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中国与美国贸易的互补性大于竞争性,但是中美贸易摩擦并没有因为其互补性而减少。传统国际贸易理论认为,自由贸易自发调节贸易条件以均衡贸易利益,但是在世界经济一体化日渐加强的今天,贸易利益分配受制于各种现实条件。本文从贸易制造中心的转移、FDI对贸易差额的影响和两国统计口径的差异等方面探求中美巨额贸易顺差的原因,就贸易利益的流向对中美两国的不同影响做出简要的分析。并根据当今经济全球化的条件,提出了缓和两国贸易摩擦的几点意见。  相似文献   

比较优势理论自提出以来,一直是世界各国进行国际贸易,获取经济利益,推行贸易自由化的核心理论,主流经济学将比较优势理论作为各国参与世界分工的理论基础。但是现实中一国在存在劳动力供给剩余的条件下按照比较优势理论却未取得经济的进步与增长,从而引发对该理论有效性的争论。本文试图在分析劳动供给剩余条件下比较优势理论对一国国际贸易的影响,提出在劳动供给剩余条件下,比较优势理论与一定的保护贸易存在某种内在的联系。  相似文献   

如何适应当前的国际贸易形势和我国国内的经济体制改革,寻找一种K期的、系统的贸易发展战略,是我们目前迫切需要解决的课题。为了寻找这~战略,我们在理论上必须对贸易发展战略作~个全面的重新认识,在实践中根据我国国情作出正确的评价。一、对外贸易与经济增长的关系占典国际贸易理论中论述了国际贸易中静态比较利益和动态比较利益的存在,认为通过国际贸易,一国不仅可以获得静态比较刮益,即在资源总值不增加、生产技术条件没有改进的前提下,通过贸易分工而实现的实际福利的增长。而且还可以获得动态的比较利益,即国际贸易对贸易…  相似文献   

贸易利益在国家间分配的不平衡是一个不容忽视的问题。贸易利益内涵一般有狭义和广义之分。狭义贸易利益是指在传统贸易理论中的贸易比较利益,即一国通过国际贸易能以相同的代价获得比贸易前更多的产品,或者以更低的代价获得与贸易前相同的产品,通常使用贸易条件作为工具。广义的国际贸易利益一般指动态利益,这种利益对一国经济发展更为重要,即可以通过贸易促进经济增长及技术进步,增加就业机会,优化产业结构、促进产业结构的升级。  相似文献   

<正> 对外开放的终极目的在于获得经济利益,而可以在多大程度上获得这种经济利益,则取决于一国参与国际分工的水平。在开放经济条件下,一国参与国际分工的水平与其经济资源总量、结构、体制和管理等因素都有直接关系,但其中最重要的还在于经济结构,因为这是构成参与国际分工进而获得经济利益的基础。  相似文献   

中美产品内贸易附加值的测算与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产品内贸易已成为当下国际贸易的主要形式。在国际间产品内分工和贸易的背景下,以贸易总额衡量一国获得的贸易利益已不再合适,从贸易附加值的角度衡量一国的贸易利益更为科学合理。中美两国间一直因我国贸易总额的顺差而摩擦不断,本文采用非竞争型产出表,测算中美两国2004-2011年间C1-C16产业的贸易附加值,深入剖析中美两国的贸易利益,并对中国产品内贸易的现状提出改进建议。  相似文献   

一、国际保险贸易保护的福利损失一般说来 ,贸易保护导致的社会福利损失经常是隐蔽性的。具体到保险行业的国际贸易 ,则更是如此。所谓国际保险贸易 ,是指通过直接的跨境保险或通过外资保险公司销售保险的形式进行的跨国的资本流动。一国政府对本国保险市场进行的保护性政策 ,除了造成本国保险市场的直接损失 ,更会导致其他间接性的、隐蔽的损失 ,所以 ,市场开放是一国保险业走向成功的必由之路。本文欲从保险市场封闭与开放两者之间的社会福利变动出发 ,探析在一国保险市场开放过程中 ,本国的生产者与消费者各自的利益或损失 ,找出市场开放…  相似文献   

地区经济一体化的直接投资效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
田文  吴进红 《财贸研究》2002,13(3):17-21
本文从市场规模、市场竞争、规模经济以及贸易投资一体化几方面分析了地区经济一体化对国际分工产生的影响,以此为基础,分贸易与产业组织两个线索述评了国际经济学界关于一体化对国际直接投资效应的讨论,针对一国参与一体化国际分工可能存在的正反两方面影响,对我国参与地区经济一体化提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的今天,国家开放经济进行国际贸易是时代必然,然而进行国际贸易对一国经济增长究竟有什么样的影响,经济学家众说纷纭。本文将通过从影响经济增长的主要因素出发,结合各经济增长理论分析国际贸易对这些因素的影响,进而得出其对经济增长的利与弊。  相似文献   

摘要:随着科技进步和世界经济结构的调整以及世界经济一体化进程的加快,服务贸易成为国际贸易的重要组成部分,服务贸易的发展也成为衡量一国国际竞争力的重要标准。文章从中国服务贸易开放现状出发,分析了目前中国服务贸易发展的特征及其存在的问题,并选用几项指标对中国服务贸易竞争力做了定量分析,在此基础上提出了提高中国服务贸易国际竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

Developing countries today have become more active participants in regional trade agreements. This raises questions about how the benefits of integration are distributed, and the extent to which lower‐income countries are able to capture development gains. Historically, such impacts have been difficult to identify with precision. This paper seeks to address this gap by empirically analysing the impact of regional integration on development, particularly the effects on growth and welfare. Using both bilateral and regional integration measures, we show that the ability to capture gains from integration varies across developing country regional groups, with developing Asia benefiting on par with developed countries. The findings in the paper indicate that trade and trade policy play an important role in reducing inequality and poverty in developing countries. It also shows that regionalism can function as a channel to make multilateralism a more adept way of addressing national challenges.  相似文献   

亚太地区双边贸易协定的兴起与演进形成当代亚太区域经济合作发展的新阶段,其意义和影响日益受到国际社会的普遍关注。本文以政治经济学方法为分析工具,对亚太地区双边主义兴起的动因进行剖析和评价,指出亚太地区双边主义的形成是亚太地区各经济体在当前国际政治经济环境约束下,选择最大化自身利益的贸易政策的必然结果。中国应积极参与建立双边自由贸易区;发挥先发优势,谋求以我为主的区域经济一体化进程;协调国家战略与地区战略,平衡经济利益和政治利益。  相似文献   

Who gains more from trade—the small country or the large country? In the standard Ricardo–Mill two-country model the small country reaps all the gains from trade and the large country (the rest of the world) gains nothing. The present paper considers this question of the distribution of gains from trade between the large country and the small country in terms of a multicountry framework. In this altered setting it is shown that the distribution of gains will generally be independent of the size of the country so long as there is universal free trade. With trade restrictions the presumption, if there is any, would rather be in favour of the large country gaining more than the small country.  相似文献   

In contrast to the focus of the public debate over trade liberalisation on job losses there is a widespread view among economists that unemployment and trade issues should be considered separately. This view cannot be justified theoretically, and ignores the growing number of general equilibrium trade models with unemployment. In a simple model with an exogenous wage floor, trade liberalisation can lead to either gains or losses depending on the production technology, severity of the factor market distortion, factor intensities of the industries and conditions in trading partners. Definite results can be derived about gains from liberalising trade with lower wage floors, about relative abundance of the unemployed factor dampening losses when trade is liberalised, and about gains when the good which uses the unemployed factor is exported. The theoretical models are then linked to the policy modelling literature, using the example of recent Australian controversies over liberalisation of trade in automobiles and textiles. It is argued that trade liberalisation would be better advanced by including endogenous employment in trade policy simulation exercises and by discussing employment effects rather than brushing them aside as temporary adjustment problems or regional difficulties.  相似文献   

在概述战后非洲一体化发展总体状况的基础上,通过构建理论模型,利用实证分析方法,选择南部非洲发展共同体为研究对象对南部非洲发展共同体的贸易创造和贸易转移问题进行探讨,从而为客观评估非洲经济一体化进程中的静态福利效应提供一种参考。研究结果表明,南部非洲发展共同体并没有发生明显的贸易创造及贸易转移效应,成员国从一体化中获得的福利收益是有限的。  相似文献   

随着"新区域主义"的发展,区域经济一体化理论的研究试图超越基于比较优势、资源重新配置和效率的传统分析框架,探讨生产要素的配置效率以外的因素,如贸易与生产率的关系、动态比较优势和贸易需求增加带来的效率增加等。对传统一体化理论研究框架和"新区域主义"的理论和实证研究进行了梳理,特别是从贸易生产率关系、不完全竞争、投资效应、利益集团与政治经济学理论的发展趋势方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

There is significant academic evidence that growth in one country has a positive impact on growth in neighbouring countries. This paper contributes to this literature by analysing the heterogeneous strength of growth spillovers across world regions and by investigating the contribution of transport and communication infrastructure to explain this heterogeneity and promote neighbourhood effects. By defining neighbourhood on the basis of membership of regional trade agreements, we focus on spillovers that work through regional integration and trade. The analysis finds significant evidence for heterogeneity in growth spillovers, which are strong between OECD countries and essentially absent in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). We further find strong interaction between infrastructure and being a landlocked country. This suggests that growth spillovers from regional ‘success stories’ in SSA and other lagging world regions will depend on first strengthening the channels through which such spillovers can spread – most importantly connective infrastructure such as transport and telecommunication links.  相似文献   

In this article, it is shown that if a country specializes in the production of dirty goods it does not necessarily become dirtier as the pollution haven hypothesis predicts. A trade equilibrium is constructed where a rich country specializes in the production of the clean good and a poor country specializes in the production of the dirty good and both countries become cleaner after the gains from trade are internalized. The result casts serious doubts about the effectiveness of using trade restrictions to improve the environmental conditions of developing countries as some environmental groups have proposed. In this particular case, the use of restrictions is counterproductive not only for the poor country but also for the rich country.  相似文献   

区域一体化对于世贸组织的多边贸易体制既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。通过区域一体化,可以试行一些尚未在世贸组织的多边贸易体制中出现的新制度或新规则,即作为世贸组织多边贸易体制的实验场所。但是,区域一体化可能与世贸组织的多边贸易体制发生冲突,需要协调两者之间的关系。世贸组织所面临的挑战是如何监督和控制区域一体化,使它们在多边贸易的框架内运行,并且不对多边贸易自由化构成威胁。  相似文献   

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