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The present study examined MBA respondents' potential willingness to discuss different unethical practices or behaviors via an employee exit survey. Factor analyses showed that the unethical issues could be categorized into five factors: illegal corporate activities, unfair management actions directed toward employees, illegal human resource activities, small scale dishonesty, and mistreatment of organizational constituencies with varying degrees of willingness to talk about these practices. The respondents' willingness to discuss each of the five factors differed statistically. Discussion centered upon means of using such an ethics exit survey and evaluating the utility of its information.  相似文献   

The paper investigates dynamic linkages between entry and exit rates in Brazilian manufacturing in the context of 231 (four-digit) industries during the 1996–2005 period. The empirical analysis focuses on the estimation of a dynamic panel data model for entry and exit rates, and controls for the business cycle and structural characteristics, such as industrial concentration and suboptimal scale. The empirical evidence is partially consistent with a multiplier effect where synergetic factors prevail by exit inducing exit. Evidence partially supports a competition effect that could be related to a selection process favoring efficiency, as exit induces entry. The business cycle control variable and the aforementioned structural variables appear to play no role in delineating entry and exit linkages. The results are similar, although not identical, to previous evidence for developed countries.  相似文献   

In studies involving genuine transactions of potentially high value we show that willingness-to-pay can be increased when customers are instructed to use a credit card rather than cash. The effect may be large (up to 100%) and it appears unlikely that it arises due solely to liquidity constraints. In addition to demonstrating the effect, we provide a methodology for detecting it, and our findings suggest a source of variance to test alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Many companies have made significant investments in socially responsible production practices for their products. Environmentally safe cleaning products, fair trade coffee, and sustainable seafood are just a few examples. In this paper, we conduct a meta-analysis of over 80 published and unpublished research papers across a large number of product categories to better understand differences in willingness to pay (WTP) for socially responsible products. In particular, we are interested in whether the beneficiary of the social responsibility program—humans, animals, or the environment—affects WTP. We use two dependent variables: the percentage premium people are willing to pay and the proportion of respondents who are willing to pay a positive premium. We find that the mean percentage premium is 16.8 percent and that, on average, 60 percent of respondents are willing to pay a positive premium. Importantly, across both dependent measures, we find that WTP is greater for products where the socially responsible element benefits humans (e.g., labor practices) compared to those that benefit the environment. Implications for retailers, manufacturers, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

公众平台营销是网络经济时代企业营销模式的一种创新,是一种新的自媒体营销模式。通过从面试指南针公众平台的发展概况出发,分析面试指南针发展中遇到的营销问题,针对知名度低、粉丝黏性差、运用团队不稳定、推广内容单一、线上线下发展不平衡等问题提出相应有针对性的解决对策,即拓宽推广渠道,提高平台知名度;多样化激励,提高粉丝忠诚度;丰富推广内容,提高粉丝的互动;做好运营团队的传帮带,实行专业化运营;注重线上线下的互动。以此为招聘类公众号平台的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

We estimated students’ willingness to pay for golden rice by using the double-bounded contingent valuation method. We found that nearly 55% of the students are willing to buy golden rice at the same price as that of conventional rice, and around 85% at a certain discount. The estimated mean willingness to pay is a 4% price premium. Furthermore, we found that global (food security) and personal (health) benefit perceptions have a positive significant influence, and risk perceptions and sociodemographic variables have an insignificant influence on willingness to pay for golden rice. Overall, our findings indicate that India has a potential market for golden rice.  相似文献   

Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade - Grain elevators play a central role in the movement of grain to market and to rural economies in terms of employment and investment. Over the last three...  相似文献   

The founder/chief executive officer (CEO) exit is a significant event for all business organizations. However, a social capital perspective suggests that the exit of the founder/CEO may be more disruptive for new start-ups due to the critical role the founder/CEO plays in the new organization and the heightened potential chance for failure of a new venture. A social capital perspective suggests that the ability of the entrepreneurial firm to perform better is affiliated with the social capital within the organization. This study supports a social capital perspective of CEO exit and social capital's impact on performance. It helps establish a foundation of study of CEO exit and new ventures from this perspective.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interdependence between firm entry and exit from an industrial dynamics perspective. The paper discusses how entry and exit rates in industrial sectors are affected by previous exit and entry rates. Economic theory presents two different approaches to how entry and exit of firms are interrelated, the multiplier effect and the competition effect. This paper intends to investigate which force is the predominant one, for entry and exit patterns, respectively. The empirical analysis is based on data for 25 Swedish manufacturing industries at the 2-digit SIC level, during the period 1991–2000. In the estimation work the study applies a dynamic panel data approach as suggested by Anderson and Hsiao [Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76:598–606, 1981] and Arellano and Bond [Review of Economic Studies, 58(2):277–297, 1991]. With respect to entry, the empirical results support the multiplier effect such that entry stimulates future entry, but also a competition effect such that past exit induces additional entry. With regard to exit, on the other hand, the competition effect rules, implying that previous entry causes subsequent exit and previous exit reduces subsequent exit.   相似文献   

洪耀忠 《商业研究》2001,(9):118-120
1999年随着信达、东方、长城、华融四大资产管理公司的相继成立,债转股方案迅速在全国展开。目前资产管理公司的主要任务在于对不良资产的处置,即债转股后股权如何退出的问题。股权退出的必要性、退出的条件、退出的途径以及退出过程中遇到的问题是必须解决的。  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand to what extent new exporters are able to survive in international markets and whether exit from exporting is more likely to be associated with firm-level heterogeneity or more general factors such as trade costs and/or barriers to entry and exit (such as sunk costs). This study presents the first analysis undertaken for a nationally representative group of UK firms on the determinants of exit from exporting, using panel data covering all market-based sectors of the UK during 1997–2003. Our findings suggest that the probability of a firm ceasing to export is directly influenced by its productivity and other attributes associated with firm-level productivity differences (such as size and foreign ownership). Micro-finance factors, such as profitability and the ability to finance through long-term debt, play an additional role. Lastly, sectoral differences (e.g. industrial concentration) also help explain the firm’s exit decision, whilst trade costs lead to a higher probability of exiting from selling internationally.  相似文献   


From the viewpoint of trade leakage for local retailers, Internet shopping bears a similarity to traditional outshopping, in the tendency to shop outside the consumer's immediate shopping areas. Yet, the relationship between consumer outshopping?related characteristics and preference for Internet shopping has received little, if any, research attention. We investigate this relationship using survey data from consumers in three countries—the United States, India, and Korea. According to the results, consumer in-home shopping proneness and perception of time pressure are positively related to consumer preference for Internet shopping mode. In contrast, consumer support for local shopping and orientation toward time management are negatively related to Internet shopping preference. Other findings and managerial implications are also reported.  相似文献   

The dynamics leading from intention to start‐up remain poorly understood. Drawing on the mindset theory of action phases, our empirical study identifies a motivational and a volitional phase in the pre‐start‐up stage. Only during the motivational phase does entrepreneurial intention help identify future starters. Once individuals have crossed the so‐called entrepreneurial Rubicon, it no longer matters. We also show that, through this process, the support needs expressed by individuals evolve to become implementation‐driven. To our knowledge, this is the first study to apply the mindset theory of action phases to nascent entrepreneurship. We discuss key implications for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据,在推拉理论框架下,从个体特征、经济特征和社会融入特征三个维度分析了东北地区人口流动、居留及落户三阶段决策的影响因素。结果表明:东北户籍流动人口以域内流动为主,居留意愿显著高于落户意愿,其中域外流动人口的居留和落户意愿显著高于域内流动人口;户口性质、宅基地权益与人均GDP是影响人口流动决策的主要因素;年轻、已婚、农业户口及高学历人群更倾向于长期居留并落户;承包地可以提高域内居留意愿,但对落户意愿产生抑制;子女随迁是区域外落户的首要考虑因素,参加医疗保险则是区域内落户的主要原因;社会融入特征变量是提升东北流动人口居留意愿的主要因素,经济特征变量与流动人口的落户意愿关系更加密切。  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated the impact of morality (vs. competence) information for impression formation. This study examines behavioral implications of people’s initial impressions based on information about their morality vs. competence in a workplace. School teachers and employees (N = 79) were asked to form an impression of a new school manager (i.e. a prospective boss), who was presented as High vs. Low in Morality and High vs. Low in Competence. Results showed that morality information rather than competence information determined initial emotional responses to the new manager, which mediated willingness to help the newcomer adjust in task and social contexts. Results are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications and future research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

This research advances our understanding of the manifestation of tensions and ethical issues in entrepreneurial finance. In doing so, we offer an overview of ethics in entrepreneurship and finance, delineating the curious paucity of research at their intersection. Using twelve vignettes, we put forward the asymmetries between entrepreneurs and investors and discuss a set of ethical problems that arise among key actors centring on the dynamics of venture partner entry and exit, applying the multiple-lens ethical perspective to analyse these issues. This analysis culminates in the introduction of a general classification scheme for ethical problems across venture partners. Our analysis highlights the moral dimension inherent in the entry and exit of venture partners and the importance of considering moral judgement, as well as intention in future analysis of any decision-making. Our study also points to the moral responsibility in finance, especially to the mutual moral responsibilities of investors and entrepreneurs. By integrating ethics into finance, this research also demonstrates that in the case of venture partner exit, an ethical approach and decent governance go beyond compliance to the law. We conclude with implications for practitioners, specifically with some proposals for a solution to the problem of blocked and forced exit. Together, we make several contributions to the literature by integrating ethics, finance and entrepreneurship, and we call for future research to stimulate a growing body of research within this presently overlooked area.  相似文献   

Despite an increase in international business ethics research in recent years, the number of studies focused on Latin America and China has been deficient. As trade among Pacific Rim nations increases, an understanding of the ethical beliefs of the people in this region of the world will become increasingly important. In the current study 208 respondents from Peru and China are queried about their ethical ideologies, firm practices, and commitment to organizational performance. The empirical results reveal that Chinese workers are more relativistic and less idealistic than their Peruvian counterparts. One explanation for the disparity between these two groups is likely the variation in collectivism that can be traced to different levels of importance across ingroups and outgroups. In addition to a summary of the results, future research directions and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial competition models have established the importance of localized competition in determining competitive outcomes. However, few empirical studies attempt to determine to what extent actual local market conditions affect strategic decisions. This paper uses data provided by the acquisition of the Vancouver area Super‐Save chain of retail gasoline stations by ARCO to study the role of geographic space in competition, and the spatial response of the major competitors in the market to entry. The possibility of both accommodating and aggressive capacity responses by the major incumbent firms to entry are considered. While the empirical results show that proximity to ARCO increased the probability that a station shuts down, proximity to ARCO can explain only a limited amount of shutdown after ARCO’s entry. There is no evidence that incumbent firms used station locations and capacity changes to respond aggressively to ARCO’s entry with a spatial predation strategy.  相似文献   

The topic of moral repair in the aftermath of breaches of trust and harmdoing has grown in importance within the past few years. In this paper, we present the results of a qualitative study that offers insight into a series of key issues related to offender efforts to repair interpersonal harm in the workplace: (1) What factors motivate offenders to make amends with those they have harmed? (2) In what ways do offenders attempt to make amends? (3) What outcomes emerge from attempts to make amends? Drawing from the findings, we build an inductive model intended to guide future business ethics and management inquiry and research in this area.  相似文献   

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