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王喜平  王婉晨 《技术经济》2022,41(6):131-142
研究碳市场与股票市场间的风险溢出,深层次揭示其中的内在机制与规律,对于有效防范碳金融风险具有重要意义。本文基于广义预测误差方差分解构建溢出指数,从静态和动态两个层面捕捉中国碳市场与电力、材料、房地产、工业、金融、传统能源、新能源等股票板块市场之间的风险溢出强度和方向;在此基础上,进一步从复杂网络视角构建“碳-股票”系统的风险溢出网络,识别风险的中心与演化。结果表明:碳市场与股票市场之间存在一定的风险溢出,碳市场是各股票板块市场的风险净接收方,但不同板块的影响具有非对称性,其中新能源市场的影响最大。在宏观经济波动和有关政策出台时,碳市场与股票市场之间的风险溢出也会发生波动;工业板块市场是“碳-股票”系统的风险中心,基于上述结论提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

郑德珵  孙路  陈哲 《产经评论》2013,(6):128-139
在梳理国际主要股票市场间联动性研究成果的基础上,本文采用1991-2011年数据,通过对各个时间区间的分析尤其是次贷危机引发的全球金融危机的前后比照,按照由表及里、由特征属性到变化趋势与影响机制的系统与动态分析的思想方法,对国内A股与美国、英国、德国、日本、香港股市之间的联动性进行了实证检验。结论表明:(1)2000年特别是2007年次贷危机以来,境内外主要股市联动性显著增强;(2)境内外股市相互冲击效果不断增大,传导速度加快;(3)在股市资金联动性不断加强的同时,波动幅度也随之扩大;(4)这种市场联动性内在机制是宏观经济(宏观)、资本市场政策和机制(中观)、行为金融情绪(微观)三位一体的互动。本文最后提出了相关政策建议和投资策略建议。  相似文献   


It is well documented that there has been a relationship between stock markets and unconventional monetary policies. However, most research concentrates on developed economies and analyzes the effects of shocks from such polices on stock prices. This paper is different from this research in that we investigate the impact of surprises from the Fed’s and the ECB’s announcements on the stock returns and volatility in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries using GARCH models. We find that a positive surprise associated with a fall in the U.S. Treasury yield causes an increase in ADX returns. We show significant effects of the ECB’s shocks on price returns. In particular, announcement that induces a decline in yield spreads in Italian sovereign bonds leads to higher stock prices. We also document a significant impact of surprises both by the Fed and ECB on volatility. However, the estimates are mixed. We note that volatility went down in response to the ECB’s policies, while they increased after the Fed’s asset purchases. Finally, when we distinguish surprises by their sign, the GJR-GARCH model estimates indicate that the effect on the volatility which is, perhaps surprisingly, symmetric for both types of news.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the global and extreme dependence structure between investor sentiment and stock returns in 7 European stock markets (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the UK), over the period 1985–2015. Global dependence refers to the correlation of changes in sentiment and stock returns over the whole range of these 2 variables, and extreme dependence refers to the local correlation of high (i.e. asymptotic) changes in sentiment and high stock returns. Using copula models and a bootstrap procedure, 6 statistical tests are performed for this purpose. Among the results of the tests, the authors highlight those that provide evidence of contemporaneous lower extreme dependence and contemporaneous upper extreme independence between sentiment and returns. As policy implications, these results suggest that financial stability can be promoted if regulators consider the impact of their decisions on investor sentiment. Also, the results seem to support the arguments in favor of short selling ban during turmoil periods. Finally, overall, the results are relevant for both investors and regulators and reinforce the importance of considering investor sentiment to better understand the behavior of financial markets.  相似文献   

Political polarization expressed through the spatial model of political competition explains the rejection of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe by French voters. The increasing polarization of the distribution of voters during the last 30 years made the outcome of the 29 May 2005 referendum a predictable event.  相似文献   

This article investigates herding behavior in ten Central and East European (CEE) stock markets by using daily data on stock prices for 384 companies from January 2, 2003, to December 31, 2013. Our study is based on the methodology developed by Chang, Cheng, and Khorana [2000 Chang, Eric, Joseph Cheng, and Ajay Khorana. “An Examination of Herd Behavior in Equity Markets: An International Perspective.” Journal of Banking and Finance, 24, (2000), pp. 16511679.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]], adapted to detect herding behavior under different market conditions. The authors use quantile regression analysis as an estimation method and find evidence of herding behavior in all CEE countries, except for Poland and Romania. When the market is up and the trading volume increases, investors become enthusiastic and optimistic, neglecting their own information and following each other in buying transactions. Conversely, when the market declines, driven by panic and fear, investors follow the market consensus and engage in overselling transactions.  相似文献   

金砖新兴股票市场国际定位及其溢出效应检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金砖四国新兴股票市场已不同程度地融入了全球一体化进程之中。从水平溢出效应看,四国股票市场受发展中国家指数收益率的影响都不够发达,只有中国在考虑汇率后对发达国家或全球指数收益率有显著作用;巴西和中国(考虑汇率后)对本地区有显著影响。从波动溢出效应看,除中国外,其他三国均影响发达国家或全球、发展中国家和本地区指数收益。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between stock price index and exchange rate in six African markets using monthly data for the period January 2007 to October 2015. A quantile regression approach is used. This methodology is shown to perform better than the ordinary least squares estimators, particularly when the conditional distribution is heterogeneous. Our empirical evidence reveals an interesting pattern in the association of these two financial markets in Africa, which shows that the negative relationship between stock and foreign exchange markets is more apparent when exchange rates are extremely low or high. The negative relationship between the two variables is in line with the portfolio balance effect.  相似文献   

Political instability has the potential to disrupt financial markets. But how do political institutions affect financial movements in an environment where all institutions are in flux? This paper looks at the effects of formal and informal political volatility in the new EU countries of central and eastern Europe, in the Eastern Neighborhood, and farther afield in Central Asia to answer this question. Using asymmetric GARCH modeling on monthly data, I find that informal political volatility has a significant negative effect on stock returns, while formal political institutions generate much higher financial volatility than changes in monetary policy.  相似文献   

近年来,DCC-MGARCH模型已经被成熟地运用到对一些金融市场间关系的研究中,运用DCC-MGARCH模型对可转债市场与股票市场间的动态相关系数进行研究,采用全局综合与局部分析的方法,刻画上述两金融市场间相关系数的动态时变特征,结果表明:采用DCC-MGARCH模型对可转债市场与股票市场间关系的研究是有效且可行的。  相似文献   

Yu He  Lei Xu  Ron P. McIver 《Applied economics》2019,51(26):2770-2792
We examine the impact of political connections on firm performance, financial distress, and its resolution in China, a country where government influence over stock markets has been demonstrated to be considerable. Our findings suggest that over 1999 to 2015, although political connections had limited impact on the emergence of financial distress, such connections assisted distressed firms in gaining increments to debt financing and contributed to a higher likelihood of recovery. This indicates that Chinese authorities follow market economy principles, and only intervene in firms’ operations after they fall into financial distress. In addition, central and local government political connections have different impacts on distress recovery. We conduct additional analyses on differences in distress outcomes for various ownership (State-owned enterprises, SOEs, and non–SOEs) and sample sub-periods (1999–2007 and 2008–2015). Our results are robust to potential endogeneity issues and to alternative measures of financial distress.  相似文献   

This paper shows evidence that political booms, defined as the rise in governments’ popularity, are associated with a higher likelihood of currency crises. The reasoning behind this finding is that prudent economic policies to address underlying weaknesses in the economy may be political costly for incumbent governments in the short-term. Hence, popularity-concerned governments may not have enough incentives to take such corrective actions in a timely manner. This approach, in turn, can deteriorate economic fundamentals and increase related risks in the economy which can eventually lead to crises. This paper sheds light on this phenomenon in the case of currency crises, suggesting that currency crises can be viewed as “political booms gone bust” events. Moreover, it finds that higher international reserves, higher exports, and a higher degree of financial openness alleviate the effect of political booms on currency crises.  相似文献   

Abstract. Temporary fluctuations of the US consumption–wealth ratio do not only predict excess returns on the US but also international stock markets at the business cycle frequency. This finding is the reflection of a common, temporary component in national stock markets. Exposure to this common component explains up to 50% of the pairwise covariation among long‐horizon returns on the G7 stock markets for the time period from 1970 to 2008. This latter finding is less pronounced in the post‐1990s period.  相似文献   

This paper studies the evolution of political institutions in the face of conflict. We examine institutional reform in a class of pivotal mechanisms—institutions that behave as if the resulting policy were determined by a “pivotal” decision maker drawn from the potential population of citizens and who holds full policy‐making authority at the time. A rule‐of‐succession describes the process by which pivotal decision makers in period t + 1 are, themselves, chosen by pivotal decision makers in period t. Two sources of conflict—class conflict, arising from differences in wealth, and ideological conflict, arising from differences in preferences—are examined. In each case, we characterize the unique Markov‐perfect equilibrium of the associated dynamic political game, and show that public decision‐making authority evolves monotonically downward in wealth and upward in ideological predisposition toward the public good. We then examine rules‐of‐succession when ideology and wealth exhibit correlation.  相似文献   

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