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利用高吸水性树脂强吸水性和对烃类介质的疏水性可进行油田堵水调剖作业.堵水采用的高吸水性树脂主要成份为聚丙烯酸钠,吸水倍数达500~600倍.通过对施工工艺的不断改进,在含水90%强水淹油井上取得良好的堵水效果.  相似文献   

聚丙烯酸类高吸水性树脂能够吸收自身质量的数百乃至上千倍的水,而且吸水后,施加压力亦不脱水,具有很强的保水性能,被广泛应用于医药卫生、建筑、植树造林等方面,其中在土壤中的应用倍受关注,将聚丙烯酸类高吸水性树脂与土壤混合,不仅可长时间保持土壤的湿度,还  相似文献   

国外高吸水性树脂生产与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了目前世界高吸水性树脂(ASP)的发展现状和市场从需概况,对SAP两种典型的生产工艺的技术及其技术经济进行了论述,着重探讨了国外各生产公司对SAP应用诉开发与研究。  相似文献   

我国成为高吸水性树脂大市场指日可待   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高吸水性树脂已经成为生产纸尿布和卫生用品必不可少的材料,世界市场需求量正稳步朝着100万吨/年的目标前进。成熟的欧洲、美国和日本市场对世界高吸水性树脂的发展起到了支撑作用。中国、东南亚和拉丁美洲正在成为新兴的高吸水性树脂市场。中国由于经济持  相似文献   

高吸水性树脂就是一种新型的功能高分子材料,它具有优异的吸水、保水功能,可吸收自身重量几百倍、上千倍,最高可以达到5300倍的水,在一般的压力下不会脱水,而在干燥空气中水分能缓慢地释放出来并具有相当的凝胶强度.  相似文献   

<正>万华化学拟在万华烟台工业园建设高吸水性树脂项目,综合利用万华烟台工业园区一体化公用工程和丙烯酸原料资源,在园区内形成完整的丙烯酸产业链。根据公告,SAP项目总体规划为12万吨/年。其中,一期建设3万吨/年,投资近1.6亿元人民币,预计于2014年底建成投产。同日,万华化学还公告,拟在成都新材料产业功能区成立万华化学(成  相似文献   

An important feature of most franchise chains is that they simultaneously use franchised and company‐owned outlets. In this study, I show that the relationship between the resources provided to outlet managers and the financial performance of franchise chains is contingent on their governance structure. Specifically, opportunism and knowledge considerations seem to prevent chains with a large proportion of franchised outlets from fully leveraging resources such as a valuable brand name and tacit business practices. On the other hand, brand name value and business practices tacitness are not directly related to the proportion of franchised outlets in chains. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that established firms need to balance their exploration and exploitation activities in order to achieve superior performance. Yet, previous empirical research has modeled this balance as the interaction of orthogonal activities. In this study, we show that there is a trade‐off between exploration and exploitation and that the optimal balance between exploration and exploitation depends upon environmental conditions. Using a novel methodology to measure the relative exploration versus exploitation orientation, we find an inverted U‐shaped relationship between the relative share of explorative orientation and financial performance. This relationship is positively moderated by the R&D intensity of the industry in which the firm operates. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对近年来开发的醋酸与醋酸钠法、醋酸与三水醋酸钠法、醋酸与碳酸钠法、醋酸与氢氧化钠法、醋酸-醋酐与碳酸钠法和醋酐与氢氧化钠法6种生产双乙酸钠的方法进行了评价,并介绍了双乙酸钠的应用及其开发前景。  相似文献   

氟碳表面活性剂的合成及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
氟碳表面活性剂属于特种表面活性剂,具有"三高"、"两憎"的独特性能。介绍了氟碳表面活性剂的性能、合成技术以及国内外的研究进展,综述了它在工业、消防等领域的应用以及发展趋势。  相似文献   

Research Summary: Imitation is a central construct in strategy theory because it is assumed to diminish inter‐firm performance heterogeneity within an industry. We revisit this assumption, which is premised on the logic that imitated practices act directly to make the imitator more similar to its target. This logic is incomplete because imitation also acts indirectly—via its effect on an imitator's post‐imitation experiential learning efforts through which it refines imitated practices and fills remaining knowledge gaps. We examine how an imitator's focus of attention during this post‐imitation experiential learning process impacts performance heterogeneity. Employing a computational model, we contrast the heterogeneity resulting from imitative entry with that from de novo (non‐imitative) entry and identify conditions under which imitation may increase, rather than decrease, inter‐firm performance heterogeneity. Managerial Summary: Imitation is commonly assumed to be a low‐risk strategy by which firms can narrow the performance gap to the market leader. This assumption is predicated on an understanding of imitation that neglects the impact of imitation on subsequent, post‐imitation, learning. Such learning serves to refine the imitated practices and fill remaining knowledge gaps. Our theory suggests that imitation is more risky than is typically assumed. Imitation leads to bifurcated performance outcomes. An imitator is more likely to: (a) catch up to the market leader, and (b) perform far worse than it would have without imitation. Key factors driving the riskiness of imitation are the observability of the market leader's practices and an imitator's decision regarding its focus of attention in post‐imitation learning.  相似文献   

烷基多苷(APG)是葡萄糖(或淀粉)与天然脂肪醇在催化剂作用下缩合得到的一种非离子表面活性剂。APG具有优良的表面性能和环境相容性,已经成为新型的绿色表面活性剂,成为近年来的研究热点。对近年来APG的合成方法及其在诸多领域的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Reviewing and updating performance measurement systems (PMS) based on internal and external environmental changes are as important as developing and implementing them. The results of an action research study carried out to improve the PMS of an energy company's maritime transportation area are presented. The findings of this longitudinal study illustrate the difficulty and complexity of reviewing and updating an energy company's PMS for its maritime transportation area. This difficulty is due to the involvement of PMS users, the assessment of performance measures, the establishment of targets, and data availability. The complexity is related to the changes in information technology when implementing changes in procedures for computing performance measures. This article contributes to a better understanding of the process of reviewing and updating a company's existing PMS.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of a firm's relations with its nonfinancial stakeholders, including its employees, suppliers, customers, and communities, on the persistence of both superior and inferior financial performance. In particular, integrating and extending the resource‐based view of the firm and stakeholder management literatures, we develop the arguments that good stakeholder relations not only enable a firm with superior financial performance to sustain its competitive advantage for a longer period of time, but more importantly, also help poorly performing firms to recover from disadvantageous positions more quickly. The arguments are supported by the analysis of a series of first‐order autoregressive models. Our findings further suggest that the positive effect of good stakeholder relations on the persistence of superior performance is not as strong as that of some other firm resources, such as technological knowledge, but it is the only factor examined that promises to help a firm recover from inferior performance. Therefore, the role of positive stakeholder relations in helping poorly performing firms recover is found to be more critical than its role in helping superior firms sustain their performance advantage. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

增强型Aciplex-F4000系列全氟磺酸羧酸离子交换膜为3层复合压制结构,兼具磺酸膜和羧酸膜的优良力学性能。掌握含水率和离子迁移数等性能参数的测试方法,有利于合理控制离子膜生产工艺操作指标。通过对突发跳闸急停而造成多张膜泄漏的事故进行分析可知,导致膜性能劣化的主要原因是瞬间的机械损伤、膨胀和收缩引起的物理松弛。  相似文献   

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