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根据多年实践经验,介绍了烧结粉煤灰空心砖生产原理及原料选择、陈化、掺配、处理、成型、焙烧等生产工艺.  相似文献   

发展边疆文化事业应大力加强哲学社会科学研究,推出有特色高质量的文艺极品,创建高科技网络出版印刷平台,提高群众健身档次,加大培养顶尖体育人才,增强新闻媒体的生机和活力,以中心城市为轴心辐射带动区域城市文化建设.发展边疆文化产业,应由文化事业带动文化产业,调整文化产业结构,发展新兴文化产业群,组建大型文化集团.  相似文献   

The Determinants of Small and Medium-Sized Firm Internationalization and Its Relationship with Productive Efficiency. — The creation of sale structures abroad (CSSA) is an intermediate stage in the process of internationalization when firms are small and foreign direct investment entail high sunk costs. This paper finds that ownership concentration (technological innovation, size, and age) negatively (positively) affects the CSSA decision and that, after controlling for the effect of access to foreign markets under the form of exports, CSSA firms are significantly more efficient than the control sample when efficiency is measured with a stochastic frontier approach. Ownership concentration seems to have two offsetting effects on efficiency: it increases participation to profits and therefore incentives to perform well, while it leads controlling shareholders to underinvest in risky ventures (such as internationalization).  相似文献   

简析金融深化论及其政策主张   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严佳佳 《特区经济》2004,(11):144-145
自20世纪70年代以来,金融深化论成为发展中国家经济金融体制改革的理论基础,金融深化也被广大发展中国家视为消除金融抑制、实现经济发展的重要手段。但是,进入90年代以后,这些国家的发展进程却被金融危机所打断,经济增长严重受挫。通过对该理论及其具体实施路径的分析,笔者认为,出现这种现象的原因主要在于金融深化论的部分假定条件比较严格,还不太符合发展中国家的实际情况,这在一定程度上影响了该理论的准确性和实用性。  相似文献   

运用高新技术对安徽传统产业进行改造的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着生产力的发展 ,劳动的主体发生了从活劳动到死劳动到科学技术的演变 ,从而形成商品价值的主源泉也发生变化 ;衡量劳动的新标准是活劳动创造价值 ,死劳动创造和转移价值 ;坚持劳动价值论须承认生产要素的劳动化 ;劳动价值补偿形式是按要素分配。  相似文献   

While low efficiency is constantly found in enterprises in China,not much is known about its underlying reasons. The presentstudy attempts to fill this gap with particular attention devotedto the effect of training provision on enterprise efficiency.Our results show that there is a positive relationship betweentraining provision and technical efficiency in enterprises.An estimation of group efficiency shows that the present patternof resource allocation in the state-owned enterprises can enhancetheir efficiency performance. This is of particular importancefor state-owned enterprises in which the allocation of resourcesis still under the control of the central government.  相似文献   

杨春雷 《特区经济》2009,(11):48-50
南京都市圈已进入实质性建设阶段,各成员立足现实的要素禀赋结构,按比较优势来选择产业调整策略是实现整个都市圈协调、可持续发展的关键。本文对南京都市圈主要城市四大基本生产要素——劳动力、技术、土地、资本的禀赋差异进行了比较分析,并基于各成员的要素禀赋差异,提出了产业调整策略选择的初步建议。  相似文献   

彭化英 《新财经》2006,(10):88-88
今年8月29日,在J.D.Power亚太公司公布的2006年度中国汽车销售满意度指数(SSI)调查报告中,奥迪、大众两个品牌分别摘得状元和探花,一汽-大众成为最大赢家。中国汽车销售满意度指数(SSI)是衡量中国市场消费者对新车购置过程满意程度的一项指标,主要从交车过程、销售人员、经销商  相似文献   

公共政策执行过程是一个会产生偏离与扭曲的过程。本文通过研究政策执行的偏离与扭曲的内在原因与表征现象,探讨政策执行过程的特点,提出政策执行曲线,利用公共选择理论,分析政策执行过程的经济本质,在揭示政策执行的科学性方面,提出了新的看法。  相似文献   

The risk premium for evaluating public projects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Governments face a lower apparent cost of capital than privatefirms. However, the low cost of borrowing by governments doesnot reflect superior capabilities to choose or manage projects.Instead, it reflects the fact that governments have recourseto taxpayers, who de facto provide a fairly open-ended creditinsurance to the government. If taxpayers were remunerated forthe risk they assume in the case of tax-financed projects, thenex ante there would be no capital cost advantage to governmentfinance. The risk premium on government finance would, in principle,be no different from that of private investors. There is thusno justification on the basis of capital cost advantages forgovernment funding or guaranteeing the provision of privategoods or services. Privatization is, therefore, valuable, ifit improves business efficiency when evaluated at the risk-adjustedprivate cost of capital. No more need be demonstrated in a value-for-moneytest.  相似文献   

房地产投资基金是产业投资基金的一种。美国是世界上最早成立房地产专业投资基金的国家之一,一般的房地产基金管理公司同时发起设立开放式房地产投资基金、有限合伙制房地产投资基金和房地产投资信托基金进行捆绑式运作,形成美国房地产基金合力运作的“三驾马车”。 随着中国入世,金融服务业逐步开放,外资对中国的房地产金融业务十分看好,国外资金急于进入国内的房地产开发,但对内地的房  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper examines the empirical validity of hypothesized relationships between the initial value of unseasoned common shares and information revealed to outside investors. In addition to the direct accounting disclosures contained in the offering prospectus, the entrepreneur is believed to signal the firm's true value through the proportion of ownership retained in the firm and the selection of prestigious underwriting services. The underwriter, in turn, intermediates in the disclosure of information to investors and applies a fee schedule which provides outsiders with further indications of project quality. Résumé. Les auteurs examinent la validité empirique des relations dont ils posent l'hypothèse entre la valeur des actions ordinaires lors d'une émission initiale et l'information livrée aux investisseurs extérieurs. En plus de l'information comptable directe contenue dans le prospectus d'émission, l'entrepreneur s'attend à ce que le pourcentage de la participation qu'il conserve dans l'entreprise et la sélection de services de prise ferme prestigieux soient des indicateurs de la valeur véritable de l'entreprise. Le preneur ferme, à son tour, joue le rôle d'intermédiaire dans la communication d'information aux investisseurs et applique un barème de frais qui véhicule, aux yeux des investisseurs extérieurs, d'autres indications au sujet de la qualité de l'émission.  相似文献   

生产性服务业是高成长、高辐射、高集聚的现代服务产业,评价其发展水平,具有十分重要的意义。本文根据生产性服务业的内涵特征,构建生产性服务业发展竞争力评价指标体系,对江西省生产性服务业发展竞争力作出了科学的评价。在此基础上,提出发展江西省生产性服务业的对策。  相似文献   

论生产性服务对贸易格局的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪60-70年代以来,全球服务业特别是生产性服务迅速发展。生产性服务的发展促进了生产力的提高和生产费用的降低,有利于产品差异化的形成以及贸易竞争力的提高。因此,它对国际贸易格局会产生重大影响,生产性服务水平高的发达国家在世界中的份额提高,而发展中国这的贸易地位相对下降。发展中国家想改变其地位和提高出口商品的附加值,就必须大力发展生产性服务。  相似文献   

Conclusion There is no reason to assume that pressure groups will further the public interest, however defined. Generally, pressure groups are formed to benefit the members of the group. Those interest groups that form to exert political pressure will be characterized by the distribution of benefits within the group as well as by the net benefits of organizing. These same factors will discourage other groups from organizing. Because of the public good characteristic, pressure groups must avoid the free rider problem. Thus, interest groups tend to be short lived. In the short run, they can solve this problem by providing some divisible benefits, and small groups can use social pressure. In the long run, membership must depend on coercion or institutionalized advantage.  相似文献   

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