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Wenzhou is situated in the mid section of Chinese coast line. The Ou river dissects its northern and suburban areas. It is on the East Sea with the advantages of the western Pacific and the Chinese southeastern coast. It is the economic, cultural and traffic centre of the southern part of Zhejiang province, connecting the vast hinterland of Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei and Hunan provinces.  相似文献   

Zhejiang, situated in the Yangtze delta and neighbouring Shanghai, is widely known for fish and rice production. The Zhejiang Provincial Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs I/E Co. Ltd. formerly Zhejiang provincial Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs I/E Company, is one of the largest foreign trade shareholding enterprises in Zhejiang Province. It is  相似文献   

Intangible Cultural Heritage on Verge of Extinction? With the acceleration of globalization and modernization, dramatic changes have taken place in China's cultural ecology: intangible cultural heritage is confronted with great challenges and a lot of orally and behaviorally transmitted cultural heritage disappear one after another; a great deal of traditional craftsmanship is on the verge of extinction; a large number of precious objects and materials of historical and cultural values are destroyed,deserted or lost in foreign countries; arbitrary misuse and excessive exploitation of intangible cultural heritage occur from time to time. Therefore, the protection of intangible cultural heritage brooks no delay.  相似文献   

Just a few days ago, People's Forum Magazine and People's Daily made a China-based nationwide questionnaire survey on public cultural consumption inclination. The result of the survey indicated that the public cultural consumption level is low and so is the enthusiasm of public for cultural consumption. Given the international practice, since China's income per capita has exceeded US$3000, the total cultural consumption should be more than RMB 4 trillion. However, at present the real consumption is less than RMB 800 billion, which means that most of the cultural consumption potential was not brought out.  相似文献   

Zhejiang Province China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Zhejiang sub-council visited and researched nearly a hundred companies in 9 cities and 31 counties. It found that the impact of financial crisis is far from over, and still spreading. In January this year, Zhejiang's exports continued to decline with 10.7% down, while imports decreased by 36.8%. At the same time, the decline in the export of processing trade is greater than the general decline in trade. For a considerable period of time, it is rather difficult to reverse the decline in processing trade exports.  相似文献   

China Zhejiang Hengdian World Trade Center Located at Hengdian town, DongYang City. Zhejiang province near by Shanghai. It is in the center of Zhejiang province, the most prosperity area in China. It is 36km from Yiwu air-port and Yiwu railwaystation, and 180km from Hangzhou Interna-tional Airport, Ningbo airport and seaport, Wenzhou airport and seaport.Hengdian, home of HWTC, is also home to many international renowned textiles, hardware and light industrial products wholesale marke…  相似文献   

Chongqing is a well-known city with a history of more than 3,000 years. It is a famous historical and cultural city in China. Chongqing is the birthplace of the Bayu Culture. At present, Chongqing is a municipality directly under the Central Government with the largest area, the most administrative districts and the largest population.  相似文献   

Inrecent years,a series of cultural TV shows,including National Teasure,If National Treasures Could Speak and There is Something New in the Palace Museum, have increased the popularity of museum visits and changed the concept of audiences. Peo-ple's enthusiasm for enjoying cultural relics and visiting museums has been re-kindled.Museum tourism has become a new hot attraction for visitors.  相似文献   

The cultural characteristic of Lingnan architecture is the organic combination of architecture and gardens, appealing to be simple and light, showing the charms of Lingnan traditional culture. Subjected to the sub-tropical monsoon climate zone, Guangzhou is hot and with plenty of rainfall, often attacked by typhoon, thus, the traditional architeture are full of specialities on ventilation, heat insulation, hurricaneproof, rainproof, moistureproof and so on. Showing the cultural style and features of Lingnan architecture, Xiguan house, bamboo house, riding building and Chen Clan Academy are some typical buildings of the most important elements that form a folk picture  相似文献   

The last decades of the 20th century have rep resented a turning point in the global development process. It is knowledge and/or technology that has changed the world's development course and has become the engine of social, economic and cultural development in every country. The role of knowledge and information in economic activity is now so great that it is inducing quite profound structural and qualitative changes in the operation of the economy and transforming the basis of comparative advantage of the countries.  相似文献   

武勉  张帝  祝瑞 《江苏商论》2014,(10):34-35
会展业是现代服务业的重要核心内容,它既对促进内外贸易、优化产业结构、扩大社会就业有着十分重要的作用,也可以提升城市品位和城市影响力。但是浙江的会展文化产业仍然存在着多头办展、重复办展,展会规模不大、品牌不强等问题,并且面临着发达国家文化冲击的威胁。本文立足于浙江会展业的现状,应用战略环境管理中的SWOT分析法,比较了浙江文化会展业的优势和劣势,及机遇和挑战,最后提出了促进浙江会展业实施"走出去"战略的建议。  相似文献   

运用Eviews软件对2000-2012年浙江省文化产业对经济发展影响相关数据的分析结果表明:文化、体育、娱乐业从业人数、电影放映场次、图书馆、博物馆和文物保护单位的固定资产原值、有线电视落户率、报纸、杂志和图书印发数等对浙江经济发展明显促进作用。同时,浙江经济的发展会促进电影放映场次、有线电视落户数增加。浙江省应加强文化产业专业人才的培养,改善娱乐设施建设,扩建图书馆、博物馆和文物保护单位,进一步推进有线电视入户,设法提高报刊杂志的订阅数,创造良好的软环境,以促使文化产业与地区经济更好地协调发展。  相似文献   

文化资本已成为继物质资本和人力资本之后解释经济增长的又一个重要变量。本文剖析了浙江传统文化理性的九个方面的特征及其形成的自然地理环境原因,从文化资本的视角对浙江经济高速增长的内在奥秘给出了一种理论诠释,同时也喻示了中国不同区域现代经济增长所面临的文化理性缺失。  相似文献   

"水"是中国传统哲学与文化的核心隐喻,也是浙商的商业观念的基本特性。"水"型商业观念帮助浙江赢得了今天的商业成就,但是它也有自身的缺陷。浙商的商业观念不能仅停留"水"上,而应当向西方商业观念学习"火"的特性,进行创新,形成"水火相济"的商业观念,以在商业竞争中增加自己的"强势文化附加值"。  相似文献   

随着中非农业合作的不断深入,在"走出去"背景下,浙江水产业投资非洲,充分利用两地资源优势,既能加快浙江水产业的转型升级,促进两地农业经济发展,又能深化浙非经贸合作与交流。本文阐述了浙江水产业投资非洲的必要性,利用SWOT理论剖析浙江水产业投资非洲,对浙江水产业投资非洲提出了策略建议,希望为加快浙江水产业结构转型升级和发展现代水产业提供新思路。  相似文献   

本研究发现企业员工的激励因素受社会经济发展水平、文化环境和人口学变量等方面的差异性的影响,省级改制企业员工激励因素的排序是管理机制与领导能力、工作环境、个体发展、薪酬保障和才为所用,而当前最迫切需要解决的企业员工外在激励因素是"薪酬保障"、内在激励因素是"个体发展",这与行为主义和国内学者关于激励因素的研究结论不尽一致.  相似文献   

会计理论和会计方法的选择,会计模式的形成以及会计实务的发展方向在很大程度上是由会计所处的文化环境决定的。近代浙商独特的注重工商、务实功利、锐意进取的草根文化特质催生出钱庄独特的会计技术,并影响着钱庄会计技术的发展与传承。  相似文献   

文化产业作为朝阳产业,其发展前景非常可观。然而,以浙江省为例,该省高职院校在对接文化产业发展的过程中存在合作形式单一、专业设置滞后等不足。为了解决这些问题,应解放思想、更新办学理念;以市场需求为导向调整专业设置;以提高技能为主线,优化教学课程;以提高能力为重点,完善师资配备;以产学结合为准则,强化技能培训。  相似文献   

综合运用预算估计行为实验,以浙江省250家企业为样本进行实证研究,研究文化和不确定性如何影响个体预算行为,进而影响企业层面的预算管理,最终造成预算偏见。研究发现个体预算行为在不确定性估计、个人风格差异下存在偏差;企业文化和感知的环境不确定程度对预算参与程度和预算监控程度有显著的影响;感知环境的不确定性会降低预算超支,也会降低预算松弛;在文化和环境背景下预算行为会出现很强的交互作用,只有一定的组合才是最有效的。  相似文献   

作为中国第一大商帮的浙商,其决策模式一直是理论研究的空白点.一个显然的现实是,浙商的决策并不具备理性特征,甚至也不够"科学",但是没人会否认它们的有效性.对浙商决策的研究,更适合采取"描述性"方法,通过对在特定情境下的决策行为的研究来挖掘其背后的规律.本文针对样本群体,采用实证调查和情境模拟相结合的方法,从浙商的使用决策、信息决策和投资决策三个方面来研究浙商的决策模式与行为特征,得到了一系列具有浙商独特性的、有悖于完美理性的行为决策结论.  相似文献   

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