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拾步而入,迎面古雅的木雕屏风。廊上深深浅浅的光影.院中蓊蓊郁郁的榕树。似乎都在无声地叙述着一个久远的故事。  相似文献   

IntroductionChen Geng, aged 56, is a Director and President of PetroChina.Mr. Chen is a senior economist. Mr. Chen graduated from The Faculty of Labour Economics of Beijing Economics Institute(currently named as Capital University of Economics and Business) and has over 30 years' experience in China's oil and gas industry. From 1983 to 2001, Mr, Chen was a Deputy Director of Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau, a Deputy Director of the Labor and Compensation Bureau of the Ministry of Petroleum and Director of the Labor and Compensation Bureau of CNPC, an Assistant President of CNPC, Vice President of CNPC, Deputy Director of the State Petroleum and Chemical Bureau, and Vice President of the CNPC Group. Mr. Chen has been a Director of the Company since June 8,2001, and President of the Company since December 3,2002.  相似文献   

Cantonese music, originated from Guangzhou and Pearl Rive Delta area, is a local folk music with a history of 300 years. There are some materpiece like "Ascending step by step" "A Plain Lake under Autumn Moon" and "Rain Pattering at Plantain Leaves". Guangdong music (or Cantonese music) is one of Lingnan folk music which developed and improved from the Cantonese folk song and some Cantonese Opera, as well as the Ci Poems. The grace notes and " adding the decoration" were used during the performance to make it have its own timbre and style which brings some differences from the other folk music obviously. Of strong local color of Lingnan culture, it has the characteristic of "in combination with the East and West style, melt the old and modern one together", as well as the strong openness and compatibility.  相似文献   

Jincheng Corporation is among top 500 large scale enterprises in China.It primarily involves in production and sales of airborme equipment,motorcycles and engines,hydraulic products for construction machines.It is also engaged in import and export business,investment at home and abroad and tertiary industry.Jincheng Corporation owns 8 sino-foreign joint ventures and 19 share holding companies.The total fixed assets in Jincheng reaches USD 450 million and its net assets total USD 200 million.Jincheng Corporation is the key motorcycle enterprise in China."JINCHENG"brand was assessed as the CHINA WELL-KNOWN TRADEMARK in 1999.  相似文献   

Great Wall Motor Company Limited is the largest privately-owned automotive manufacturer in China. It is the first privately-owned auto company of China listed in the Hong Kong Stock Market. Great Wall is famous for its level-headed operation With enormous economic capacity and more than 10 years of rapid growth,  相似文献   

With a history of more than 1700 years, Guangxiao Temple is the biggest and oldest Buddhist temple in Guangzhou. It is a national key protection unit of historical relics. In history, there is a saying that "Guangxiao Temple was founded before Guangzhou city". It was originally the residence of Zhao Jiande, who is the grandson of Zhao Tuo, king of Southern Yue kingdom in Western Han Dynasty. During the Three Kingdoms period, Yu Fan, the officer of Wu Kingdom, was punished by the king Sun Quan and forced to move to Guangzhou, because he made some faithful suggestions to the king and made the king angry with him.  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present,  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government,The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council.Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic repre-  相似文献   

There is a saying: east or west, Kwang-tung food is the best, meaning that Kwang-tung food is well known both in China and across the world, of which the most unique is Canton soup. Canton soup is very tasty, while the secret of cooking is created out of the pharmacodynamics of traditional Chinese medicine. Although Kwangtung was one of the earliest areas in China to accept Western medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine had been developed for a long history. Before the middle of Qing Dynasty(about 200 years ago), traditional Chinese medicine was the only way of curing the illness. As it is very hot and wet, people here are very easy to get evil heat.When they have a headache or get evil heat, their families always make herbal tea for them. Herbal tea is usually effective dispite the bitter taste. The Cantonese, very good at cooking food, also tried every way to turn the bitter  相似文献   

Chinese Export Commodities Fair, also called Canton Fair, is held twice a year in spring and autumn since it was inaugurated in the spring of 1957. It is China's largest trade fair of the highest level, of the most complete varieties and of the largest attendance and business turnover. Preserving its traditions, the Fair is a comprehensive and multi-functional event of international importance. This autumn comes the 100th Canton Fair. In April of 1957, Canton Fair initiated at the former Sino-Russian Friendly Building, with a gross exhibition space of 18  相似文献   

Established in 1994 and solely owned by the central government, The Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) is a state policy bank under the direct leadership of the State Council. Its international credit ratings are compatible with the national sovereign ratings. At present, the Bank has seven business branches, six domestic representative offices and two overseas representative offices - one for Southern &  相似文献   

中国航空工业第一集团公司(简称“中航第一集团公司”,AVICI)是在原中国航空工业总公司所属部分企事业单位基础上组建的特大型国有企业、集团公司拥有大中型工业企业53家,科研院所31个,从事航空外贸、物资供销、科技与产品开发等专业公司与事业单位20个;企业员工23.6万人,科研院所员工4.5万人;资产总额349亿元.  中国航空工业第一集团公司主要承担军、民用飞机和有关的发动机、机载设备、武器火控系统以及各种民用产品的开发、生产、销售和售后服务。航空产品包括歼灭机、歼击轰炸机、轰炸机、运输机、教练…  相似文献   

The Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim-bank) was established in 1994. Fully owned by the Chinese government and under the direct leadership of the State Council, China Eximbank is a government policy bank enjoying the same in- ternational credit ratings as China's sovereign ratings. Headquartered in Beijing, the Bank now has over ten domestic business branches and representative offices as well as three overseas representative ofrices in South Africa (Representa- tive Office for Southern & Eastern Africa), Paris and St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

With a long history, the Spring Festival Flower Show in Guangzhou is unique in China. The show begins from Dec. 28th of every year in Chinese lunar calendar and closes on Jan. 1st. It is well-known in the whole country. The forming of flower show cannot be separated from the geographic location, historical culture and folk-custom tradition of Guangzhou city. Subjected to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, Guangzhou is neither too hot in summer, nor too cold in winter, with an annually-averaged temperature of 21.7 centigrade, an annual rainfall of 1982.7 millimeter, an average relative humidity of 77%.  相似文献   

"East or west, Cantonese food is the best". With a long history, Cantonese food is well-known all over the world. In Guangzhou, the number of cafe, eateries, tea houses, restaurants ranks number one in China. It is also well-known for its delicate style, abundant variety, good taste, as well as the variety kinds of tea. You can find restaurants and tea houses everywhere in Guangzhou. With dif-  相似文献   

Lion dance is a traditional folk recreation, called "waking lion dance" by mass people. It is a kind of unique folk art developed from Kongfu and played in the form of dance. Lion dance is so much preferred in Guangzhou that every holiday or joyous occasion witnesses lion dance demonstrations for the sake of celebration. Usually, the dance is performed by two people, one holding the head while the other holding the back part of the lion. Running after a person with a mask named "big head buddha", the lion dances to the rhythm of drums, gongs and cymbals. The dance imitates a lion that  相似文献   

With a history of more than 130 years, Sacred Heart Cathedral was constructed during 1863 to 1888, taken a time of 25 years. On June 28th, 1863, which was the Feast of the Sacred Heart, the founding ceremony of Sacred Heart Cathedral was held. Due to this, it is named Sacred Heart Cathedral. Its walls and pollars consists of granite blocks. For this reason, it is nicknamed the "Stone House", "Stone House Jesus Sacred Heart Hall" or "Stone House Cathedral". At that time, it was the largest and most special Roman Catholic cathedral in the Guangzhou archdiocese. It is a unit of cultural relics under provincial protection.  相似文献   

Cantonese opera is the main drama class of Lingnan opera. It is a local drama sung in Guangzhou dialect, putting together the music skill from north and south, home and abroad. Belonging to a kind of imagist opera, Cantonese opera is fluent, fresh and flexible, winning the reputation of "red bean of south China". During the development of more than 300 years, Cantonese opera has formed its own style and deep influence. It is not only loved by Cantonese, but also by Hong Kong people, Taiwanese and overseas Chinese, becoming the first Chinese opera that walks to the world. For hundreds of years, Cantonese opera emerged many famous musicians and groups which are famous for voice. The famous female role Hong Xiannu (Kuang Jianlian) is named as the "national-class" artist.  相似文献   

Tsinghua Investment Management Co.,Ltd.FINANCIAL FEATURECreating Value and Growth for Hi-techCompaniesThe Tsinghua Investment Management Co., Ltd. is a professional investment management institute serving hi-tech enterprises in China. Backed by amanagement force of well-known professors and senior investment experts from the Tsinghua MBA College, thecompany devotes itself to the develop-ment of hi-tech industry and capitalmarket in China. Its main business cov-ers direct investm…  相似文献   

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