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With the establishment of the aim of public finance, the non-tax revenue management causes extensive concern of both academy and government in recent years, around which the policy of fee-to-tax reform and income-expenditure going different ways etc. was launched. How to manage the non-tax revenue, which constitutes an important part of the public revenue, plays an important role in the rationalization of public revenue and the building of the public finance system. This paper uses international experience as reference to analyze the situation of the current non-tax revenue management, and the innovation of non-tax revenue management mode from both theoretical and practical aspects.  相似文献   

Under the principle of sustainable development, this paper analyzes the factors influencing the competitive power of scenic spots, and sets up a set of evaluation index system, which considers environmental, ecological, social and economic benefits. According to the characteristic of the inder system, the principal component analysis is adopted to do comprehensive appraisal. In the case study this paper analyzes the competitiveness of scenic spots in Jiangsu province.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether environmental management system (EMS) implementation influences a firm’s value added, one of the indices of economic performance. Because it is expected that EMS implementation increases a firm’s value added through an increase in demand and an improvement in productivity, a simple model to identify how these effects influence a firm’s value added is developed and is empirically investigated using panel data for Japanese manufacturing firms in the period 1996–2007. The main findings are as follows. For the full sample, EMS implementation increases a firm’s value added through an increase in demand and improvement in productivity. Among these firms, however, the positive effect of the implementation through an increase in demand mainly exists for export-oriented firms. At the industry level, the effects of EMS implementation vary among different industries. These results empirically prove that there are plural paths for EMS implementation to improve a firm’s economic performance.  相似文献   

Financial difficulty directly affects college students, teachers and academics, and will ultimately affect teaching quality. The countermeasures for financial difficulty are "increase income" and "reduce expense", which mean to get more investment from government, increase income by scientific innovation, accept donations, enroll more foreign students, ask for international education financial assistance and the proper use of money.  相似文献   

旅游地居民对旅游的感知影响着该区域旅游业的可持续发展。以非物质文化遗产旅游居民感知理论为基础,对张家界居民进行问卷调查,运用EXCEL和SPSS统计软件进行数理统计,采用主成分分析法、方差最大化旋转和交叉分析,研究居民的主要感知因子以及不同人口学特征的居民对各项因子的感知差异,并在此基础上提出了加大教育培训力度、加大宣传营销力度、健全社区参与机制、坚持开发与保护并重等相关建议,为张家界非物质文化遗产旅游开发与保护提供决策依据。  相似文献   

农户是土地流转和经营的主体,农户行为对土地流转规模、流转制度和流转模式具有一定影响。随着土地流转的频繁发生,农户土地流转的行为必然会具有一定的特征性。分析农户土地流转的行为特征,探索影响农户土地流转行为的因素,对规范土地流转、提高土地利用率、建立土地流转市场有着重要的意义。以贵州省为调研区域,以农户家庭为基本单元,在获得样本农户土地流转数据的基础上,采用定量分析与定性分析相结合、宏观分析与微观分析相结合的方法,探讨农户的土地流转行为特征,寻找土地流转的微观因素,为促进农户土地合理流转提供依据。  相似文献   

Enterprise's post monetization management is one of the important achievements of business management innovation. The paper defines the meaning of enterprise's post monetization management mechanism, which includes benefit, supply, demand, competition and incentive mechanism, and specifically explains the meaning and function of each subsystem in order to profoundly crystallize and grasp the importance of enterprise's post monetization management in the aspect of raising business management level.  相似文献   

With the reform of the state-owned enterprises, the level of the human resources management of a lot of state-owned enterprises has been gradually improved. However, because of the macroscopic system, history, culture and their own reasons, there are still a series of problems in the human resources management of state-owned enterprises. In order to promote the reform of state-owned enterprises and to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, we should critically research these urgent problems. The paper will take an example of one company which was investigated by state-owned enterprises will be listed and analysed. the author, and the common problems which exist in most state-owned enterprises will be listed and analysed.  相似文献   

China's supermarket sector has been growing with a high rate for ten years. Relying on the advantages of new formats and adapting to the economic change of China, several China's supermarket companies have replaced the traditional department stores to become the leading player in retail industry of China. Although the interesting phenomenon shows that although these supermarket companies have the inherent problems of shortage of capital and weaknesses in management, their expansion is more emphasized on sizes and speeds. Being weak in management and over squeezing ,margin from suppliers that might lead their position to be vulnerable. Their market share is taken by different competitors, more notably by foreign giant retailers. Competition will become more fierce and complex. Merging, making joint ventures with foreign investors, expanding into chain and fuU-format retailer, hunting for skillful people would be the key strategic options to keep the sector's growth.  相似文献   

The paper introduces the basic environmental pollution situation of China and points out that environmental pollution is bottleneck of China's economy development. Then it puts forward the main environmental pollution problems of China. At last, it brings forward the countermeasures to environmental pollution.  相似文献   

In China, the tourism industry is regarded as one means of fostering local economic development. This paper tries to examine inbound tourism development in China in the last decade and analyze inbound tourism's satisfaction of their travel experience with tourist attractions, facilities, services and price by an empirical study based on the investigation of Lanzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. This paper discusses the demographic characteristics of visitors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, US. Korea and Japan by surveying a .sample of 528 visitors in five different cities. The survey showed that four provinces/autonomous region in western China ranked the top 10 popular destinations. Chinese natural landscape, culture and food were highly regarded by the tourists. At the same time, tourists expressed less satisfaction with tourist language convenience, tourist facility and nightlife in China. It was also found that only 7.4% of the tourists thought travel in China was far more than what they had paid, that 6.5% regarded they got what they paid for, and that 34.9% thought the travel cost was reasonable. Most tourists were satisfied with their travel experience in China: many of them would like to return to China and would like to recommend China. For the sustainable development of tourism, Chinese tourism authorities should strengthen the construction, propaganda and management of scenic spots, improve tourist facility and tourist education. especially language convenience, and strengthen the supervision of tickets, souvenir and hotel price.  相似文献   

Looking from the institutional system that the stock market services the state-owned enterprises, the bad corporate governing structure of the state-owned listed companies, the lack of balance between the yield from an investment and the stock, and the polarization of the wealth distribution in the stock market, we make an intensive analysis and exploration on the inefficiency of transmitting monetary policy of Chinese capital market herein.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the fundamentals required for successful reform, i.e., the necessary institutional changes required to make a nation grow sustainably wealthier. It argues that enriching the people is a prerequisite for a prosperous nation and further reveals the inherent logic behind the statement "in order to enrich the people, they must be given private rights, and in order to protect the people's private rights, public power must be limited." Based on this argument, we examine and analyze the experience of China's reform over the past 30 years and come to the conclusion that it is necessary to transform government functions and further deepen market-oriented reform. We hold that China's economic performance bears no special or exceptional economic law, and there does not exist the so-called "China Model" characterized by government taking the leading role as a relatively mature, stable, and widely applicable development model, but that there does exist a Chinese development path or experience featuring the inherent logic of "prospering the nation through enriching its people" that can be employed by countries all over the world.  相似文献   

将在理论经济学中应用的DEA理论推广到公共管理研究中,通过实证分析研究指出泛珠江三角洲区域公共管理中存在的优势及不足,为在中国整体区域推进公共管理能力提升提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

农业系统是一个开放的、具有耗散结构的生态-经济-社会三维复合系统,发展农业生产必须因地制宜,为此需要进行农业区域划分。文章在确立生态农业区划原则、明确分区依据的基础上,建立了东北地区生态农业区域划分指标体系,运用层次聚类分析法把整个东北地区分为6个大生态农业区、14个二级生态区。东北地区作为我国具有战略意义的商品粮基地,充分发挥地域生态优势,是把它建成我国粮食安全基地与绿色农畜产品基地的必然趋势。  相似文献   

采用VNM效用函数对农民工加入工会的会费问题进行了研究,得出农民工意愿的会费水平与侵权概率及被侵权的工资份额正相关的结论,并指出这一会费水平使工会实现了利润最大化却对农民工没有任何助益。工会是一种非盈利的公共组织,其会费水平的确定应遵循公平会费原则。公平会费使工会的期望利润为零,而农民工的福利却得到了最大化的增进。由于不同行业具有不同的公平会费,所以在实行统一的会费水平的情况下,应逐步建立起不同行业工会之间的转移支付制度,同时政府也应对侵权问题严重的行业给予更多关注和资金支持,以利于这些行业顺利组建工会及开展维权工作。  相似文献   

协整和格兰杰因果检验结果表明,我国外汇储备与物价水平存在协整关系,且外汇储备是物价水平的格兰杰原因,表明外汇储备增加将对通货膨胀形成压力。但从误差修正模型的检验结果看,我国外汇储备对物价水平的影响在短期内较为有限,其主要原因是我国央行短期内进行大量的外汇冲销操作。因此,我国需要采取有效的措施来缓解通胀压力,如加大央行公开市场业务操作、改革外汇管理体制、适当放宽汇率浮动幅度以及合理使用我国现有外汇储备等。  相似文献   

This paper analyses four effects of pegging exchange rate regime: effects on government policymaking, nominal anchor, domestic currency appreciation expectation, and currericy speculative attacks. Based on this, the paper concludes that China should give up RMB pegging exchange rate regime at present, carry out RMB floating exchange rate regime in the long term and RMB exchange rate target zone regime in the mid and short term.  相似文献   

In former researches there are primary theoretical studies and qualitative analyses on enterprise leaders' effectiveness and performance, and there are a few studies on quantitative analyses which mostly relies on the method of comparing differences and ratio of divergence to evaluate leaders' performance by stage statistics. This paper illustrates how to evaluate Comprehensive Efficiency (CE) based on Scientific Development Outlook, which reflects overall development of enterprise leaders' performance, depends on measuring Output Efficiency Index (OEI) and Cost Efficiency Index (CEI) of enterprise leaders' performance, and adopts the C^2R model in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).  相似文献   

American economist Funon brought forward the theory of industry production lite cycle phases. But from the perspective of China, the developed regions are sill developed, while the low developed regions are still low developed. The factors are as below, relation with people and relation region of the original investment place,' the problem of sunk cost, the network of production and cooperation constructed, the weakness of establishment in lower process region, narrow market capability and low degree of market of west and the low work efficiency of government of low grade region Ineffective conduction system of investment information.  相似文献   

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