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国有建筑业“跳槽”成功人士,他们的成功给留守者带来巨大的心理冲击,往往引发“多米诺骨牌效应”。人才“大收购”正在进行时曾经国有建筑企业以人才济济在国内建筑市场占据了绝对的资源优势,然而随着“国退民进”股份改制的逐步深化和国内建筑市场的进一步放开,有人才“饥渴症”的民营建筑业和在华跨国建筑集团,他们利用猎头公司和与国有建筑业合作项目的机会千方百计地“挖”走国有建筑企业的专业技术人才和管理人才。在机制灵活和已经打破家族管理格局的民营建筑企业,人才“大收购”正在进行中。这些实力日益雄厚的民营建筑业他们迫切需…  相似文献   

一、其他行业中的建筑活动 建筑业的产品即通过土木建筑工程活动形成的建筑物与构筑物,提供给其他各行业,供各行业用于生产或消费,人们对建筑业的理解有“大建筑业”和“小建筑业”之分把仅包含房屋建筑业称为“小建筑业”,而包含一切土木建筑产品的建筑业称为“大建筑业”,即建设业。建筑业被理解为“小建筑业”有其历史原因,建国以来我国基本上按苏联模式设置建筑管理机构,设计施工机构、高校的专业设置也是苏联模式,原建工部、城乡建设与环境保护部、各省市的建设厅局,只管建工系统的施工企业和设计单位,只涉及“小建筑业”范围,甚至连市政工程、城市基础设施的建设也不在建筑业  相似文献   

<正>建筑施工企业要结合自身优劣势、外部发展机会与挑战,通过取得境内外高质量订单、高效配置和利用内部资源、源头治理、贴合政策导向等有效措施,构建适应市场经济体系的新资金管理体系,才可进一步保障建筑施工企业资金链安全,助推企业的高质量发展。“十三五”期间,我国建筑业增加值年均增长5.1%,占国内生产总值比重保持6.9%以上,建筑企业签订合同额年均增长12.5%,行业改革发展成效显著。  相似文献   

<正>建筑机器人开创了一种新型建造方式,它有助于建筑业的智能化转型升级。国内建筑机器人研究才刚开始起步,技术整体上还处于初始阶段。其产业发展痛点主要在于:施工作业环境差;使用安全难保障;投入产出比较低;行业体系标准欠缺。我国建筑业经济体量大,2021年建筑业总产值29.3万亿元,占GDP的25.6%;从业人员多、年龄结构断层,2021年从业人数5282.94万人,其中青壮年建筑从业者仅占两成。目前工业程度化低,90%的建筑从业者都在从事大量繁重的体力劳动,实现建筑施工自动化迫在眉睫。结合工业制造业发展的历史来看,将机器人技术用于建筑作业将会成为未来的趋势。  相似文献   

我国建筑企业发展的动力机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本剖析我国建筑业发展的现状,分析建筑企业经济效益普遍下滑,甚至亏损状况日趋严重,严重制约国家和地方经济发展,导致建筑业在整个国民经济中的主导地位已渐渐低落的问题,面对“十五”计划和2010年远景目标及国家实行西部大开发的巨大发展机遇和挑战,如何振兴我国建筑业,兴盛建筑企业,促进行业健康发展,本进行了深入分析,探讨、提出若干建议和对策。  相似文献   

核心提示:近几年来,浙江建筑业在我国建筑市场上呈现出一种咄咄逼人的发展势头,“浙江现象”己成为我国建筑业在近30年改革开放与发展过程中显现出来的一个充满神奇色彩的亮点。那么,这个现象对目前尚处于艰难变革之中的我国建筑业意味着什么?而处于辉煌之巅的浙江建筑业又将向何处去呢?  相似文献   

我国建筑业的经济发展仍以处于粗放式增长的模式,这是一个不争的产业现实,章对指出了目前提高我国建筑产业集约化的水平的措施不治本性,并提出了提高我国建筑业集约化程度的出发点。  相似文献   

我国建筑业的信息化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着信息技术和信息产业在经济与社会发展中的作用日益显著,越来越多的企业需要进行信息化转型。建筑业是我国国民经济的支拄产业之一,建筑企业同样面临信息化的挑战。本文首先概述我国建筑业的信息化现状,进而提出建筑业信息化发展的总体目标,最后归纳了建筑业信息化的具体内容和需要采取的措施。  相似文献   

<正>从行业趋势看,智能建造是我国建筑业实现绿色低碳发展的重要路径。根据中国建筑节能协会《2022中国建筑能耗与碳排放研究报告》,建筑行业碳排放占全国总量超过50%,其中,建筑运行阶段碳排放占比60%-80%,建材生产的碳排放占20%-40%,施工过程占5%-10%,建筑业低碳转型对我国实现“双碳”目标意义重大。  相似文献   

在全国素有“建筑之乡”美誉的江苏省,其建筑业的发展不仅历史悠久,能工巧匠辈出,而且在产业规模、行业素质、企业信誉和社会经济效益等方面走在全国前列。江苏建筑业产值由1978年的不到6亿元,发展到2007年建筑业总产值为6511.75亿元,其产值占全国的份额达I4%。可以说,建筑业已成为江苏名副其实的传统产业、优势产业、富民产业和支柱产业,并在国内行业中具有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

New forms of data communications services influence the social, economic and strategic environment of a nation. The authors discuss new forms of data communications services from a Canadian perspective, and identify issues associated with the services and the new society they encourage. The relationships of new services to national sovereignty, employment, national trade balance, and regulation are discussed from a benefit-risk perspective. The authors conclude that a requirement exists for national planning and coordination mechanisms to assure that appropriate systems are in place to foster the orderly introduction, diffusion, and utilization of new forms of data communications.  相似文献   

Trade in telecommuncations and computing services, particularly trade in data-related services, offers potential for economic growth in all sectors. This article raises a number of issues which need to be settled in international fora before the greatest benefits can be reaped. Differing national regulations, international competition, treatment of data as a commodity, the role of trade in the services economy and legal questions are explored. The author suggests that international agreement on trade in telecommunications and computing services could provide the basis for a ‘core’ agreement on trade in services.  相似文献   

This article empirically models the effect of distance on residential property values of three different types of services, fire, police and emergency medical services. Interesting economic trade‐offs emerge as service station proximity provides both amenity and disamenity effects. Using over three million home sales from the state of Florida along with two different measures of distance, this study provides evidence of nonlinear capitalization effects on local housing values. A difference‐in‐difference model utilizing new facility construction provides corroborating evidence of these findings.  相似文献   

西亚地处亚欧非交界地带,自古以来就是丝绸之路的重要组成部分,广泛开展与西亚各国的经贸关系对“一带一路”建设具有重要意义。本文以中国与西亚各国的进出口贸易数据为基础,利用扩展的贸易引力模型分析了中国与西亚各国的贸易潜力,测算了双边贸易效率。实证结果表明:双方人均GDP、西亚各国的人口规模和区域贸易协定可以显著促进双边贸易,双边距离和中国的人口规模会阻碍贸易发展。据此建议中国在与西亚贸易往来时,应注重优化贸易结构、加强区域合作、发展港口运输和基础设施建设以及防范贸易风险。  相似文献   

在我国大力倡导“一带一路”,推动全球对外经贸合作深入发展的今天,建立“中蒙俄经济走廊”,充分发挥中俄蒙三国的经济互补性,挖掘三国之间的贸易潜力和合作空间,对三国的经济发展均有重要的战略意义。基于此研究背景,本文利用2002~2015年中俄对外贸易面板数据,通过引力模型分析了中蒙俄三国的贸易潜力。结果表明,近几年中俄两国之间的实际贸易额呈下降趋势,贸易增长潜力较大;中蒙两国之间的贸易虽呈现“贸易过度”的状态,但贸易额波动较大,且贸易总量较小。最后,从加强基础设施建设,增强政治、经济和文化交流以及完善边贸管理体制等3个方面对建立“中蒙俄经济走廊”提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of countries' distance between their Internet usage and the world' average of the Internet usage intensity on their integration into the world market of trade in commercial services. Using an unbalanced panel dataset of 175 countries over the annual period 2000–2013, the empirical analysis indicates that the narrowing of the Internet-related distance would improve countries' integration into the world trade in commercial services market. Furthermore, it helps those countries that are geographically far from the world market to compensate for the adverse effect of this geographical distance on their integration into the world market of trade in commercial services.  相似文献   

Disaggregating truck drivers by industrialclassification, rather than using a private carriagefor hire distinction, a significant wage gap isfound between drivers in trucking services and driversin all other industries. The premium for drivers intrucking services is largest relative to drivers inwholesale and retail trade and agriculture, who aremost likely to be true private carriage drivers. Drivers in construction and mining, less likely tomeet the true definition of private carriage, havesmaller wage disadvantages. This suggests that thewage gap between for-hire and private carriage driversmay be underestimated in other research.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2005,29(5-6):429-448
Mexico is by far Latin America's largest trader and the country with the most free trade agreements. Notwithstanding the success of its trade policy, the liberalization of its telecommunications sector was limited and generated a dispute at the WTO. This article offers an overview of Mexico's trade policy, with special emphasis on its policy regarding trade in telecommunications services and the 2002–2004 Mexico–United States dispute over telecommunications at the WTO. The dispute is the first one over trade in telecommunications services at the WTO and has generated interest among many developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

East–West union co‐operation in Europe is discussed as the most serious test to cross‐border union solidarity, in the light of new frameworks capable to make sense of transnational trade union activity and alternative to theoretical nationalism. The empirical assessment of trade union chances reviews the activities of trade unions in the UK, Germany, Austria and Poland on foreign investment, migration and movement of services. Secondary evidence and case studies show that the strength of transnational union action does not depend on the country, but rather on its form. ‘Structural’ Europeanization remains weak (e.g. in most European Works Councils), while network‐based action is displaying strong developments, especially on migration, but least on the movement of services.  相似文献   

Most professionals, actively engaged in design, live in a world of trade‐offs. The most typical compromise is that reducing the cost of design causes quality to suffer, but there are many others as well. This paper summarizes current use of one of the most popular approaches to improving the new offering development process: design reuse. In the present study 42 companies were surveyed, of which 23 were in manufacturing and 19 were in services—but all were actively engaged in technology and design reuse in new offerings. It was hypothesized that policies for design reuse and internal sourcing would promote the complexity and breadth of reuse (here the combination of modular and architectural substitution), which, in turn would dampen the percentage of substitution and reduce the negative impact on innovativeness of new offerings. These predictions were generally supported. Adoption of policies for encouragement or to mandate design reuse were significantly correlated with the extent of reuse (application of both architectural and modular design vs. just one or the other) among manufacturers but not services firms in the sample. Internal sourcing of ideas for design reuse was significantly correlated with extent of reuse for the total sample, and especially for services. Design reuse percentage and extent of design reuse were significantly and inversely associated for manufacturing, as predicted, but not for services. Novelty of new offerings was significantly and inversely related to percentage of reuse, as predicted, for manufacturing, but not for services. It was found that sector also makes a difference in likelihood of adopting higher levels of reuse with service company respondents reporting significantly higher levels (average of 42% reuse for services and 28% for manufacturing applications). Perhaps one of the most interesting preliminary findings to emerge was that the tipping point of negative impact from design reuse percentage on innovativeness for all firms in the sample of new offerings was 43%, beyond which novelty suffers. For manufacturing, the tipping point was lower: Novelty begins to suffer after 33% design reuse, which has important management implications. The conclusion was drawn, based on these preliminary results, that much can be done to relieve some of the negative consequences of the typical trade‐offs commonly encountered in development programs for new offerings, especially when cost, timing, and innovation are the target goals. However, services and manufacturing are quite different in their approach to design reuse and substitution. Further development of the concept of design reuse strategy appears to be warranted based on these preliminary findings. The findings raise the distinct possibility that mesolevel strategic aggregation issues might lead research into areas that help explain how complex systems realize their full self‐organizing potential and why corporate strategy considerations, alone, have failed to explain the success and failure of organizations coping in rugged landscapes.  相似文献   

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