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This paper inspects the asymmetric effect of oil price on prices level in Qatar. To achieve that, we proceed by employing a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach on data during the period 1990Q1–2014Q4. The estimation results show evidences of an incomplete and asymmetric influence of oil price on price level in the long term. Moreover, we find that price responses to negative changes in oil price is greater than its response to positive changes. Given Qatar’s economic features, a decrease in oil price could cause lower imports and production prices and consequently a substantial influence on domestic prices level. However, the lower effect of positive oil price changes on consumer prices can be explained by the subsidies system, the consumption patterns, and the exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

Using high-frequency intraday data, this study provides strong empirical evidence that elevated oil price uncertainty has a significant and negative influence on stock liquidity. More specifically, the results suggest that large oil-related corporations are most affected, followed by small-listed firms more generally. Further analysis reveals that liquidity providers widen the bid-ask spreads to protect themselves during periods of high oil price uncertainty for large-listed firms, particularly those in the oil industry. These findings are robust to various measures of oil price uncertainty, different market conditions, structural break analysis and show the influence of oil price movements extends to stock liquidity.  相似文献   

石油期货:完善我国石油安全机制的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际油价波动通过石油进口对国内经济产生影响,成为我国石油供应安全的隐患。国际油价的形成机制是现货市场与期货市场共同影响市场价格走向,由于没有形成国际化的石油市场体系,转嫁风险机制缺位,我国在国际石油市场采购现货时不得不量价齐升。发展石油期货市场,完善国内石油市场体系,是建立和完善我国石油安全机制的必然选择。  相似文献   

研究燃油期货市场成交量、持仓量对价格波动的影响,有利于降低燃油期货市场风险。建立EGARCH-t模型,分别考察成交量、持仓量以及同进考察成交量与持仓量对我国燃油期货价格波动的影响。研究结果显示:在分别考察成交量和持仓量时,当期成交量对价格波动方差具有比较明显的影响,滞后成交量与持仓量对价格波动方差都没有很显著的影响。在同时考察成交量和持仓量对价格波动方差的影响时,有A〈B(若当日成交量和持仓量同时增加,则令当日价格波动幅度大小为A;若当日成交量减少(或不变),则令当日价格波动幅度大小为B)成立。同时,燃油期货市场的滞后成交量和持仓量对价格波动方差的影响不明显,说明我国燃油期货市场运行效率较好。  相似文献   

Responses of inflation and non‐oil output growth from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries to monetary policy shocks from the United States (US) were estimated to determine whether there is evidence to support the US dollar as the anchor for the proposed unified currency. A structural vector autoregression identified with short‐run restrictions was employed for each country with Fed funds rate as the US monetary policy instrument, non‐oil output growth and inflation. The main results suggest that for inflation, the GCC countries show synchronised responses to monetary policy shocks from the US which are similar to inflation in the US, and for non‐oil output growth, there is no clear indication that US monetary policy can be as effective for the GCC countries as it is domestically. Consequently, importing US monetary policy via a dollar peg may guarantee only stable inflation for the GCC countries – not necessarily stable non‐oil output growth. If the non‐oil output response is made conscientiously – and there are concerns over the dollar’s ability to perform its role as a store of value – a basket peg with both the US dollar and the euro may be a sound alternative as confirmed by the variance decomposition analysis of our augmented SVAR with a proxy for the European short‐term interest rate.  相似文献   

国际油价上涨对中美居民消费价格指数的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
油价波动日益成为牵动居民经济生活的重要因素。本文应用单位根检验、协整分析及格兰杰因果检验等方法,考察了1995年2月至2007年4月间月度国际原油价格与中美两国居民消费价格指数之间的长期关系,认为国际原油价格的波动对美国居民消费价格指数的影响很明显,但对我国居民消费价格指数的影响并不明显。文章提出,随着经济的快速发展和工业化步伐的加快,我国石油消费会大幅度增加,我国的消费价格指数权重结构调整也会随居民消费结构的变化而改变,有可能与美国越来越相似,国际油价上涨导致成本推动型通货膨胀的压力将逐步加大,对通货膨胀的影响也将逐渐显现,对消费价格指数的预警功能会进一步强化。因此我们要加紧建立原油价格期货市场,鼓励和推广能源节约型产业,积极做好石油战略储备等各方面的工作,把石油价格波动对我国居民经济生活的影响减到最小。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of oil price risk on systematic risk using the transportation service industries as samples across eight representative nations. The researchers estimate the systematic risk by the use of time-varying models including the Schwert and Seguin model, the Multi-GARCH model and the Kalman filter algorithm as well as the market model. The empirical results show that the Kalman filter algorithm appears to be the superior model for capturing systematic risk in the transportation industry. The betas of the marine industry decrease as it suffers from oil price risk, while the airline industry sees the reverse. Therefore, the influence of oil price risk is more critical for the airline industry.  相似文献   

20世纪后半叶以来,国际油价波动剧烈,深深影响着我国石油公司的业绩乃至整个国民经济。在分析近十年的国际油价和国内三大石油公司的业绩基础上,构建出油价-公司业绩的二次曲线模型,结果表明:稳定在40-60美元/桶的油价是三大石油公司业绩最优区间。  相似文献   

石油危机对世界经济周期性波动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以1971-2005年的世界油价、世界经济增长率及美国等8个世界主要发达国家经济增长率数据为基础,并利用单方根检验、VAR模型和Granger检验分析了石油价格波动与世界经济周期性波动的关系。结果表明,石油危机或剧烈的价格波动初期与世界经济周期性波动有紧密的关联,加深了世界经济波动的幅度,拉长了世界经济波动的周期,但在滞后期对世界经济周期性波动的影响正逐步减弱,并由最初的异向变动转为同向变动。  相似文献   

本文通过实证研究揭示国际油价和国内油价之间的协整关系及我国石油产量、进口量和出口量对石油价格的影响。结果显示:不管增加石油产量还是增加进口量,对于平抑石油价格的影响都将有限,因为我国目前粗放型经济对石油消费需求的过快增长,相对我国石油产量和进口量增加远跟不上需求增速,导致价格不断上涨。随着我国经济结构转型和人口红利消失、有效劳动人口减少,总体经济增速下降,必然导致我国对外资源依存度趋于平缓甚至下降,在现在这个转折时期,一味单纯地渲染能源饥渴甚至能源供应危机是危险的。目前不惜代价、大手笔地收购海外资源是不明智也是严重滞后的举措。  相似文献   

石油作为重要的战略能源,其价格波动对全球经济的运行和发展会产生极大的影响。为测算国际油价与人民币汇率的均衡关系及非对称溢出效应,选取2008年1月~2019年7月的每日数据,在平稳性检验的基础上,综合运用协整检验和脉冲响应函数等方式,对二者的均值溢出效应进行测量;在VECBEKK-GARCH模型的支撑下,对其非对称波动溢出效应水平进行测算。研究结果表明:国际油价与人民币汇率的协整关系和均值溢出效应处于长期均衡状态;二者的非对称波动溢出效应是双向的,国际油价会随人民币汇率的变化呈现出时变性和持续性特征,而国际油价变动具备持续性特征时,人民币汇率随之产生变化。这种非对称波动溢出效应表明,无论国际油价如何变化,对人民币汇率的冲击都是非对称的。  相似文献   

吴先金  梁培植 《中国市场》2008,(10):105-107
2008年,国际石油价格持续上涨,有石油供给和需求方面的原因,但更主要的是国际石油市场交易方面的原因。本文分析了国际石油价格持续高位运行对我国经济的影响,探讨了如何应对国际石油价格上涨的相应策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the relevance of a conditional multifactor model and autocorrelation in predicting the Russian aggregate stock return fluctuates over time. The source of return predictability is shown to vary considerably with information flow. In general, predictability of the Russian stock market return is at a high level. Autocorrelation increases during periods of low information flow. During periods of high information, conditional exposure to the local market risk and changes in oil price influence the expected return on the Russian stock market. The lagged global stock market factor and currency returns have insignificant influence.  相似文献   

王鹤鸣 《中国海关》2012,(4):86-87,19
传统矿物能源的不可再生性,决定了过度依靠单一类型的自然能源所面临的系统性风险是无法回避的。"世界经济血液"的称号体现出石油在世界经济中的价值与地位,而华尔街的一句名言"千万不要试图预测油价",又令其充满了神秘色彩。  相似文献   

We examine how prior purchases influence consumer response to promotional activity in brand choice decisions. To improve understanding of the nature of this influence, we separate previous purchases into those on promotion and those not on promotion, and consider their differential impact on subsequent brand choices. Impact may be observed at the brand level, category level, or both and we suggest circumstances in which each might occur. Across four product categories, consumer sensitivity to price, price promotions, and feature advertisements increases for all brands in the product category following a promotional purchase but also decreases for the most recently purchased brand. The magnitudes of the results indicate that prior promotional purchases influence choice more than prior brand usage does. We offer managerial recommendations regarding promotional activities, for both retailers and manufacturers.  相似文献   

2006-2008年,以我国粮油为代表的主要农产品价格大幅上涨。在全球化背景下,农产品价格上涨是由下述三个因素共同影响推动而成的:美元贬值和石油价格上涨;需求强烈、供给增加缓慢的国际农产品供求状况;国内"供弱需强"的供求关系和政府保护的"两难悖论"。此外,国内其他因素如经济持续快速增长、流动性过剩、人民币升值等也间接影响着农产品价格的波动程度。  相似文献   

The main new contribution of this study was to delve into the asymmetric impacts of changes in oil prices on the trade balance in the framework of six major African economies. To tackle this topic carefully, we employ three measures of external balances—oil, non‐oil and total trade balances, and assess the asymmetric response of the external balances of those six economies to oil price changes in the short and long run. Like most previous studies, we first assume the impacts of oil price fluctuations to be symmetric and employ the linear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method to explore the topic. We then separate oil price hikes from oil price plunges and implement the non‐linear ARDL method to reveal that the price of crude oil has a vital role to play in the trade balances for those six African economies. Further, there is evidence of significant asymmetric impacts of oil prices typically on the oil trade balance of Africa's top oil producing countries. For the non‐oil and total trade balances, in contrast, there is little evidence of the asymmetry of oil price changes.  相似文献   

In order to be successful in attracting trading volume and generate revenue from trading fees, exchanges must allow potential traders to transact quickly at a known price. This is known as providing liquidity. On the New York Stock Exchange, liquidity comes from two sources: traders conducting business on the floor of the exchange and those who electronically send orders to the exchange from off-floor locations. On-floor traders have traditionally been alleged to have advantages over off-floor traders. If that is the case, then this might discourage off-floor traders from providing liquidity and reduce the efficiency of security markets. We find that on-floor traders do seem to enjoy some advantages in providing liquidity, although the differences are not great. This suggests that the New York Stock Exchange is warranted in several of its recent initiatives designed to level the playing field between on- and off-floor traders.  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程加速,国际油价波幅加大,国际油价冲击对汇率的传导作用问题为国际社会所关注。通过实证研究证明国际油价冲击对人民币兑美元实际双边汇率存在传导效应,当国际油价上涨时,人民币实际汇率先贬值再升值。在国际油价波动日益剧烈的今天,人民币名义汇率保持稳定将有利于中国经济的发展。  相似文献   

本文分析考察了石油与14种初级品价格的长期互动关系。通过研究本文认为,石油价格与相关初级农产品价格间存在较强的长期均衡性关系,与初级金属品关系次之。然而并不能完全认定近年来石油价格的上升是引发各类初级品价格上涨的主要原因,其中可能存在更为复杂的作用机制。这种互动影响的传递渠道及方式也为干预初级品价格提供了可能。  相似文献   

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