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EVAN E. ANDERSON 《The Journal of consumer affairs》1973,7(2):111-120
In consumer good markets, wide variations occur in warranty policies and practices between products, firms and industries. In this paper, those warranty policies designed to provide self-protection for the seller are examined. The protective facet of warranties carefully delimits the responsibility of the manufacturer for post-sale product performance and quality and hence stabilizes the firm's future costs and profits. The author has striven to conceptualize the association which may exist between a firm's products and markets and the policy objectives of its warranty. Several hypotheses concerning the conditions under which the warranty may be viewed by the seller as a tool of self-protection are suggested; these hypotheses are tested through an analysis of survey data collected from industry executives. 相似文献
论企业新产品开发与企业R&D活动的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
新产品开发是企业求得生存与发展的关键 ,但企业新产品开发离不开企业R&D活动。企业R&D不仅是企业新产品开发的重要环节 ,而且渗透于企业新产品开发的全过程。企业R&D投入在企业新产品开发投入中占有很大比重。企业R&D活动为新产品开发提供源技术和保障 ,企业R&D的层次决定着企业新产品的生命力、竞争力和R&D收益率。企业新产品开发数量、周期和模式决定企业R&D活动的频度、速度、广度和深度 相似文献
在风险及其商品特性分析的基础上,第一次明确提出了风险产品的概念,并结合风险投资和交换的概念,对风险投资与风险产品之间的关系进行了比较全面的分析,指出风险投资的主要对象本身其实就是一种风险产品,风险投资运作的过程就是不断进行风险交换的过程。 相似文献
本文以信息整合理论为依据,将供应商产品特征视为其实施品牌导向的前置变量,并把供应商产品特征划分为产品重要性与产品复杂性两类,探讨不同产品特征与品牌导向的关系。对184家制造型供应商数据进行实证分析,结果发现,供应商产品重要性与品牌导向具有倒U型关系,产品复杂性与品牌导向具有U型关系,同时市场竞争强度会增强上述两组变量间的非线性关系。 相似文献
明晰律师与委托人的关系在理论与实务上有十分重要的意义,二之间的关系有着深厚的民法基础。同时在民事诉讼与刑事诉讼中都有充分的体现,但仍有许多问题需要探讨、完善及进一步的经济学分析。 相似文献
论物流与市场营销的关系 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
物流与市场营销之间存在密切的内在联系,即物流对市场营销的影响和市场营销对物流的影响,具体表现在实现产品价值、顾客服务、实现顾客满意度、维系顾客忠诚度等方面。做好物流管理能够有效地促进营销战略地实施。成功的市场营销战略有利于促进物流管理工作,降低企业的物流成本。 相似文献
we are different from other animals.Foronereason,we could think and solve complex problems.For another reason,we can speak languages.Amongall the theories,weare going to discuss two main stream the oriesinth is field:one is the weak version of the Sapir-WhorfHypo thesis;another is Vygotsky's theory.The "weak" version holds "language in fluences thought".According to Vygot sky's theory,thought and language evolves along two independent paths leading to the junctureat which thoughts become verbal and speechrational.By following the demonstration tests and findings,the paper shows both verifications and flaws in the main stream theories. 相似文献
非政府组织是非市场环境的一个重要组成部分。非政府组织对市场主体———企业产生什么影响?企业在如何与非政府组织打交道?西方学者对这些问题进行了广泛研究,也对跨国公司与中国非政府组织的关系进行过一些案例研究。对西方学者的相关主要研究为中国企业研究自身与NGO的关系提供有价值的参考。 相似文献
AX与面粉品之间的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本采用不同品种的小麦为原料,首先通过测定小麦籽粒和面粉的品质特性及其阿拉伯木聚糖(AX)含量,对AX含量与小麦粉品质间的关系进行探讨。主要研究结果如下:(1)对小麦品质指标的测定,结果显示不同品种的小麦籽粒间存在较大的差异。面粉中AX含量与蛋白(r=0.27)、麸星含量(r=-0.16)存在存在一定的正相关,而AX含量与白度和降落数值存在微弱的负相关,面粉中AX中含量与面粉的吸水率、面团的形成时间、面团的稳定时间和弱化度呈弱相关性,相关系数分别是r=-0.34、r=0.27和r=-0.09;(2)不同的面粉中AX含量与峰值粘度呈显著负相关,与最低粘度、最终粘度呈弱负相关,当面粉中AX含量增加时,峰值粘度、最低粘度、最终粘度都会降低;峰值粘度与最低粘度、最终粘度呈显著正相关。 相似文献
Mohammad Shokri 《Journal of Relationship Marketing》2019,18(2):124-145
The present research aims at examining the role of consumer-brand identification (CBI) in attitude toward brand extension regarding the congruency between the values of consumers and brands. In this way, the benefits of CBI to consumers and brand managers are outlined. This research has been conducted through designing a survey and collecting data through a questionnaire. For data mining and investigating the model, the SEM approach is implemented. According to the findings, high levels of CBI lead to positive attitudes toward the brand extension, and that value congruity positively impacts this relationship. The results outline that CBI impacts fit and tie in separate ways, so that CBI effect on fit is more substantial. Furthermore, according to the results, in comparison to the role of tie, the role of fit is more significant in predicting attitudes toward brand extension. The sample from university students is appropriate for testing theory, but limits generalizing the results of the research. In addition, this research has studied one product category and is limited in this perspective. The findings have remarkable recommendations for implementing brand extension as they emphasize the role of perceived fit. Moreover, by reexamining CBI in a less known market, the research has outlined its positive outcomes for firms. This research has used perceived tie in a brand extension context and, similar to perceived fit, has implemented it as another factor to predict attitude toward brand extension. In addition, this research is unique, as it has investigated CBI in a new context. 相似文献
顾客购后行为与顾客满意的关系及顾客满意度评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
顾客购后行为是顾客购买决策过程中的重要环节,也是顾客满意的输出变量。以情感理论为依据,分析研究了顾客购后行为与顾客满意的关系,并针对顾客满意评价中存在的问题,从逆向角度提出以顾客购后行为评价顾客满意度的思路 相似文献
《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(3-4):7-37
Abstract The study explores the relationship between human values and consumer ethnocentrism. Schwartz's (1992) framework of human values is used as the basis of the study. Hypotheses linking values and consumer ethnocentrism are developed and tested in samples of consumers drawn from Turkey and the Czech Republic respectively. Findings indicated that the values relationship to consumer ethno-centrism varies across the two countries surveyed. The study also confirmed that “conservation” types of values are positively related to consumer ethnocentrism. However, some of the hypotheses put forward are not empirically supported but they provide new avenues for future re-search. 相似文献
Unethical behavior is important to study because it may have an adverse influence on organizational performance. This paper is an attempt to better understand why individuals behave as they do when faced with ethical dilemmas. We first explore the definition, theories and models of ethical behaviors and accountability. This discussion of societal ethics and accountability as forms of social control segues into a discussion of how accountability may influence ethical behaviors. Based on the business ethics and accountability literatures, we suggest a number of research questions and hypotheses that need to be tested, as well as an appropriate research strategy. 相似文献
Little is known about customer loyalty to brands over many dozens or even hundreds of purchases. In this paper we describe, and seek to explain, such patterns of loyalty in two very different markets: a consumer market (laundry detergents), and a more frequently used service (physicians' prescribing of anti-hypertension drugs). Purchase incidence heterogeneity – a problem in most loyalty studies – is addressed by measuring loyalty at different rates of category purchase (rather than over time). Using share-based measures we expect that loyalty will decline as purchase incidence increases, however we clarify the shape of that decline. We find that, as the number of purchases rises, loyalty initially falls steeply, but after around 15 purchases it starts to stabilize, and from 60 to 200 purchases there is very little change in observed measures of customer loyalty. A comparison of the findings with those expected from a stationary market model (the Dirichlet), suggests that the decline in loyalty seen as the number of purchases rises is largely a statistical artifact, dependent on the number of purchases used to calculate loyalty. However, we also find that the higher loyalty exhibited by heavier buyers at low purchase levels is not captured well by the model. The implication here is that, contrary to a central assumption of the Dirichlet model, brand choice is partially dependent on purchase weight. 相似文献
税收筹划和盈余管理都是企业财务管理活动的重要组成部分,以税收筹划和盈余管理的定位为出发点,重点探讨两者之间的内在关系。研究发现:税收筹划既是企业盈余管理的一种手段,又是盈余管理的动机之一,并影响企业盈余管理方式的选择;另一方面,税收筹划通过税收成本这一要素反作用于企业的盈余管理行为。 相似文献
Recent empirical evidence regarding the relationship between store brand purchase and store loyalty suggests a nonmonotonic relationship (inverted U): positive up to a certain store brand consumption level, after which it becomes negative. To investigate this idea further, this research analyzes the role of (1) the retailer's competitive positioning, and specifically its price positioning, and (2) the product category. On the one hand, the more price oriented the retailer's positioning, the more favorable is the relationship between store brand consumption and store loyalty. The threshold level of store brand purchasing at which the relationship becomes negative occurs later, and this negative relationship is less prominent. On the other hand, the relationship between store brand consumption and store loyalty appears to differ across product categories as a consequence of several factors, including perceived risk. The relationship therefore appears more favorable for risky categories. An empirical study of ten retailers that adopt different price positions corroborates these propositions. 相似文献
信用是市场经济的基石,是市场经济的内在秩序,能够促进生产、投资和消费,降低市场交易成本,调控宏观经济,保障经济的正常运行。我国信用体系的建设严重滞后于市场经济的发展,造成经济关系扭曲,社会交易成本增加,成为阻碍我国市场经济进一步协调发展的“瓶颈”。构建完善我国的社会信用体系,创造一种适应并规范信用交易发展的市场环境,规范经济活动主体之间的信用关系,有效约束信用行为,以提供经济发展的信用保障,防范和化解信用风险,推动经济持续、健康、稳定地发展。 相似文献
《Journal of Marketing Channels》2013,20(4):83-98
It has long been recognized that channel dyads, even through being conceptualized as inter-organiziational netweors, have much in common with intra-organiziational systems. However little research to date has appleid intra-organizaiontal constructs to channel dyads. This research makes a step in that direction by reviewing literature pertaining to organizational strategy and structure and developing propositions which relate three "strategic types" to three dimension of structure. 相似文献
A great deal of research has been conducted to develop methods and techniques to improve group ideation. Most of this research
focuses on techniques for increasing the quantity of ideas generated during ideation; less attention has been given to the
quality of the ideas produced. This focus stems from the widely held quantity–quality conjecture, that, all else being equal,
more ideas give rise to more good ideas. In this paper, we argue that cognitive inertia and scarcity of solution space may
affect the relationship between idea-quantity and idea-quality as ideation proceeds, resulting in a condition of diminishing
returns for additional ideas. Results of a laboratory study using fourteen groups supported the diminishing returns hypothesis.
Recommendations for future ideation research are suggested. 相似文献