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交叉持股国内外研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业间的交叉持股成为股权分置改革后的热点问题。但目前我国对于交叉持股的研究主要停留在理论介绍和推理分析的基础上,相关实证研究很少。鉴于证券市场交叉持股比例不断增加,对其研究应更加深入。回顾了国内外关于交叉持股的相关研究,并将这些研究成果分为交叉持股的动机、影响、法律规制、会计计量、公司治理等问题进行阐述。  相似文献   

大股东控制与企业投资已经是公司治理中普遍关注的一个问题。本文回顾了公司治理领域国内外大股东控制与企业投资问题的研究成果,主要包括控制权、大股东持股比例、控股股东属性等与企业投资的关系,梳理了该领域的研究脉络,并对其进行了简单评论,为人们对大股东控制与企业投资的进一步研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

我国现行会计新准则对企业的长期股权投资业务做出了较全面的规定,但是关于交叉持股公司投资收益的会计计量并没有明确规定。本文首先分析了交叉持股现状,对传统法、库藏法等会计计量概念进行了阐述,然后通过交叉持股的放大效应揭示了其会计计量问题的研究意义,最后从投资者决策角度将交叉持股投资收益计量中出现的问题作了具体分析,并以举例方式提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

交叉持股的优点为世界各国的公司企业所重视,但其弊端也不容忽视,法律须对其予以合理规制。本文结合我国现实情况就我国法律应如何对公司交叉持股予以规制进行探讨。  相似文献   

一、文献回顾国外许多文献表明,机构投资者持股能够影响上市公司的盈余管理行为。Klein(2002)指出,有效的公司治理机制可以约束管理层的盈余管理行为。Chunget al1(2002)证明,机构投资者能监督管理层的盈余管理行为,其持股比例越高的公司发生盈余管理的可能性越低。Liu and Peng(2006)发现,应计利润质量与短期机构投资者持股比例负相关,与长期机构投资者持股比例正相关。  相似文献   

文章以我国股权分置改革后的交叉持股公司为研究样本,实证分析了交叉持股公司股价之间的变化关系。结果表明:股权分置改革后,特别是取得流通权后,交叉持股公司的股价之间存在明显的共鸣和共振现象,并且与个股收益率呈显著的正相关关系;交叉持股具有明显的财富杠杆效应,无论是取得流通权之前,还是取得流通权之后,交叉持股公司股价之间的共鸣、共振现象都将在一定时间内趋于平静,最终实现有一定正外部性的和解共生。由此,虽然我国上市公司的交叉持股在短期内实现了一定正外部性的和解共生,但交叉持股有虚增公司价值和放大股价风险的效果,应当在相应的立法中加以适度规范。  相似文献   

文章以我国股权分置改革后的交叉持股公司为研究样本,实证分析了交叉持股公司股价之间的变化关系.结果表明:股权分置改革后,特别是取得流通权后,交叉持股公司的股价之间存在明显的共鸣和共振现象,并且与个股收益率呈显著的正相关关系;交叉持股具有明显的财富杠杆效应,无论是取得流通权之前,还是取得流通权之后,交叉持股公司股价之间的共鸣、共振现象都将在一定时间内趋于平静,最终实现有一定正外部性的和解共生.由此,虽然我国上市公司的交叉持股在短期内实现了一定正外部性的和解共生,但交叉持股有虚增公司价值和放大股价风险的效果,应当在相应的立法中加以适度规范.  相似文献   

本文通过前期在我国资本市场做的大量实证研究发现,资本市场会提前获知社保基金持股信息,上市公司被社保基金持股后的短时间内,股价会产生超额收益;而从上市公司被社保基金持股后的较长时间看,公司的盈余管理行为明显减少.本文介绍了社保基金投资的基本情况,结合相关的理论和前期研究成果分析上市公司被持股后股权筹资偏好,重点对股权筹资偏好产生的原因及其对盈余管理的影响进行论述,提出相应的结论与对策.  相似文献   

国有资本出资人交叉持股是指两个或两个以上的国有资本出资人代表之间相互进行股权投资,从而形成国有公司法人间相互持股的"你中有我、我中有你"现象.国有资本出资人交叉持股是改善国有公司治理结构的有效方法;是协调政府职能"二重性"的现实途径;是平衡各级政府利益和实现整体利益最大化的有效手段;是优化国有资本布局结构的理性选择.国有资本出资人交叉持股是"继续探索国有资产管理经营体制和方式"的一种改进和创新,在理论上是可行的.中央企业成功利用其资本、技术、管理、电网专营权等优势资源对地方企业优质水力资源的主导和整合导致了资本市场对公司经营发展的良好预期和股价飙升,这表明国有资本出资人交又持股在实践上是可行和必要的.  相似文献   

羊群行为是一种非理性行为行为,其表现为投资者忽略私有信息,而跟从市场中大多数人进行决策。董事会作为上市公司治理的核心,在很大程度上决定企业的投资决策,进而影响公司的投资行为。本文通过研究汽车行业投资中羊群行为的存在性,以及董事会特征对企业投资羊群行为的影响,认为我国汽车行业上市公司投资存在较明显的羊群行为行为,而董事会特征是影响投资羊群行为的重要因素,其中董事会规模、董事长持股和董事会年龄与企业投资羊群行为显著相关。这些研究结论可以为公司合理安排董事会结构,进行理性投资提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对公司治理、信息披露质量与知情交易之间关系的检验,发现股权集中导致的协同效应及壕沟效应同时存在,董事会规模及独立性对信息披露质量及知情交易的影响不明显,高管货币薪酬激励手段比股权激励手段更有效。研究表明,在当前我国资本市场不完善、知情交易日益增多的背景下,努力提高信息披露质量、实现股权适度分散以及合理制定高管薪酬契约对减少知情交易、维护资本市场的良好秩序具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文选取创业板市场首批28家上市公司2009-2012年面板数据,对创业板上市公司资本结构微观影响因素进行了实证分析,并给出了一些有针对性的建议,以期促进创业板上市公司健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

近年来企业舞弊案频发,肇因公司治理欠缺严谨,企业内部控制不佳,导致金融市场失序,造成投资人、金融授信机构、相关交易往来的企业蒙受重大损失,对资本市场的发展造成了严重的不良影响。而企业的正常经营,及维护股东、授信金融机构、往来厂商的权益,是公司管理者的社会责任。政府主管机关对于企业监督管理、强化公司治理、推动内部控制制度来说,是维持资本市场正常运作、健全并稳定金融市场秩序的重要推手。  相似文献   

公司治理与公司绩效——甘肃上市公司的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周一虹  孙小雁 《价值工程》2007,26(1):153-156
以甘肃上市公司为样本,运用实证研究分析方法,研究公司治理结构与提高公司业绩的关系。实证研究结果表明:甘肃上市公司绩效与公司持股大于5%的股份在总股本中的比重呈正相关关系;与公司的董事长或(和)总经理兼任大股东的董事长(或,和)总经理(或,和)党委书记呈负相关关系;与独立董事比重呈正相关关系;与国有股在总股本中的比重没有相关关系;与董事会规模没有相关关系。这为我们改善甘肃上市公司治理结构与公司绩效的政策思考提供了有益的决策支持。  相似文献   

The agency- and stewardship theory attach great importance to the implementation of audit committees in the one tier- and two tier system. The mentioned theories can explain the corporate governance function of audit committees. In order to strengthen corporate governance, the job specification emphasises the independence and financial expertise of the committee’s members. The present article provides an overview of the historical development of audit committees and their normative affiliation in the German stock corporation law (two tier system). Moreover, their role as representatives of the one tier system in the US American capital market is being addressed. The results suggest more restrictive standards regarding the implementation and job specification of the audit committee at the US stock exchange (Sarbanes Oxley Act; New York Stock Exchange [NYSE], National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations [NASDAQ]) than in the German stock corporation law (including the German corporate governance code). In addition to the normative analysis, the present paper provides a summary of results of existing, primarily US American empirical research with regard to the influence of audit committees on selected corporate governance indicators. The results show that the vast majority of the respective studies prove a significant correlation between audit committees and the restriction of earnings management, the identification and prevention of management failures and fraud with regard to the balance sheet, the external management reporting as well as the quality of the external audit. As a consequence of differing corporate governance systems, the results of the US American corporate governance studies can be applied only to a limited extend to the German two tier system. Monitoring by the capital market is even lower in Germany. In support of the respective empirical results and in order to strengthen corporate governance in the one tier system, future research is needed regarding the implementation of audit committees in the German two tier system.  相似文献   

Both, rational and behavioral models predict that stock and market volatility affect trading by investors. Tax-induced trading hypothesis predicts that investors increase realization of capital losses short term and capital gains only long term as volatility increases. Behavioral models predict that disposition biases of holding on to losers and disposing of winners intensifies with volatility. We document that market and stock volatility influence stock trading. Evidence on trading in response to rise in market volatility supports tax-loss harvesting hypothesis – abnormal trading of losers increases and winners decreases. However, evidence on trading patterns conditional on individual stock volatility is in support of both tax-loss-harvesting and behavioral models: trading in both losing stocks (tax-loss-harvesting hypothesis) and winning stocks (disposition effect hypothesis) increases with rise in stock volatility.  相似文献   

本文认为,并购是公司资本组织方式和经济制度相互博弈的一种制度变迁。在股权分置时代上市公司的并购行为存在制度性缺陷,股权分置改革将会对上市公司的并购市场产生重大影响,并导致并购格局的重整。各方利益相关者必须对此变革采取相应对策,通过新的博弈实现最优利益均衡。  相似文献   


This study examines whether social and human capital influence the compensation of individual auditors in the small audit firm market. We employ a sample of Italian auditors and use measures from the network and auditing literatures to capture their professional connections, representing social capital, and their industry expertise, representing human capital. Our findings show a positive and economically meaningful association between these individual attributes and auditor compensation. We run several tests to address potential endogeneity issues in our research design. Our results suggest that, in the small audit market, clients perceive as valuable those auditors with higher social and human capital, and as a result, are willing to pay a premium for these specific auditor attributes.  相似文献   

We study how the sequence of financing of R&D varies according to the ease with which property rights over knowledge can be defined. There are two financiers: a venture capitalist (VC) and a corporation. The knowledge acquired in costly research becomes embodied in the researcher's human capital, and she may hold up the financier and walk away with the project to develop it elsewhere. The main results are: (1) When property rights are strong, research is always funded by the VC, development is performed efficiently, and breakaways from the VC to the corporation are observed in equilibrium. (2) When property rights are weak, projects may be financed by the VC or the corporation, or may remain unfunded. (3) When property rights are weak, no breakaways occur in equilibrium; local spillovers and strong product market competition increase the likelihood that research projects will get funding. (4) The equilibrium sequence of R&D finance need not be first-best efficient. (5) In equilibrium, and controlling for the strength of property rights, VCs finance projects that are more profitable on average.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the impact of cross‐listings on information asymmetry risk, the cost of capital and firm value of a group of cross‐listed Chinese companies. Our paper is the first to examine the effect of cross‐listing on information asymmetry risk. Because cross‐listed firms are subject to increased disclosure requirements, increased regulatory scrutiny and increased legal liability, we propose that Chinese cross‐listed firms have lower information asymmetry risk, lower cost of capital and higher firm value than their non‐cross‐listed counterparts. We find in both univariate and multivariate tests that cross‐listed firms enjoyed lower information asymmetry risk in the domestic market compared with the non‐cross‐listed firms. We also find that cross‐listed firms have lower cost of capital in the cross‐listing market than non‐cross‐listed firms in the domestic markets. Finally, we find that cross‐listed firms are associated with higher firm value as measured by Tobin's Q. These results have implications for international investors and companies seeking cross‐listing opportunities.  相似文献   

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