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马君潞  吕剑 《亚太经济》2007,39(6):25-30
本文基于汇率错位的视角,运用二元模型对东南亚6国汇率错位幅度与汇率制度转换概率的关系进行实证分析。在此基础上,对人民币汇率制度的转换概率进行研究。得出结论:人民币汇率水平的高低与汇率制度的稳定性有很强的关系,即人民币汇率错位幅度与汇率制度转换概率呈现明显的正相关关系。汇率错位是汇率制度转换的原因,汇率错位幅度越大,汇率制度转换的概率越大。因此,若要维持人民币汇率制度的稳定,保持人民币汇率水平的基本稳定至关重要。就当前来说,人民币汇率制度发生转换的概率不大。  相似文献   

The present paper studies China's national level currency exposure since 2005 when the country adopted a new exchange rate regime allowing the renminbi (RMB) to move towards greater flexibility. Using generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic and constant conditional correlation‐generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic methods to estimate the augmented capital asset pricing models with orthogonalized stock returns, we find that China equity indexes are significantly exposed to exchange rate movements. In a static setting, there is strong sensitivity of stock returns to movements of China's tradeweighted exchange rate, and to the bilateral exchange rates except the RMB/dollar rate. However, in a dynamic framework, exposure to all the bilateral currency pairs under examination is significant. The results indicate that under the new exchange rate regime, China's gradualist approach to moving towards greater exchange rate flexibility has managed to keep exposure to a moderate level. However, we find evidence that in a dynamic setting, the exposure of the RMB to the dollar and other major currencies is significant. For China, the challenge of managing currency risk exposure is looming greater.  相似文献   

近期以来,美国以我国保持较长时期的国际收支顺差为由,强烈要求人民币汇率(RMB/^,下同)升值。笔者认为,人民币汇率升值只会使得投机者加剧对人民币汇率的升值预期,形成人民币汇率的不稳定性投机。长期保持人民币汇率稳定,不能刺激用来防范汇率风险的金融工具和相关的金融市场  相似文献   

Since 1985, the yen‐dollar exchange rates repeatedly fluctuated and climbed to a level that could not be justified by economic fundamentals. The impacts on the Japanese economy were serious and far‐reaching. Since 21 July 2005, China has been moving toward a more flexible exchange rate regime. Keeping RMB exchange rates basically stable and providing Chinese industries with means to hedge exchange rate risks are essential for China's sound economic development. Edited by Zhinan Zhang  相似文献   

I. Introduction China has made tremendous gains in terms of economic growth in the last 15 years, by inviting foreign direct investment and increasing manufacturing production and exports. The currency unification (devaluation of the official rate and unification of the official and market rates) in 1994 also contributed to the efficiency in the monetary and foreign exchange systems. China was not severely affected by the Asian currency crisis of 1997–1998, and instead China helped the regio…  相似文献   

Since 2014, capital inflows into China have turned into capital outflows, reversing the gradual appreciation path of the renminbi against the US dollar into an erratic depreciation path. The paper explains the current capital outflows by comparing China and Japan with respect to the impact of exchange rate expectations on speculative capital flows. It is argued that both in China and Japan, given benign liquidity conditions in the USA, policy‐induced appreciation expectations have generated capital inflows that have contributed to overinvestment and financial market bubbles. The current reversal of capital flows is seen as a signal that the bubble in China has burst. To stabilize growth in China and to discourage speculative capital outflows a fixed exchange rate to the dollar is recommended. Given Japan's experience and given that China's foreign assets remain high, the depreciation pressure on the Chinese renminbi can be expected to abate.  相似文献   

In 2014, the amount of RMB cross‐border settlement had reached RMB7.6tn. It is important to evaluate the potential influence of RMB internationalization on China's macroeconomy. In the present study, a framework that includes monetary supply and demand was created to analyze the influences of RMB cross‐border settlement on China's domestic interest rate, asset price and foreign exchange reserves. It is found that RMB settlement in different BOP items leads to very different effects on China's real economy and the financial market. Based on the analysis, we provide a framework of the policy priorities for RMB internationalization, with the RMB cross‐border settlement items divided into three groups with different priorities. Meanwhile, to support RMB internationalization, exchange rate reforms should be adopted as a priority and a prudent attitude maintained regarding capital account liberalization.  相似文献   

人民币汇率走势分析与趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年我国人民币汇率的显著特征为汇率弹性明显增强、双向波幅扩大、呈小幅升值态势,仍属于基本稳定。2007年,人民币汇率政策取向是在稳定汇率的前提下,从政策上弱化和消除人民币升值的非理性预期,其核心内容为:汇率政策将成为货币政策中心、采取合适的政策组合、适时调整汇率水平、大力发展和完善外汇市场。我们的基本判断为:人民币汇率浮动空间将会进一步放宽,在双向波动中小幅升值。  相似文献   

作为经典的汇率制度选择依据——“三元悖论“,长期以来一直被学术界所信奉,同样在我国,近年来关于人民币汇率制度的选择问题也是一直以此为基石。认为人民币汇率制度的选择主要依据是我国中央银行的货币政策自主。然而本文将利用Mendel-Fleming和Mendel-Fleming-Dombusch两个模型去分析,得出即使在国际资本完全不自由流动下的固定汇率政策以及在国际资本的完全自由流动情况下的浮动汇率政策都无法完全得以实现,从而理清了我国人民币汇率制度选择时依赖于中央银行货币政策自主的模糊认识。  相似文献   

从“三元悖论”谈我国人民币汇率制度的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为经典的汇率制度选择依据--"三元悖论",长期以来一直被学术界所信奉,同样在我国,近年来关于人民币汇率制度的选择问题也是一直以此为基石.认为人民币汇率制度的选择主要依据是我国中央银行的货币政策自主,然而本文将利用Mendel-Fleming和Mendel-Fleming-Dornbusch两个模型去分析,得出即使在国际资本完全不自由流动下的固定汇率政策以及在国际资本的完全自由流动情况下的浮动汇率政策都无法完全得以实现,从而理清了我国人民币汇率制度选择时依赖于中央银行货币政策自主的模糊认识.  相似文献   

资本项目开放进程中人民币汇率制度选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出积极稳妥推进人民币资本项目开放是人民币汇率改革循序渐进的内在要求,也是经济金融市场改革和经济发展的必然趋势。当前,人民币资本项目开放与汇率制度有着紧密的内在联系,更加开放的资本项目需要更加灵活的汇率制度,包括短期的汇率目标制和中长期的有管理的真正的浮动汇率制度。  相似文献   

人民币汇率制度改革与发展战略及相关政策调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先回顾了建国以来人民币汇率制度改革进程;然后考察了人民币汇率的现状,认为人民币在汇率制度改革后仍然存在一定的升值压力,并从经济基本面、制度层面、政策层面和外部因素等四方面对分析升值压力成因的有关文献进行综述,得出人民币升值压力分近期升值压力和长期升值趋势的结论;进而提出纾缓人民币近期升值压力的思路和对策.  相似文献   

侯杰 《特区经济》2007,225(10):272-273
目前我们正经历着汇率制度研究多年来最重要的发展时期。自上世纪90年代中期以后,特别是近几年来,国际学术界对汇率制度理论的研究,出现了一个新的高潮。本文分为两部分:第一部分为汇率制度选择的理论综述,总结了经济学家从不同的影响因素出发,对汇率制度的选择得出的不同结论;第二部分为人民币汇率制度选择的文献综述,讨论了人民币应该继续钉住美元还是采取更灵活的汇率制度,以及在中国资本账户开放和加入W TO后人民币汇率制度的变化。  相似文献   

货币可兑换与汇率机制具有紧密的内在联系。人民币汇率机制安排是人民币自由兑换进程中一个关键性问题。更加开放的资本项目需要更加灵活的汇率制度,以市场为基础的、有管理的浮动汇率制度是我国近中期最佳选择。随着资本项目的日益开放,汇率形成的市场化机制逐步提高,应逐步扩大人民币汇率波动幅度。汇率制度的灵活度与资本项目的开放度应保持同步性。  相似文献   

In the present paper, we estimate the de facto RMB exchange rate regime, the currency basket, the floating band and the foreign exchange market pressure before and after the reform of the Chinese exchange rate regime in 2005. We find the following stylized facts: the value of the RAIB became stable after the reform; the weight of the US dollar remained high in the basket, while other currencies remained statistically significant; and the floating band gradually increased to lO percent during 2005-2008, and then greatly narrowed from the late summer of 2008 under the assumption of a yearly resetting interval. We find that the foreign exchange market pressure increased from 2005 to 2008. A possible reason is that the weight of the US dollar in the basket was slightly lower than the share of the US dollar in total transactions on the Chinese foreign exchange market. Therefore, it is reasonable for China to adopt a dollar peg exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

With the gradual promotion of market‐oriented reform of the RMB exchange rate, the fluctuation range of the RMB exchange rate is increasing. How to deal with the impact of exchange rate volatility on Chinese exports is an important challenge faced by China. This paper finds that although exchange rate volatility, as a whole, has a negative impact on exports, high‐productivity exporters are less prone to exchange rate volatility shock in both intensive and extensive margins. As high‐productivity firms are less affected by exchange rate risk, they account for larger market shares. This paper, from a new perspective, provides evidence that increasing productivity helps mitigate the negative impact of exchange volatility on exports.  相似文献   

当前人民币国际化具有外汇储备的扩大、币值的稳定、金融市场的完善等许多有利的条件,同时也存在经济发展方式粗放、资本管制、美元惯性等诸多不利的条件。人民币国际化对货币政策可能会产生多方面的影响。由于货币政策具有溢出效应,同时考虑到利率市场化的影响,人民币国际化后货币政策的独立性将受到较大的冲击。人民币国际化对传导机制的影响表现在:由传统的信贷传导机制逐步转换为汇率传导机制,同时传导途径将进一步灵活化。由于存在货币替代,货币需求函数将变复杂且货币流量将更难以监控。在政策传导工具方面,准备金政策和再贴现政策效果将被削弱,而公开市场业务效果将增强。为了应对人民币国际化可能产生的影响,应当从加强对人民币的监督、完善利率与汇率机制、推进资本项目开放和合理搭配政策等方面采取对策来加以解决。  相似文献   

富月  ;张笑天 《特区经济》2014,(8):133-134
自我国1978年改革开放以来,我国汇率制度的改革大体上经过了3个阶段:复汇率制度、单一有管理浮动汇率制度、参考"一篮子货币"有管理浮动汇率制度。本文着重讲述了这三个阶段汇率制度的改革情况,分析了人民币兑美元的汇率走势,并对汇率波动性进行实证研究,然后指出我国汇率制度当前存在的问题,以及针对这些问题提出改革的下一步路径。  相似文献   

China has been keeping high economic growth rate since it carried out managed floating exchange rate regimes in 1994, while now begins to face retrenchment pressure brought by the depression of internal and external economy. The establishment of RMB exchange rate regime should take account of the validity of macroeconomic policy, macroeconomic growth and the regional internationalization of RMB.  相似文献   

Recently, a monetary dispute about RMB exchange rate is increasingly becoming a hot topic among China, United States and Japan, which covers Chinese RMB exchange rate policy, national regime and diplomatic systems. As a developing country, China has to keep RMB stable at an appropriate and balanced level, which is conducive to economic stability and development not only of China but also of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.  相似文献   

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