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分别以车辆出行成本节约与通行收入增加的总和最大及车辆出行广义费用最小作为上、下层模型的目标函数,构建高速公路路面养护项目选择的双层规划模型,在交通量动态分配的基础上采用搜索算法对模型进行求解,同时考虑养护路段施工难度、交通瓶颈、路段安全水平及路段重要度等因素综合判定最优养护方案。结果表明:定量计算与定性指标分析相结合能得出高速公路路面养护项目的最优选择方案,计算结果可反映路段养护的经济效益。  相似文献   

Income inequality has been a major concern of economic policy makers for several years. Can minimum wages help to mitigate inequality? In 2015, the German government introduced a nationwide statutory minimum wage to reduce income inequality by improving the labour income of low-wage employees. However, the employment effects of wage increases depend on time and region specific conditions and, hence, they cannot be known in advance. Because negative employment effects may offset the income gains for low-wage employees, it is important to evaluate minimum-wage policies empirically. We estimate the employment effects of the German minimum-wage introduction using panel regressions on the state-industry-level. We find a robust negative effect of the minimum wage on marginal and a robust positive effect on regular employment. In terms of the number of jobs, our results imply a negative overall effect. Hence, low-wage employees who are still employed are better off at the expense of those who have lost their jobs due to the minimum wage.  相似文献   

本文以最低工资标准提升作为自然实验,应用回归调整的差中差方法分析了最低工资标准提升对青年和中年低技能劳动力就业的影响。研究结果表明,最低工资标准提升对低技能群体中的男性和青年女性的就业没有产生显著影响;但对低技能群体中的中年女性就业却产生显著的消极影响,且最低工资标准提升幅度越大,对就业的消极影响越大。因此,政府适当的提升最低工资标准将有助于低技能劳动力整体工资水平的增长。  相似文献   

最低工资制度是政府通过法律手段保障低工资工人的收入、维护劳动者最基本的权益而对劳动力市场进行人为干预的一种政策选择,它对就业的影响引起了人们的广泛争议。本文利用我国2000-2010年30个省市自治区的面板数据,以最低工资制度最为直接的影响人群--其他人员的就业作为研究对象,采用可行的广义最小二乘(FGLS)方法考察了该制度对我国就业的影响。实证研究的结果表明,我国的最低工资水平相对于社会平均工资每提高10%,其他人员的就业在社会总就业中的比重下降约为23%,敏感性分析和动态回归把弹性范围扩大到-009~-029,这与国际上早期的时间序列研究的结论基本一致,这表明我国的最低工资制度对我国其他人员的就业产生了负面影响。  相似文献   

农村弱势群体是指在农村社会生活中,由于各种内在或外在原因造成经济水平低下,竞争处于弱势地位的农村居民的集合体。在我国目前农村中还占有较大的比例。农村弱势群体弱势的形成,与其自身的文化素质有关,更与他们接受职业教育特别是非农职业教育状况密切相关。调查结果表明,由于他们的基础文化素质差,非农职业教育水平低,导致了其非农就业水平和个人收入低以及家庭生活贫困。只有通过大力宣传非农职业培训、构建科学的培训信息系统、提高培训质量和完善培训保障体系等措施,才有可能让更多的农村弱势群体接受非农职业培训,实现非农就业,尽快脱贫致富。  相似文献   

The growth of casual employment in Australia is sometimes viewed with concern. Such 'non-standard' forms of employment are often associated with intermittent labour force attachment, underemployment and low income. In this paper, we use data from the Australian Youth Survey to analyze the transition from casual work to full-time permanent jobs. In the short term, gender, employer-provided training and the receipt of government benefits are among the more important factors affecting the transition. However, these factors are less important in the long term. Overall, the results suggest that casual employment may be more of a 'stepping stone' than a 'dead-end'.  相似文献   

第三产业:我国就业增长的新引擎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐宏峰 《经济问题》2007,(9):30-31,43
充分就业是国民富裕的重要路径,与发达国家相比,我国第三产业的就业发展速度慢,就业比重比较低.通过支持第三产业吸纳劳动力,可以提高人民收入水平,为此政府应出台具体的政策.  相似文献   

湖北经济在实现高速增长的同时,也出现了就业弹性系数下降和就业矛盾突出的问题.本文的分析表明,湖北的就业增长呈现出明显的结构性约束.解决日益突出的就业问题,应遵从工业化发展的一般规律,调整优化产业结构,带动就业结构的转换.通过加快农业剩余劳动力转移、加快城市化进程、提高居民收入和消费水平以及调整投资政策等措施,逐步矫正偏离度过大的就业结构,实现经济与就业增长的均衡发展,提高全社会的整体就业福利水平.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic general equilibrium model to investigate the optimal level of capital income taxation in light of stochastic endogenous economic growth. Although endogenous human capital is incorporated into our model, we restrict our investigation to the issue of optimal physical capital income tax; and the labor supply is also endogenously determined. This paper proves that the optimal capital income tax should be zero provided exogenous government expenditure on production; however, capital income should be taxed if we consider endogenous government consumption.  相似文献   

根据针对北京市生猪养殖农户所做的问卷调查的数据,对猪肉可追溯系统中农户的行为及其影响因素进行了研究。研究结果表明:农户在行为方面对猪肉可追溯系统相关要求和规定的实际执行情况总体较好;以农户是否记录"生猪养殖档案"表示的农户行为受到农户的文化程度、养殖规模、生猪养殖收入所占比重、是否接受技术培训、对政府支持政策和无公害猪肉质量标准具体要求的认知程度的影响,并且文化程度越高、养殖规模越大、生猪养殖收入所占比重越高和接受技术培训、对政府支持政策和无公害猪肉质量标准具体要求的认知程度越高的农户记录"生猪养殖档案"的可能性越大。  相似文献   

Using survey data on migrant workers in urban China, this paper carries out a positive study on the impact of inner-industrial and inter-industrial job shifts on earnings growth of migrant workers. Results show that low human capital, low employment grades and low income are the most important reasons for migrant workers to switch jobs. The migrant workers who are young, unmarried new entrants with low level of education, no training and low income tend to change their jobs within the industry. And those who have high income and who find their jobs by themselves are more likely to switch jobs inter-industrially. Inner-industrial job switches have a significant positive impact on earnings growth of low-income migrant workers and a significant negative one on that of high-income migrant workers. Moreover, inter-industrial shifts have a significant negative impact on earnings growth of migrant workers of all income levels. The inner cause for the positive effect of inner-industrial shifts lie in the fact that the cumulative effect of years of service within enterprises is not obvious while continuing engagement in the same type of job within an industry will lead to accumulation of qualifications, which has a significant augmentation effect on earnings of migrant workers.  相似文献   

Comparison between Japan and other advanced countries shows that the relative poverty rate is high in Japan, and that many of the poor households are those with a non‐regular worker. As for mobility between income classes, the proportion of households remaining in the poor class for a long period of time in Japan is close to the average for EU countries. The panel estimation of its effect on wages shows that the raising of the minimum wage is statistically significantly associated with an increase in wages of non‐regular workers, in particular, female, but does not seem to decrease employment. The result shows that for male non‐regular workers, firm‐provided training promotes their transition to regular employment, and that for female non‐regular workers, occupational training promotes their transition to regular employment at different firms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze optimal fiscal policies in an overlapping generations framework, where preferences exhibit aspirations in consumption and environmental quality as well as habit formation. We focus on the second best policies when the government needs to finance a given stream of public expenditures by using distortionary taxes. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions under which the competitive equilibrium is characterized by levels of capital and environmental quality that are too small and a level of labor supply that is too large. Our numerical simulations show that an optimal fiscal policy can be used as an effective stabilization device and that when consumption taxes are fixed, the planner implements maintenance investment and capital income subsidies while financing public spending through labor and fixed consumption taxes.  相似文献   

This paper studies optimal public employment in a model with two types of labor, unskilled and skilled, and a single consumption good. A linear income tax is used to redistribute income. It is shown that, if the income tax and public employment levels are optimal, then there is less unskilled labor and more skilled labor in public production than is necessary to minimize costs at the prevailing gross wage rates. The robustness of this result is investigated by examining a second model.  相似文献   

农村劳动力非农就业是农地流转的重要前提。基于广东省茂名市辖县级市化州市播扬镇440户农户的问卷调查数据,运用二元logit模型进行实证检验后发现,家庭中非农就业人数的增加将促进农地流转,非农就业收入增长对农地流转有积极效应,非农就业稳定性程度对农地流转有明显影响,非农就业地点影响农地流转行为决策。研究认为,从促进农地流转的视角,在促进农村劳动力向非农转移就业的同时,还必须提高农村劳动力非农就业的收入水平;在健全社会保障体系背景下,要提升农村劳动力非农就业的稳定性,以激励农地流转行为的发生。  相似文献   

Tax Riots     
This paper considers an optimal taxation environment where household income is private information, and the government randomly audits and punishes households found to be underreporting. We prove that the optimal mechanism derived using standard mechanism design techniques has a bad equilibrium (a tax riot) where households underreport their incomes, precisely because other households are expected to do so as well. We then consider three alternative approaches to designing a tax scheme when one is worried about bad equilibria.  相似文献   

"城中村"非正规部门形成发展机制——以深圳市蔡屋围为例   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
非正规部门以其就业门槛低、方便灵活等特点成为城市边缘阶层就业和消费的主要部门,“城中村”既是城市低收入群体和流动人口的聚居区,也是非正规部门相对集中的区域。文章通过对位于深圳市中心区的“城中村”———蔡屋围的案例研究,探讨了非正规部门非正规化、半正规化和正规化的三种发展过程及其形成原因和内在机制,指出由于现阶段“城中村”特殊的经济社会体系和管理体制以及非正规部门在城市发展中承担着为低收入人口提供就业和服务的特殊功能,城市政府应降低门槛,允许非正规部门以非正规化的形式存在,但应纳入管理;对处于不同发展阶段的非正规部门采取不同的政策,使之有序发展,最终步入正规化的轨道。  相似文献   

How do investment subsidies bear on pure redistribution when coupled with capital income taxes? In a heterogeneous agent, neoclassical growth framework it is found that on impact, with no optimizing behavior, investment subsidies are good for growth but bad for redistribution. The opposite holds for capital income taxes. But when the government acts as a Stackelberg leader vis-à-vis the private sector (the follower), the optimal feedback policy is by construction time-consistent and implies that in a long-run optimum the tax scheme does not distort accumulation. This holds regardless of social preferences. For the feedback Stackelberg equilibrium I find that (pure) redistribution can go either way and capital income taxes are nonzero in the long-run, time-consistent optimum, depending on the social weight of those who receive redistributive transfers, the distribution of pretax factor incomes, and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. It is argued that investment subsidies may be an important indirect tool for redistribution, and may allow for the separation of “efficiency” and “equity” concerns.  相似文献   

In 2015, Germany introduced a statutory hourly minimum wage that was not only universally binding but also set at a relatively high level. We discuss the short‐run effects of this new minimum wage on a wide set of socioeconomic outcomes, such as employment and working hours, earnings and wage inequality, dependent and self‐employment, as well as reservation wages and satisfaction. We also discuss difficulties in the implementation of the minimum wage and the measurement of its effects related to non‐compliance and suitability of data sources. Two years after the minimum wage introduction, the following conclusions can be drawn: while hourly wages increased for low‐wage earners, some small negative employment effects are also identifiable. The effects on aspired goals, such as poverty and inequality reduction, have not materialised in the short run. Instead, a tendency to reduce working hours is found, which alleviates the desired positive impact on monthly income. Additionally, the level of non‐compliance was substantial in the short run, thus drawing attention to problems when implementing such a wide reaching policy.  相似文献   

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