和第22条在程序适用上孰先孰后缺乏明确规定,且两条款项下的程序时限还存在冲突。WTO首例涉及"适用顺序"问题的案件通过将第21.5条程序并入第22条程序的"妥协"模式解决这一多边问题,但此案之后,包括中国在内的40多起案件的争端方,则在争端解决过程中通过达成适用于个案的双边协议模式解决,本文通过梳理总结已有的WTO争端解决实践对如何从根本上解决DSU适用顺序问题提出建议。  相似文献   

田默 《广告大观》2005,(10):66-71
第一届全国运动会 筹备委员会成立时间:1965年1月9日  相似文献   

This paper constitutes the first comprehensive attempt to define and assess entrepreneurship as an industry, and it is the only study to date to empirically evaluate the extent to which the entrepreneurship industry (EI) is associated with entrepreneurial actions and outcomes. EI is defined as the goods and services explicitly intended for opportunity discovery and development by current and prospective entrepreneurs, an industry with $13 billion in annual revenue. In order to assess EI's influence, we employ a matched set comparison of EI consumers and nonconsumers, which reveals that high levels of EI consumption are associated with an increase in entrepreneurial activity but a decrease in performance and survival prospects. The findings address material gaps in existing frameworks by adding EI to the entrepreneurial contexts that exert a potent influence on the identification, development, and exploitation of opportunities.  相似文献   

服务市场的开放与服务品牌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对服务市场的开放和竞争,我国服务业要加紧建立和发展自己的品牌。 本文阐述了服务品牌的概念、服务品牌在现代服务业的商务活动中的作用、以及服 务品牌的建立和发展所涉及的8种策略。  相似文献   

加入WTO与中国物流市场   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文认为,中国加入WTO以后,国际跨国企业进入中国巨大的物流市场对我们既是一种压力,也有利于中国物流市场的加速形成和规范发展.现代物流是国民经济的支柱产业和新的经济增长点,是流通业的物质基础,是企业的第三利润源泉.但是中国现代物流的发展还存在许多制约因素,其一是体制性障碍;其二是粗放经营方式;其三是认识滞后,缺乏物流人才.只要能解决这些问题,上下一心,高度重视,政策得当,中国物流产业完全可以在新世纪实现跨越式发展.  相似文献   

根据多蒙德尔-弗朗霍夫物资管理研(Dortmunder Fraunhofer Instituts)的最新研究表明:仅德国物流市场,每年的营业额就达1250亿欧元.可见,全球物流业将有多么巨大的市场潜力.在过去50年间,物流市场的地位越来越重要.与此同时,物流业也经历着不断的变革,尤其在仓储、运输、采购,甚至整个物流过程的管理方面,都在不断革新.其结果是:一套以完整全面、定向流程、市场导向和以时间管理为基本原理的物流理念脱颖而出.欧洲专家认为,中国的海尔冰箱能快捷地运抵欧洲市场便是一个明证.  相似文献   

本文沿着"财政制度一增进公共秩序一国家能力支柱一实现国家治理目标"的逻辑,建立起"国家治理财政论"的基本框架,详细阐明了财政与国家治理的关系.本文理论要点有:(1) "公共秩序"是人的基本需要和经济社会运行的保障;(2)市场经济发展带来经济从社会中脱嵌、利益格局分化、创造性破坏三大进程,公共秩序不断面临冲击和重建过程;(3)国家治理依赖于"国家能力"的支持,国家能力的两大支柱是市场增进能力和组织动员能力;(4)为建设良好的公共秩序,国家治理目标是经济有效、社会有序、政治包容;(5)财政支出、收入、预算和政府间财政关系中的一系列制度安排,从不同侧面有助于经济增长和稳定、社会保护和控制、权利开放和维护权威等目标的实现.  相似文献   

经济学研究的起点是市场,公共经济学研究的起点是市场失灵。继市场失灵理论之后,学术界先后进行了关于政府失灵、志愿部门失灵的讨论,形成了市场、政府、志愿部门之间基于"失灵"而依次"替代"的理论体系。本文认为,面对近年来国内外多主体合作提供公共产品的实践,这种理论已逐渐显露出对现实的解释力不足和对实践的指导力不够的问题。因此,有必要重新强调和重视市场、政府、志愿部门作为社会枢纽性运行机制的"有效"性,并在此基础上,"否定之否定"地构建以"合作"为主旨、以"权力共享、共同治理"为特征的多主体提供公共产品的崭新理论框架,以期更好地解释现实和指导实践。  相似文献   

Style flexing is the adaptation of communication style by the seller to enhance communication and marketing effectiveness. Client style categorization is an important and complex process. This study introduces the utilization of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in communication style categorization when marketing to service professionals. Applications of the MBTI in adaptive selling are discussed in the context of contacting, observing, and interviewing the client.  相似文献   

Fink  Eugene  Johnson  Josh  Hu  Jenny 《NETNOMICS》2004,6(1):21-42
The modern economy includes a variety of markets, and the Internet has opened opportunities for efficient on-line trading. Researchers have developed algorithms for various auctions, which have become a popular means of on-line sales. They have also designed algorithms for exchange markets, which support fast-paced trading of standardized goods. On the other hand, they have done little work on exchanges for complex nonstandard goods, such as used cars. We propose a formal model for trading complex goods, and present an exchange system that allows traders to describe desirable purchases and sales by multiple attributes; for example, a car buyer can specify a model, options, color, and other properties of a desirable vehicle. Furthermore, a trader can enter complex constraints on the acceptable items; for instance, a buyer can specify a set of desirable vehicles and their features. The system supports markets with up to 260,000 orders, and generates hundreds of trades per second.  相似文献   

Access to credit is essential for the development and growth of firms. For a small open economy like Mauritius, the ability of firms to enter export markets is essential for their growth and development, given that the size of the local market is quite limited. To increase sales and profitability, firms have to export. However, there are several costs that are involved when firms enter an export market. In many cases, finance becomes an essential factor that influences firms’ ability to export. These authors investigate whether the main constraint that firms in Mauritius face is access to finance and try to understand how firms overcome financial barriers. Given the limitations of existing methods to estimate financing constraints directly from firm-level accounting data, the results based on survey data are an important contribution in improving understanding of firms’ financing obstacles to exporting and how they overcome these barriers.  相似文献   

This study provides a long-term assessment of economic education by examining an individual's decision to have a bank account. Using the results of a nationwide telephone survey, high school courses in economics and business reduced the probability that an adult was unbanked, ceteris paribus. In addition, adults who demonstrated a higher level of understanding of basic economic concepts were less likely to be unbanked. The results indicated that an individual's understanding of the economic system was as important as formal coursework in explaining access to basic financial services.  相似文献   

美国及欧盟等国家不承认我国是市场经济体制国家.给不给予我国市场经济地位的待遇,不仅是一个贸易问题,更重要的是一个政治问题.我国要求承认我国是市场经济国家,对我国融入国际贸易体系,获取公正的国际贸易待遇,加快社会和经济发展意义重大.而"非市场经济"地位,对我国的国际形象、对外贸易造成的影响与损失极大.对此,我们应该采取"冷静对待,力争突破"的方针,力争获得市场经济国家的地位与待遇.  相似文献   

<正>据悉,在中国拥有100万美元现金以上资产的富豪已超过40万人,未来还将会以年均10%以上的速度递增;另外,到2010年将有1.7亿人步入中产阶层行列,在这些快速崛起的财富人群中蕴藏着极大的金融商机。  相似文献   

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