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库藏股制度评析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
库藏股制度在美国、英国、德国和日本等国家已实施多年 ,它对证券市场的稳定、企业人才的延揽和剩余资金的有效利用都起到了积极的作用。但如果监管不力 ,它也会损害广大投资者和债权人的利益  相似文献   

所谓库藏股,最简单的概念,系指公司买回自己所发行在外的股份。考察世界各国关于公司买回自己股份后的处理,大约有两种方式:一是公司可保有或处分自己股份;另一为公司买回自己股份后消除。除美国外,日、英、德原则上禁止买回自己公司股份,但例外规定可以因为销除股份、公司合并或营业让与时配合不同意股东的请求收买股份、为转让于员工等情况,允许公司买回自己股份。  相似文献   

股份回购与国有股减持   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
股份回购是西方发达国家成熟资本市场中常用一种的运作方法,在我国则是一种金融创新。我国股份回购有着特殊的使命-减持国有股。本文着重分析股份回购在国有股减持中的重要作用、运用条件、运用方式以及运用效果的实证研究。  相似文献   

证券交易的透明度与信息揭示制度:理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券交易过程中,交易信息的发布、扩散和传递方式对于各类市场参与者非常重要。目前关于信息揭示制度和交易透明度对市场运行效果的影响尚存在许多争议。本文讨论了交易透明度的含义、研究者和市场机构对于交易透明度的争论、交易透明度与市场绩效的关系,以及不同交易透明性的市场之间的竞争等问题,系统总结了目前与证券交易透明度和交易信息揭示有关的理论观点,以期把握交易信息揭示程度对市场产生的影响,以及由此引起的交易透明度对市场的运行效率产生的影响。  相似文献   

杨树林 《浙江金融》2005,(12):39-40,42
股份回购,是指上市公司利用盈余所得后的积累资金(即自有资金)或债务融资以一定的价格购回公司本身已经发行在外的普通股,将其作为库藏股或进行注销,以达到减资或调整股本结构的目的.  相似文献   

股份回购又称自己股份的购买,指公司通过一定的途径从二级市场买回本公司已对外发行的部分股份的行为.在国外成熟的资本市场,股份回购已经成为上市公司主要的资本运营工具之一,公司经常通过股份回购的方式达到减资或调整股本结构,实现公司经营策略的调整和资产重组的目的.股份回购的良好运作不仅会对市场参与各方产生巨大影响,而且会给证券市场增添新的亮点,为上市公司通过证券市场提高资本运作效率提供一条新思路.  相似文献   

王小维 《金融博览》2011,(10):54-55
据已披露的2010年上市公司年报,目前已经“资不抵债”的A股上市公司,至少有40家。其中,25家上市公司已经连续4年“资不抵债”,它们虽“求生不能”,但也“求死不得”,至今仍无法退市。这究竟是上市公司自编自导的一场“闹剧”?还是退市制度本身存在重大漏洞和缺陷,让上市公司“有机可乘”?  相似文献   

据已披露的2010年上市公司年报,目前已经“资不抵债”的A股上市公司,至少有40家。其中,25家上市公司已经连续4年“资不抵债”,它们虽“求生不能”,但也“求死不得”,至今仍无法退市。这究竟是上市公司自编自导的一场“闹剧”?还是退市制度本身存在重大漏洞和缺陷,让上市公司“有机可乘”?  相似文献   

This paper examines the relations between the number of market makers, trading activity, and price improvement in Nasdaq stocks, using a model motivated by Grossman and Miller (1988). Results indicate a positive relation between the number of market makers and trading frequency, and that competition among market makers reduces effective bid-ask spreads. Results estimated using a simultaneous equations framework support the model predictions of Grossman and Miller. Results also indicate that trading frequency may be more important than trade size in determining the number of market makers.  相似文献   

退市风险警示是我国证券市场对投资者的一种风险提示,即该类股票的风险很大。但通过对2008年11月-2009年11月的交易数据进行分析发现,整个实施退市风险警示板块的上涨幅度远远大于沪深300指数的上涨幅度。这对于中国证券市场投资者来说非常重要,通过了解该类股票交易特性来改变投资者自己的交易策略,增加获利的机会,但一定要注意可能的风险。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the profitability of technical analysis for a cross section of individual Arab stocks. Our analysis, undertaken from the perspective of an Islamic investor, reveals that technical trading rules do not yield economically or statistically significant returns. While our results uncover some scant statistical evidence of technical trading rule profitability, risk adjusting the returns weakens the evidence in favor of predictability. Furthermore, break-even transaction costs do not exceed estimated transaction costs or bid-ask spreads in the markets examined.  相似文献   

An econometric time-series model of off-board trading of NYSE-listed stocks shows that high NYSE commission rates were an incentive for third-market trading but that trading on the regional exchanges, which is most of the off-board trading, has been affected very little by commissions or their deregulation. The effects of some changes in the trading organization and rules are estimated, including several that are part of the emerging National Market System. The estimates imply that the NMS has increased competition for the NYSE, as Congress intended, and has prompted the NYSE to improve its performance to retain market share.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of differences of opinion on the dynamicsof trading volume in stocks and options. We find that disagreementsabout the mean of the current- and next-period public informationlead to trading in stocks in the current period but have noeffect on options trading. Without options, we find that disagreementsabout the precision of all past and current public informationaffect trading in stocks in the current period. With options,only disagreements about the precisions of the next- and current-periodinformation affect stocks and options trading in the currentperiod. Our results suggest that options trading is concentratedaround information events that are likely to cause disagreementsamong investors, whereas trading in stocks may be diffusiveover many periods.  相似文献   

Effects of Market Reform on the Trading Costs and Depths of Nasdaq Stocks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relative merits of dealer versus auction markets have been a subject of significant and sometimes contentious debate. On January 20, 1997, the Securities and Exchange Commission began implementing reforms that would permit the public to compete directly with Nasdaq dealers by submitting binding limit orders. Additionally, superior quotes placed by Nasdaq dealers in private trading venues began to be displayed in the Nasdaq market. We measure the impact of these new rules on various measures of performance, including trading costs and depths. Our results indicate that quoted and effective spreads fell dramatically without adversely affecting market quality.  相似文献   

认股权证及其在国内证券市场的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
相对于股本证券,认股权证具有流动性高、杠杆效应显、便于锁定风险且交易成本低等主要优点;相对于选择权交易等期权交易品种,认股权证具有结构简单、风险较低、便于操作且能有效连接一、二级市场的优点。  相似文献   

认股权证及其在国内证券市场的应用(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权证产品的发展遵循着从看涨权证到看跌权证,从短期权证到长期权证,从实券交割权证到现金交割权证,从个股权证到一篮子股票权证和指数权证的顺序,逐步实现权证产品的多样化和市场的规模化。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the resulting effects from the delisting of options on underlying stocks that continue to trade. The evidence generally supports the argument that options in this sample are delisted as a result of financial difficulty and/or a lack of interest. An insignificant average abnormal return and a small significantly negative average standardized abnormal return are observed around the delisting date, but the average price effect is determined to be considerably less than the normal discrete trading intervals at which stocks trade on exchanges. There are no effects found on volatility measures directly attributable to option delisting.  相似文献   

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