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Stackelberg leadership and transfers in private provision of public goods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider transfers in a Stackelberg game of private provision of a public good. It turns out that the agent who is the follower in the process of making voluntary contributions to a public good may have an incentive to make monetary transfers to the Stackelberg leader even in a situation where neither has a comparative advantage in making contributions to the public good. The Stackelberg leader is willing to accept such transfers if the actual contribution game is fully non-cooperative because the transfer generates a Pareto superior outcome. If the contributions in the Stackelberg equilibrium is the threat point of a possible cooperative Nash bargaining game, the Stackelberg leader will refuse to accept the transfer if she can. Received: 30 June 1995 / Accepted: 18 February 1997  相似文献   

当前,我国宏观经济调控处于"稳增长"与"稳物价"的微妙平衡,而生产资料作为国家经济建设的基础物质条件,其供需变化不仅与经济增长相关,也与社会物价水平密切相关。本文依据2001年至2010年10年间的生产资料价格数据,对生产资料价格与主要宏观经济指标的关联关系及其与PPI、CPI等价格指标的传导规律进行了实证研究,并在此基础上提出了有利于我国稳定通胀预期、把握价格规律的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the formation of prices in a perishable goods market where agents bargain repeatedly through pair-wise interactions. After extensive field observations, we chose to focus on two aspects that seem important to actors of this market: the passage of time and update in judgement when gathering information. The main feature of the market is that a seller bargaining with a buyer has incomplete information about buyer's willingness to pay and is not sure how her trading partner will evaluate an offer or compare it with other options. On the other hand, buyers have limited time to look for goods and cannot meet all possible sellers before making a decision. Hence agents cannot calculate the best price to offer but receive information through limited interactions, and use this information to choose their actions.An agent-based model was built to represent a framework that mimics the observed market institution and where agent's possible behaviors and learning was made as consistent as possible with gathered data. Simulations were run, first for sensitivity analysis concerning main parameters, then to test the dependance of agents’ learning to (a) the time buyers can spend on the market and (b) the frequency of update in learning by sellers. To validate the model, features produced by the simulated market are compared to the stylized facts gathered for negotiation about four goods. We reproduce the main features of the data on the dynamics of offers, transaction prices and agents’ behavior during the bargaining phases.  相似文献   

城市社会空间作为城市的要素,具有典型的社会关系与社会资本属性,在不同的社会和不同的文化环境中,城市社会空间表现为不同的意义和符号价值.在当代中国城市化高速发展的今天,城市社会空间结构在发生巨变,传统的城市社会空间的意义和理念,被现代意义上的空间意涵所取代,同时,城市化的高速增长,使属于大众的城市社会空间变得越来越狭小,城市社会竞争的本质就是在竞争城市社会空间的占有形式.因此,重新认识城市社会空间的社会属性和文化价值,已经成为城市公共管理的重要内容.本文从城市社会空间属性的角度入手,研究城市社会空间的价值,以求对构建属于市民社会的新型城市社会空间有所裨益.  相似文献   

目前我国私营企业工会职能弱化,集体谈判和集体合同制度没有得到普及,劳资冲突日益严重的现状所造成的负面影响已引起了各方面的关注。文章认为应从组建工会、强化工会职能、健全劳资关系立法、推行集体谈判和集体合同制度、运用现代激励理论建立员工激励机制等方面入手构建健康稳定和谐的劳资关系。  相似文献   

高校智力资本运作效率的数据包络分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在综合分析高校智力资本的基本概念和主要内容的基础上,提出了用数据包络分析方法评价高校智力资本运作效率的基本思路与方法,并以8所高校在同一学科中的智力资本运作情况为算例,对数据包络分析的算法和所使用的计算工具作了说明。  相似文献   

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