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王国红 《北方经贸》2011,(7):7-8,15
世界各国的政府采购是一个庞大的市场,美国的态度一直是积极倡导世界各国对外开放政府采购市场同时,我们可以发现美国在这个领域所采取的手段和措施具有比较明显的保护主义倾向,一方面美国想方设法为自己的企业打开别目的市场,同时在国内的立法和行政方面,对自己的政府采购市场采取了种种的保护手段。  相似文献   

In this comparative survey of 126 Brazilian and U.S. business professionals, we explore the effect of national culture on ethical decision-making within the context of business. Using Reidenbach and Robin's (1988) multi-criteria ethics instrument, we examined how these two countries' differences on Hofstede's individualism/collectivism dimension are related to the manner in which business practitioners make ethical decisions. Our results indicate that Brazilians and Americans evaluate the ethical content of actions or decisions differently when applying utilitarian criteria. By contrast, business people from both countries do not differ significantly when they use egoistic criteria in evaluating the ethical nature of business decisions.  相似文献   

Both business executives and management scholars have, in recentyears, focused a great deal of attention on the theme of corporatesocial responsibility (CSR). Calls for business leaders to expendresources on behalf of "social good" tend to downplay, if notignore, what is fundamentally an ideological question: justwhat is a "good" society and who defines "goodness"? The ideologicalunderpinnings of social responsibility and its relationshipto the "good" society can be explored through an historicalperspective. The roots of the CSR movement trace back to theearly years of the Cold War. Led by Donald K David, Dean ofthe Harvard Business School and supported by other academicsand executives given voice on the pages of the Harvard BusinessReview, advocates urged expanded business social responsibilityas a means of aligning business interests with the defense offree-market capitalism against what was depicted as the clear-and-presentdanger of Soviet Communism. Today's enthusiastic calls for businessto "do well by doing good" could benefit from a similar criticalanalysis not just of the goals of CSR but also the ideologicalassumptions, often unacknowledged, that underlie those goals.  相似文献   

杜枢 《商业研究》2003,(4):144-147
在敌意收购中 ,目标公司的董事无疑是最大的利益受损者 ,因为敌意收购一旦成功 ,他们很有可能丧失工作或名誉扫地。因而 ,目标公司董事往往会运用手中掌握的经营公司的权力 ,采取各种措施挫败敌意收购者。对于这种反收购行为 ,美国判例法援用原有的商业判断规则 ,并在其基础上发展出了一系列测试标准 ,用以评判目标公司董事的反收购行为是否符合董事的注意义务 ,主要有 :主要目的测试标准、相当性测试标准、最大价值测试标准、公正拍卖者测试标准等。  相似文献   

Business Ethical Values in China and the U.S.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The research presented in this paper focuses on business ethical values inChina, a country in which the process of institutional transformation has left cultural values in a state of flux. A survey was conducted in China and the U.S. by using five business scenarios. Survey results show similarities between the Chinese and American decision choices for three out of five scenarios. However, the results reveal significant differences in rationales, even forsimilar decisions. The implications of similarities and differences between the U.S. and Chinese samples are discussed.  相似文献   

This article traces the political development of the ControlData Corporation (CDC) and its founder and chief executive officer,William C. Norris, from the firm’s formation in 1957 untilhis departure from its leadership in 1986. Norris was entrepreneurialin his political strategy, taking large risks to pursue whathe perceived to be large opportunities in such areas as antitrust,trade policy, and poverty alleviation. Indeed, his perceptionsof these opportunities often diverged substantially from thoseof others in the computer industry and the broader corporateand policy communities. The article links these differencesto Norris’s personal circumstances, the business situationof CDC, and the broader politicalcurrents of the times. Theexperiences of Norris and CDC suggest that business historiansneed a more expansive and flexible conception of the politicalattitudes and behavior of business leadersand of the business-governmentrelationship in the United States.  相似文献   

The case study of Bresee's Department Store in Oneonta, NewYork, suggests that small-town department stores were not necessarilyfully "modern" by the early twentieth century. This articledemonstrates how modern, big-store, business methods came laterand documents how earlier modes of trade, such as credit andbartering, persisted into the early twentieth century, evenin non-rural, northern contexts. Preliminary findings suggestthat eliminating the urban bias in much historiography by includingsmall-town retailing practices may lead to a later periodizationof American consumer society.  相似文献   

U.S.-American and German Business Ethics:An Intercultural Comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The differences between the "habits of the heart" in German and U.S.-American corporations can be described by analyzing the way corporations deal with norms and values within their organizations. Whereas many U.S. corporations have introduced formal business ethics programs, German companies are very reluctant to address normative questions publicly. This can be explained by the different cultural backgrounds in both countries. By defining these different "habits of the heart" underlying German and American business ethics it is possible to show the problems and questions within the intercultural management of values, but also the possible solutions.  相似文献   

Forde  Chris 《Enterprise & society》2008,9(2):337-365
This article looks at the early development of the temporaryhelp industry in Britain. It focuses on the activities of oneof the largest suppliers of temporary workers, Manpower, inthe late 1960s and early 1970s. Drawing on material from TheUK National Archives, the article examines Manpower's effortsto gain access as a genuine employer to the state employmentexchange network to advertise their temporary vacancies. Thearticle reveals the incremental changes in attitude within thegovernment towards Manpower's activities and argues that thisgave the company a competitive advantage over other employmentagencies, facilitating their development of relations with thegovernment and the trade unions in Britain over the 1970s and1980s. The main conclusion of the article is that explicit attentionneeds to be paid to the actions and strategies of agencies themselvesin order to develop an adequate understanding of the growthand development of the temporary help industry.  相似文献   

近几年来中外频频爆发审计丑闻案件,许多会计师事务所被撤销,大量注册会计师受到惩罚。美国在2002年颁发了《萨班斯奥克斯利法案》对审计合谋进行了严厉的制裁并初显成效。通过系统分析美国审计合谋的形成原因和治理过程,发现其中的若干做法对我国审计合谋的治理也具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The U.S.–Brazil relationship features an intersection of public and private sectors characteristic of the post‐2000 dynamics of international business and governmental relations. As a triple helix reference for the private sector, the public sector, and academia, this article explores how further alignment of public and private interests of the United States and Brazil can improve the bilateral relationship between the two largest countries in the Western hemisphere. The first section recaps the U.S.–Brazil public relationship and cultural perspectives shared between Brazil and the United States. The second section reviews the relevance of the U.S.–Brazil relationship in Brazil's economy and business marketplace. Sections 3 through 5 discuss specific trade, investment, and tax agreements that can be mutually beneficial for the United States and Brazil. The final section recommends further areas for public–private cooperation between the United States and Brazil.  相似文献   

This currency substitution study explores the extent of retail firm-level U.S. dollar acceptance in Canada and Mexico. Employing a stratified random sampling approach of retail business in the border region, results demonstrate that all Mexican firms (N = 300/300) and nearly all Canadian (N = 257/261) firms accept the U.S. dollar in retail transactions. Of greater interest is the difference between firms in the two countries in how acceptance of the U.S. dollar is operationalized. On average, U.S. dollar sales of Canadian border firms comprise just 3.4% of total sales whereas U.S. dollar sales of Mexican firms encompass 23.7% of total sales. Our results also indicate a stark contrast as to the effective exchange rate for U.S. dollar acceptance— Canadian firms typically charge a premium (2.1% on average) while 69.3% of Mexican firms transacted business at a discount (?0.8% on average). Additional analyses further refine the currency substitution distinctions between Canadian and Mexican firms in the sample including a logistical regression which reveals significant differences as to firm-level predictors of U.S. dollar acceptance (whether at a discount or premium).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of planning on U.S. small business failures. A "failure" was defined as a bankruptcy with losses to creditors; firms with fewer than 500 employees were considered "small." Recently failed firms were selected randomly and matched with non-failed firms on the basis of age, size, industry, and location. The sampling frame was businesses listed in the Dun & Bradstreet credit reporting database. A paired-sample t -test was used to investigate differences between the failed firms and matched non-failed firms. The main conclusion was that very little formal planning goes on in U.S. small businesses; however, non-failed firms do more planning than similar failed firms did prior to failure.  相似文献   

The role of marketing in presidential politics in the United States has introduced lessons for marketing executives on how to more effectively build up brand loyalty and fend off competition. The same technological breakthroughs in marketing that have powered corporate America were used by the Obama presidential campaigns in both 2008 and 2012 to microtarget potential donors and voters, carry out massive fund‐raising campaigns, and energize a base of citizens through newly minted movements at a level of sophistication not witnessed previously in other sectors. The same techniques continued to be used in the 2016 presidential campaign, and the paradigm shift in marketing put forward in this article is represented with the introduction of a Strategic Triad that integrates the use of Big Data, microtargeting, and social media by organizations in the political, for‐profit, and nonprofit sectors.  相似文献   

Richard Abel argues that in the period from 1910, when the motionpicture "revolution" succeeded and the American film marketwas emancipated from French domination, to 1914, when foreignfilms were nearly eliminated from the U.S. market, the Americanfilm industry was characterized by widespread experimentationand innovation, especially in the areas of promotion practices,distribution strategies, content refinement, and audience development.Six chapters of Abel's Americanizing the Movies bring to theforeground the battle of  相似文献   

In recent times, representatives of American management science have been arguing increasingly for a functionalization of ethics to change economic thinking: what they are seeking is the systematic integration of ethics into the economic paradigm. Using the insights developed by Hirschman, I would like to show how one must first expose the rhetoric of those critics of change (referred to below as conservatives or reactionaries) in order then to implement that which is new (representatives of this approach are referred to below as progressives). Such an ‹unmasking’ works particularly well when one can defuse the arguments of the reactionaries – which is precisely what one achieves by strategically integrating ethics into economics. In his work The Rhetoric of Reaction Hirschman examines three basic forms of reactionary thought: the perversity thesis, the futility thesis, and the jeopardy thesis. According to the perversity thesis, intended goals are transformed into their opposites. The futility thesis argues that the setting of goals is useless since history runs its own course independent of those goals. The jeopardy thesis claims to preserve what already exists since change might substantially endanger that which has already been achieved. The importance of Hirschman’s ideas for the strategic interplay between the academic disciplines can be seen quite clearly in the example of German business ethics. This will be displayed below with reference to Hirschman’s three theses. Finally, implications will be drawn for business ethics in general and for management theory in particular.  相似文献   

Forty-six U.S. business executives joined U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke in China and Indonesia May 15-25 on the first cabinet-level trade mission of the Obama Administration.  相似文献   

在美国三权分立政体下,对外贸易法律的制定和执行是国会、总统交互作用的复杂过程。国会一方面通过授权总统扩大自由贸易;另一方面又建立完善的进口救济制度来平衡贸易保护主义的利益。国会还把相当的权力委托给国际贸易法院由其行使司法审查权,防止行政机关滥用授权。美国贸易政策的制订权往往是在行政部门和立法部门之间进行分配,法院通常奉行"司法克制"的态度,通常避免就国会和总统之间在对外政策领域的权力关系问题进行裁决。但其一旦决定介入,必然成为最终的决定性因素。  相似文献   

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