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In the San Francisco Bay Area, where residential rent is among the highest in the United States, an analysis of data from several sources demonstrates that high rent cannot be accounted for by higher quality, higher operating costs, or higher construction costs. At least one-third of the total rent paid is land rent. Despite increases in real incomes, very-low-income tenants in the Bay Area today have less income remaining after payment of rent than tenants did in 1960. High land rent is a long-term feature of the Bay Area rental market that results mostly from its geography, the density of its urban centers, and a strong economy, rather than from regulatory barriers to new multifamily construction. Deregulation is not a sufficient response to the effects of land rent on low-income tenants. Government should subsidize non-profit housing organizations, particularly land trusts that remove residential land from the market. Taxes on land rent would be a particularly appropriate funding source.  相似文献   

While much empirical research indicates that blacks pay higher prices than whites for housing, models that generate this result have not been given a convincing theoretical structure. To remedy this deficiency, the paper develops two different models in which racial market segmentation is possible. The first considers a cartel controlling a white neighborhood threatened by black entry; the second considers the effort of a suburban government to exclude blacks. After developing these models, we contrast the conditions under which private collusion and public coercion generate exclusionary policies that restrict the supply of housing to minority groups.  相似文献   

To be successful as a motor in the development of declined regions, tourism must be integrated in a carefully planned regional development policy which has clear objectives. Regional development policy in Sweden is reviewed in the context of the northern peripheral areas of the country. The objectives were first economic and relied on the trickling down effect from the core. With the crisis of the 1970s the focus shifted to ‘quality of life’. Regional policy became more active with tourism as a sort of motor in the development plans. Most of the activities failed due to heavy dependence on investment in large public and private enterprises. The focus has now shifted to a more endogenous mode of development and, as a means to this, the restoration of the ‘brain balance’ through inward migration to the declined peripheral regions. The parameters for a tourism policy which would be a significant factor in creating an attractive region for tourism and for an inward migration which would play its role in a wider development process are set out.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Murie, A., Niner, P. and Watson, C. 1976: Housing policy and the housing system (HPHS). Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series , Volume I, No. I, Houses and people in the city (HPC), 1976. Antipode , Urban political economy issue (UPE) (ed M. Boody) Political Economy of Housing Workshop (PEHW) of the Conference of Socialist Economists 1975: Political economy and the housing question (PEHQ). Political Economy of the Housing Workshop of the Conference of Socialist Economists 1976: Housing and Class in Britain (HCB). National Community Development Project 1976: Whatever happened to council housing? (WHCH). National Community Development Project 1976: Profits against houses: an alternative guide to housing finance (PAH). Marx, K. edn. 1970: Capital, Volume 1. Nell, E. 1972: Economics: the revival of political economy. Broadbent, T. A. 1977: Planning and profit in the urban economy. Centro di Ricerche sui Modi di Produzione (a cura di Enzo Mingione) 1977: L'uso del territorio in Cina. Darke, R. and Walker, R. editors, 1977: Local government and the public. Sewell, W. and Coppock, J. , editors, 1977: Public participation in planning. Hart, D. A. 1976: Strategic planning in London: the rise and fall of the primary road network. Hayden, D. 1976: Seven American utopias: the architecture of communitarian socialism, 1790–1975. C. G. Pickvance , IJURR/RIRUR, Beverley Farm, University of Kent, Canterbury, England.  相似文献   

住房政策的局限性:政策的初衷与实施效果的背离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文斌  牟家华 《城市发展研究》2006,13(2):107-109,122
在房价上涨过快的背景下,基于舆论的压力,政府常常会出台一些旨在稳定房价、解决住房短缺问题的政策,然而有些政策的实施效果却常常背离政策的初衷.回顾了美国40年代实施的房租管制,并分析了中国正在实施的提高税收和经济适用房政策,发现这些政策的实施效果大都适得其反,不仅没有达到预期的目标,反而使得住房问题恶化.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the conduct of monetary policy in Hungary using standard Taylor rules as well as extended rules that incorporate real exchange rate effects. Moreover, we explicitly consider the impact of future euro area entry by estimating instrument rules that permit an influence from Maastricht Treaty inflation requirements via the estimation of Markov switching models as well as by estimating a differential rule vis-à-vis the existing euro area. Lastly, the paper also considers the impact on policy rules from the large data revision that affects real exchange rate and output estimates. I find that interest rate setting behavior in Hungary does not resemble that of the euro area. Also, counterfactual experiments reveal that the potential macroeconomic costs of entry into the euro area sooner rather than later may be lower than if membership in the single currency area is delayed beyond 2008.  相似文献   

This paper uses hedonic pricing to empirically estimate the value of publicly provided local goods and services in the constituencies of the ruling party relative to those of the opposition parties. To improve control for omitted variables that change smoothly over space, we use a regression discontinuity design to restrict the sample to houses that are near the electoral boundaries. Using resale market prices of public flats in Singapore, in some cases we find a moderate but highly statistically significant difference in housing prices across the electoral boundaries that separate the constituencies of the ruling party and the opposition parties.  相似文献   

After a decade of wide‐ranging social welfare reforms in New Zealand, that have resulted in a considerable restructuring of the role of the state in housing provision, the introduction of new housing legislation in 2000 marked a significant attempt to reassert the notion of social provision. This article examines the manner in which housing policy has recast the role of social rented housing in New Zealand and sets out the political context and implications of the new legislation in which housing policy is being pursued. It is argued that while the notion of social provision has been revived, social rented housing is still constructed in terms of a residual model of provision in the political discourses of reform. En Nouvelle‐Zélande, après une décennie de réformes sociales de toutes sortes, lesquelles ont largement restructuré le rô le de l'É tat dans la fourniture de logements, la récente présentation d'une législation sur l'habitat en 2000 s'est distinguée par une nette tendance à réaffirmer la notion de service social. En examinant comment la politique du logement néo‐zélandaise a remanié le rô le de l'habitat social en location, l'article expose le contexte et les implications politiques des nouvelles lois dans lesquelles s'inscrit la politique publique du logement. Si la notion de service social a été ravivée, le logement social en location reste un pis‐aller parmi les schémas d'aide évoqués dans les discours politiques réformistes.  相似文献   

This study proposes a theoretical framework of public announcement intention from a perspective of corporate social responsibility, including nine propositions developed to help explain the framework. In the proposed framework, public announcement intention is positively influenced by CSR attitude and opportunism judgment, while CSR attitude is positively influenced by opportunism judgment. Besides, CSR attitude is also positively affected by organizational values and benefit expectations but negatively affected by competitive pressure. Furthermore, opportunism judgment is positively influenced by benefit expectations but negatively influenced by competitive pressure and information asymmetry. Collectively, this study provides a good example for understanding the specific issue of public announcement intention in CSR and is an important complementary research for previous studies in the CSR area.  相似文献   

The circular economy (CE), definable as a system focused on the reorganization of material, information, and energy flows to achieve greater resource efficiency through the reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling of materials, is a concept widely discussed by practitioners and scientists of many disciplines. Waste recycling is integral to the CE, but there are still few articles focused on waste, and only few studies shed light on CE implementation at the company level. This paper focuses on a particular type of waste, that is, absorbent hygiene products (AHPs), which represents a nonnegligible fraction of municipal solid waste, considered an increasingly serious global challenge. We conducted our analysis on FaterSMART, an Italian firm that developed a unique worldwide technology able to totally convert AHP raw material wastes into recyclable materials, under a CE approach. The case study findings are based upon semi-structured interviews, direct observations, and analysis of FaterSMART's archival documents and are analyzed according to a framework developed for the research and focused on the place of waste from a linear economy, in which waste is considered a burden to CE, in which waste is considered a resource. The latter case is what we found that happens at FaterSMART. FaterSMART's findings could contribute to open up new management scenarios and stimulate further research into how this and similar types of technology will help societies to change from the “use-it-once-and-throw-it away” mentality of linear business models to the sustainable CE model that fully conceptualize waste as a resource for the system.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the US public housing policy, as codified by the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (QHWRA), is helping to reconfigure the racial and class structure of many inner cities. By promoting the demolition of public housing projects and replacement with mixed‐income housing developments, public housing policy is producing a gentrified inner‐city landscape designed to attract middle and upper‐class people back to the inner city. The goals of public housing policy are also broadly consonant with those of welfare reform wherein the ‘workfare’ system helps to bolster and produce the emergence of contingent low‐wage urban labor markets. In a similar manner, I argue that public housing demonstration programs, such as the ‘Welfare‐to‐Work’ initiative, encourage public housing residents to join the lowwage labor market. Although the rhetoric surrounding the demolition of public housing emphasizes the economic opportunities made available by residential mobility, I argue that former public housing residents are simply being relocated into private housing within urban ghettos. Such a spatial fix to the problems of unemployment and poverty will not solve the problems of inner‐city poverty. Will it take another round of urban riots before we seriously address the legacy of racism and discrimination that has shaped the US city? Cet article démontre que la politique du logement public américaine, telle que la réglemente la Loi de 1998, Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act, contribue à remodeler la structure par races et classes de nombreux quartiers déshérités des centres‐villes. En favorisant la démolition d'ensembles de logements sociaux et leur remplacement par des complexes urbanisés à loyers variés, la politique publique génère un embourgeoisement des centres‐villes destinéà y ramener les classes moyennes et supérieures. Les objectifs de la politique du logement rejoignent largement ceux de la réforme sociale où le système de ‘l'allocation conditionnelle’ facilite et nourrit la création de marchés contingents du travail à bas salaires. De même, les programmes expérimentaux de logements publics, telle l'initiative Welfare‐to‐Work (De l'aide sociale au travail) poussent les habitants des logements sociaux à rejoindre le marchéde la main d'?uvre à bas salaires. Bien que les discours autour de la démolition des logements sociaux mettent en avant les ouvertures économiques créées par la mobilité résidentielle, leurs anciens habitants sont simplement en train d'être déplacés vers des logements privés situés dans des ghettos urbains. Ce genre de solution spatiale aux problèmes du chômage et de la pauvreté ne viendra pas à bout du dénuement des quartiers déshérités du centre. Faudra‐t‐il une autre série d'émeutes urbaines pour que l'on aborde sérieusement l'héritage de racisme et de discrimination qui a façonné les villes américaines?  相似文献   

This paper explains one aspect of the challenges faced by regional development policy in Central and Eastern Europe. At issue is a policy for the development and expansion of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The causes and dynamics of difficulties with SME development policies are analyzed in a mechanism design/game theory framework, in which “policy failure” arises as an equilibrium phenomenon. The model results deliver a cautionary note: that indiscriminate application of market criteria may be counterproductive in an environment characterized by severe constraints on material wealth accumulation.  相似文献   

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