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随着中国服装零售业的发展,传统的销售模式不断受到挑战。本文首先对中国服装零售业的现状进行了分析,包括中国服装零售商的主要形态,以及服装零售业的发展趋势。在此基础上,本文重点分析了买手模式对中国服装零售业的影响,并提出了在中国服装市场发展买手模式的四种途径。  相似文献   

近年来,随着销售量的下降,欧洲服装零售业被迫进行规模经营,零售商们通过严格控制分销渠道,进而控制了从纱线到服装的整个生产过程。大多数零售商选择生产和销售自有品牌服装,从而取代了供应商品牌。他们直接联系服装生产企业,使批发商生存空间越来越小,同时面料和服装生产企业将面临更大挑战,因为服装企业为了维持正常经营,必须不断调整经营战略以适应变化着的服装零售状况。  相似文献   

不同的服装体现了不同的文化,同时服装要以美术的形式具体的展现出来。人物画是以人物形象作为绘画主题,记录和表现了该时期的穿着风尚、服饰形制,是展现当时服装、服饰的最好艺术形式之一。中国有大批的古代人物画,它们真实地记录了当时的人民生活,保存了历代服饰的特征。其中史实人物画最具特色,人物形象、服饰道具都力图绘之有据,为后人留下了宝贵的形象资料。中国人物画为现代服装专业的教学保留了大量的史例,提供了丰富的可借鉴资料。  相似文献   

一、引言 中国作为一个服装生产和出口大国,从“六五”至“九五”期间中期,我国出口服装生产的年增长速度一直高于行业生产增长率约5—10个百分点,使我国服装出口在国际市场的份额持续快速提升,行业生产对国际市场的依存度也逐年提高。2001年,我国出口各类服装125亿件,出口总额365.38亿美元,其中,梭织服装47亿件,占国内梭织服装总产量的41.84%;针织服装78亿件,占国内针织服装总产量的67.50%。目前,中国服装出口额已占全球服装贸易总额的15%以上,出口地遍及全球220个国家和地区。 长期以来,中国的纺织品服装出口市…  相似文献   

今年1月,一年一度的世界零售商大会(NRF)在纽约曼哈顿贾维茨(JAVITS)国际展览中心隆重举行.大会期间还同时举办世界零售业展览会,汇聚了世界上千家百货公司和各类零售企业.中国纺织协会代表团先期去往加拿大与那里的零售商进行接触,然后由多伦多飞往美国纽约参加此次大会,并与世界零售商进行了接触.中国纺织工业协会杜钰洲会长于当地时间2005年1月17日下午在美国纽约世界零售商大会上发表了题为"共建新时代纺织服装跨国供应链"的讲话,受到美国及世界零售商代表的广泛关注.杜会长的讲演使世界采购商了解了中国纺织工业发展状况和产业政策,消除了误解,为中国纺织工业与世界零售商的进一步合作产生积极影响.在讲坛下,杜钰洲会长也与世界零售业群雄展开了充分的对话.  相似文献   

以问卷调查法作为研究手段,调查研究了大学生消费者对服装零售卖场展示环境的心理需求因子,试图从青年消费者的角度出发,探索其对服装展示的心理需求,为国内服装陈列和卖场展示技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于时间竞争条件下企业竞争环境的变化,越来越多现代服装企业愈加重视时间管理.在作为服装产业链终端的零售环节,对于时间成本管理尚未形成一定体系.本文从供应链整体优化角度入手对服装零售时间成本进行分析,探索其产生原因,归纳管理方法.  相似文献   

文章通过对零售企业自有品牌服装的分析,阐述了零售业自有品牌实施条件和营销策略,探讨了自有品牌服装在我国的发展前景。  相似文献   

周江  陈彬 《中国纺织》2004,(3):122-124
进入新世纪,面对服装界刮起的各种风潮,即使深谙服装之道的人们,也不得不调整视角重新审视服装两性模式的趋向。  相似文献   

SPA模式是将商品策划、制造、零售进行整合的一种垂直整合型的销售形式。它作为一种国际化的比较成功的服装运营模式,使很多企业获得成功。SPA模式于2005年引进中国,国内有不少企业在不断探索并改造SPA模式,但并未形成规模化发展。本文从理论上解读SPA模式的特征,并总结SPA模式在中国发展的利弊,针对我国的特殊情况,分析SPA模式在中国如何成功发展。  相似文献   

A methodology for examining dynamic structure-performance relationships in a single industry is proposed and illustrated. Implications of long run competitive behavior for a simple simultaneous equations model of structure and performance are derived and tested using recently developed methods for the interpretation of economic time series. It is concluded that the structure and performance in the U.S. aluminum industry in the postwar period conform well with the hypothesis that the primary aluminum market was competitive in the long run.  相似文献   

美国天然气行业发展的经验及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国天然气行业发展呈现明显的阶段性特点,其中快速发展阶段持续了30多年;天然气消费结构不断变化,在天然气市场进入成熟期后,城市燃气(民用和商业)发展平稳,人均消费量较高;天然气发电是推动美国天然气市场发展的重要力量;完善市场定价机制是发展天然气行业的关键,特别是在快速发展阶段,合理的天然气价格是保障天然气稳定供应的重要因素;在天然气市场快速发展初期,管网建设加速,不仅重视干线建设,同时重视支线建设;高度重视天然气储备,地下储气库与管网同步建设,库存量约占全年消费量的1/3。借鉴美国天然气行业发展的经验,中国发展天然气工业应对市场发展前景有充分认识;积极推动天然气市场定价机制的建立;适度发展天然气发电业务;管网建设应适度超前并转变建设方式。  相似文献   

This paper aims at quantifying the economic value of knowledge spillovers by exploring information contained in patent citations. We estimate a market valuation equation of the U.S. semiconductor firms during the 1980s and 1990s, and find an average value of $0.6 to 1.2 million “R&D-equivalent” dollars for knowledge spillovers embodied in one patent citation. For an average semiconductor firm, such an estimate implies that the total value of knowledge spillovers the firm received during the sample period can be as high as half of its actual total R&D expenditures in the same period. This provides a direct measure of the economic value of social returns or externalities of relevant technological innovations. We also find that the value of knowledge spillovers declines as the size of firm's patent portfolio increases, and that self citations are more valuable than external citations, indicating a significant amount of tacit knowledge or know-how spillovers that occur within the firm.  相似文献   

This paper explores possible determinants that may affect an airline’s decision to charge passengers different roundtrip fares depending on trip origin, a case of directional price discrimination. Such fare differences cannot be the result of differences in cost, as the cost of flying a roundtrip passenger does not significantly differ depending on direction. It is argued that directional fare differences result from airlines recognizing that passenger price elasticities differ between route endpoints. A price discriminating airline will then charge a higher roundtrip fare at the endpoint where the passenger price elasticity of demand is comparatively lower. Evidence is found suggesting that airlines do use differences in income to price discriminate when setting roundtrip fares. Fares are found to be $0.18-$0.43 higher on average for each $1000 difference in average per capita income between origin and destination metro areas. This finding is sensible assuming that higher incomes reduce the price elasticity of demand for air travel, with richer passengers being less sensitive to the cost of travel.  相似文献   

During the 1980's, researchers noted a trend towards increased concentration in the general freight, less-than-truckload (LTL) portion of the U.S. motor carrier industry. The purpose of this study is to employ new empirical industrial organization techniques to determine whether the more concentrated, post-1980, LTL industry exerted monopoly pricing behavior and to compare the nature of pricing behavior before and after regulation reform. The results suggest that the trend toward increased industry concentration does not imply anti-competitive performance. Also, the results indicate the presence of regulation-induced market power several years prior to regulation reform in 1980.  相似文献   

In this article survivors and non-survivors of the ‘shake-out’ in the U.S. color television set industry are compared to determine how and along what dimensions these two classes of businesses differ. Two types of strategy variables are used in 18 hypotheses to probe similarities and differences at both the ‘corporate level’ and ‘business level’ of strategy. Significant differences are found, particularly at the business level. The findings are consistent with those of previous strategy research, but suggest that traditional wisdom regarding size, low costs and market share did not necessarily hold in this industry.  相似文献   

Contestable market theory has been advanced in recent years by several authors, the most thorough treatment being the book by Baumol, Panzar, and Willig (1982) (BPW). Although several applications of the theory have appeared in the literature, few (if any) follow the step-by-step procedure set forth in Chapter 16 of BPW. This paper represents one of the first attempts to follow the general procedure in investigating the contestability and sustainability of an industry. The long-run cost structure of petroleum refining is first estimated using a translog multiproduct cost function and company refining data from the Financial Reporting System maintained by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The estimated cost function is then used to approximate the optimal (cost-minimizing) industry structure for petroleum refining. Given that the existing structure is significantly different than the optimal structure, the principles of contestable market theory are used in evaluating the contestability and sustainability of the industry in light of adjustments in industry structure and the performance of various classes of refining companies between 1981 and 1987.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the reasons for Japanese/U.S. collaborations in the biotechnology industry, and considers the question of whether such alliances pose a threat to the North American industry. Japan's technological competitiveness in biotechnology is examined in terms of its strengths and perceived weaknesses. Ways in which Japan is attempting to overcome these weaknesses are identified. As well, the strengths and weaknesses of the North American biotechnology industry are assessed. The paper concludes with recommendations for government and R&D managers on how to preserve U.S. competitiveness. R&D managers must keep abreast of their techno-global competitive environments. While organizations can enter into alliances to improve their competitiveness they must be aware of the dangers of collaboration, and to benefit from their alliances they must enhance their organizational learning. Organizations must be aware of the pitfalls of alliance formation, and any alliance must be viewed in its national context. Last, but not least, managers must be more effective in their management of the processes of technological innovation.  相似文献   

The issue of resource utilization is important in the resource-based stream of work, since the ability of firms to utilize resources is a key indicator of their competitive abilities. This paper specifies why some firms might be better at utilizing resources than others. Thereafter, it demonstrates how to empirically ascertain differences in resource utilization patterns between firms using the U.S. telecommunications industry as a context. The data envelopment analysis procedure (DEA), which is a firm-level resource utilization measure, is used. This procedure can be useful for the resource-based approach research agenda since performance is measured in resource terms. DEA is applied to measure variations in different dimensions of resource utilization for the firms making up the local operating sector of the telecommunications industry. The use of DEA to guide empirical research and address theoretical issues within the resource-based paradigm is illustrated, using the resource utilization index for the telecommunications firms as the measure of strategic performance. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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