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彭南英 《魅力中国》2013,(23):319-319
There are big gender differences in language use resulted from many causes. The study on language use is significant, This thesis mainly analyzes its main causes of these gender differences in language use.  相似文献   

一、教学课题 新标准九年级Module 9 Cartoon Stories Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.  相似文献   

贾钟琦 《魅力中国》2013,(22):53-54
Scientific research indicates that seven million kinds of colors can be found in the world. However, color expressions are only limited to seyeral hundreds in classification People's actual life is closely related to color. There are many color expressions which reflect different culture psychologiesand emotional colorings both in Chinese and English. Color is a kind of vis'ual effect. Because the mankindhas the same physiological mechanism and vision nerotic the color words areno different in essence, theoretically. However, because of various language culture, historical background, religious belief, mode of thinking, aesthetic temperament and mterest etc. in different nationality, people's impression of color and expression are different, and the associative meaning produced by the color has nothing in common with each other. There are different and various color words and expressions in English and Chinese. Sometimes it is diffcuh to find equivalent expression in one lanmaae. This paper discusses the difference between EngLish and Chmase color works by means of contrast indicating that due to different language habits, historic background and traditional customs and so on. There for it is useful to study and know the differences and is inductiv to overcoming cultural bgrridrs and promoting the cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

徐莉 《魅力中国》2013,(12):17-17
There are two dissuasive paintings in the Southern Song Dynasty, they are called "portrait of dissuasive Painting" and" Historical story as a means to carry out Precepts of painting" .  相似文献   

在衡量人类福利的指标中,健康状况展示了与人类生存状态最为密切相关的一个维度,而健康不平等则反映了健康在不同人群中的分布情况.本文首先梳理了对于健康不平等的定义与度量的相关文献,就现有研究在健康不平等的含义、度量及其与其他社会经济变量存在的联系等方面的贡献进行了总结,最后,本文还讨论了健康不平等在中国的研究现状及对未来研究的展望.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Tianjin port logistics has obtained considerable development. There are some problems on its development, such as weak infrastructure, lack of co-ordinate planning, and low level of standardization and so on. This article analyzed the problem on the Tianjin port logistics development and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.  相似文献   

在居民健康差距中,既有合理的差距,又有不合理的机会不平等.首先,以"中国健康与养老追踪调查(2015)"中的农村居民为样本,从身、心健康两个方面验证自评健康作为健康量化指标的合理性.其次,在"环境-努力"的框架下,对环境因素和努力因素的范畴进行拓展,并在考虑环境因素、身份变量、努力因素与随机扰动项存在相关性的条件下构建测度模型.最后,结合样本数据测度农村居民健康差距中的机会不平等.测度结果表明:①原生家庭环境、生活条件、社区环境对健康差距的相对贡献度依次介于18.886%~19.780%、10.730%~11.072%、28.027%~28.642%,身份变量的相对贡献度介于9.851%~10.153%,努力因素的相对贡献度介于30.969%~31.892%;②健康机会不平等对健康差距的相对贡献度介于60.436%~61.010%.以实证研究结论为基础,本文从提升国民健康素养、增加医疗基础设施建设与阻断健康差距的代际传递提出政策建议.  相似文献   

奥地利作曲家、指挥家马勒说:"健康不代表一切,但失去了健康,便可能失去一切."同学们,人生在世,健康是第一位的.拥有健康的身体,才有资格谈论将来,健康是人类永恒的主题.  相似文献   

1.关心工资待遇,也要关心健康,不麻痹,不害怕,主动参与 (1)主动参与,找工作时不要忘了问.该工作是否有害健康".在许多工作中会接触到粉尘、有毒化学物、放射线、嗓声等职业有害因素,如果不注意防护就有可能导致职业病的发生.因此在寻找工作过程中,在询问工资待遇的同时一定不要忘了主动向企业询问"工作是否有害健康".  相似文献   

The work attitude of employees is one of the primary concern of human resources management researchers, competition among enterprises is mainly about human capital, hence, research on authentic leadership and subordinate's work satisfaction is very important. There are many researches about this field. This article has summarized domestic and foreign research progress of authentic leadership and subordinate's work satisfaction.  相似文献   

本文通过对江苏省南京、无锡、苏州三地的调研及访谈,深度分析了流动人口生育健康保障状况.研究发现,流动人口各项生育健康保障的享受情况仍存在不完善之处,最后结合三市的现实情况为改善流动人口生育健康保障提出相关政策建议.  相似文献   

秦皇岛在旅游经济发展过程中存在着形象不鲜明、结构不合理、体制不健全、交通发展滞后等问题,严重制约了旅游业的持续、快速、健康地发展.文章根据秦皇岛市旅游业存在的问题和实际情况提出适合本地区的旅游发展战略,对旅游业健康、持续的发展有重要意义.  相似文献   

我国城乡居民医疗健康差距探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,许多学者对城乡收入差距进行了大量研究.然而,城乡居民医疗健康差距问题却没有得到应有重视.本文中,我们利用中国卫生统计年鉴和国家卫生服务调查分析报告等资料,用图表来对比分析城乡医疗健康不平等状况.结果表明,城乡间居民的健康差距较大,并且有扩大的趋势;同时城乡间医疗的经济可及性和资源可及性相当不平等.基于此,政府应改变医疗投入偏向城市的政策导向,加大农村医疗投入,改善农村居民的就医条件,缩小城乡差距.  相似文献   

YANG KE 《科学决策》2008,(10):206-206
Adoption involves the process by which the existing par- ents cease to be the legal parents of the child and the adopters are substituted for the parents as if the child was born to them. There are so many reasons for adoption, such as inability to conceive, parents not wanting a Child,  相似文献   

There are three basic models of economic cooperation, i.e. economic globalization, economic regionalization, and economic nationalization. But the standard of economic integration between economics in East Asia is very low. In fact, there are good bases in the aspects of trade and investment, and there will be a new "two towers" model after the "goose flying" model.  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of China‘s labor market by examining labor market integration, the scale and scope of labor migration, and wage determination. It finds that labor market development has made dramatic progress since the reform, especially since the 1990s.There are still some institutional harriers to labor market development. It reveals some policy implications on how to develop the labor market and improve labor market integration.  相似文献   

伴随着我国加入WTO,关联方交易不规范已经成为影响我国证券市场发展的一个重要方面.关联方交易不规范不仅严重损害了广大中小投资者的利益,也不利于整个证券市场的健康发展.  相似文献   

I. Introduction There is a strong momentum for regional economic integration within East Asia.1 But few countries in the region harbor any illusion of realizing a region-wide economic union any time soon. A crucial ingredient in any successful East Asia-wide economic integration effort is China. China could be a major catalyst in the integration process if it chooses to.But it would do so only if such a move is in line with the overall objectives of its foreign economic policy. More import…  相似文献   

世界卫生组织(WHO)明确地把健康定义为:"不但没有身体的缺陷和疾病,还要有完整的生理、心理状态和社会适应能力".这就明确而肯定地表明,人体的健康不仅包括正常的身体素质及生理,而且还包括正常的心理和健康的人格.健康和正常的心理对大学生素质的培养尤为重要,但一项对全国22个省市的调查显示:我国儿童和青少年心理不健康行为检出率为12.97%,在人际关系、情绪稳定和学习适应方面的问题尤为突出.该项调查还显示,有焦虑不安、恐惧、神经衰弱和抑郁情绪等问题的大学生占学生总数的16%以上.由此可见,心理不健康的问题已经影响到我国人才的素质,而大学生日趋普遍存在的心理障碍尤值得关注.  相似文献   

论我国科技期刊的发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科技期刊的繁荣和发展,出现了结构失调、发行机制不健康、期刊质量下降等不容回避的问题.为此,科技期刊要调整结构,扶强扶优,挖掘潜力,增强办刊者素质,运用市场机制,扩大发行量,以不断健康发展.  相似文献   

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