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This research examines eight commonly purchased services to determine whether demographics arc associated with consumer loyalty to those services, both individually and collcc- tively. The nature of service loyalty is briefl discussed and some important distinctions between it and brand I' oyalty are identified. Findings indicate that, like brand loyalty, service loyalty has some demographic correlates, but they are few and weak. I.Iowever, when strong loyalty is examined, some consistent patterns result. Implica- tions for services marketers are reviewed.  相似文献   

The present study supplements Canadian consumer expenditure survey data with unique time use data to analyze family life cycle decisions regarding allocation of full income to market purchased consumption goods, home production, and leisure time. Results confirm that young children's presence causes families to increase their shares of full income allocated to home production and to decrease the shares of full income allocated to leisure. As a share of full income, expenditures for market goods steadily increase while expenditures for women's home production diminish as children age.  相似文献   

采用2005-2013年中印计算机与信息服务贸易进出口数据,对显示性比较优势指数(RCA)、贸易竞争优势指数(TC)、贸易开放度指数(TIS)和国际市场占有率(MS)四个指标加权平均的办法构建了一种新的综合指标体系衡量中印计算机与信息服务贸易竞争力。结果表明:无论单项指标还是综合指标,我国计算机和信息服务贸易的竞争力都远落后于印度。这主要是由政府政策的支持力度和企业创新力度的不同造成的。因此,我国需要采取措施提高竞争力。  相似文献   

桑培培 《江苏商论》2016,(11):56-58
当前生产性服务业已经成为推动当今世界经济与就业增长的重要支柱,被公认为具有知识密集属性,其发展水平与大学生就业紧密相关,由此成为国内外学者关注的问题.本文通过理论和实证相结合的研究方法,得出生产性服务业发展对大学生就业的影响,并根据实证分析和影响因素分析结果,从不同层面提出对策与建议.  相似文献   

区域性服务贸易规则与多边规则之关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随《服务贸易总协定》及相关附件的达成,越来越多的区域经济一体化组织将服务贸易纳入自由化进程。区域性服务贸易规则对多边规则造成一定的冲击,而《服务贸易总协定》第5条之规定存在一定不足,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

全球化背景下中国外商直接投资与服务贸易的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究自中国改革开放以来,服务贸易进口、服务贸易出口分别与全国外商投资存量和服务业外商投资流量的互动关系和内在影响机制。根据1983-2007年的经济数据,分别在服务进口、服务出口、服务业外商投资流量以及服务进口、服务出口、外商投资存量之间建立向量自回归模型并进行相应的协整检验,研究服务业吸引外商投资与服务贸易是否存在长期的稳定关系,并基于研究结果提出相关政策建议。实证研究发现,虽然服务业外商直接投资流量和直接投资存量与服务贸易进口和出口均呈正相关关系,但从长期来看,外商投资与服务贸易出口之间的统计关系不显著。在服务外商投资流量、服务出口与服务进口的因果检验中,服务外商投资流量与服务进口、服务出口存在着双向的Granger因果关系。在外商投资存量、服务出口与服务进口的因果检验中,外商直接投资存量仅与服务出口存在双向的Granger因果关系。  相似文献   

支付服务市场潜力巨大,有待深度挖掘。研究表明:银行与第三方支付机构各具优势,各自的核心市场和利益并不存在严重重叠和排斥。双方相互弥补和配合可充分开拓市场。在未来发展中,银行在传统金融服务领域依旧会占据主导地位,第三方支付将在网上支付等创新服务领域占据稳固市场。银行方面应完善电子渠道建设,拓展备付金存管业务,增加中间业务收入;加大金融创新力度,加强与支付机构的合作,积极应对金融传媒;介入电子支付链,大力拓展中小企业融资业务,拓展新客户群体。支付机构方面应进一步细分市场,发挥自身优势开展差别化经营;加强技术安全合作,完善内控管理,加强消费者权益的保护;严格备付金管理,提升风险管理水平,稳健、规范、可持续发展。  相似文献   

文化多样性的目标,是为了保护有灭绝可能之文化的存续,多种文化的世界才具有更大的发展潜力。在国际服务贸易中,文化多样性与自由贸易之间常常会产生冲突,而调和二者间的关系至关重要。以世界贸易组织相关协定中对文化多样性与服务贸易相关条款为依据的分析显示,二者的冲突主要源于缔约国、规范事项或时间之间不一致或不兼容。维护文化多样性,可通过WTO争端解决机制或WTO体制外寻求调和路径,以确保不同协定之间的互相补充,实现二者间的均衡发展,为在服务贸易自由化背景下文化多样性的发展与保护提供参考价值。  相似文献   

根据服务贸易的特征,本文将服务贸易互补性分为产业间贸易互补性与产业内贸易互补性,并依此改进了贸易互补指数。在此基础上,运用该指数,实证分析了中国与东盟国家服务贸易的互补类型和互补水平,发现总体上,中国与东盟国家开展服务贸易有一定的互补性,并且不管是何种互补类型,其互补性都动态上升。从国家来看,中国与东盟发达国家在技术密集型服务贸易上产业间互补度最高,在劳动密集型产业内互补度最高;与东盟新、老成员国互补度最高的都是技术密集型服务贸易,但涉及的服务部门不相同;从服务部门看,在保险、专有权与特许经营部门,中国与东盟国家的服务贸易以产业间互补为主;在运输、旅游、金融等部门服务贸易以产业内互补为主。  相似文献   


Time as a strategic variable has gained a great deal of attention in recent literature, but little has been reported on how to effectively manage time between strategic partners in a global context. In addition, there has been virtually no attention paid to time as a critical strategic variable when doing business in African countries. This paper examines the importance of time in developing effective operating relationships between Western and African countries. We posit the concept of strategic timescapes to provide managers with a way of visualizing the various dimensions of time that could vary from one culture to another. In addition, a means to effectively manage knowledge and learning between Western and African organizations is presented using the concept of “virtual” organizations to serve as the coordinating vehicle.  相似文献   

The marketing literature makes a distinction between products and services. We argue that, in the Internet, the characteristic features of services disappear making services more like products. Is it therefore necessary or even possible to differentiate products from services on the Internet? In this paper we review the basic assumptions about services. We show that these assumptions are no longer valid in Web-based marketing. We review the traditional service model and show that it is no longer sufficient for modeling electronic services. We propose an expanded model, the electronic marketing model, which does not necessitate the distinction between products and services. Instead, the model prompts managers to focus on the key player—the customer.  相似文献   

Some sociological sources of increasing demand for consumer services are discussed in this article. Contrary to J. Gershuny's theory of ‘self-service: jobs in these industries are still growing, despite productivity improvements, due to increasing house-hold demand generated by constraints placed on time by both paid and unpaid production and insufficient pools of household labour upon which to draw. Social trends with these effects include increasing female labour force participation and longevity, declining household size, later age at marriage, political struggles over state provision, and factors internal to the state itself.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - This paper builds on theoretical developments that view entrepreneurship as emancipation, i.e., entrepreneurial activities as generators of change and pursuit of...  相似文献   

Gong  Yanping  Tang  Xiuyuan  Xie  Julan  Zhang  Long 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,176(3):593-607
Journal of Business Ethics - As a social issue of widespread concern, work-to-family conflict has been found to adversely affect employees’ work and family lives. The current research linked...  相似文献   

This paper analyses the discrepancy between actual and desired working hours in a multinational setting. Using the latest data of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) with a focus on work orientations hours constraints in 21 heterogeneous countries are analysed. One major finding is that hours constraints are interrelated with macroeconomic variables such as (a) unemployment rates, (b) GDP per capita as a measure of welfare, (c) average weekly work hours, and (d) income inequality. A subsequent multivariate analysis reveals that, on both macro- and microlevels, sociodemographic variables like prosperity and income, high risk of unemployment, and working conditions play an important role in determining working hours constraints. The results further suggest that, with respect to working conditions, such constraints are also affected by gender issues.  相似文献   

Jang C. Jin 《The World Economy》2004,27(10):1571-1582
The effect of increasing openness on real output growth in China is examined. The framework of analysis is a regression model that uses time‐series data for each province. For east coastal provinces, increasing openness is found to have positive effects on real output growth, and some of the effects are statistically significant. The results appear to be broadly consistent with the new growth theories that openness enhances long‐run growth through its impact on technological improvement. However, inland provinces in China have been isolated from world trade for several decades and their economies devastated. An increased openness in these provinces is found to have, in most cases, negative effects on real output growth.  相似文献   


The study reported investigates the relationships between consumer satisfaction, marketing performance, and firm performance with the context of service organizations. The results indicate that consumer satisfaction is positively related to marketing performance, explaining more than seventy percent of the variation. However, marketing performance is not shown to be significantly related to firm performance. In addition, firm size is identified as a significant covariate of performance.  相似文献   

Time theft is a costly burden on organizations. However, there is limited knowledge about why time theft occurs. To advance this line of research, this conceptual paper looks at the association between organizational injustice and time theft from identity, moral, and equity perspectives. This paper proposes that organizational injustice triggers time theft through decreased organizational identification. It also proposes that moral disengagement and equity sensitivity moderate this process such that organizational identification is less likely to mediate among employees with high moral disengagement and more likely to mediate among employees who are equity sensitives and entitleds.  相似文献   

Over the last few years Grid computing has attracted considerable attention from the industry, because it offers opportunities for new on-demand business services for enterprises. In this article, we depict the current trend of enterprises to source Grid services offered by third-party utility providers on a use-on-demand, pay-per-use basis, thus leading to faster IT response to changing business needs. We outline the emerging expansion of Grid computing in industry and discuss the significant challenges still needing to be solved to further promote the adoption of Grid technology in the business domain. This article is also available in German in print and via : Vykoukal J, Wolf M, Beck R (2008) Service-Grids in der Industrie – On-Demand-Bereitstellung und Nutzung von Grid-basierten Services in Unternehmen. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK. doi: . Accepted after two revisions by Prof. Dr. Buhl.  相似文献   

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