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随着经济的快速发展,我国消费者的心理与行为较以往发生了很大的变化。由于受西方消费主义和舆论宣传等方面因素的影响,消费领域存在许多不合理的消费现象,奢侈消费、炫耀性消费、盲目从众消费及冲动性消费等。政府、企业都应采取积极措施如正确引导消费,促使消费者树立科学的消费观,使消费行为趋于理性,从而进行合理消费。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between brand attachment and emotional well-being of consumers based on the need for personal image management and feelings of arrogant pride. A study of 107 consumers of the Calvin Klein brand was performed. Data were analyzed using the structural equations modeling technique. The results indicated a positive relationship between brand attachment and emotional well-being of consumers. A relationship was also identified between brand attachment, image management, and emotional well-being, and brand attachment and arrogant pride. No relationship was identified between arrogant pride and emotional well-being.  相似文献   

关于刺激消费问题的理论反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田学斌 《消费经济》2003,19(1):57-60
在刺激消费的研究中,有些观点存在谬误,这些谬误可能造成理论上的混乱和实践中的误导。本文试就此提出反思,抛砖引玉,就教于师长同仁。  相似文献   

基于认知失调理论和心理抗拒理论,通过两个实验探究了企业道德营销中内疚与非内疚诉求影响消费者道德消费意愿的心理作用机制。结果表明,内疚诉求比非内疚诉求更能促进消费者的道德消费意愿,强迫性感受和操纵意图推断发挥了中介作用,且该中介作用受到消费者涉入度的调节。具体而言,低消费者涉入度情境中,相比于非内疚诉求,内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿;高消费者涉入度情境中,相比于内疚诉求,非内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿。研究结论有助于企业设计道德属性产品的广告策略,有效降低受众心理抗拒反应,提升受众广告体验,进而推动道德消费。  相似文献   

People may be subjected to discrimination from a variety of sources in the workplace. In this study of mental health workers, we contrast four potential perpetrators of discrimination (managers, co-workers, patients, and visitors) to investigate whether the negative impact of discrimination on victims’ well-being will vary in strength depending on the relative power of the perpetrator. We further explore whether the negative impact of discrimination is at least partly explained by its effects on people’s sense of organizational justice, and whether the strength of mediation varies according to the source of discrimination. Using survey data from 1,733 UK mental health workers, a structural equation model was designed to test these hypotheses following a bootstrap approach. Discrimination from all sources was related to well-being, with that from managers having the strongest effects. The results support an explanation of the effect of discrimination on well-being in terms of organizational justice perceptions for discrimination from managers and from visitors, but less so for discrimination from co-workers or from patients. The study highlights the importance of differentiating amongst sources of discrimination at work and the salience of organizational justice perceptions in explaining the effects of discrimination from some sources.  相似文献   

In this comment, spurred by earlier JCP articles by Tonner, Petri, and Dommering-van Rongen, the author states as his opinion that all consumers have common interests irrespective of whether they are weak or not. Furthermore, there are weak consumers who are not employees. Finally, not only employers, but also employees, must be regarded as producers, and the author gives several examples of situations where the interests of consumers and employees clash. For all these reasons, trade unions are not well suited to act as the caretaker of consumer interests. The balancing of conflicting interests should not take place within the walls of one particular organization, it should be reached in an assembly where all interests are represented.
Verbraucherinteressen und Arbeitnehmerinteressen
Zusammenfassung Diese Stellungnahme wurde angeregt durch frühere Beiträge von Tonner, Petri und Dommering-van Rongen über Möglichkeiten gewerkschaftlicher Verbraucherpolitik.Der Autor geht davon aus, daß alle Konsumenten gemeinsame Interessen haben, gleichgültig ob sie benachteiligt sind oder nicht. Darüber hinaus stellt er fest, daß es benachteiligte Verbraucher gibt, die keine Arbeitnehmer sind. Schließlich legt er dar, daß nicht nur Arbeitgeber, sondern auch Arbeitnehmer als Produzenten betrachtet werden müssen. An einigen Situationen wird beispielhaft gezeigt, in welchen Rollenkonflikten Verbraucherinteressen mit Produzenteninteressen kollidieren können.Insgesamt gesehen sind Gewerkschaften also nicht besonders gut als Sachwalter des Verbraucherinteresses geeignet. Der Ausgleich divergierender Interessen sollte nicht innerhalb einer speziellen gesellschaftlichen Organisation herbeigeführt werden, er sollte vielmehr auf einer Ebene angestrebt werden, auf der alle Interessenrichtungen vertreten sind.

W. J. Slagter is Professor of Civil and Commercial Law and Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Postbus 1738, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He is also Chairman of the Dutch Committee for Consumer Affairs, which as a committee of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands advises the government on all problems concerning the consumer's interest.  相似文献   

论顾客满意与名牌战略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耿殿明 《商业研究》2000,(5):124-126
纵观消费时代的变迁,“名牌热”已经悄然兴起,消费者追逐名牌与企业创立名牌成为拉动我国企业进入品牌竞争时代的两根“无形之绳”。然而,一种崭新的企业营销理念“顾客满意战略”正构建着现代企业新的经营价值体系。即企业实施名牌战略的基点应落实在顾客满意上,满意与不满意是当今消费者评判与购买商品的时代标准。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on graduate international students' knowledge, attitudes, experiences, practices, and satisfaction relating to credit cards. Respondents (n = 261) were graduate international students (n = 623) attending a western US land-grant university. Findings show students' credit card knowledge was low, attitudes were favourable, and pre-US experiences limited. A majority of respondents had obtained cards, followed commonly recommended practices, and were satisfied with their credit card use.  相似文献   

浅析电子商务与消费者权益保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
电子商务的出现对传统的消费者权益保护提出挑战,出现了对消费者安全权、知情权、选择权、公平交易权、求偿权等权益的侵害.电子商务中消费者权益被侵害既是传统交易方式下侵害消费者权益因素在电子商务条件中的再现,但更重要的是由电子商务本身的性质、相关配套不完善,企业方面,网络、技术方面,对电子商务的监管滞后等电子商务条件下独有的原因造成的.因此要对症下药,有效实施电子商务中的消费者权益保护.  相似文献   

This study examines the nutritional beliefs about fast-food restaurant meals held by a small sample of consumers. Views on the nutritional quality, caloric content, potential hazards and economic value of such meals were examined with respect to the socioeconomic level and nutritional knowledge of consumers. Findings indicate that consumers perceive these nutritional aspects of fast-food meals to be important but often ignore them in practice. Implications for consumer education and a need for greater social responsibility on the part of the restaurants are noted.  相似文献   

Empirical research has not addressed the manner in which elderly consumers combine their assessments of the probabil- ity and consequences of loss when deriving overall estimates of ac- tual marketplace risk. Prospect theory is utilized to support a prod- uct classification scheme which transposes the levels of the probability and consequences of loss. A proposition that elderly con- sumers will weigh the probabilities of loss more heavily in a High- Probability/Low-Consequences situation is supported; the proposi- tion that consequences will be judged more important in a Low-ProbabilityMigh Consequences product setting is not. Promo- tional implications are developed.  相似文献   

管窥中国消费者对汽车广告的心理需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑正文 《市场研究》2006,(11):54-55
今年6月上海大众PO LO新车在地铁投放的张贴广告引起轩然大波,因其在细节上忽视受众心理和情感要素,出现鄙视地铁族的字眼引发广大受众声讨,事件最终以广告匆匆撤下收尾。如果投放广告之前邀请消费者对广告脚本进行评估,这场风波原本是可以避免的。通常,广告创意形成脚本之后会  相似文献   

While there have been many studies of the ethical behavior ofmanagers, little research investigated the ethical beliefs andideologies of consumers. Moreover, even less is known about therelationship between consumer beliefs and ideology and purchasingbehavior. The present study investigates the extent to whichconsumers punish or reward what they perceive as either a firm'sethical or unethical behavior. The research model was tested onsamples of Israeli and Turkish respondents. The results indicatethat personal economic benefit, ideology (idealism versusrelativism), economic cost to others and locus of control explainconsumer reaction to ethical, purchasing dilemmas. Moralexpectations did not influence whether a consumer would purchasein a store offering an unethical proposition. Apparently,material gain, if large enough, outweighs one's moralpredisposition. Idealists were found to be less likely topurchase in an unethical store situation. The Turkish respondentswere more concerned with economic cost to others than the Israelirespondents, apparently owing to cultural differences between thetwo groups. Finally, those respondents having higher internallocus of control were found to be more ethical.  相似文献   

This article focuses on consumer perceptions of transaction value when presented with deals that are equivalent on a unit‐cost basis but worded differently. Through an experimental design setting, it examines the effect of three such frames: one, stated in terms of a straight price promotion (“50% off”), the second, as an extra‐product or volume promotion (“buy one, get one free”), and a third as a “mixed” promotion (“buy two, get 50% off”). Four typical supermarket categories are considered which permit the investigation of the effect of two category‐based moderating factors: stock‐up characteristic and price level. Results show that the nature of framing appears to differentially affect consumer perceptions of value from “equivalent” deals. Also, perceptions of deal value from price versus extra‐product promotions are moderated by the stock‐up characteristic of the category. However, consumers' internal reference prices remain unaffected across one‐time price and extra‐product promotions. These findings provide some understanding of the role of deal framing on consumers' responses, and offer implications for industry practitioners interested in communicating the maximum value in their deals. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

企业通过获得、维持及发展消费者关系,可以达到业务可持续增长。研究影响消费者关系层次的  因素,构建消费者关系评价指标体系,运用关系要素矩阵法诊断消费者关系,据此改善消费者关系在企  业营销策略中的应用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess the perceptions of advertising media substitutability among consumers, media planners, and media providers. Data were collected from three different samples using structured questionnaires and CATI interviewing. The results suggest that some degree of substitution does indeed exist in all three groups. This means that if first media choices are unavailable all groups are likely to consider others as possibly providing the best buying information. This study adds to the scarce literature that focuses on perceptions of media substitutability and provides results for both demand and supply side of the media market. It also suggests that such perceptual studies may be helpful in a re-examination of current policy and advertising management decisions.  相似文献   

Consumers' use of nine food-buying practices widely recommended by consumer educators was investigated. With the use of cluster analysis a typology with five categories was created: (1) Compleat Consumers who used most of the money-saving and planning practices frequently, (2) Almost Compleat Consumers who also used most of the practices but typically did not shop in several stores in order to economize, (3) Economy Specialists who utilized chiefly those practices useful in saving money, (4) Planning Specialists who emphasized planning-related practices, and (5) Disinterested Consumers who seldom utilized the recommended practices.  相似文献   

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