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研究现代服务业的含义与特征;分析嘉兴服务业发展现状和特点:剖析嘉兴现代服务业存在的问题和制约因素,为嘉兴现代服务业发展提出建议。  相似文献   

文章选取西安这一关中城市群的中心城市为例,对现代制造业与现代服务业协调互动发展进行了探讨.从分析西安现代制造业与服务业互动发展的优势及机遇入手,探讨西安现代制造业与现代服务业互动发展潜力,从而实现两者的协调互动发展.  相似文献   

人力资本专用性是现代服务业企业竞争优势的来源,同时它又是一种垄断力,对企业的可持续发展极为不利。企业处于竞争激烈的现代服务行业,要通过人力资本缔造企业核心竞争力,就必须对现有人力资本进行专用性治理,从而规避人力资本专用性投资激励不足影响绩效的问题。  相似文献   

人力资本专用性是现代服务业企业竞争优势的来源,同时它又是一种垄断力,对企业的可持续发展极为不利。企业处于竞争激烈的现代服务行业,要通过人力资本缔造企业核心竞争力,就必须对现有人力资本进行专用性治理,从而规避人力资本专用性投资激励不足影响绩效的问题。  相似文献   

上海必须通过现代服务业发展,实现由工业型城市向服务业为主的国际大都市的转型。  相似文献   

本文在阐述现代服务业集群动力机制研究现状的基础上,对江苏境内现代服务业集群内企业进行实证分析。找出现代服务业集群发展的关键动力因子,构建现代服务业集群发展动力机制的数学模型,通过调整自组织动力机制绩效和他组织动力机制绩效两者系数,使得模型具有广泛的适应性。最后提出完善江苏现代服务业集群发展动力机制的措施,为江苏相关部门制定促进现代服务业集群发展的相关政策和发展促进机制提供建议。  相似文献   

闫笑非  杜秀芳 《价值工程》2012,31(33):140-142
近年来,中国工业一直占据着第二产业近85%的比例,它在国民经济的高速增长中占有特别重要的地位。而工业增长中服务业,特别是生产性服务业的贡献越来越大。本文采用VEC模型对中国生产性服务业与现代工业之间的关系进行了研究。研究结果表明,无论是从长期均衡关系来看,还是从短期波动角度看,生产性服务业中交通运输、仓储和邮政、房地产、金融业产值增长对中国现代工业都有不同程度的影响。另外,中国现代工业变化既具有较大的短期波动惯性,又具有一定的基于长期均衡关系的反向调节能力。  相似文献   

基于GIS、互联网、大数据等信息技术,以济南市历下区为例,通过分析区域现代服务业布局现状和发展趋势、选取适宜的评价方案、建立配套指标体系的方式探索区县级现代服务业布局评价及优化的技术方法,最终给出历下区/街道/片区布局优化方案,将历下区现代服业评价、优化结果以及各单项指标基于电子地图直观展示,为政府部门科学决策提供信息化支撑,也为区县级现代服务业布局评价及优化提供理论依据和可借鉴的实践模式。  相似文献   

"十二·五"时期是上海从工业化向后工业化过渡的重要阶段,也是上海将从"四个率先"向"四个中心"转变的重要时期。在这五年中,提升上海汽车服务业水平,实现上海汽车服务业转型,是需要探索和破解的课题。联系自己的工作实际,谈一点粗浅的想法。  相似文献   

2010年金华被列为浙江省唯一的现代服务业发展综合配套改革试点城市,目前我国的总部经济研究更多的是关注于京、津、沪等直辖市和省会中心城市,对诸如金华这样的属于区域性中心的二线城市的研究应用较少,我们期望通过对总部经济理论透析,分析总部经济理论对金华这样的中小区域性中心城市的应用,来推动和促进中小城市现代服务业的快速发展。  相似文献   

The paper explores the structural changes, in response to internationalization, in an important traditional activity (food chain, meat processing) in a typical ‘district area’. In the paper, attention is focused on the ‘Institutional structure of production’ (Coase, R. 1992 Coase, R. 1992. The institutional structure of production. American Economic Review, 82(4): 713719. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the cluster is considered as a whole, as a complex economic player, capable of generating coherent action, regulated by institutional mechanisms, and founded on a set of ‘public assets’ which make up its ‘social capital’.

The paper is based on many empirical studies and surveys aimed at exploring the structure of SMEs and the role of the local institutions: the changes observed over time and in response to internationalization underline the reinforcement of the activity's cluster configuration.

These features emphasize the existence of a specific unit of analysis, indivisible from the individuals which constitute it. The discussion touches on the classical themes of the efficiency of the net-economy based on SMEs, and their prospects in a context of growing globalization.

The paper does not aim to enter into the debate on the origins and mechanism of innovation. However, the case study does illustrate the strength of the hypothesis of a unit of analysis different from the firm for discussion of a number of topics: some empirical examples of innovation, of significance for the economic consolidation of the ID, highlight the importance of district relationships in the production and spread of innovation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the case of the Spanish ceramic tiles industrial district, with special emphasis on collective knowledge creation and innovation processes. Following a brief review of the literature based on industrial district characteristics, a framework with which to guide the empirical research is presented. The framework includes a set of conditions under which knowledge flows across firms' boundaries and how institutions shape knowledge diffusion. These include: (1) firm attributes; (2) the role of local institutions; (3) the importance of the social context; (4) lack of legal protection for innovations; (5) knowledge transmission mechanisms; and (6) specific outcomes of the district. These conditions are illustrated by using a comparative study, of which the key findings are as follows. First, the Spanish ceramic tile industrial district is characterized by small-sized firms, specialization and important product and technological overlaps. Second, there is the important role played by institutions, including academic and research institutions, as well as the relevancy of the social context and the lack of patents and other legal rights. There is also an intensive use of knowledge transmission mechanisms, such as the creation of firms, human resource mobility and informal channels of communication and, finally, a specific district technology and common perception of markets.  相似文献   

Journal of Productivity Analysis - Facing bottlenecks of economic growth, two important policy concerns of the Chinese government are the regional fragmentation and ownership distortion. This paper...  相似文献   

现代服务业是衡量一个国家和地区经济发展水平的重要标志,其具有的资源消耗低、环境污染少等产业特点正契合了当前发展低碳经济的要求。低碳背景下,加快发展现代服务业无疑是推动我国当前产业结构优化升级、转变经济发展方式的有力举措。文章概述了我国现代服务业的发展现状,并对现代服务业发展存在的问题进行了评析,在此基础上勾画了我国现代服务业的发展路径。  相似文献   

城市产业的战略定位关系着城市发展的成败,现有产业定位在理论上主要依据比较优势理论(绝对优势论、比较优势论、机会成本说)或比较优势理论的延伸(区域分工理论).事实上,随着全球化进程的推进,跨国公司可以在全球范围内组织资源,原有的基于特殊生产要素的比较优势逐渐衰退,而内涵更广的竞争优势越来越成为决定一个城市发展成功与否的关键.而且现有产业定位研究在对象层面上以区域为主,随着全球化城市网络体系的形成,区域之间的竞争越来越体现为城市之间的竞争,因此对城市产业定位的研究更显重要.文章将对产业定位的已有若干理论进行回顾总结,并引入竞争优势理论、新贸易理论和城市化阶段理论,提出城市产业定位的区域视角、竞争视角、城市化视角等的一般方法.并以上海嘉定的产业定位为例,阐述上述理论的具体实践.  相似文献   

This paper derives a positive model relating changes in profitability to output levels, price, input quantities, and costs. The model involves decomposition of profit changes to define contributions associated with changes in the product market and production input variables. It can be derived from basic profit concepts without additional assumptions regarding the organization's behavioral decisions or about the shapes of the demand or production functions. It therefore avoids all normative underpinnings and is based strictly on measurable changes in the environment. The model is applied to results obtained from the United States Postal Service income statement. Changes in the Service's productivity and its components (e.g., labor, materials, and capital) are fully reconciled in an accounting sense with reported changes in net income. This reconciliation permits the identification of the sources of net income change.  相似文献   

The steady growth of R&;D costs and the increasingly widespread dissemination of information and communication technology over the past decade have resulted in the affirmation of the paradigm of open innovation, which consists in the continual expansion of access to sources of technological innovation outside the firm itself. Industrial companies are, in fact, turning more frequently to collaboration with university departments and other public and private research centers, and there is a notable increase in agreements regarding technological cooperation and the exchange of know-how between companies. In addition, recourse to highly specialized small research companies is on the rise. This is common, for example in the pharmaceutical sector and, more generally, in the area of biotechnological research. Furthermore, we are witnessing the development of the new role of innovation broker. These factors alter the traditional profile of company R&;D structures, within which the role of researchers and technologists often changes. In particular, matrix and network organizational models are on the increase, and the professional figures of ‘integrators of knowledge and expertise’ (T-men) are assuming major importance at the expense of traditional scientists. As a consequence, the model for training and managing scientific personnel tends to change. This model, as it moves away from the prevailing pattern adopted by firms in Anglophone countries, is continually drawing closer, even from a cultural standpoint, to the R&;D management approach found in the Japanese and German companies. The aim of this article is to investigate how the adoption of open innovation has changed the organizational structures of R&;D and altered the methods used in managing its personnel. The results of the study are based on the analysis of four case studies of Italian multinational firms operating in the pharmaceutical, food, specialty chemical, and aerospace industries.  相似文献   

揭示了促使产业集群形成的历史因素、基本因素和市场因素,并以北京顺义汽车产业集群为例,详细阐述了产业集群的作用.  相似文献   

Structural features and institutional settings of industrial districts, rather than contracts as a co-coordinating mechanism, promote trust in exchanges between firms in industrial districts. Based on this assumption, the paper explores the antecedents of trust in a Turkish industrial district at three levels: institutional environment; institutional arrangements; and inter-firm exchanges. In relation to institutional environment, dominant institutions of the Turkish economy – mainly state and finance – and their policies that undermine the role of SMEs in economic development are studied. In this context a third institution, the ‘district association’ that has a vital role in promoting trust-based governance has been analysed. At the second level, formal and informal institutional arrangements that govern the web of exchanges between firms are surveyed. The third level of analysis is directed at entrepreneurs and their attitudes towards family, friendship, expertise and reputation are studied. The research site is the Merter textile district in Istanbul. Data for second and third levels of analysis has been collected through structured interviews and is analysed quantitatively. For institutions and institutional environment, data has been collected mainly by in-depth interviews and is supported by secondary data. Research findings show that informal institutional arrangements are more important than formal arrangements and reputation and expertise of the other firm is more important than family-friendship connections as antecedents of trust.  相似文献   

The author discusses the prospects for trade union growth in this industry in the light of a case study of the development of a branch of the Transport and General Workers’ Union within the EMI-owned Angus Steak House chain.  相似文献   

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