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Smartphone use in rural China has grown rapidly, leading to the fast development of smartphone-based agricultural extension services. However, there is limited research on the income effects of smartphone-based agricultural extension services in rural areas. In this study, we analyze the causal effects of smartphone-based agricultural extension services (“Zhe'yang'shi” WeChat application as an example) on farm incomes in Zhejiang, China, using a staggered difference-in-differences method with panel data from 400 crop farmers. Our results show that adopting smartphone-based agricultural extension services increases farm income from soil testing formula fertilizer fields by 15.39% and total farm income by 16.31%.  相似文献   

李学清  刘雨 《经济问题》2012,(4):121-125
自耕农所有制是日本农地制度的基础,它所赋予的农民对土地的充分权利调动了他们的积极性,有效地提高了农业生产率,保证了日本粮食和各种农产品的充裕的供给;同时增加了农民的农业收入。日本工业,尤其是农村工业的迅速发展,促进了农民非农兼业收入的较快增长。农业收入和兼业收入的相互补充使日本农家收入在20世纪70年代以后达到或略超过城市家庭,实现了城乡收入均衡。在我国致力于缩小城乡收入差距、建设和谐社会的今天,日本经验值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

This special issue contributes to the development economics literature by highlighting the role of information communication and technologies (ICTs) in supporting rural and agricultural development. It is comprised of nine papers. Key findings from this special issue include: (1) internet use increases rural consumption diversity and agricultural productivity; (2) smartphone use empowers rural women in household decision-making and off-farm work participation; (3) smartphone-based agricultural extension services boost rural income growth; (4) a lack of ICT infrastructure and inadequate skills to use digital technologies are two key factors that lead to digital poverty traps for smallholder rural farmers; (5) ICT adoption increases the probability of rural households' access to credit and empowers rural women and farm households in relatively less developed regions to access credit; (6) digital financial inclusion reduces farmers' vulnerability to poverty; and (7) e-commerce adoption increases both sales prices and marketing costs, but the magnitude of increasing the former is higher than the magnitude of increasing the latter, which finally contributes to a higher gross return. This special issue also proposes practical instruments and implications for advancing the application of ICTs in rural areas to accelerate rural and agricultural development in the digital age.  相似文献   

在农业生产函数中引入劳动力"平均素质"变量,并对农业投资做了重新界定及进一步的分析。在已有研究的基础之上,通过计量方法与理论分析发现,农村劳动力转移伴随着农业从业人员"平均素质"的下降,并直接导致了农业效率的损失;劳动力转移增加了农民收入,但农民收入的提高对农业发展的贡献不大,农民收入与农业投资之间具有准确的二次多项式拟合关系,农业投资未能伴随收入提高而有效增长。  相似文献   

农业是国民经济的基础产业,是国家稳定的重要保障。农业投资是农业发展的第一推动力和持续动力。然而。由于农业的弱质性和农业发展的滞后性,使得农业产业结构调整和升级缓慢,进而引起农民增收困难,城乡收入差距持续拉大,同时导致农业可持续发展的后劲不足。  相似文献   

Context : Different from general agriculture, tobacco agriculture in China adopts the production mode of farmers’ cooperatives to instruct farmers to engage in tobacco agricultural production under a policy of tobacco control. In addition to providing convenience for industry technical standardization, the policy goal aims to cope with the impact of production risk shocks and ultimately ensure the modernization and transformation of the tobacco industry and the stability of income of farmers. Objective : This study intends to explore the influence mechanism of the different degrees of cooperation and participation in cooperatives on the income of tobacco farmers from the perspective of risk shocks. Methods : Through the quantitative methods of the OLS regression model, hierarchical regression model and moderation model, this paper analyzes the data of 393 farmers engaged in tobacco agricultural production in Shaanxi Province obtained from survey and empirically analyzes the relationship between the degree of cooperation and participation in cooperatives and income. Interaction terms between risk shocks and cooperation are introduced to verify the regulatory effect of participation in tobacco farmers’ professional cooperatives on mitigating risk shocks and improving agricultural income. Results and conclusions : The results show that while risk shocks, including natural risks, market risks and policy risks, negatively affect the income of tobacco farmers, the degree of cooperation and participation has a significant positive effect on the income of tobacco farmers, and the degree of peasant households’ participation in the professional cooperative of tobacco farmers as a moderator variable has a regulatory effect on mitigating the impact of risk shocks on the income of tobacco farmers. The mechanism of action is that tobacco farmers participate in cooperatives to a higher degree, which can further promote the association of farmers and jointly resist risk shocks by reducing production costs, improving the technical level, and strengthening risk prevention and other measures to improve the income level. Significance : It would be helpful to encourage tobacco farmers to take the initiative to participate in the daily management-related affairs and decisions of cooperatives, strengthen technical training, obey cooperative management, and actively respond to cooperative policies to effectively resist risk shocks and stabilize farmers’ income level and family welfare.  相似文献   

The inability of European institutions to reform the common agricultural policy is a landmark case of political failure. The CAP has led to several policy failures. It helps mainly the well-off farmers in a very wasteful way; it provides excessive incentives for non-competitive primary commodities, specialization and intensification, with adverse impacts on rural natural resources. Economic principles support long-term programmes aimed only at market failures: the respect of environmental norms and the provision of rural public goods in line with society's demands. While not interfering with market mechanisms, the instruments we propose acknowledge the diverse economic potential of European rural areas and the variety of goods and services provided by the rural space. Political feasibility and social concerns may require a transitory period of direct income support for current farmers. We argue, however, against any direct payments for new farmers in order to prevent future dependence on public support.
Large established farmers are those who stand to lose the most from our proposals. However, they and those who represent them have to face the inefficiencies of the current policy and society's demands. Farmers deserve rewards from public funds for the rural public goods they provide, but these rewards should be decoupled and targeted. A profound reform is required if we are to preserve a 'European model of the countryside'.  相似文献   

提高农民收入是解决三农问题的重要举措。目前,江西省农民收入现状表现为收入水平增长速度加快,但与其他区域相比仍然有一些差距;收入结构中外出打工所占比例较高,省内各区域农民收入不均衡。造成这些现象的原因主要是农业结构不合理与农产品附加值低,农业经济合作组织发展滞后,农民素质仍然不高和农村金融体制的制约,因此应从调整农业产业结构、深化农村金融体制改革等方面进行改进。  相似文献   

农业废弃物资源化利用是防治农业面源污染、改善农业生产环境的有效途径;同时,也是改善农村人居环境,推动生态宜居美丽乡村建设的重要内容。基于黑龙江、山东、河南、四川4省684个样本农户数据,运用多元排序Probit模型分析了农户农业废弃物资源化利用参与意愿及其影响因素,并通过控制相关变量进行了稳健性检验。结果表明,政府监管并不能提高农户参与农业废弃物资源化利用的意愿,而前景预期、政策了解度、农业废弃物资源化补贴、设立固定回收点或与回收企业合作、合作社参与等因素更能提高农户的参与意愿。为此,可以采取发挥非经济预期的作用、构建财政补贴机制、健全农业废弃物资源化回收利用机制、利用合作社平台等措施激发农户参与农业废弃物资源化利用的关键行为动机,提高农户参与农业废弃物资源化利用的意愿,推动农业绿色发展及乡村生态振兴。  相似文献   

深入分析农业劳动生产率增长分布演进的影响因素,对于促进农民农业收入的持续增长有着重要意义。本文利用2006-2010年浙江农户微观面板数据,基于随机前沿模型,将农业劳动生产率增长分解为5个因素的变化,采用反事实分析法,比较分析农业劳动生产率虚拟分布与真实分布的差异,进而判断各因素对农业劳动生产率增长分布演进的影响。结果表明:劳均农业物质费用投入和技术效率是农业劳动生产率增长分布位置与形态演进的主要原因,前沿技术则主要影响农业劳动生产率增长分布形态的演进,而劳均土地面积和农业劳动力数量对农业劳动生产率增长分布演进的作用较小。  相似文献   

城乡差距过大是构建和谐社会的障碍,必须通过"反哺三农"的方式缩小城乡差距,实现城乡间的社会公平与协调发展.从历史贡献补偿角度而言,国民经济应对工业化初期以"剪刀差"方式吸纳的"三农"资金予以补偿;从社会福利角度来说,国民经济的发展不应牺牲涉农主体的利益,政府应对低工资、低地价、农产品低价格予以利益保障或补偿;从社会公正角度而言,政府应保障处于弱势地位的涉农群体的基本权益;从博弈均衡的角度而言,社会公共财政应承担起农村公共品的供给责任.  相似文献   

农民农业增收是一项系统工程,运用多种计量经济分析模型,探讨农村投资水平、农地利用效率对农民农业收入的影响。结果表明:长期来看,农村投资水平、农地综合效率、农地纯技术效率、农地规模效率与农民农业收入存在稳定的正向均衡关系,其中,农地综合效率的贡献度远高于农村投资水平,农地规模效率的贡献度高于农地纯技术效率;短期内,农村投资水平对收入的调整为正向,农地纯技术效率对收入的调整先负后正,农地规模效率对收入的调整先正后负。长期来看,加大农村投资力度,提高农地综合效率、技术效率及规模效率均有利于促进农业收入增长,但关键是要提高农地规模效率。短期内,加大农村投资力度同样有利于农业收入增长,而提高农地纯技术效率则使农业收入增长先降后升,在规模报酬递减范围内的农地规模效率的提高,也有利于农民农业收入增长。  相似文献   

农业保险是现代农业风险管理机制的核心。湖南的政策性农业保险在发展过程中存在保险公司经营管理力量薄弱、市场化运作欠规范、农民风险防范意识差、农业保险保费补贴配套难等问题。只有大兴调查研究之风,尊重农业保险规律,科学设计农业保险模式,创新机制、创新管理,才能全面推动湖南农业保险的健康发展。  相似文献   

四川城镇化与农民收入关系的协整分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用协整分析方法、建立误差修正模型对四川城镇化与农民各种收入之间的关系进行实证分析,结果表明四川城镇化与农民各种收入之间存在长期均衡关系,城镇化对农村居民人均总收入、农村居民家庭人均现金收入和农村居民家庭经营收入在长期有显著影响,而对农村居民人均纯收入和工资性收入的影响不显著,但四川城镇化对农民各种收入的短期影响均不显著,说明目前四川农村与城镇化发展并不协调。因此,城镇化发展对四川农民增收具有重要意义,建议未来城镇化发展中应更多地关注农民利益,加快农村劳动力转移和农民市民化步伐,以共享增长,促进城乡和谐发展。  相似文献   

鉴于湖北省自然灾害频发、农业保险业务日渐萎缩,本文基于华中农业大学农业保险研究课题组2006年9~10月所做的400份湖北农户调查问卷及相关统计数据,深入分析该省农业保险现状及所存在的问题,并提出适当对策促进湖北农业保险的发展,以充分发挥农业保险在分散农业风险、补偿农业损失、稳定农民收入等方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

李婷  肖海峰 《技术经济》2011,(4):102-106
根据在政策性农业保险试点地区进行实地调研所得的数据,对农户对我国政策性农业保险实施效果的评价结果进行了描述性统计分析。调研结果表明:不同地区的农户对农业保险的需求程度不同,因此其对农业保险实施效果的评价结果也不尽相同;总体来讲,农业保险在稳定农作物产量、稳定农户家庭收入、增强农业抵御风险能力等方面确实发挥了一定的作用,但还未具有明显的长期效果,并未得到广泛认可。  相似文献   

我国农业、农村、农民问题,一直是困扰经济发展、阻碍国家现代化实现的主要问题。就现在农村的情况而言,农民也难以富裕起来,更难以和城市居民相比。在农村,仅靠农业来解决农民问题是很难有出路的,因为农民占有的农业生产资料太少,尤其是耕地。在有限的耕地资源条件下,要想让农民富裕起来,减少农民数量是一个行之有效的途径。要从根本上解决我国的三农问题,主要途径在城市化,就是把大部分农民变成城市居民。  相似文献   

基于粮食安全背景下的农业补贴安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球农产品价格上涨,甚至在一些国家造成了通胀。粮食安全问题再次引起各国政府关注。结合当前的国内外形势,从贸易扭曲、战略选择、粮食安全等角度对农业补贴进行分类。直接补贴,农民可以直接受益,如农民收入补贴。另一种是间接补贴,农民只能间接受益,如农产品价格补贴,包括中国采取的按保护价收购农民余粮的价格补贴。  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2006,56(4):467-484
This paper has three purposes. The first is to conceptualize agricultural watersheds as complex adaptive human ecosystems that co-produce agricultural goods and ecosystem services. The second is to demonstrate a generalizable framework for the spatial modeling of ecosystem service production in watersheds based on this conceptualization. The third is to examine the policy implications of the analysis conducted using this spatial decision support system (SDSS).Analyses using the SDSS show that restrictions on soil loss to the “tolerance level” (T) cause average farm income to decline by only 4%, a reduction that is nearly eliminated if the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is available to farmers as an income-generating alternative. The spatially variable response of farmers to soil loss restrictions and the CRP creates a complex pattern of winners and losers and a markedly different land use pattern and crop mix than occurs without these programs. The land use pattern associated with T restrictions and the CRP yields about 64% lower erosion rates and 43% lower sediment yields than the pattern without T restrictions or CRP. These and other results from the SDSS analysis point out that ecosystem service-based subsidies, such as CRP, improve the joint production of farm income, soil conservation and water quality in agricultural watersheds. These subsidies could perhaps receive greater funding by shifting agricultural subsidies from income supports tied to yield and price as well as other crop-based programs. In this way, public expenditures on agriculture would produce a valuable public benefit in the form of load reductions in a TMDL context, and an augmentation of ecosystem services now in decline in many agricultural watersheds. Further methodological developments now underway using evolutionary algorithms can find near-optimal solutions for farms over time and for landscape patterns over whole watersheds.  相似文献   

关于城乡收入差距产生原因及经济影响的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国城乡居民收入差距非常明显并且有不断扩大的趋势,这主要是由于农民从事农业劳动收入低以及农民工工资水平低造成的.城乡居民收入差距的现实从多方面影响我国经济的持续、健康发展,必须彻底解决这一问题.根本出路在于农地产权制度创新,建立现代农业,这离不开政府的大力支持.  相似文献   

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