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文献[6]已经证明了 Julia 例外函数集 J,在一致球面收敛的意义下是一个线性闭色。本文在 Julia 例外函数集 J 上引入了距离函数,讨论了距离空间[J,ρ]的一些拓扑性质,得到了正规族理论中,一致有界的连续函数集正规和解析函数集正规这两个定理的抽象形式。  相似文献   

本文研究了最速下降模型参考自适应控造。给出了最速下降和严格最速下降的定义,并证明了按照某李雅普诺夫函数构造的严格最速下降控制矩阵组成的控制系统是自适应渐近稳定的;而且给出了一种构造次最速下降控制矩阵的方法,并证明了它的自适应渐近稳定性。  相似文献   

国际上对创新的研究起源于美籍奥地利经济学家熊彼特(J.Schumpeter)提出的创新理论,他于1912年在其著作《经济发展理论》中首次提出“创新”概念。按照熊彼特的定义,创新就是建立一种新的生产函数,在经济活动中引入新的思想、方法以实现生产要素新的组台。后来人们又把创新划分为技术创新和制度创新两大类型。  相似文献   

本文通过定义两种消费转移函数,将产品功能创新中功能效用的变化和价格的变化看作消费转移的驱动力,通过定义两种消费转移函数和功能创新的市场创造率,建立功能创新的随机过程模型,导出功能创新产品创造新的市场的条件是两种消费转移率之和大于零的结论;在近似条件下导出新市场规模与两种消费转移之和及消费转移的市场弹性系数成正比,以及新功能市场的开创不以侵占原有竞争者市场为必要条件的结论;通过非马尔可夫模型证明了随机过程收敛,导出了新市场规模与两种消费转移率之和的函数关系式;从而揭示了创造战略性功能市场的功能创新所具有的新的市场动力学特征.本文证明了功能创新战略能避免竞争导向,通过顾客功能需求导向开创新市场,可以在不侵占竞争者市场的条件下扩大公司市场.  相似文献   

计划生产函数有以下几个特点:①作为函数自变量的投入品数量的定义范围正是企业实际生产情况变动所涉及的范围;②根据需要和实际情况可以是只由若干个离散点所组成;③多数情况下是用表格或图形的形式来描述;④计划生产函数是一种短期生产函数。一、企业计划工作与生产...  相似文献   

(2013年5月)投资与合作埃克森美孚和挪威国油将共同开发墨西哥湾油田道琼斯5月7日讯,埃克森美孚和挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)就共同开发位于新奥尔良以南200英里的墨西哥湾Julia油田达成共识。该油田估计拥有近60亿桶储量,埃克森美孚公司和挪威国油各拥有50%的股权。该油田预计需要开发3年,2016年投产,资本成本估计在40多亿美元。  相似文献   

2013年10月31日,J.D.Power亚太公司在中国大饭店举行了新车质量研究(IQS)报告的发布会。 首先,由J.D.Power亚太公司姜忠军先生发表讲话。他说,从2000年到2013年,IQS在中国的发布已经有14年。对比2000年,2013年的样本蹙增加了17倍,2013年覆盖的车型范围经扩大了15倍。  相似文献   

现行的设备新度系数定义,不能反映企业用新技术改造老旧设备后装备技术水平的提高,以及更新设备的投资效益。现提出以下设备新度系数计算公式,供参考。σ=(J+sum from j=1 to n x_if_i)/y式中σ——设备新度系数J——年末企业全部设备固定资产净值x——年末更新或改造的设备固定资产原值  相似文献   

JLG(捷尔杰)在2014中国工程机械用户品牌关注度TOP10排行榜评选中一举荣获"2014中国高空作业平台用户品牌关注度"第四名,不仅是对J LG 2014年中国市场开拓工作的肯定,也在一定程度上反映了J LG品牌在中国用户群体中影响力的扩大和覆盖率的提升,对2015年的市场开拓具有前瞻意义。"中国工程机械用户品牌关注度排行榜"由中国路面机械  相似文献   

日前,由中国石油化工研究院兰州化工研究中心与兰州石化公司兰港公司、华东销售公司合作研发的高刚性聚丙烯树脂J800G在兰港公司工业化试生产成功,产品各项技术指标均达到进口同类产品水平。高刚性聚丙烯树脂是兰州化工研究中心同兰港公司为适应市场推出的新牌号注塑级聚丙烯。自2007年起,兰州化工研究中心针对国内塑料产品的需求,与兰港公司合作开发高刚性聚丙烯,并于2007年9月成功开发了J700G新牌号。  相似文献   

Cellular manufacturing systems achieve the economies of scope and scale approaching that of flexible and high-volume production when the machine/part clusters are totally independent of each other. However, most real systems contain bottleneck machines and exceptional parts (exceptional elements) that reduce these economies. Many grouping methods have been proposed for creating the initial machine/part cells where the presence of exceptional elements may greatly affect their performance. Furthermore, multiple alternative solutions are often possible for a given grouping algorithm. In this paper, the previous work dealing with exceptional elements is reviewed. A mathematical programming model used for comprehensively dealing with exceptional elements is investigated. The effect of alternative initial machine/part clusters on the total cost is evaluated. It is demonstrated that the mathematical programming model can provide useful information in making trade-off decisions when exceptional elements are present.  相似文献   

Ideas from employees are a major source of value creation in firms, yet the merits of rewards for incentivizing the generation of ideas are highly contested. Using a computational model, we show that firms can improve performance by offering low‐powered rewards for the selection and implementation of employee ideas. Low‐powered incentives provide a sufficient stream of good ideas, but few exceptional ones. Higher‐powered incentives, in contrast, do not systematically translate into exceptional ideas either, but generate an excessive number of good ideas. Performance‐based rewards thus appear to be a blunt tool to harness the long tail of innovation. We develop propositions to guide empirical research and discuss their implications for strategy and organizational design. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This exploratory research uses in‐depth qualitative interviews to investigate how 11 exceptional innovators in the electronics industry initiated, created, and commercialized radical innovations in their firms. From the data, two initial frameworks emerged for how radical innovations were created by these individuals. Four themes emerged associated with what these innovators bring to the organization as an underpinning for being able to radically innovate. Additional themes emerged as to the process by which they innovate. Across the literatures of innovation, psychology, and management, creativity is discussed in terms of person, product, or process. This research samples on highly creative innovations (products) and finds that it appears that both person and process need to be considered in attaining radical innovation. One may not be able to consider separately the person who achieves radical innovation from the process he or she uses to achieve it. These exceptional innovators have specific personality characteristics that support radically creative behavior, supplemented by a perspective or worldview that focuses on having a business orientation yet also a somewhat idealistic attitude. They have prepared for innovation by studying deeply, within not just one primary technology topic but also a secondary or peripheral technology topic. In addition, they have prepared broadly, across technology, business, and markets. They are both extrinsically and intrinsically motivated to innovate. People communicating what problems are urgently important to them to be solved produce external motivation for the innovator, who is then intrinsically motivated to solve these people's problems by creating new products. In terms of how they innovate, these exceptional innovators are organizationally savvy and both understand and participate in the politics necessary to gain acceptance of and resources for their project. They use an innovation process that emphasizes the up‐front aspects of finding interesting problems, planning first before executing, and understanding customer needs in great detail. This allows them to generate insights into how to solve those problems profitably for the firm. Once they have obtained and validated their insights for solving the problem, they participate in the actual implementation of the concept to a commercialized product. However, this development aspect of innovating is not much spoken of, as if it is taken for granted. Finally, they actively disseminate knowledge and acceptance of the innovation postinvention.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2004,28(3-4):249-272
The BBC is active in an increasing number of markets. In some cases the BBC enters the market using licence fee income; in others its commercial operations have linkages with licence-fee activities—for example, by provision of resources for programme making, joint funding of programmes, trailing of commercial products, and so on. These situations raise serious competition issues. The authors conclude that theory and evidence suggest exceptional risks that anticompetitive practices by the BBC will discourage private sector initiative and investment in broadcasting and related markets and recommend strengthened ex ante regulation of the BBC by OFCOM.  相似文献   

Research summary : This article investigates the social context of entrepreneurship in organizational sectors. Prior research suggests that firm foundings are driven by collective patterns of activity—such as patterns of prior foundings in a given sector. Building on research on social salience and signals, we consider the influence of singular sector‐level triggers, which we call entrepreneurial beacons. We argue that the actions or outcomes of single, salient organizations attract and motivate entrepreneurs, thus increasing the rate of foundings. We test this logic by examining the impact of the Y ale U niversity endowment's investment choices and of venture‐capital‐backed IPO run‐ups on venture‐capital foundings between 1984 and 2011. We find support for the existence and influence of beacons and outline boundary conditions for their effects . Managerial summary : What leads entrepreneurs to found new companies in nascent sectors? In contrast to prior research, which emphasizes patterns of activity, we argue that entrepreneurial activity can sometimes be driven by the actions of a singular trigger—what we call an entrepreneurial beacon. We examine the influence of two such beacons, Y ale U niversity's endowment investments and exceptional venture‐capital‐backed IPO run‐ups, on the founding of new venture‐capital firms over a 28‐year period. We find that Y ale's increased allocations to the venture‐capital asset‐class has a significant influence on the founding of new venture‐capital firms, while exceptional venture‐capital‐backed IPO run‐ups only influence venture‐capital foundings under certain conditions. Overall, we offer an explanation for heretofore anecdotal accounts of certain organizations or events that appear to have an outsized influence on entrepreneurial activity . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shifting goals, priorities and evolving customer demands require an exceptional effort, beyond the call of duty, on the part of employees to increase the likelihood for successful implementation of technologically driven projects. Our model posits that citizenship behavior, which captures individuals' behavior that goes above and beyond prescribed roles, effects project success and is influenced by the culture that exists in the project. We provide support for the model utilizing 222 participants in 71 product development, IT implementation and engineering projects, originating in firms from various industries in the United States using structural equation modeling. Owing to the constraints typically facing project managers, in terms of personnel availability and control over rewards, our findings suggest that project culture can be used by managers as an alternative lever to trigger employees' citizenship behavior, which in turn drives success. We provide valuable implications for individuals assigned to lead projects, who are concerned with aligning project culture with citizenship behavior, as part of their planning activities.  相似文献   

Our “stakeholder synergy” perspective identifies new value creation opportunities that are especially effective strategically because a single strategic action (1) increases different types of value for two or more essential stakeholder groups simultaneously, and (2) does not reduce the value already received by any other essential stakeholder group. This result is obtainable because multiple potential sources of value creation exist for each essential stakeholder group. Actions that meet these criteria increase the size of the value “pie” available for essential stakeholder groups, and thereby serve to attract exceptional stakeholders and obtain their increasing effort and commitment. The stakeholder synergy perspective extends stakeholder theory further into the strategy realm, and offers insights for realizing broader value creation that is more likely to produce sustainable competitive advantage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了实现海洋环境的有效监控,设计了一种面向海洋环境数据采集和动态监控的物联网节点。首先,定义了系统模型,将系统分为无线传感器网络、Sink节点和监控中心,将系统中的节点分为传感器节点和Sink节点,然后对传感器节点、Sink节点、传感器接口电路以及监控中心的硬件均进行了设计和描述,同时对传感器节点和Sink节点的软件流程进行了设计。系统测试表明文中方法能对海洋环境信息进行实时数据采集和动态监控,当出现异常情况时,给出报警以对用户进行提示,同时死亡节点数较少,具有成本低、功耗低和可靠性高的优点,具有很强的可行性。  相似文献   

This response to “Selling in the New Millennium” extends the ideas presented by Ingram, LaForge, and Leigh, in particular, suggesting a pivotal change from the salesperson to the sales function as the unit of study. Such a change makes many traditional research and review practices obsolete. For example, the author argues a need to accept lower response rates and smaller samples along with more formal and new methods to explore generalizability. Other examples, including a review of an article by Jap [J Pers Selling Sales Manage XXI (2001) 95.] and a discussion on the role of trade and professional associations, suggest additional changes that will be needed to increase the likelihood of achieving the joint agenda.  相似文献   

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