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Foreign trademarks are used in some cases to cover imported goods and generally products made in the host countries by foreign manufacturing subsidiaries and licensees. This industrial property right is a major source of market power for those subsidiaries making consumer goods. Domestic enterprises making similar goods must either accept a reduced share of the market or must enter into trademark license agreements. But even in those cases, although licensees of foreign-owned trademarks receive a current profit out of the licence, they cannot enjoy the result of the goodwill development.Although the advertising expenditures are borne by the consumers of the developing countries, the accrual in goodwill is for the benefit of non-resident owners of this intangible asset. These private benefits — mostly appropriated by the foreign trademark owner — can be considered as net social costs to the recipient country.  相似文献   

刘炎 《科技和产业》2022,22(12):101-108
作为非传统新型商标,气味商标具有非可视化、有特殊味道和容易变化等特征。中国《商标法》应当保护气味商标,气味商标的法律保护空白不应当继续出现。中国新修版《商标法》对气味商标保持怀疑的观望态度,美国和欧盟都存在气味商标合法注册的成功案例。中国国内有学者针对现实状况提出气味商标不宜保护论,然而这种论断显然是不合理的,气味商标的保护已有良策。应紧跟时代的步伐,扩大《商标法》的保护范围。  相似文献   

Summary This paper contains a theoretical analysis of how a maximum price being put on homogeneous commodities affects international trade if rates of exchange are fixed. The consequences of a calculation scheme for fixing prices of differentiated products are also investigated.A maximum price that is lower than the import price is an impediment to import. This leads to oscillations of the import price if demand in the importing country is sufficiently high. The maximum price has no influence if it is higher than the import price. A maximum price that is equal to the export price (which is independent of the supply of the exporting country) retards the decline of export that would occur in consequence of a rise in home demand or a rise in costs of production. As soon as the average revenue per unit of product exported exceeds the maximum price, suppliers will try to export as much as possible. Importation of substitutes is stimulated indirectly and exportation of substitutes is discouraged, whereas the opposite effects occur with respect to complementary goods, materials used in the production process, and goods for the production of which the same materials and factors of production are used.If demand rises, a calculation scheme used for price control will reduce imports and stimulate exports. The calculation scheme reacts only on rises in costs of production that are not recognized officially by the government: imports will be smaller, and exports higher, than in the case of a free determination of prices. Calculation schemes check the importation of substitutes and stimulate their exportation, whereas the opposite effects may occur with respect to complementary goods, or due to changes in the production.In case of a general control of prices when inflation prevails, the whole set of price effects will affect the balance of payments. However, the final result will be uncertain, since some price effects tend to enhance the surplus of the balance of payments whereas others tend to reduce it. At the same time, income effects may affect the balance of payments in the adverse sense.National price control impedes the optimum allocation of resources in an economic community. This is due to the fact that it distorts trade.  相似文献   

This paper shows how increased goods market competition affects the behavior of inflation in a multisector economy. By raising the price elasticity of demand, increased goods market competition theoretically lowers inflation and makes the aggregate price level less sensitive to aggregate demand shocks. We find that proxies for the aggregate degree of goods market competition are statistically and economically significant in short-run Phillips curve models of core inflation. Evidence indicates that heightened goods market competition has flattened the slope of the short-run, expectations-augmented Phillips curve and slightly lowered the nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU).  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加速,商标的英汉互译日益显示出其重要性,而服装商标的翻译是决定服装在国际市场上营销成败的关键因素之一。本文通过个案分析探讨服装商标翻译问题,分析了服装商标中的文化差异主要表现在审美心理和风俗习惯等方面,并总结了四种适用于服装商标的翻译策略,即音译法、直译法、意译法、混合译法。  相似文献   

陈嘉乐 《科技和产业》2023,23(11):152-157
在目前的定义下,地理标志无法传递给消费者准确的信息,损害了消费者福利,且无法满足将非物质文化遗产纳入保护范畴的需要。增设与地理标志并行的相关概念,可以提高地理标志传递信息的准确性,保障消费者权益,增加消费者的购买欲望,促进相关行业良性发展,也能够更好的服务于不同类型的产品、服务与非物质文化遗产保护的需求。应当注重增加并行概念间的区分度,以《商标法》中对商标的保护为参照底线。  相似文献   

黄斌慧 《重庆与世界》2013,(10):50-53,63
我国关于驰名商标保护的法律规定和司法实践还不够成熟,学术界的观点也意见不一。鉴于此,借鉴国外驰名商标法律保护的理论与实践,并结合我国的实际情况,提出完善我国驰名商标保护法律制度的某些建议,以使驰名商标得到更全面更系统的法律保护。  相似文献   

秦宝燕 《特区经济》2009,(11):284-285
开展商标国际注册已经成为中国企业保护自身知识产权的一项重要战略。在当今国际市场走出去和引进来的外贸格局下,如何有效地进行商标国际注册,是我国外向型企业要考虑的问题。上海冠生园集团有限公司成功运用商标国际注册战略,抢占先机,形成商标立体保护体系,但仍有需要改进和探索之处。  相似文献   

互联网经济下,厂商不断探索产品定价问题,考虑共享经济中典型因素:会员制,消费者寻求多样化购买和厌恶拥塞等。建立了两期非合作动态博弈模型,研究表明厂商在第一期竞争时平分市场,期望总收益与会员价格相关。证明了厂商第二期存在三度价格歧视均衡定价,定价与多样化购买因子相关。研究表明:在互联网背景下,企业根据消费者历史数据,细分消费者市场,获得更高收益;同时企业需要丰富产品线,促进消费者寻求多样化购买,同时应制定合理会员价格。  相似文献   

It is generally believed that the existence of gray channels hurts authorized retailers because gray marketers often free-ride on the marketing activities performed by authorized retailers. However, the effect on manufacturers’ profits is still rather vague. This paper sets up a two-stage sub-game perfect equilibrium model to examine the effects of gray goods on authorized retailers and manufacturers. It is found that manufacturers who are against parallel importation are likely to be those whose product has a low gray good penetration ratio, low price elasticity of demand, high cross-price elasticity of demand, or a high demand convexity.
Hsiu-Li ChenEmail:

朱秋沅 《特区经济》2010,(4):241-244
我国商标法对在我国境内未注册的驰名商标提供保护,由此而产生了有关于商标权成立、驰名商标的确认、商标许可使用合同与商标侵权等法律冲突与司法管辖权冲突问题。目前我国解决涉外合同、侵权的国际私法规则并不能适用于对未注册驰名商标保护这一特殊制度。因此,亟需根据未注册驰名商标保护的特殊性、有关问题法律冲突与管辖权冲突的特殊性来制定针对性的国际私法规范,以确定有相当合理性的准据法,从而使得我国的未注册驰名商标特殊的保护制度得以良性施行。  相似文献   

This paper looks at price and quality competition in software markets under two different forms of competition—one where two proprietary firms first choose quality and then engage in price competition, and second where a proprietary firm faces competition from an open source software (OSS) firm that allows its users to determine quality level and provides the software at zero price. We find that OSS competition never improves quality for consumers who value quality highly. However, it may provide greater quality to users with a low valuation for quality. In addition, we find that although OSS has a zero market price, the public good nature of OSS competition can lessen price competition, making the proprietary firm better-off with increased profit but leaving consumers worse-off with lower surplus.  相似文献   

论科教兴国与金融支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识产权是权利对智力成果的专有权 ,权利的专有性是知识产权的专有性之一。同时 ,知识产权又有无形性和专有性。此外 ,知识产权在进入销售领域后 ,具有其专有性一次用尽的限定性 ,被称作为权利一次用尽或权利一次穷竭。这种限定的目的在于防止技术推广、商标使用和思想传播的  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that pricing to import parity is not necessarily prima facie evidence of the exercise of market power. It is shown that in the presence of imports both market structures, perfect competition and monopoly, can price to import parity. If markets can be segmented enabling the firm to discriminate between the export and domestic market it is shown that the imperfectly competitive firm can differentially price. Furthermore, as the number of domestic firms is increased, and if these firms are able to segment the market, the differential between domestic and foreign prices is reduced. The import parity price may or may not be charged in the domestic market. A measure of the exercise of market power is therefore the differential between export parity and the domestic price.  相似文献   

The two-way trade flows are classified into four competition categories: successful price competition when trade surplus is at lower export than import price, unsuccessful price competition when trade deficit is at higher export than import price, successful quality competition when trade surplus is at higher export than import price, and unsuccessful quality competition when trade deficit is at lower export than import price. Using a panel dataset of determinants of agro-food trade competition between the five Central European Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia) and the European Union, we found the effect of trade balance on trade competition to be more significant than the effect of export–import unit values. Natural, and to a lesser extent human factor endowments increase price and quality competition and reduce unsuccessful price and quality competition. R&D expenditures improve quality competition and reduce price competition. Foreign direct investment reduces unsuccessful price competition and increases unsuccessful quality competition. The size of the economy improves price competition and reduces quality competition. Consumer demands associated with higher level of income per capita increase unsuccessful price and quality competition.  相似文献   

本文利用与进出口价格相关联的投入产出模型,计算模拟了国际能源价格冲击对中国贸易结构的传递效应。结果表明,能源价格冲击提高了货物出口和进口比重,使货物、服务出口比例更加不合理。具体而言,对初级产品、其他工业品、机电产品、高新技术产品以及各类服务占货物或服务出口和进口的比重具有同方向的作用效果,出口比重提高,进口比重也提高,而反之亦然。虽然能源价格冲击恶化了出口结构,优化了进口结构,但长期而言弊大于利,对我国贸易结构调整起到一定的阻碍作用。  相似文献   

由于人民币汇率问题,我国的货物和资产都显得相对廉价。外部世界不仅从我国大量进口可移动的贸易品,还通过直接投资等方式大量“进口”中国的土地和房地产商品,这在一定程度上拉动了房地产商品的价格上涨。所以,研究我国的房地产问题,必须从对外贸易角度来分析。实际上我国这几年来所有的经济问题都可以归纳到货币政策和汇率问题。房价上涨的部分原因在于外部输入的货币量过多,人民币汇率和利率偏低,大量资金涌入房地产市场保值升值,使这一稀缺资源充满了投机性。  相似文献   

This study examines whether the content of buyer information and the timing of its dissemination affects seller market power. We construct laboratory markets with differentiated goods and costly buyer search in which sellers simultaneously post prices. The experiment varies the information on price or product characteristics that buyers learn under different timing assumptions (pre‐ and postsearch), generating four information treatments. Theory predicts that price information lowers the equilibrium price, but information about product characteristics increases the equilibrium price. That is, contrary to intuition, the presence of informed buyers may impart a negative externality on other uninformed buyers. Data support the model's negative externality result when sellers face a large number of robot buyers that are programmed to search optimally. Observed prices conform to the model's comparative statics and are broadly consistent with predicted levels. With human buyers, however, excessive search instigates increased price competition, and sellers post prices that are significantly lower than predicted.  相似文献   

商品市场价值贬值是作者目睹市场上许多商品的竞争能力由盛到衰过程而提出的新的概念 ,并对其贬值的原因从商品本身、消费者本身、竞争环境、信息传播这四个方面作了较全面深入的分析 ,同时也给出了相应的对策 ,以便政府、企业借鉴。  相似文献   

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