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The dollar's strength during the 1980s appears to many—particularly as reported in the financial press—to have been directly linked to the decade's large budget deficits and the subsequent increase in the stock of federal debt outstanding. The popular argument is that the budget deficit and the growth of federal government credit market demand caused U.S. interest rates to rise over that period, inducing large capital inflows from abroad to finance the deficit. According to the argument, the capital inflows caused the dollar to appreciate. Despite the argument's popularity, the empirical literature does not strongly support it. Evidence on the relationship between the federal deficit and the dollar is at best mixed.
This article reconsiders the effects of federal budget deficits on the exchange rate. The analysis involves estimating a vector autoregressive (VAR) model of exchange rates that includes monetary, fiscal, and price level variables. Within the VAR framework, impulse analysis traces the dynamic response of exchange rates to various budget deficit measures.
The analysis finds that deficits do not directly Granger cause exchange rates, but it also finds evidence of an indirect effect working through the money supply and price level. Moreover, the analysis reveals some evidence that foreign exchange markets are forward looking and react to expected budget deficits. The innovations accounting and impulse analysis also suggest a forward-looking dynamic relationship between deficits and exchange rates, but the relationship is sensitive to the ordering of the variables.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of federal deficits on the nominal long-term rate of interest in the United States, using the IS-LM and loanable-funds models. Unlike the other studies, however, the paper expands these models to include variables to reflect wartime periods, bank regulation and deregulation, recession, and new exchange rate systems. It is found that the federal deficits have positive and significant impact on the long-term rate of interest during the period 1955–1985.  相似文献   

This study uses the basic tools of cointegration to determine whether there exists a long-term relationship between budget deficits and nominal interest rates in Germany. Maximum eigenvalue, trace, and likelihood ratio tests all affirm that there does apparently exist a long-term relationship between the budget deficit and the nominal interest rate. Accordingly, regression studies and formal causality tests have a reasonable basis for investigating whether budget deficits lead to higher interest rates in Germany.  相似文献   

A cointegrating approach is undertaken in this study to determine if there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between budget deficits and long-term interest rates for the United States and nine European countries. The cointegration approach consists of conducting cointegration tests and then testing several hypothesized values for the deficit and price expectations variables. The cointegration results suggest the existence of several significant cointegrating vectors for each of the ten countries, which would seem to appeal to the view of budget deficits having a positive impact on long-term interest rates. The hypothesized values for the deficit and price expectations variables are found to be too strict since the hypotheses are rejected in every case but one.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between nominal long-term interest rates and central government budget deficits during the post-Bretton Woods era in Italy. The analysis is based in an open-economy, loanable-funds framework. The cointegration results indicate, among other things, the existence of a long-term positive relationship between the long-term interest rate and the deficit. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the Forty-Fourth International Atlantic Economic Society Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 9–12, 1997.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom suggests that higher government fiscal deficits cause higher (long-term) interest rates. Much empirical work—generally standard ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis—has examined this issue and has produced mixed findings. Even if these standard OLS studies conclude that deficits and interest rates are related, they do not answer the question of which came first—the higher deficit or the higher interest rate? A few studies have used Granger causality to consider the question of temporal causality, generally with short-term interest rates. Tliis paper employs the relatively new cointegration and error-correction methodology to reexamine the temporal causality between fiscal deficits and interest rates—both long term and short term. This study finds evidence that federal deficits cause the long-term interest rate.  相似文献   

This study uses cointegration tools to decide whether a long-term relationship exists between budget deficits and nominal long-term interest rates in the United Kingdom, as previous regression estimates have implicitly assumed. Based on maximum eigenvalue, trace, and likelihood ratio tests, as well as two cointegrating vectors, this study finds that a long-term positive relationship exists between the nominal 20-year government bond rate and the central government budget deficit.  相似文献   

This paper analyses empirically, using multivariate Granger-causality tests, the effects of federal deficits on short-term interest rates. Four deficit measures—the national income accounts measure, a flow-of-funds measure, the cyclically-adjusted deficit, and the change in the market value of privately held federal debt—are separately considered. Additional variables suggested by theory as important determinants of interest rates are considered along with the deficit measures. Quarterly data for the period 1957–1984 are employed in the tests. The multivariate tests suggest that none of the deficit measures Granger-cause the interest rate.  相似文献   

This paper reviews competing views regarding interest rates and other economic effects of federal deficits. It discusses the findings of several empirical studies that have analyzed these relationships. The main points ofthe paper are that: (a) the con-cept of the deficit is ambiguous because not all deficits have the same economic effects, and (b) by slightly modifying existing studies, one is able to produce empirical evidence showing that deficits or debt do indeed raise interest rates and otherwise affect economic activity in ways consistent with the conven-tional view.  相似文献   

In a 1989 Contemporary Policy Issues article Miller and Russek published findings of a causal relation between the fiscal deficit and the trade deficit. However, they found no overwhelming support for reverse causation between the twin deficits. The authors of the analysis here gathered annual data on U.S. federal budget deficits and net exports for 1950–1988 and deflated the nominal values by the GDP deflators to examine the causal relation based on real values. They made a distinction between structural and actual budget deficits. Instead of an arbitrary choice of lag structure, they used Hsiao (1979, 1981) minimum final prediction error criterion to determine the optimum lag lengths of the explanatory variables. The analysis reveals a unidirectional causal relation running from structural budget deficits to net exports, confirming some of Miller and Russek's findings. Contrary to Miller and Russek's conclusions, however, findings here indicate a bi-directional causal relation between actual budget deficits and net exports. These findings suggest important policy implications.  相似文献   

We extend the literature on budget deficits and interest rates in three ways: we examine both advanced and emerging economies and for the first time a large emerging market panel; explore interactions to explain some of the heterogeneity in the literature; and apply system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). There is overall a highly significant positive effect of budget deficits on interest rates, but the effect depends on interaction terms and is only significant under one of the several conditions: deficits are high, mostly domestically financed, or interact with high domestic debt; financial openness is low; interest rates are liberalized; or financial depth is low.  相似文献   

This study provides new empirical evidence on the impact of the federal budget deficit on the real interest rate yields on intermediate-term debt issues of the US Treasury, represented herein by the ex post real interest rate yields on 3-year Treasury notes and 7-year Treasury notes, two interest rate measures that have received essentially no attention in the economics and finance literature in recent years. This study is couched within a loanable funds model that includes two ex post real interest rate yields, the monetary base as a per cent of GDP, the change in per capita real GDP, net financial capital inflows as a per cent of GDP and the budget deficit as a per cent of GDP. This study uses annual data for the study period 1972 to 2012, a time period that includes ‘quantitative easing’ monetary policies by the Federal Reserve. Two-stage least squares estimations reveal that the federal budget deficit, expressed as a per cent of GDP, exercised a positive and statistically significant impact on the ex post real interest rate yields on both 3-year and 7-year Treasury notes, even after allowing for quantitative easing and other factors. The study also considers the time period 1980 to 2012 and offers simple robustness testing.  相似文献   

In this study, we present new evidence that the postwar U.S. federal budget deficit was explosive in nature. Because of the government's inevitable attempts to reduce high or rapidly growing budget deficits, the deficit may contain a substantial component that periodically collapses, which renders the standard unit root tests biased toward stationarity. We apply a newly proposed recursive unit root test for explosiveness, which is known to be powerful to the periodically collapsing component. Although the evidence for explosiveness we found herein is not overwhelming, this study should at the very least serve as a warning against a blind application of standard unit root tests to budget deficits, which may harbor components that periodically collapse.  相似文献   

Numerous studies analyzing the relationship between federal budget deficits and short-term interest rates have generated conflicting results. This study investigates the relationship between monthly treasury borrowing and the monthly change in the nominal three-month T-bill rate. Employing two nonparametric correlation tests, this study concludes that significant contemporaneous correlation exists between treasury borrowing and interest rate changes. Additionally, this study finds evidence of a treasury reaction function, in that treasury borrowing is inversely related to the previous months interest rate change.  相似文献   

Governments may be unable to sustain large budget deficits indefinitely. Investors may impose limits on the amount of government debt—relative to gross national product (GNP)—they are willing to hold and thus limit the size of the deficit a government can sustain. The size of sustainable nominal deficits, then, would depend on the growth rate of nominal GNP. Reasonable assumptions regarding the GNP growth rate imply that the federal government can main tain its debt/GNP ratio at historically typical levels if it runs deficits of $175 billion in the near term and even larger amounts during future years.  相似文献   

Much of the controversy about reducing the federal deficit has arisen because policymakers lack a deficit policy that is a consistent part of broader macroeconomic policy. This is not surprising since economists have not reached a consensus about such a policy.
This paper sketches the analytical controversy about monetary and fiscal policies and traces it to issues about how the economy works. Although aspects of the deficit question are controversial, there is general concern about the buildup of federal debt implicit in the projection of persistently large deficits. A growing body of research suggests that the increase in the federal debt-to-income ratio may impinge dangerously on the credit available to finance private capital formation. Also, the rising federal debt may indirectly generate inflation through monetization.
Several criteria and approaches to a deficit policy are identified. The paper suggests that changing the "policy mix" by tightening fiscal policy and loosening monetary policy to reduce interest rates is unlikely to succeed to the extent that expansive monetary policy increases real interest rates by raising inflationary expectations and uncertainty.
Since the potential ill effects of the federal debt buildup, are essentially long-run and bear on capital accumulation, any tax increases should avoid disincentives to saving, investment, and to growth generally. Depending on revenue requirements, fundamental changes in the tax system may be necessary. Further reductions in spending appear to be inevitable if the projected rise in the debt-to-GNP ratio is to be halted. Defense, retirement, and medical care programs are most likely candidates for reduction.  相似文献   

This empirical study investigates the impacts on economic growth of reduced fiscal freedom from both the taxing and spending sides. After controlling for nominal long term interest rates, net exports, federal government budget deficits, and other factors, panel two stage least squares estimations using a 4-year panel data set for the OECD nations as a group reveals that reduced fiscal freedom leads to a reduced rate of economic growth; furthermore, it is found that reduced freedom from excessive government size also leads to a reduced rate of economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes recent empirical studies on the effects of budget deficits on interest rates, investment, and trade deficits in the United States. It also reports new evidence on the effects of budget deficits on investment and on trade deficits for the 1980s. The results support the view that budget deficits crowd out domestic investment and increase trade deficits.  相似文献   

Using a panel of OECD countries from 1960 to 2002, this paper shows that interest rates, particularly those of long-term government bonds, decrease when countries’ fiscal position improves and increase around periods of budget deteriorations. Stock market prices surge around times of substantial fiscal tightening and plunge in periods of very loose fiscal policy. In addition, the paper shows that results depend on countries’ initial fiscal conditions and on the type of fiscal consolidations: Fiscal adjustments that occur in country-years with high levels of government deficit, that are implemented by cutting government spending, and that generate a permanent and substantial decrease in government debt are associated with larger reductions in interest rates and increases in stock market prices.  相似文献   

Gunther Tichy 《Empirica》1977,4(2):209-221
Summary The study explains the Austrian current account deficit in terms of a modified and disaggregated absorption approach. In small integrated countries absorption depends not an internal demand alone but on the difference of capacity utilisation at home and abroad. Disaggregation suggests that in years of increasing current account deficits households normally increase their net—saving while entrepreneus increase their net—indebtedness less than proportionally. It is the government which as a rule has high absorption during current account deficits. Since the government demands only few foreign goods, this correlation must be explained indirectly. Four mechanisms are suggested: First that budget deficits increase overall domestic capacity utilisation relative to that of the trade partners and so stimulate imports and restrain exports; secondly: The budget deficit may sustain full employment even if the economy has lost its international competitiveness; thirdly: An oversized public demand diverts capacities from the export industry, or fourthly: The foreign financing of budget deficits leads to a real transfer within a short time. A brief discussion of the Austrian situation attaches most weight to mechanisms one and two, a little less to point four.

Überarbeitete Fassung eines Referates im Rahmen des Workshop Zahlungsbilanz im Österreichischen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung am 14. Juni 1977. Der Autor dankt den Teilnehmern des Workshop, insbesonders Dr.H. Handler, Professor Dr.K. Rothschild und Professor Dkim.H. Seidel für wertvolle Anregungen.  相似文献   

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