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中国文学史上妓女一直以一种特殊的社会群体形象成为作品中的特殊形象.青楼文化史中国文化史中特殊的一笔.三言二拍是明代最负盛名的五部拟话本小说集,作品中刻画的一批富有时代特征和鲜明个性的妓女形象鲜明动人.妓女虽然过着奢侈豪华的生活,却终日遭受鸿母的打骂和欺骗以及缥客的折磨,甚至充当他人利用的工具.他们心中充满美好的从良愿望,向往过上一种真实而正常的生活,表现了对生命价值的重新认取和对独立人格的执著追求,但是妓女的最终归宿却是不尽如人意的.三言二拍中的妓女形象具有独特魅力,她们独特的恋爱观与婚姻观具有深刻的社会内涵,三言二拍真实的再现了中国传统社会中广大妓女的真实的处境和心态. 相似文献
对于传统文学的法律探讨已经有不少论文著作了,对于三言二拍的法律研究也已经有很多学者写下诸多论文。但是遗憾的是这类论文大多是对于法律制度方面的研究,而对于三言二拍中民众的诉讼意识、诉讼观念类的研究文章却比较少。文章基于对三言二拍的故事案例为研究对象,从故事的情节细节、人物对白等细微之处入手,研究其中的诉讼现象,反映当时人们的诉讼意识与观念,并且进一步对这种诉讼认识的现象形成原因进行合理的分析。 相似文献
三姑六婆是“三言”“二拍”中不引人注意的一群。她们在故事中常以配角的身份出现,却有着非常重要的作用。她们的特殊身份使她们成了连接闺阁内外的媒介,弱化了闺阁内外的严防谨守,使得传统封建伦理道德有了褪色的可能。她们是女主人公思想命运转变的直接导火索,对“三言”“二拍”中故事情节的发展和完成有着举足轻重的作用。 相似文献
人民群众的喉舌,不说套话、假话、大话、废话,全国媒体应向你们学习。 相似文献
一个时代有一个时代的特色.中国古代美女的标准是以中国民族的审美观念为依据.而中国各朝各代对美女的审美观念的内容也不尽相同:冯梦龙《三言》中的女性是美的,从其自身和穿衣打扮几方面来说也都是美丽的。而且从美学的角度来说,文中女性的装扮也表现了美学形式上的美,从对文中这些女性装扮的分析中,可以文中女性对于装扮的有以下几个特点:自然、淡雅、和谐,得体,很好地展示了女性的美。 相似文献
“三言”一百二十篇小说有二十多篇以女性为主人公,这二十多篇中的女性以全新的形象示人。身上洋溢着市民女儿的光辉。人美、心美、情真。她们或是个性独立,追求人的价值和尊严;或是精明能干,展示卓然才能。当然她们亦有受命运摆布的可怜遭遇。研究“三言”中的女性形象.不仅能进一步掌握女性在当时的社会地位及对社会的贡献;而且对于了解当时的时俗民情、思想潮流有着重要意义。 相似文献
实施乡村振兴战略,是党的十九大在全面建设小康社会,全面推进社会主义现代化建设中取得新成果的新战略。实施乡村文化振兴行动,促进农村文化的繁荣,无疑将成为乡村振兴问题的实质,也是实现农业和农村现代化的全过程。作为一种更基本、更深刻、更持久的力量,文化通过其开拓性、战略性为农村复兴战略提供精神动力,智慧支持和道德营养。 相似文献
题记:电大不是敲门的砖,攀城的梯,而是跋涉者的拐杖,腾飞者的翅膀。1996年8月,正当中央电视台播放《宰相刘罗锅》时,中共咸阳市委下发了红头文件,任命景万春同志为咸阳市第二人民医院副院长。联系到他平日的作风和行为,人们有的说是“刘罗锅”当了院长,有的说“屠夫”当了“状元”。这里包涵了人们对他朴实无华的工作作风的肯定,包涵了对他洁身自好、廉洁奉公精神的赞许,也包涵了近千名职工对他的希望。从普通工人到院长,在其他人看来,是一个巨大的飞跃,但对景万春来说,却经历了十分艰苦的低而和磨练。在回顾以往的经历时,… 相似文献
作为关中地区农业重镇,渭南必须抓住乡村振兴这次难得的历史机遇,加快农业供给侧结构性改革,带动乡村产业振兴;发展特色小镇,引领乡村产业振兴;搞好精准扶贫,助推乡村产业振兴;发挥堡垒作用,保障乡村产业振兴。 相似文献
在农村经济综合实力日渐提升的背景下,乡村振兴战略得以被提出,促使先进的能源开发技术在农村地区得到了推广应用。基于这种认识,本文对乡村振兴战略中能源开发方向和策略展开了分析,希望能够为关注这一话题的人们提供帮助和建议。 相似文献
民族地区新农村建设是民族地区社会经济持续发展的关键和长久之计,也是少数民族振兴与繁荣的前提保证。民族地区建设新农村,关键是开发与培养农村人力资源。本文通过对甘肃民族地区的调查,分析了当前民族地区新农村建设中人才的状况与特点,提出在新农村建设中如何吸引人才、留住人才和培养人才的相关对策与建议。 相似文献
We use a unique data set of Chinese villages to investigate whether access to telecommunications, in particular, landline phones, increases the likelihood of outmigration. By using regional and time variations in the installation of landline phones, our difference-in-difference estimation shows that the access to landline phones increases the ratio of out-migrant workers by 2 percentage points, or about 51% of the sample mean in China. The results remain robust to a battery of validity checks. Furthermore, landline phones affect outmigration through two channels: information access on job opportunities and especially timely contact with left-behind family members. Our findings underscore the positive migration externality of expanding telecommunications access in rural areas, especially in places where migration potential is large. 相似文献
城中村是我国城市化进程中的独特现象,城中村改造已成为改善群众居住条件,引导村民真正融入城市、改善城市形象和提升城市品位的迫切需要。通过调研,将从以下方面对城中村改造中存在的突出问题进行剖析并提出解决对策,即城中村改造中房屋拆迁补偿"无法无序";被打乱的拆迁补偿顺序、拆迁评估制度的不完善以及拆迁补偿后要实现农民向市民的转变困难重重。 相似文献
This study constructs a Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans growth model of the agricultural sector, which includes land transfer characteristics, to investigate the theoretical basis of the land transfer impact on multi-dimensional poverty, under a steady equilibrium. Using 2010, 2012, and 2014 panel data from the Mutual Aid Fund for Poverty-Stricken Villages in China, we obtained results indicating the impact of land transfer on multi-dimensional poverty, based on the generalized propensity score method. The research results are as follows: (1) The intensity of rural households' land transfer in poverty-stricken villages remains low, at only 14.54%; however, it demonstrates an increasing trend. (2) When the intensity of land transfer is continuously enhanced, the multi-dimensional poverty of rural households in poverty-stricken villages decreases. (3) Rural households' land transfer in poverty-stricken villages can reduce multi-dimensional poverty by improving their savings behavior. “Precautionary savings motivation” is an important land transfer mechanism affecting rural households' multi-dimensional poverty in poverty-stricken villages. 相似文献
Selling traditional craft products made from fibrous plants is an important source of income for economically vulnerable rural women. In the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, Cyperus textilis and Juncus kraussii have been used for centuries to make products of functional and cultural importance, such as sleeping mats and baskets. In the former Transkei village clusters of Mpozolo and Ntubeni, female crafters harvest the raw material and make and sell the products in their communities and in nearby towns. Interviews with 40 of them revealed what the trade contributes to their livelihoods and what enhances or limits their success. The findings show that crafting contributes vital income to vulnerable households, on average 26 ± 4 per cent of annual household cash income, over 40 per cent for the poorest households and 5–15 per cent for wealthier households. Lack of access to non-traditional markets was identified as the main constraint on the trade. 相似文献
Using a census survey of households in Guizhou Province, this paper examines the patterns of village poverty and inequality and their major correlates. The results show that poverty incidences vary greatly among villages and inequality is relatively high within villages in these impoverished areas. Although agriculture is still the major source of livelihood in this inland western region, income from local nonfarm jobs and remittance is more unevenly distributed and accounts for the largest share of overall income inequality. Surprisingly, blood donation is another major source of cash income. On the expenditure side, health care was found to be one of the most important sources of inequality. The paper also found that the distribution of assets, particularly land holdings, contributes to overall income inequality. 相似文献
Researchers have emphasized different aspects of income inequality, including the statistical evidence of interregional per capita income convergence (following the economic growth theory) and the increase in individual income inequality. This study clarifies these issues, by analyzing the interregional income inequality of cities, towns and villages data in Japan from 1986 to 1999. The results of this empirical analysis show that the interregional income inequality decreases in the 1990s, in spite of the increase in individual income inequality. 相似文献
A basic needs survey was conducted among people living on two agricultural smallholder schemes in Venda. The paper describes the research methodology and assesses the availability of education and the nutritional status of respondents on these two schemes. Neither the availability of formal schooling nor extension work is satisfactory. The situation regarding primary education has improved over the last few years and almost every child in the survey area goes to school. This seems to be an indication of changing attitudes among parents, increased money available for schooling, as well as greater financial commitments from the Government. However, informal training through extension is carried out only on an irregular basis. An assessment of the frequency of consumption of various foodstuffs suggests an emphasis on carbohydrates at the expense of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Villagers interviewed indicated that food is in short supply and that allocation of additional land could assist in overcoming these shortages. 相似文献
本文主要依据河北省清苑县4个村庄的农户调查资料,对20世纪三、四十年代华北平原农村的土地分配状况及其变化趋势进行讨论和分析;对这一时期地权变动的主要方式,也做了概要的考察。 相似文献