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基于经济学视角的乳品产业链纵向关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳业是农业、工业、第三产业相互连接、相互影响的特殊产业,产业链不同阶段的参与主体之间呈现“纵向关系”。本文阐述了我国乳品产业诞生近百年来,城市郊区型、农区型以及牧区型乳品产业模式下,乳品产业链的行为主体从分散、小规模走向规范化和产业化,乳品产业链纵向组织关系也经历了从无到有,从完全垂直一体化到多元化的过程,并从经济学的角度对产业链不同成员间关系展开分析,指出目前乳品产业链的联结方式存在不完备性。  相似文献   

产业链的结构组成一般由企业和上游供应商、下游销售商组成.产业链的各种"内含链"中,核心链处在最中间,是产业链的核心层;操作链处在产业链的最里层;目标链处在产业链的最外层;连接链处在各层的中间.从"内含链"视角看,产业链是一个由多层、多排"内含链"连接而成的功能式生态链.保证每条"内含链"都正常有序运行是产业链正常运转的关键.  相似文献   

我国移动支付产业链模式分析及其盈利测算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从盈利模式测算的视角切入,围绕移动支付领域,对国外运营商发展模式、国内移动支付产业链模式进行深入分析和研究,探讨不同产业链模式下的移动支付盈利前景。  相似文献   

现代服务业的发达程度已成为衡量一国经济,社会现代化水平的重要标志.国外关于现代服务业的研究已取得了较大进展,但较少涉及到现代服务业产业链及其相关内容,而国内在这方面的研究也甚少.本文从现代服务业及产业链的一般理论出发,结合我国服务业产业链存在的问题,提出现代服务业产业链优化整合的路径.  相似文献   

农业剩余劳动力与农村剩余劳动力在概念上应有所区别,当前我国更具实践价值的是农业剩余劳动力.农业剩余劳动力的构成中有绝对剩余和相对剩余之分,两者的产生机理差异导致了针对两者不同的转移战略选择.相对剩余劳动力必须依靠农业产业链的延伸进行内部消化,绝对剩余劳动力向外部转移的战略重点在于构建发达的城乡过渡体系.在农业剩余劳动力转移战略的实施过程中,农业产业链延伸与城乡过渡体系构建是有机结合的.  相似文献   

谢麒麟  蔡科 《云南金融》2011,(8X):160-160
全产业链是一个矛盾的存在。其存在的争议性让各路学者倍感兴趣,全产业链到底是什么?其外在表现是什么?内涵本质又是什么?全产业链的出现是否有其必然性呢?本文从全产业链与传统的纵向一体化和多元化的联系出发,辩证的分析了三者之间的异同。为全产业链的研究提供一点理论依据。  相似文献   

全产业链、纵向一体化和多元化的辩证关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全产业链是一个矛盾的存在。其存在的争议性让各路学者倍感兴趣,全产业链到底是什么?其外在表现是什么?内涵本质又是什么?全产业链的出现是否有其必然性呢?本文从全产业链与传统的纵向一体化和多元化的联系出发,辩证的分析了三者之间的异同。为全产业链的研究提供一点理论依据。  相似文献   

童怡华 《海南金融》2012,(1):20-23,26
本文通过与北京市金融机构、政府相关部门座谈、深入典型动漫企业实地调查等多种方式,对北京动漫产业融资状况开展了调查研究.从调研情况看,动漫产业融资需求大,政府和各类金融机构在动漫产业链的不同环节和动漫企业的不同发展阶段上提供了一定的融资支持,但与动漫产业的发展需求相比还有较大差距.  相似文献   

数字技术发展催生新的发展模式,进而驱动产业经营数字化转型.集团财务公司作为服务集团产业投资融资的金融机构,从诞生之日起,就具有开展产业链金融服务的先天优势.本文在分析产业链金融三大发展趋势的基础上,综合财务公司在应收账款质押、第三方票据贴现、单车现金融资等产业链金融服务业务方面的实践与数字化转型探索,通过分析内外部发展...  相似文献   

随着全球化的推进,国际金融市场间的联系更加密切,随着我国深度融入全球产业链,我国面临的外部环境更加复杂,国际性重大事件对我国股票外汇等金融市场的冲击也更加频繁且明显.为深入考察外部事件冲击对不同经济体的影响,从金融市场角度分析中美贸易摩擦等国际冲击的溢出影响,定量测度重大外部冲击在不同经济体之间的溢出效应尤其是对我国的溢出影响,从央行视角提出有效应对外部冲击的对策建议.  相似文献   

近年来,国际经济形势日趋复杂严峻,全球价值链纵向分工趋于缩短或转移至新地点,构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局是我国当前经济转型和未来可持续发展的关键。本文利用中国30个省份区域间投入产出表,结合探索性空间数据分析方法和静态、动态多种空间权重矩阵,系统考察了外资进入对我国区域国内价值链地位提升的影响。研究发现,外资进入对国内价值链地位提升具有显著的促进作用;FDI进入地区不仅可以获得直接的技术溢出,而且对相邻地区产生“非自愿”的溢出效应,但省份内FDI溢出效应作用更为明显。在改变计量模型、变量测算形式后,上述结论仍然成立,且不同分组样本(不同技术水平、外资进入程度以及是否沿海地区)对应的检验结果存在异质性。市场化程度强化了外资进入对国内价值链地位提升的促进作用。进一步地,外资进入通过提高国内价值链地位对我国产业结构升级产生正向影响,且直接效应比间接效应更为显著。  相似文献   

产业链延伸能够优化我国的产品结构和经济结构,带动区域经济乃至全国经济的一体化发展,但我国现行税制存在的税权过度集中、地方税规模过小、内外资企业税制不统一及税收征管制度中存在的地方保护主义等因素不利于产业链的延伸。因此,基于延伸我国产业链的客观要求,应通过制度的设计和创新来进一步完善我国的税收制度。  相似文献   

本文基于1998-2013年中国工业企业数据和专利数据,采用双重差分方法评估战略性新兴产业政策对企业加成率的影响程度、作用机制和有效实施空间。研究发现:(1)对生产率和研发水平较高的行业实施战略性新兴产业政策,总体上显著增加了企业专利申请量,有效激发了创新主体活力。(2)由于影响企业生产率的成本效应大于影响产品质量的价格效应,导致战略性新兴产业政策一定程度上降低了企业加成率。(3)行业技术差距对战略性新兴产业政策的加成率效应具有显著负向调节作用,随着行业技术水平接近前沿,战略性新兴产业政策实施效果呈渐进式优化。(4)由于企业主体异质性,战略性新兴产业政策具有的“选择性”特征会引致“重数量轻质量”创新陷阱,这是造成企业加成率下降的重要原因。本文有助于更好理解产业政策对制造业高质量发展的推动作用,对产业政策实施效果的进一步优化具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

在构建绿色金融发展水平指标体系的基础上,以绿色金融发展水平和产业整合度两项指标为核心解释变量,企业价值为被解释变量,依据2013-2019年平衡面板数据,运用数据包络法,对产业链企业融资效率进行测度,分析绿色金融对产业链企业发展的影响。理论分析得出,绿色金融与产业链企业是引航人与践行者的关系,绿色金融引导产业链企业结构调整,促进产业链企业的可持续发展。实证研究以新能源汽车产业链企业为对象,结果表明:绿色金融发展水平与产业链企业价值这两者呈现倒N形关系,而企业融资效率能够显著调节这两者之间的关系。  相似文献   

链网互动与区域产业网络的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在讨论产业网络及其优化内涵的基础上,分析了区域产业网络优化的两种基本模式,即构建产业创新网络和嵌入全球价值链,由于二者分别存在"网络陷阱"和"全球价值链陷阱",通过构建链网互动机制来优化区域产业网络是更为可行的思路,文中构建了一个链网互动机制的概念框架,并结合我国实际提出了促进区域产业网络优化的若干政策建议.  相似文献   

The triple-A supply chain   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Lee HL 《Harvard business review》2004,82(10):102-12, 157
Building a strong supply chain is essential for business success. But when it comes to improving their supply chains, few companies take the right approach. Many businesses work to make their chains faster or more cost-effective, assuming that those steps are the keys to competitive advantage. To the contrary: Supply chains that focus on speed and costs tend to deteriorate over time. The author has spent 15 years studying more than 60 companies to gain insight into this and other supply chain dilemmas. His conclusion: Only companies that build supply chains that are agile, adaptable, and aligned get ahead of their rivals. All three components are essential; without any one of them, supply chains break down. Great companies create supply chains that respond to abrupt changes in markets. Agility is critical because in most industries, both demand and supply fluctuate rapidly and widely. Supply chains typically cope by playing speed against costs, but agile ones respond both quickly and cost-efficiently. Great companies also adapt their supply networks when markets or strategies change. The best supply chains allow managers to identify structural shifts early by recording the latest data, filtering out noise, and tracking key patterns. Finally, great companies align the interests of the partners in their supply chains with their own. That's important because every firm is concerned solely with its own interests. If its goals are out of alignment with those of other partners in the supply chain, performance will suffer. When companies hear about the triple-A supply chain, they assume that building one will require increased technology and investment. But most firms already have the infrastructure in place to create one. A fresh attitude alone can go a long way toward making it happen.  相似文献   

The scandal surrounding the presence of horsemeat in UK supermarket meat products has focused public attention on the problems of complex, fragmented food supply chains. Through a study of the UK's pig meat supply chain, this paper proposes a new framing of the problem in terms of opportunistic dealing adopted by the supermarkets in vertically disintegrated supply chains, where all actors attempt to pass the risks and costs onto somebody else. This outcome is the result of cultural practices and competences in buyer-led supermarket organizations where strong supermarket chains have the power to capture processor and producer margins. One consequence is that mass-market meat production and processing is close to unviable, as evidenced here by the analysis of the VION Food Group. However, there are mainstream alternatives to the retail-led dysfunctional supply chain. This paper presents an alternative integrated supply chain model using the case of Morrisons, the UK's fourth largest supermarket chain. If fragmented supply chains are not inevitable, the important issue explored in the conclusion is how the inadequacies of government policy, which understands the problem of the sector but is stuck with a competition-based mindset, obstruct the creation of a more sustainable supply chain.  相似文献   

Growing interest in sustainability and corporate supply chains accompanies increased globalisation across developed and developing countries, a stronger focus on the logistics of procurement behind international trade, and information flows between parties about corporate economic, social and environmental performance. Accounting provides information to oil the wheels of supply chain relationships. The purpose of this paper is to consider what an accounting for sustainability of production and supply chains might look like. An overview is provided of the issues associated with a broadening of accounting needed for sustainable supply chains. The paper highlights: ongoing problems of scope and terminology, lack of a broad sustainability focus because of complexity which stunts the impact on decision makers, and the need for transdisciplinary teams to increase connectedness and performance of the supply chain. The need for further research relating to three issues is identified. First, who undertakes the accounting for supply chains; second, why should a business function account for supply chain involvement; and, third, what information is relevant to different functional managers?  相似文献   

This article considers the rapid spread of chain firms in many industries. The conventional explanation is that chains generate economies of scale in costs. Alternatively, the structure of chains may enhance demand by helping firms develop reputations, among other reasons. I quantify the value of these explanations empirically with a large, detailed data set on the hotel industry, combining a reduced‐form analysis of revenues with a structural estimation of firm costs. Revenue analysis shows substantial evidence of a large chain premium. Cost estimation shows that after accounting for unobserved heterogeneity, chain‐affiliated firms receive no cost advantage relative to independent firms.  相似文献   

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