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The lack of capital stock statistics for empirical research of the Chinese economy has for a long time been one of the major impediments in the profession. Professor Gregory Chow is one of the pioneers who attempted to deal with this matter. His seminal paper on China’s capital formation and economic growth was published in 1993 (Chow, 1993). Since then many authors have estimated their own capital stock data series. However, most authors have focused on investigations at the national level and their findings are not without controversies. In particular, few studies have provided estimates of capital stock for China’s regional economies. This paper adds to the existing literature in several ways. First, it presents a critical review of the methods and findings in the existing literature. Second, it proposes an alternative approach to estimate China’s capital stock series by region as well as across three economic sectors (agriculture, industry and services). Finally, preliminary analyses of the derived capital stock statistics are conducted to examine growth, disparity and convergence in China’s regional economies.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is to investigate the importance of the capital stock in the determination of wages and unemployment in a range of EMU countries and to compare the results across countries. A time‐series analysis is conducted in the case of nine euro area countries, which were selected solely on the basis of data availability and consistency: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain. The paper begins with a short review of the literature on capital stock and unemployment, before it deals with the theoretical model. This is followed by estimation and testing of the theoretical model put forward, using both time‐series and panel data. The results are supportive of the main hypothesis of the paper: capital stock is an important determinant of unemployment and wages in the countries considered for the purposes of the paper.  相似文献   

Relatively few countries currently publish estimates of capital stocks because of the difficulty of applying the Perpetual Inventory Method. A short‐cut method which we term the Steady Growth Model (SGM) can produce plausible capital stock estimates provided certain conditions are met. Starting with a database covering 146 countries we conclude that the SGM can legitimately be used to calculate capital stocks for 53 of them. The 53 include equal numbers of high‐income and low‐income countries. The SGM requires only data on gross fixed capital formation for the base year, information about past growth rates of real GFCF, and assumptions about rates of depreciation. Despite its apparent simplicity, we show that our SGM stock estimates compare well with official stock estimates generated by the PIM. Other tests on capital–output ratios and capital‐stocks per head confirm the plausibility of stock estimates generated by SGM.  相似文献   

中国省际物质资本存量估算:1952-2000   总被引:671,自引:16,他引:655  
张军  吴桂英  张吉鹏 《经济研究》2004,39(10):35-44
通过回顾和比较已有研究中国资本存量的相关文献 ,考虑到中国国内生产总值历史数据的几次重大补充和调整 ,本文对各年投资流量、投资品价格指数、折旧率 重置率、基年资本存量的选择与构造以及缺失数据进行了认真的处理和研究 ,并在此基础上利用补充和调整后的分省数据 ,根据永续盘存法估计了中国大陆 3 0个省区市 1 952— 2 0 0 0年各年末的物质资本存量。  相似文献   

在回顾关于资本存量估算的已有研究的基础上,从估算资本存量时所采用的投资流量度量指标入手,对以往研究是否包含土地要素这一相对模糊的问题进行了判断。然后,基于现有的土地数量(面积)统计数据,讨论了估算土地价值量形式的必要性及其背后的经济学含义,并对土地资本与土地价值进行了对比分析。最后提出了基于一级土地市场估算土地价值的探索性方法,并给出了全国层面、省级层面和区域层面的土地价值估算结果,从增长趋势和地域分布的角度印证了土地价值与经济发展水平的相对一致性。  相似文献   

中国资本市场在经历了2005年以来的大涨行情后,从2007年年末到2008年中期近一年的时间中,股指不断下滑,各类股票价格屡创新低,市值损失在70%左右。除了经济基本面以及美国金融危机的影响外,投资者的经济心理因素也是一个很重要的方面,这值得我们深入探讨和研究。  相似文献   

In addition to the direct productivity effect, public capital also has an indirect effect on private capital stock and labor input. This paper offers an evaluation of both the direct and indirect effects of Chinese public capital by applying a trans-log aggregate production function including public capital stock to a panel of regional data from 1986–2009. Moreover, we calculate the impact of public capital on regional total factor productivity (TFP) performance by introducing a system GMM estimation. The results show that the output elasticity of Chinese public capital stock is significantly positive, but decreasing year on year, and public capital is found to be a substitute for labor but complementary to private capital input. Finally, public capital has a significant positive effect on regional TFP performance.  相似文献   

The paper submitted for publication considers the conditions for and the construction of a capital stock series, consistent with all macroeconomic relations. A careful study of the literature has shown that most existing and widely used capital stock series do not meet that requirement. A generative method with a general model for the real sector is proposed. The choice of the parameters of this model was decided upon the general consistency with the main macroeconomic aggregates. The results are compared with existing series of capital stock. What was obtained was a capital stock series that gives non-diverging results for the macroeconomic series when using the capital stock in alternative specifications. The main conclusions on depreciation rate, capital stock, technological change, return on capital and share of capital are condensed in a set of tables and diagrams.  相似文献   

This article discusses the treatment of fixed capital in the classical theory of price. Sraffa uses non-linear depreciation of ‘physical’ capital that equalizes all annual profit rates individually, but violates the proportionality of monetary machine value reduction and physical use-up on an annual basis. One alternative is to apply simple linear depreciation that has equal annual fixed capital costs. The key for consistency is that the internal rate of return on fixed capital investments throughout the fixed asset lifetime must be equated with the normal profit rate. A second alternative is to use ‘monetary’ capital, where the ‘correct’ amortization charges depend on the ability of the accumulated depreciation fund to earn interest. Among these valid alternative methods are the original proposals of Marx and Torrens, which were dismissed falsely and prematurely by Neo-Ricardian economists. These alternatives are shown here to imply fundamentally different prices of production. For all methods, the formulas for deriving amortization charges and fixed capital prices of all vintages are derived. The article also illustrates how the system of Sraffian price equations can be modified to incorporate these methods.  相似文献   

We study the role of brand capital – a primary form of intangible capital – for firm valuation and risk in the cross section of publicly traded firms. Using an empirical measure of brand capital stock constructed from advertising expenditures accounting data, we show that: (i) firms with low brand capital investment rates have higher average stock returns than firms with high brand capital investment rates, a difference of 5.2% per annum; (ii) more brand capital intensive firms have higher average stock returns than less brand capital intensive firms, a difference of 5.1% per annum; and (iii) investment in both brand capital and physical capital is volatile and procyclical. A neoclassical investment-based model in which brand capital is a factor of production subject to adjustment costs matches the data well. The model also provides a novel explanation for the empirical links between advertising expenditures and stock returns around seasoned equity offerings (SEO) documented in previous studies.  相似文献   

We estimated China's human capital stock from 1985 to 2008 based on the Jorgenson–Fraumeni (J–F) lifetime income framework. In order to accommodate the Chinese data and to capture human capital accumulation through both formal education and informal training, we modified the original J–F method by incorporating the Mincer model. We calculated total and per capita human capital stock for different population groups, and studied their trends and dynamics during the course of economic transition. We also constructed Divisia indexes of various orders to evaluate the contribution of different factors to the growth of human capital in China.  相似文献   

Regarding the output-capital ratio in heterodox macroeconomic simulation studies, a surprisingly wide range of numerical values can be found. The paper discusses quarterly US data that are publicly available where, in order to capture depreciation, the construction of the capital stock by the perpetual inventory method relies on detailed estimates of its lifetime. Subsequently the paper builds up a capital stock series by alternatively having recourse to the statistics about capital consumption and furthermore determining an initial level by an assumption about the long-term growth of capital. This procedure leads to somewhat different results. In addition, the rates of depreciation and profit are studied that are implied by the two approaches. The paper closes with two numerical proposals for the steady state values of these variables and the output-capital ratio that could be readily employed for macrodynamic modelling, and that are quite different from many of the aforementioned examples.  相似文献   

Links between electricity consumption and economic growth are fairly well documented for national economies, but less so for urban economies. The analysis of such relationships at the sub-national level of aggregation can potentially offer a useful complement to national-level research. This study examines the electricity-growth nexus in El Paso, Texas, while also considering the roles of capital stocks and employment. Testing suggests the presence of cointegrating relationships and a vector error correction model is estimated. Granger causality tests reveal the absence of causality between electricity consumption and personal income, implying that energy conservation efforts will have a neutral effect on economic growth. Furthermore, the results indicate that causality runs from the capital stock and employment to both personal income and electricity consumption. This echoes previous research regarding the importance of accounting for capital and labour factors of production in studies of aggregate electricity utilization and economic performance. The methodology used in this analysis to develop a broad synthetic measure of the urban capital stock, including various categories of public infrastructure, can also be applied to other regions and urban economies.  相似文献   

We assess the Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasting performance of recently proposed realized volatility (RV) models combined with alternative parametric and semi-parametric quantile estimation methods. A benchmark inter-daily GJR-GARCH model is also employed. Based on four asset classes, i.e. equity, FOREX, fixed income and commodity, and a turbulent six year out-of-sample period (2007–2013), we find that statistical accuracy and regulatory compliance is essentially improved when we use quantile methods which account for the fat tails and the asymmetry of the innovations distribution. In particular, empirical analysis gives evidence in favor of the skewed student distribution and the Extreme Value Theory (EVT) method. Nonetheless, efficiency of VaR estimates, as defined by the minimization of Basel II capital requirements and its opportunity costs, is reassured only with the use of realized volatility models. Overall, empirical evidence support the use of an asymmetric HAR realized volatility model coupled with the EVT method since it produces statistically accurate VaR forecasts which comply with Basel II accuracy mandates and allows for more efficient capital allocations.  相似文献   

How should the world economy adapt to the increased demand for exhaustible resources from countries like China and India? To address that issue, this paper presents a dynamic model of the world economy with two technologies for production; a resource technology, which uses an exhaustible resource as an input and an alternative technology, which does not. I find that both the time path of resource extraction and the adoption of the alternative technology depend on the optimal allocation of capital across the technologies, and on the size of the capital stock in relation to the resource stock. In particular, if the capital stock is low, only the resource technology is used initially and the alternative technology is adopted with a delay. Next, I use the model to analyze the effects of industrialization of developing countries on the extraction of oil and technology choice for energy production. As a result of industrialization, the alternative technology for energy production is adopted earlier.  相似文献   

虚拟资本运行与经济泡沫形成   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
虚拟资本有其不同于实物资本的运行特点和运动轨迹 ,随着虚拟程度增加 ,其自身价格变动已越来越脱离了它所代表的实际资本的内在价值 ,更多取决于证券市场上的交易状况 ,取决于证券市场上投资者的预期与信心。而这种对虚拟资本的预期和信心远比对实际投资的预期和信心来得脆弱 ,不确定性更强。虚拟资本比实物资本大得多、多得多 ,因而 ,虚拟资本本来就是以泡沫形式存在的。货币供求机制和信用制度在较大程度上决定了虚拟资本向经济泡沫的传导过程。经济泡沫本质是虚拟价值增殖的过度膨胀 ,经济泡沫对经济的影响是多方面和多渠道的  相似文献   

That elusive elasticity and the ubiquitous bias: Is panel data a panacea?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There is often assumed to be a unit elasticity of substitution between capital and labour. But estimates based on neoclassical capital demand equations frequently find a smaller value. Recent time-series work for the United States and Canada has suggested that, once the biases inherent in estimating cointegrating vectors are properly accounted for, the elasticity could indeed be close to 1. We investigate this possibility for the United Kingdom. First we use aggregate data and find that the estimated elasticity is in the neighbourhood of 0.4. We then exploit a unique industry-level dataset for the United Kingdom to try and further pinpoint our estimates. Estimates using dynamic panel data methods are close to our benchmark estimate using aggregate data, providing a robust statistical rejection of a unit elasticity in UK data.  相似文献   

This study presents a series of matrices of the capital stock disaggregated both by branch of origin and by branch of destination for the years 1985 to 1988 for Italy. The tables, whose dimensions are 23 × 23, were constructed using the perpetual inventory method and are based on disaggregated time series of gross capital formation provided by Istat (Italian Statistical Institute). The tables refer to both gross and net capital (with straight-line depreciation) and have been tested on alternative hypotheses for the average expected service lives of capital goods and their survival functions.  相似文献   

A debate on whether capital grants, and especially European Union (EU) funds, actually contribute to growth has gained prominence lately. This article empirically assesses the relationship between the quality of public investment, capital grants, and growth in a sample of 43 emerging and peripheral economies over 1991–2015. To this end, the contribution of public capital to growth is estimated using efficiency‐adjusted public capital stock series, which reflects the quality of public investment management institutions. In addition, the determinants of effective public investment are analyzed. The results suggest that capital grants contribute positively to effective public investment, and the latter is significant in explaining variations in economic growth. Finally, the article illustrates the impact of raising EU funds absorption on potential growth in emerging and peripheral EU countries.  相似文献   

通过研究股票市场资金在不同行业板块之间流动的深层动因及运动轨迹发现,单纯用某一项反映上市公司经营业绩的财务指标不能很好地解释中国股市资金在板块间的流动特征,而板块DEA有效性值是决定资金在板块间流动的重要影响因素,并且随着时间的推移,其所起的作用越来越大。  相似文献   

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