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This paper studies the normative problem of redistribution between agents who can influence their survival probability through private health spending, but who differ in their attitude towards the risks involved in the lotteries of life to be chosen. For that purpose, a two-period model is developed, where agents’ preferences on lotteries of life can be represented by a mean and variance utility function allowing, unlike the expected utility form, some sensitivity to what Allais (Econometrica 21(4), 503–546, 1953) calls the ‘dispersion of psychological values’. It is shown that if agents ignore the impact of health spending on the return of their savings, the decentralization of the first-best utilitarian optimum requires intergroup lump sum transfers and group-specific positive taxes on health spending. Under asymmetric information, a differentiated taxation across agents is still required, but subsidizing health spending may be optimal as a way to solve the incentive problem.  相似文献   

We use a unique data set of hedge fund long equity and equity option positions to investigate a significant lockup-related premium earned during the tech bubble (1999–2001) and financial crisis (2007–2009). Net fund flows are significantly greater among lockup funds during crisis and noncrisis periods. Managers of hedge funds with locked-up capital trade opportunistically against flow-motivated trades of non-lockup managers, consistent with a hypothesis of rent extraction in providing crisis era liquidity. The success of this opportunistic trading is concentrated during periods of high borrowing costs, in less liquid stock markets, and is enhanced by hedging in the equity option market.  相似文献   

We study the common equity and equity option positions of hedge fund investment advisors over the 1999–2006 period. We find that hedge funds' stock positions predict future returns and that option positions predict both volatility and returns on the underlying stock. A quarterly tracking portfolio of stocks based on publicly observable hedge fund option holdings earns abnormal returns of 1.55% through the end of the quarter. Net of fees, hedge funds using options deliver higher benchmark-adjusted portfolio returns and lower risk than nonusers. The results suggest that hedge fund positions reflect significant timing and selectivity skill.  相似文献   

We analyse the drivers of hedge fund performance, focusing simultaneously on fund size, age, lockup period, fund strategies, business cycles and different market conditions, dealing with the omitted variable bias. We use exogenous break points and a switching Markov model to endogenously determine different market conditions. We find that HFs deliver positive alpha only during “good” times, irrespective of their fundamentals. During “bad” times, they minimise their systematic risk. Small and young funds, and those with redemption restrictions deliver higher alpha compared to their peers during “good” times. Finally, specific strategies deliver significantly negative alpha during “bad” times.  相似文献   

This article investigates static liquidation strategies for large security positions in illiquid markets. Under the assumption that the liquidation horizon is given exogenously, a discretionary liquidity trader solves for the optimal sales trajectory so as to maximize an objective function that considers the expected liquidation revenues and their standard deviation. Although existing literature tends to focus on theoretical aspects with the intention of deriving closed-form solutions for special types of market impact functions, this article considers a framework that is able to capture important empirical phenomena in the stock market, such as the intraday U-shaped pattern of price impact and the resiliency of the order book. The new model is very flexible since it allows for liquidation intervals of varying length and foregoes the assumption of constant speed of trading. Examples with real-world order book data demonstrate how the setup can be implemented numerically and provide deeper insight into relevant properties of the model.  相似文献   

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) alpha explains hedge fund flows better than alphas from more sophisticated models. This suggests that investors pool together sophisticated model alpha with returns from exposures to traditional (except for the market) and exotic risks. We decompose performance into traditional and exotic risk components and find that while investors chase both components, they place greater relative emphasis on returns associated with exotic risk exposures that can only be obtained through hedge funds. However, we find little evidence of persistence in performance from traditional or exotic risks, which cautions against investors’ practice of seeking out risk exposures following periods of recent success.  相似文献   

Pricing options under stochastic volatility: a power series approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we present a new approach for solving the pricing equations (PDEs) of European call options for very general stochastic volatility models, including the Stein and Stein, the Hull and White, and the Heston models as particular cases. The main idea is to express the price in terms of a power series of the correlation parameter between the processes driving the dynamics of the price and of the volatility. The expansion is done around correlation zero and each term is identified via a probabilistic expression. It is shown that the power series converges with positive radius under some regularity conditions. Besides, we propose (as in Alós in Finance Stoch. 10:353–365, 2006) a further approximation to make the terms of the series easily computable and we estimate the error we commit. Finally we apply our methodology to some well-known financial models.   相似文献   

This paper exploits a quasi-natural experiment to study the effect of social benefits level on take-up rates. We find that households who are eligible for double benefits (twins) have much higher take-up rate—up to double—as compared to a control group of households. Our estimated effect of benefits level is much higher relative to the standard cross section estimates. This finding is less exposed to a selection bias that might plague much of the previous research on the link between benefits level and take-up. It provides strong empirical support for the level of benefits as a key factor in determining take-up rates.  相似文献   

With the rise of cryptocurrency tokens as a new asset class, the question of the fair evaluation of a cryptocurrency token has become a question of increasing importance. We estimate the pricing kernel with which users price factors affecting their token holdings. We investigate how traditional risk factors such as market risk are evaluated, as well as how blockchain specific risk factors are priced in. In order to do so, we introduce an asset pricing model and modify its properties to make it applicable to cryptocurrency markets. We group the risk factors into market related and Bitcoin- and Ethereum blockchain specific risk factors. We find that blockchain specific risk factors are priced in. There is evidence that risk factors have moved from Bitcoin to Ethereum specific risk factors with an increasing importance of market factors, providing evidence for a decoupling of on-chain and off-chain trading activity.  相似文献   

This study examines how the composition of an investment adviser's client base (identified via Form ADV filings) relates to the performance of its mutual funds. Investment advisers catering to institutional clients realize statistically and economically superior risk-adjusted mutual fund performance relative to retail-oriented advisers. Subsequent tests identify the channel(s) responsible for the relationship. The evidence is consistent with both a governance mechanism (i.e., Evans and Fahlenbrach 2012) as well as inefficiencies stemming from the costly search mechanism of Gârleanu and Pedersen's (2018) model for asset management. The results suggest that institutional clients can identify better performing investment managers, particularly in market segments where retail mutual fund investors face higher search costs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of corporate taxes on the input factor choice of multi-jurisdictional entities (MJEs) under a formula apportionment (FA) regime. Our testing ground is the German local business tax that applies FA regulations with income apportionment according to the relative payroll share. Using unique data on the population of German firms, we find that MJEs distort their employment and payroll costs in favor of low-tax locations. On average, a 1-percentage-point-increase in the tax rate differential between an affiliate and foreign group members is found to lower the affiliate’s payroll to capital ratio by 1.9%.  相似文献   

We consider the infinite-horizon optimal portfolio liquidation problem for a von Neumann–Morgenstern investor in the liquidity model of Almgren (Appl. Math. Finance 10:1–18, 2003). Using a stochastic control approach, we characterize the value function and the optimal strategy as classical solutions of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations. We furthermore analyze the sensitivities of the value function and the optimal strategy with respect to the various model parameters. In particular, we find that the optimal strategy is aggressive or passive in-the-money, respectively, if and only if the utility function displays increasing or decreasing risk aversion. Surprisingly, only few further monotonicity relations exist with respect to the other parameters. We point out in particular that the speed by which the remaining asset position is sold can be decreasing in the size of the position but increasing in the liquidity price impact.   相似文献   

The existing literature deals with the optimal investment strategy of defined benefit (DB) or defined contribution (DC) pension plans. This article’s objective is to compare the optimal policies of different types of pension plans. This is done by first defining an original framework, which is based on the distinction between the nature of the guarantee—which can be internal or external—offered by or to a pension fund. This framework allows to establish links between optimization programs of DC, DB and targeted money purchase schemes. The case of an internal guarantee appears as a standard portfolio insurer’s problem. The second kind of guarantee, not analyzed in the literature yet with regard to the resulting optimal policy, is characterized by the existence of an option in the final wealth definition. Four funds are present in the internal guarantee optimal allocation: the speculative component, the preference independent guarantee- and contribution-hedge terms and the preference dependent state variable-hedge fund. The external guarantee program, solved with an original method using the principles of standard options theory, yields an optimal policy incorporating the delta of the option embodied in the final wealth definition. The conclusion is that the resulting optimal portfolio policy becomes riskier.
Katarzyna RomaniukEmail:

This paper formulates a two-stage model to capture the decision process of financial analysts when issuing earnings forecasts. Our model extends the model of Chen and Jiang [(2005). Analysts’ weighting of private and public information. Review of Financial Studies, 19 (1), 319–355], by allowing for a distortion of forecasts independent of whether an analyst has private information. Using quarterly earnings forecasts, we provide empirical evidence on the coexistence of overconfidence and strategic incentives. Financial analysts overweight their private information and at the same time strategically inflate their forecast.  相似文献   

The Fama and French factor-ranking approach (1992, 1993, etc.) has been extensively applied in quantitative fund management. However, this approach suffers from hidden factor view, information inefficiency, etc. issues. Based on the Black–Litterman model (1992; as explained in Cheung 2010b Cheung, W. 2010b. The Black–Litterman model explained. J. Asset Mgmt., 11: 229243. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), we develop a technique that endogenizes the ranking process and elegantly resolves these issues. This model explicitly seeks forward-looking factor views and smoothly blends them to deliver robust allocation to securities. Our numerical experiments show this is an intuitive and practical framework for factor-based portfolio construction, and beyond. This article features: (1) a new and unified framework for strategy combination, factor mimicking and security-specific bets; (2) an elegant and ranking-free approach to factor style construction; (3) worked examples based on the FTSE EUROTOP 100 universe; (4) insight into the classic issue of confidence parameter setting; and (5) implementation guidance in an appendix.  相似文献   

Universities have been undergoing major changes in scope of activities, structures, processes and relationships since late in the 20th century. This paper critically examines some of the dimensions of these changes, reflecting on the spectrum of environmental forces and internal resource pressures that have begun to transform many aspects of university governance core activities, stakeholder relationships and academic work. This Habermasian informed analysis and critique of major changes in university operations, reveals an array of globalised environmental disturbances that have directly impacted on university design archetypes including governance, accountability, decision-making and communication. The consequent impacts on the financial, educational and research subsystems are found to be extensive and have penetrated the interpretive schemes that constitute the university lifeworld. Commercial values are found to be usurping the previously dominant knowledge focussed values in universities. A re-engagement in discourse and bottom-up strategic management and processually based change orientation are offered as potential foundations for developing a bridge between the new managerialism and academics’ re-empowerment.  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes the challenge to redistribution programs posed by an increase in the skill premium. The skill premium affects both the profitability of education and the profitability of migration. We propose a two country, median voter model, where the equilibrium tax policy is shaped by the desire of the median voter to promote skill formation and to avoid emigration of skilled individuals. Our paper shows that the effect of an increase in the skill premium on redistributive programs depends on the initial level of the skill premium. Below a critical level, an increase in the skill premium is met by an increase in the tax rate. Beyond this level, however, a further rise in the skill premium leads to a fall in the tax rate, and hence a sharp increase in post-tax inequality.  相似文献   

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