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Chile pioneered a structural reform in Latin America that privatizedits public pension system and influenced similar reforms inanother nine countries. Twenty-five years later, this articleevaluates the macroeconomic, microeconomic, and social effectsof this reform in Chile and the other countries in the region,and extracts lessons from those experiences. Fiscal costs ofthe reform have been high and prolonged, exceeded capital accumulation,and had a negative impact on national savings, but Chile's reformhas contributed to the development of capital markets; employer'scontributions were eliminated or reduced in half of the countriesand the worker's share in the total contribution averages 65per cent; competition is afflicted by a small number of administratorsand a high level of concentration; administrative costs arehigh and stagnant; capital returns are fair but declining; portfoliodiversification has been achieved only in Chile and Peru; labour-forcecoverage has declined in all ten countries, and gender and incomeinequalities have expanded. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: aarenas{at}dipres.gob.cl; cmesa{at}usa.net  相似文献   

This article summarizes the analysis and recommendations ofthe UK Pensions Commission, which reported in November 2005.The UK faces similar demographic challenges to other nationsfrom increasing longevity and past fertility declines. However,in the face of them, both state and private pension provisionare in decline for younger cohorts. The Commission proposesreforms to the state pension system which would make it moregenerous, less means-tested, and more universal than it wouldotherwise become. This would require both higher public spendingon pensions as a share of GDP than now, and a gradual increasein state pension age after 2020. It also proposes establishmentof a new National Pension Savings Scheme, into which workerswould be automatically enrolled (with the right to opt out)if they were outside good employer provision, together withmeasures to facilitate later and more flexible retirement. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: j.hills{at}lse.ac.uk  相似文献   

The Economics of Pensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper sets out the economic analytics of pensions. Afterintroductory discussion, successive sections consider the effectsof different pension arrangements on labour markets, on nationalsavings and growth, and on the distribution of burdens and benefits.These areas are controversial and politically highly salient.While we are open about expressing our own views, the main purposeof the paper is to set out the analytical process by which wereach them, to enable readers to form their own conclusions. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: n.barr{at}lse.ac.uk; pdiamond{at}mit.edu  相似文献   

Pension Challenges and Pension Reforms in Oecd Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 30 OECD member countries have very diverse pension systems.Current old-age public pension spending varies between lessthan 1 and more than 10 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP).Public spending on pensions per person aged 65 or over variesfrom less than 15 to more than 40 per cent of economy-wide GDPper head. For workers entering the labour market today, thetarget pension from all mandatory sources for an average earnervaries between 30 and 100 per cent of individual earnings. Recentpension reforms have a number of common themes. First, pensioneligibility conditions have been tightened. Second, the indexationof pensions in payment has become less generous. Third, somepension schemes link benefit levels to changes in life expectancy.Finally, a number of countries have introduced defined-contributionpensions: privately managed schemes where the pension benefitdepends on contributions and investment returns. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: peter.whiteford{at}oecd.org; edward.whitehouse{at}oecd.org  相似文献   

In the past 20 years a key topic of public-sector reform inOECD countries has been the emergence of regulatory policy.During this period, the nature of regulation has undergone profoundand rapid change. This paper reviews the development of regulatorypolicy in OECD countries over the last quarter-century. It identifiesa range of tools and institutions that have been used by OECDcountries to develop high-quality regulation. The analysis attemptsto show that while there is considerable commonality on broadobjectives of regulatory policy, considerably diversity remainsin the implementation of regulatory policy across OECD countries. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: nikolai.malyshev{at}oecd.org  相似文献   

Employers and employees have no incentive to include pensionsas part of employment contracts unless the pension completesa missing market, or ameliorates an imperfection in existingcapital or labour markets. We examine the influence on the choiceand design of occupational pensions of capital- and labour-marketimperfections. In capital markets, we focus on basis risks,taxation, employer default risks, transactions costs, portfoliorestrictions, and liquidity constraints. Aspects of labour marketsaffecting occupational pensions may be the presence of firm-specifichuman capital, asymmetric information between firms and potentialhires, the presence of moral hazard, and internal labour marketsin firms which cause employers to attempt to control the retirementbehaviour of workers. The implications of this analysis of occupationalpensions for public policy towards pensions are briefly examined. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: dg.mccarthy{at}imperial.ac.uk  相似文献   

Fiscal Policy in Emu: Towards a Sustainability and Growth Pact?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper takes stock of the academic and policy discussionson the fiscal institutions of EMU, confronts the framework inplace with what is known of the desirable properties of fiscalpolicy in a monetary union, and discusses possible improvements.We start with a discussion of three requirements for the fiscalframework of a monetary union: it should be conducive to publicfinance sustainability, leave room for stabilization at thenational level, and encourage structural reform. We then examinehow the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) measures up to theserequirements and find that it has mostly failed on all threeaccounts. Whether the 2005 reform of the SGP fixes those deficienciesremains an open issue. To this end, we propose five buildingblocks towards an effective SGP: a better concept of sustainability;harmonized general government balance sheets; appropriate targets;refined procedures; and better institutions. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: benoit.coeure{at}free.fr; jpf{at}bruegel.org  相似文献   

This paper provides a critique of broad aggregate proposalsto reduce the regulatory burden. It argues that the public debateabout regulatory reform and red tape is loose and general, withlittle regard for the complex ways in which regulation imposescosts and benefits on the economy. Although there are theoreticalreasons to expect regulation to be in excess supply, there islittle empirical analysis to link aggregate regulation withproductivity and economic growth. Regulation is itself a publicgood, and many aspects of economic efficiency require regulationto address market failures. The main efficiency issues are betteraddressed through a disaggregated approach, focusing on when,where, and how to regulate, rather than on crude aggregate estimatesof the total burden. The design of regulation needs to takeaccount of regulatory capture, and it is argued that market-basedinstruments and independent regulatory bodies tend to reducethe scope for capture. The incentives and employment rules governingregulatory institutions are also discussed. In ignoring thesedisaggregated regulatory design problems, crude aggregate targetsfor the reduction of regulation, and rules such as ‘onein, one out’ may be counter-productive. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: dieter{at}dhelm.co.uk  相似文献   

The use of fiscal policy as a stabilization device has all butvanished, more or less explicitly in Europe and de facto inthe United States. The practical consequences have not beenentirely satisfactory, in either place. So it is important andtimely that the Oxford Review is devoting a special issue tothe macroeconomics of fiscal policy. In this paper I want todiscuss two underlying questions about the eclipse of fiscalpolicy. Why did this happen and was it a good idea? And if itwas not a good idea, then what follows? Footnotes 1 E-mail address: jamu{at}mit.edu  相似文献   

For several decades, discretionary fiscal policy has been indisrepute. Most economists viewed it as unnecessary, becausemonetary policy was up to the job of stabilizing the economy.Economists also viewed fiscal policy as too clumsy to deal withthe relatively short recessions that became the post-war norm.But the experience of Japan and the near-Japan experience ofthe United States in 2001–3 have renewed some of the oldcase for fiscal policy. Low-interest environments in which monetarypolicy becomes ineffective turn out to be a real danger, nota myth. Economic slumps that last for a number of years, offeringample time to implement fiscal expansion, also turn out to bepossible. As a result, the case for fiscal policy made by thefirst generation of Keynesians has experienced a real revival. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: pkrugman{at}princeton.edu  相似文献   

In this section of the Review, Oxford Economic Forecasting providesan analysis of the current economic climate in the UK and abroadas well as setting out the main features of its latest forecast.In Section II, the UK forecast up to 1988 is described. In SectionIII, following the theme of this issue, we analyse the roleof public investment in the UK. Footnotes 1We are grateful to Vanessa Rossi for her helpful comments.  相似文献   


China has a relatively young population, but is about to undergo a remarkable demographic transformation. Given the un-sustainability of the old system, the Chinese authorities have initiated a number of pension reforms since the early 1990s. In this paper, based on latest precondition framework, we analyse and conclude that the initial economic and financial conditions within the reform started in China are sufficient to facilitate funding based pension reform.  相似文献   

The paper studies the operation of the mixed pension system established in Argentina in 1994. It points to the limitations that the new system has encountered to achieve some of the most important objectives of pension policy and pension reform. The analysis looks at the mechanisms affecting pension system performance, with particular attention to the way in which the new pension rules have interacted with the local macroeconomic, social, and political context. The empirical analysis of this experience is oriented to provide lessons for Argentina’s future reforms, as well as for many Latin American countries with similar pension arrangements.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the genderwage gap, the choice of training occupation, and occupationalmobility. We use longitudinal data for young workers with apprenticeshiptraining in West Germany. Workers make occupational career choicesearly in their careers and women and men pursue very differentoccupational careers. We reconsider whether through occupationalsegregation women are locked in low-wage careers or whetherthey can move up to higher wage paths through mobility. We furthermoreinvestigate whether patterns have changed across cohorts duringthe period 1975–2001 and whether effects vary across thedistribution. The main results are, first, while there existsa persistent gender wage gap over experience, the gap has decreasedover time. Second, in the lower part of the wage distribution,the gap is highest and it increases with experience. Third,occupational mobility is lower for women than for men and thewage gains due to occupational mobility are higher for men thanfor women, especially in the lower part of the wage distribution.We conclude that occupational mobility has reduced the genderwage gap, but lock-in effects are still stronger for women comparedto men. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: fitzenberger{at}wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de; astrid.kunze{at}nhh.no  相似文献   

Over the last quarter century, public finances have been underpressure in most OECD countries as deficits and debts rose underthe pressure of relatively slow growth and high interest rates.This, in turn, has affected the welfare state, since effortsat containing deficits have often been concentrated on publicexpenditure. Much of the literature argues that this is desirable,since curbing deficits via tax increases seldom succeeds. Amedium-term survey of OECD country experience suggests a lessclear-cut conclusion. In a number of countries which were ableto curb debt/GDP ratios, the bulk of the adjustment did, indeed,come from spending cuts (but was, also, in some cases helpedby rapid growth and/or currency depreciation). In several, however,tax increases also appear to have succeeded in reducing deficitsand debt. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: andrea.boltho{at}magd.ox.ac.uk; andrew.glyn{at}economics.oxford.ac.uk  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse counter-cyclical fiscal policy withinthe context of a microfounded analysis of business-cycle stabilization.We show that tax and spending instruments can have a usefulcounter-cyclical role, even after allowing for the distortionarynature of the instruments and the need for debt sustainability.A critical barrier to the use of fiscal instruments may be politicaleconomy concerns, and we survey recent suggestions involvingalternative fiscal policy institutions. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: c.b.leith{at}socsci.gla.ac.uk; s.wren-lewis{at}exeter.ac.uk  相似文献   

Regulation and Productivity Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper reviews theory and evidence on the ways in which regulationaffects productivity outcomes. In a context of endogenous growth,it is argued that traditional measures of compliance costs missthe potentially most important impacts of regulation on productivitywhich occur through changes in incentives to invest and to innovate.Recent attempts to measure cross-country variations in the strengthof product-market and employment regulation are considered andsome weaknesses are highlighted. Nevertheless, consistent withendogenous growth models, there appears to be quite strong evidencethat regulations which inhibit entry into product markets havean adverse effect on TFP growth in OECD countries. Althoughthere are some discrepancies in the evidence, on most measuresthe UK appears lightly regulated relative to France and Germany,and this may have contributed to a reduction in the recent pastin the UK's TFP gap. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: n.crafts{at}warwick.ac.uk  相似文献   

International comparisons of national social policy rely overwhelminglyon programme spending ratios. However, there are widespreadproblems with this type of data as an indicator of trends insocieties' commitments to social protection. This paper suggestsan alternative approach to understanding social commitmentsand introduces a new international data set of social insuranceprogrammes that is comprised of important characteristics ofthree types of public insurance: unemployment, sick pay, andpublic pensions. The data are available annually from the 1970sfor 18 OECD countries. Looking more closely at trends in twoprogramme characteristics, income replacement rates and programmecoverage, we develop an indicator of expected benefits. Accordingto this indicator, there is considerably more evidence of welfarestate retrenchment in recent years than most analyses of publicspending have suggested. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: lyle.scruggs{at}uconn.edu  相似文献   

Regulation by Prices, Quantities, or Both: A Review of Instrument Choice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Choosing appropriate policy instruments is an important partof successful regulation. Once objectives are agreed and suitabletargets adopted, policy-makers can employ command-and-controlregulation and/or economic instruments, and choose between fixinga price or a quantity. This paper examines the relative advantagesof price, quantity, and hybrid instruments according to: theirefficiency under uncertainty; the trade-off between crediblecommitment and flexibility; implementation; international considerations;and political economy. Various illustrations of the theory areprovided, with two detailed applications to climate change andtransport policy, specifically congestion and ‘safetypricing’. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: cameron.hepburn{at}economics.ox.ac.uk  相似文献   

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