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“广告什么时候有效?当人处在比广告更无聊的时间和空间的时候,播放广告更有效。创造全新的广告时间段和空间段,创造强制性的广告,这就是未来广告媒体的市场。”  相似文献   

"在罗马的小巷里,我们感受到米开朗基罗;在柏林的大道旁,我们体会到包豪斯;而在上海的马路上,我们深深地陷入江南春。"这是著名文艺女中年洪晃在博客里略带调侃的描述,这篇博客讲述了她在上海一天的见闻,从出租车上她第一次看到模特给洗发水做的广告开始,从此她开始被分众传媒的各种形式广告所包围,直到她晚上坐在外滩一家高级餐厅里,看着窗外黄浦江上慢慢驶过一条播放广告的船,她再一  相似文献   

吴飒 《中国企业家》2010,(7):114-116
去年,江南春36岁,高调地结束了单身生活。15年东奔西突,几乎没休过一天假的他,突然稍稍放缓了自己。他已不再青春,两只脚终于踏进了婚姻。  相似文献   

投资者惊讶于分众这一崭新广告载体的神奇成长,而被“轰炸”的受众则到了忍受的临界点。  相似文献   

这一代年轻企业家都犯过类似的错误:成功后就变得自负,抵挡不住内心的黑洞悄然膨胀,挫败后回归常识  相似文献   

最近几个月,关于分众的故事总是那么跌宕起伏,让人始料未及。在分众与新浪合并后,江南春也重出江湖,出任分众CEO,此番出山,背景颇为复杂。  相似文献   

可以说,如今的第三代企业家与前辈们有一种天然的观念“代沟”这种“代沟”,无所谓对与错、是与非或许,它更像一种自然的进化  相似文献   

陈俊 《东方企业家》2007,(12):86-88
安徒生笔下的小女孩,因为穿上女巫送的红舞鞋,而永远无法停止跳舞。是什么原因驱使江南春穿上资本的红舞鞋呢?  相似文献   

“资本的运用要在适当的时间,才会得出好的答案,”江南春总结说。然而,在创业初期,资本的快速降临却是这位年轻的广告人意料之外的  相似文献   

温达 《企业文化》2008,(6):40-40
也许江南春是时候拿出更多的精力,思考如何加强企业文化了。成功者,越早摔一跤,越利于长远成长。江南春想必没有预料到自己会被一毛钱大点儿的事情再得这么狼狈。刚刚宣布退居二线,便被无情地揪出来做危机公关、向公众道歉,对于任何人来说,都不会好受。  相似文献   

This article highlights the characteristics of articles on project success published between 1986 and 2004 in the Project Management Journal (PMJ) and the International Journal of Project Management (IJPM). The analysis covers references, concepts like project management success, project success, success criteria, and success factors; features of the samples, data collection, and analysis techniques used; and professional disciplines. The results show that research on project success is characterized by diversity except in epistemological and methodological perspectives. The article suggests a shift to project, portfolio, and program success and concludes with a discussion on the traditional state of the research, criticizes its assumptions, and offers alternative metaphors and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Gabrielle Fack   《Labour economics》2006,13(6):747-771
In this paper, I show that in-kind benefit such as a housing benefit program may have a significant impact on the price of the subsidized good. I use a French housing benefit reform to evaluate the impact of the subsidy on the level of rents. The results indicate that one additional euro of housing benefit leads to an increase of 78 cents in the rent paid by new benefit claimants, leaving only 22 cents available to reduce their net rent and increase their consumption. This large impact of housing benefit on rents appears to be the result of a very low housing supply elasticity. I show that the housing benefit reform induced additional demand, not only from low income households but also from students who used the benefit to become independent. Unfortunately, this increase in demand was unmatched by increasing housing supply in the short and middle term. The only possible effect of the reform is a small increase in housing quality. These results raise questions about the use of such in-kind transfers when the supply of the subsidized good is almost inelastic. It is therefore very important to estimate the incidence of the subsidy when assessing the efficiency of such welfare programs.  相似文献   

Hanns C.  Iiris  Jan M. 《Technovation》2007,27(12):732-743
Organizations often hide creativity and talent. This paper describes how to make engineers active in the field of intrapreneurship within large firms where they often are employed in R&D. This development is seen, in Europe at least, most desirable by the companies today. Technology has an extensive impact on the society and economy nowadays, and it is important to study how technological innovations appear and who is behind them. Entrepreneurship and organizational intrapreneurship are, in many cases, the basis of technological innovations and firm renewal. Engineers are the company's special professional workforce that has the role to produce and develop innovations. Since the world of high-tech companies needs the cooperation of many experts, engineers must be able to cooperate well with other fields of expertise such as marketing, research and development as well as external suppliers and service providers. Also, innovations today often ask not only for unique technical knowledge but also social knowledge to make these innovations meaningful. In this sense, social innovation parallels technical innovation. Thus, in this paper we explore the origins of the intrapreneurship capacity in engineering settings of hightech firms, thereby concentrating on three issues: Who is the intrapreneur and the engineer-intrapreneur in particular? What kind of managerial and organizational support is required to facilitate the intrapreneur's upcoming? What are the educational and work related consequences for practical intrapreneurship tool development?  相似文献   

李岩 《中外企业家》2004,(12):75-77
铁嘴、名嘴"嘴斗嘴"! 2002年04月26日,<北京晨报>一则消息在国内引起轩然大波:由著名相声演员姜昆担任法人代表的相声娱乐网站--昆朋网城在该网上转载了国内著名营销实战专家、建昊集团某保健品总策划、著名财经专栏作家唐朝采访十大策划人叶茂中的一篇题为<别把广告做得一塌糊涂>的文章.这篇文章刊登在权威广告期刊<广告大观>杂志上,而昆朋网城在转载文章前既没有征得该文作者唐朝同意,也没有署作者唐朝的名字,更谈不上支付稿费.唐朝所在的公司代表唐朝向北京朝阳区法院提起民事诉讼,要求索赔两万元,法院已正式受理这起著作权纠纷案.  相似文献   

哈尔滨的市民们未必都知道美国的曼哈顿,但无人不熟悉道里区的曼哈顿商厦。检点家中的日用物品,总可能联想起那座整日人群熙攘摩肩接踵的商厦,并油然而生一种温暖亲切的感觉。同时,许多人也还记得,1995年,就是这座商厦,吸纳了以脏乱差著称的透笼街露天家具市场和小百货摊位,在哈尔滨较早地实现了大型马路市场的“退路进厅”,这在城市建设史上也堪称重大事件。  相似文献   

本文从农村社会、经济、文化、习俗等方面的角度,对比分析了我国农村在发展过程中的情形和存在的问题。  相似文献   

Parental income is positively correlated with children's educational attainment. This paper addresses the causality of this observed link. We have a unique data set for Norwegians born in the period 1967–1969, with a measure of permanent family income in the children's adolescence. This enables us to examine the long-term effect of family income on children's educational attainment. The Norwegian oil shock in the 1970s is used as an instrument, because this – in some regions but not in others – implied a general increase in income unrelated to parents' abilities. This variation in income is used to estimate the causal effect of family income on children's educational attainment. We find no such causal relationship. This result is robust with respect to different specification tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the debate surrounding whether or not the natural environment should be considered an organizational stakeholder. We argue for a broad definition of stakeholders, and present a case for the natural environment being an easily identifiable primary stakeholder when climate change is brought into the debate. We develop a conceptual stakeholder identification framework by combining and extending the work of Mitchell, Agle and Wood, and Driscoll and Starik. We approach the stakeholder issue from a strategic rather than moral or ethical perspective. In particular, we contend that power, legitimacy, urgency and proximity are combined when climatic changes, such as increasingly frequent anomalous extreme weather, can damage business infrastructure, resources, products and market, overshadowing moral and ethical aspects of the debate. We also identify key implications for business and policymakers, and highlight opportunities for future research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

<正>"互联网+"是最近的一个高频度词。李克强总理在两会上作为国家战略提出以后,首先是在政府层面得到重视。其次,在各个行业特别是传统行业引起深入的讨论和探索。互联网特别是移动互联网的出现,形成了两个最大的最有潜力的服务消费市场:一个是网上支付消费,另一个是社区O2O消费。而这两个服务消费市场特别是后一个与物业行业关联度相当大。全国的物业服务企业管  相似文献   

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