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消费者参与价值共创日益普遍,不仅有利于厂商有效降低运营成本和增强口碑效应,而且给消费者带来更高的消费体验与心理满意度.同时,价值共创产品还会产生增值效应.通过两个实验进行研究,结果发现:价值共创产品会产生增值效应,促进性心理所有权在价值共创产品增值机理中起中介作用,自我建构在价值共创产品增值效应的形成中起调节作用.该研究结论不仅对丰富和完善价值共创理论、心理所有权理论及自我建构理论具有重要的理论意义,而且对厂商有效操作价值共创营销和提高消费者理性参与价值共创行为具有实际的参考价值.  相似文献   

消费者的体验营销策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>体验营销的核心是顾客参与,体验营销过程中消费者通过富有创造性的消费来体现独特的个性和价值,获得物质与心理的双重满足。体验营销把消费者作为价值创造的主体,应该积极研究消费者的心理,及时回应消费者的感性诉求,探索人性化的营销策略。  相似文献   

体验营销由于注重与消费者的沟通和互动,已逐渐成为房地产营销重要的营销模式.本文从消费心理、市场调查、场景体验、体验式参与活动等,论述了体验营销在房地产营销中的具体应用.对于开发商拓展房地产营销思路及提高营销工作的效率具有重要作用.  相似文献   

体验营销是一种新的营销方式,与传统的营销相比具有五大特点:由注重产品功能转变为注重顾客感受,由注重消费者的显性需求转变为注重消费者的隐性需求,由单方推动转变为双方互动,由分析消费者的消费行为转变为研究消费者的心理,由适应需求转变为创造需求。近年来,在休闲农业促销活动中,体验营销越来越受到重视。那么怎样才能搞好体验营销呢?丰富体验项目与传统的休闲农业产品营销不同的是,休闲农业的体验营销不仅以观光、欣赏等来满足消费者,而且要强调  相似文献   

社会化媒体使消费者体验到独特的顾客价值,所以有必要对社会化媒体中顾客价值的前因后果进行研究.针对532名社会化媒体消费者为样本的网络问卷调查发现,消费者的自我建构对其顾客价值具有积极的影响,而顾客价值对消费者的沉浸体验具有积极的影响.即当拥有较高的相依型自我建构时,消费者会体验到更多的社交价值和内容价值,而更多的社交价值和内容价值体验会提高他们的沉浸体验;当拥有较高的独立型自我建构时,消费者则会体验到更多的内容价值,而更多的内容价值体验也会提高他们的沉浸体验.这些发现全新诠释了社会化媒体中的顾客价值及其前因后果,不仅丰富了顾客价值理论,而且还对职业经理从事社会化媒体营销活动具有指导意义.  相似文献   

面对体验营销,企业怎么办   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邵一明  马骏 《江苏商论》2003,(9):135-136
体验营销是21世纪市场营销的新理念,是继服务营销后的又一种新理论。论文指出体验营销注重消费者的参与和体验,产生的原因主要是消费者的消费行为发生了变化,最后提出了企业面对体验营销的对策。  相似文献   

战略体验模块包括感官体验、情感体验、思维体验、行为体验和关联体验。零售企业的体验营销策略可以通过建筑设计、装修创新、场所布局创新和商品陈列等方面,为消费者带来良好的消费体验,从而吸引消费者,留住消费者。体验营销的核心是消费者参与,把消费者作为价值创造的主体,及时回应消费者的感情诉求;关键是使消费者的需求在体验中得到满足。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平大幅提高,与生活密不可分的快速消费品行业也更注重人性化发展,而体验营销则是销售行业发展的新趋势.体验营销以产品为载体,通过向消费者提供有品位的体验为主旨,使顾客在消费的同时获得心理和感情上的满足感.快速消费品行业的咖啡巨头———星巴克,因其独特的浪漫咖啡体验和温暖共享的感觉,迅速在餐饮行业崛起,不但符合市场需求,同时也获得了消费者的青睐.  相似文献   

姬敏 《现代商业》2007,(20):141-141,140
体验营销由于注重与消费者的沟通和互动,已逐渐成为房地产营销重要的营销模式。本文从消费心理、市场调查、场景体验、体验式参与活动等,论述了体验营销在房地产营销中的具体应用。对于开发商拓展房地产营销思路及提高营销工作的效率具有重要作用。  相似文献   

基于消费者价值的体验营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体验营销是基于消费者对个人价值的追求,以满足消费者对理想生活的向往,因此消费者价值是影响体验营销的关键性因素。本文在分析消费者价值与体验营销关系的基础上,探讨构建基于消费者价值的体验营销策略。  相似文献   

绿色营销、公益营销和社会营销的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色营销、公益营销和社会营销都是对传统营销观念的发展和修正,符合企业发展的基本规律。其中社会营销的内涵最为丰富,是和传统营销观念相对应的一种新的营销观念;绿色营销源于社会营销;公益营销是社会营销观念指导下的营销方式的创新;三种既有密切联系又各有侧重。不同的营销形式,在为企业营销行为提供新的选择的同时,也给企业提出了新的社会要求。一个理性的企业,在营销形式的选择上,应结合企业自身的具体情况,根据企业生产经营的发展阶段和企业所处的内外部特定环境,科学理性的选择有效的营销行为。  相似文献   

The author looks at the weak performance of Marketing in the UK over the past 30 years from a practitioners viewpoint. Four recipes for marketing disaster are identified: “thrust marketing, marketing department marketing, accountant's marketing and formula marketing”. The author concludes that marketing performance will improve when practitioners learn to recognise more easily areas of false marketing and theorists are able to define more clearly what marketing actually is.  相似文献   


The authors examine the relationship marketing research literature and identify three schools of thought regarding relationship marketing. The Inter-organizational, customer relationship, and customer valuation research perspectives are described and representative studies are discussed. The predominant conceptual approaches to marketing productivity in the research literature are identified and described. The shareholder value model of Srivastava, Shervani, and Fahey (1998) is selected as the most useful conceptual framework linking relationship marketing and marketing productivity. The linking constructs of customer equity and brand equity are identified as the critical conceptual connections between relationship marketing and marketing productivity. A research agenda is suggested, covering both conceptual and operational issues for further development of both relationship marketing and marketing productivity.  相似文献   

电影营销模式发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国传统媒介传播时代电影营销的主要模式包括影院营销和档期营销。进入到网络传播时代之后,电影营销出现了SNS营销、微博营销、网站营销、搜索引擎营销等新的营销模式。我国电影营销已经呈现出由被动营销向主动营销、由单一营销向组合营销、由粗放式营销向精准营销的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The main thesis of this article is that several long-term trends are reshaping marketing and forcing marketing managers to change radically to keep up. These long-term trends are technological, socioeconomic and geopolitical. Advances in technology, in particular, are having a profound impact on marketing, resulting in the deepening of customer relationships and the continuous expansion of the service economy. Artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet, and the expansion of networks are creating a revolution in marketing that makes the 1960s-style 4 Ps increasingly obsolete. Compounding the problem for marketers are the socioeconomic factors of diversity and inclusion, as well as major geopolitical threats. I explore the nature of change, extrapolate marketing practice into the future, and examine the implications for marketing managers, marketing education and academic research in marketing.  相似文献   

Database marketing has grown rapidly during the last ten years, spurred on by the changing role of direct marketing, shifting cost structures, developments in information technology and dynamic market conditions. Database marketing and direct marketing have a wide range of applications and are changing the way agencies and media are used. At its most sophisticated, database marketing has the potential to drive marketing policy.  相似文献   

Considerations about the future of marketing discipline bring to the surface an important question of marketing relationships management. The aim of this paper is to analyse the phenomenon of marketing relationships as a paradigmatic shift in the marketing discipline. Through the critique of marketing management approach we are searching for the theory that will help to transcend the action oriented marketing philosophy. Our discussion is rooted in the social exchange theory and the two fundamental processes of human exchange interactions – the process of friendship building and the process of power relations. Through the application of the analysis of the processes of interpersonal relations we discuss marketing relationships and extreme types of marketing perspectives: power relations, intrusive selling, conventional marketing exchange and marketing relationships. Conventional (transactional) marketing management and marketing relationships fundamentally at odds with one another, resembling the old Chinese concepts of yin and yang. We conclude that managers are facing the problem of "schizomarketing disorientation", when entering into different marketing processes with different segments of customers.  相似文献   

Professional services marketing such as accounting and legal services are often received as less smhisticated than product marketing. The prime message promulgated from existing research has often focused on the need for professional service firms to establish formal marketing technique; This paper investigates professional services marketing of tax services from a consumer behavior perspective and the implications of developing a marketing plan. Clearly, professional service providers are operating in a different consumer environment and the marketing implications are significantly different from product marketing.  相似文献   

营销组合的一个理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏光兴 《商业研究》2006,(1):150-151
回顾营销组合理论发展的历史轨迹,呈现出不同的营销组合理论适用于不同的营销经济环境,不同的营销组合理论反映了不同的营销观念,营销组合战略性增强而操作性减弱等特点。今后营销组合的发展趋势将是营销组合的具体内容更具灵活性,在营销观念上战略营销将成为主导,在营销策略构建上整合营销将成为主流。  相似文献   

A large and increasing share of company resources is devoted to marketing activities. To a large extent those activities are of a long term nature. There are long term, intertemporal dependence relations between marketing activities and their consequences. It is important both for marketing practice and marketing theory to develop tools for analyses of such relations in marketing. In business, intertemporal relations are frequently analysed within an investment process framework and it seems fruitful to apply such a framework to the analysis of marketing activities. The main purpose of this article is to make such an analysis.  相似文献   

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